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07-11-2008, 12:49 PM
How do you all Tip at restaurants? Do you give the same amouint all the time? Nothing? or do you base the tip on if the waiter/waitress worked hard enough to earn his/her money?

I usually tip by leaving a dollar and they have to work very hard to earn that dollar also, certain criteria have to be met to get it.

07-11-2008, 01:05 PM
$1???? Are you kidding me????

My Basic Rules

20% (+ more if warranted) of your tab if they give outstanding service

15% of your tab if they give Average service

10% of your tab if they were below average (i.e. don't fill your water glasses enough, or don't correct an order promptly)

0% ONLY IF they are absolutely slow or indignant, and it is THEIR FAULT. A slow kitchen isn't the fault of the waiter. It should be brought to the attention of management.

You get what you pay for, especially when you frequent an establishment.

07-11-2008, 01:11 PM
Please tell me this is a joke. $1? That is outrageous, unless your general restaurant bill comes to approx. $4.

Waitstaff in Oklahoma make approx. $2.13 per hour. That's approximately 1/3 minimum wage. The idea is that they are to make up the difference between their hourly rate and regular minimum wage, in tips.

Tipping $1 no matter what the bill size is, is an affront on many levels, unless the service was so bad, then they really don't deserve anything.

I tend to tip 17% to 20% of my pre-tax meal/alcohol tab just about everywhere. Outstanding service will get a few extra dollars thrown in.

07-11-2008, 01:38 PM
No, i am not kidding 1.00 is my tipping amount, and they have to be couteous and friendly and have prompt service to earn it also. What many people don't know is that if a waitress/waiter does not meet minimum wage by the tips they make the employer must make up the difference so as they make minimum wage at least so yes eventhough they make like 2.00 an hr they will still make minimum wage at least if not more if they dont make all there tips. It is just easier to figure the bill by giving them a dollar if they have earned it. I sit there and count off points for things as i am eating if certain theings are not done and sometimes they dwindle down to earning no tip at all.

07-11-2008, 01:52 PM
I also like Dave Ramsey's take on "Sunday Brunch Tipping". I can remember when I was a waiter, and hated working Sunday Brunch because church-goers would rarely tip, or worse- leave you a prayer card. They'd look at you as a heathen because "you were working on Sunday". Didn't matter to them that I didn't have control over how the manager scheduled me or that I went to the evening service.

Ramsey did a rant on it last year that this was not good "witnessing".

07-11-2008, 01:53 PM
45 on the interstate in the centerlane and tips only $1 regardless.

You sound like a grade A jerk.

07-11-2008, 01:55 PM
No, i am not kidding 1.00 is my tipping amount, and they have to be couteous and friendly and have prompt service to earn it also. What many people don't know is that if a waitress/waiter does not meet minimum wage by the tips they make the employer must make up the difference so as they make minimum wage at least so yes eventhough they make like 2.00 an hr they will still make minimum wage at least if not more if they dont make all there tips. It is just easier to figure the bill by giving them a dollar if they have earned it. I sit there and count off points for things as i am eating if certain theings are not done and sometimes they dwindle down to earning no tip at all.

Are you high??? I don't know where you received your information - but they do no such thing. In fact, regardless of how much YOU tip your server, he or she still has to pay taxes on and claim at least 15% of the sales on their taxes. For example: total on the ticket = 25.00 , you leave $1 as a tip, they have to claim $3.75 as income on their taxes. It automatically calculates their annual sales and counts 15% of that as income on top of their wages! Regardless of what they actually make.

I highly suggest you get a job in a restaurant and see just how much you tip in the future.

And on a couple of sidenotes, just so you know...if you are frequenting any restaurants you are 100% getting spit in your food. And you must be the biggest jerk in the state of Oklahoma - you don't tip, you drive slow, I can't wait to find out more about you.

07-11-2008, 02:07 PM
What they make aside, if you do frequent a particular restaurant, the wait-staff will become attune to your stinginess, and give you mediocre service. It becomes a vicious cycle for you.

Story on the Flip-side, I went to a bar I had never been to before. The bartender was good-natured and always remembered what I was drinking -even as busy as the bar was. I tipped him HALF my bill (maybe due to being tipsy as well). I went back about a month later, he remembered my name and what I drank! Now that's customer service. I tipped him 20% that time.

These are people who are working to serve you, not your servants!

07-11-2008, 02:16 PM
Are you high??? I don't know where you received your information - but they do no such thing. In fact, regardless of how much YOU tip your server, he or she still has to pay taxes on and claim at least 15% of the sales on their taxes. For example: total on the ticket = 25.00 , you leave $1 as a tip, they have to claim $3.75 as income on their taxes. It automatically calculates their annual sales and counts 15% of that as income on top of their wages! Regardless of what they actually make.

I highly suggest you get a job in a restaurant and see just how much you tip in the future.

And on a couple of sidenotes, just so you know...if you are frequenting any restaurants you are 100% getting spit in your food. And you must be the biggest jerk in the state of Oklahoma - you don't tip, you drive slow, I can't wait to find out more about you.

Well i'm sorry I already pay for the price of the meal and a tip is just something extra for the waiter/waitresses time, I used to tip a quarter or fifty cents but upped it to 1.00, They dont do that much really just bring your food and drink and drop off your check it isnt really that much and a dollar is more than sufficient i think for that. Also they have no way of knowing if you leave a tip or not if you pay by a credit card the restaurant just writes them a check for the amount of tips from the credit card receipts. Secondly they are not allowed to spit in food that is a health violation and if caught would risk getting the place shut down by the health department and fired. Also i watch other people tip and they usually leave change or 1.00 as well, I mean come on your already paying for your meal if the waiter or waitress doesnt like doing that job then they need to find another line of work.

07-11-2008, 02:20 PM
If you don't mind my asking, how much do you typically pay for a meal?

Seriously, I've never heard of a restaurant "making up the difference." The restaurant I worked at many moons ago certainly did not. If I didn't make my minimum wage equivalency in tips, I was royally scr*wed.

07-11-2008, 02:23 PM
If you don't mind my asking, how much do you typically pay for a meal?

Seriously, I've never heard of a restaurant "making up the difference." The restaurant I worked at many moons ago certainly did not. If I didn't make my minimum wage equivalency in tips, I was royally scr*wed.

It depends usually 9.00 on up

07-11-2008, 02:24 PM
What they make aside, if you do frequent a particular restaurant, the wait-staff will become attune to your stinginess, and give you mediocre service. It becomes a vicious cycle for you.

Story on the Flip-side, I went to a bar I had never been to before. The bartender was good-natured and always remembered what I was drinking -even as busy as the bar was. I tipped him HALF my bill (maybe due to being tipsy as well). I went back about a month later, he remembered my name and what I drank! Now that's customer service. I tipped him 20% that time.

These are people who are working to serve you, not your servants!

Well then they wont be earning my 1.00 then will they? which will in turn hurt them.

07-11-2008, 02:25 PM
UH...who picks up your credit card receipt?? Your server!!!! The restaurant does not write them a check for any tips! Dear Lord you need help. And yes dear, I promise they do spit in your food. If you have ever walked into a place of business after leaving a $1 tip - not only does the server you had remember you, but everyone else in the restaurant knows who you are as well. And well, it's only a health violation if they get caught doing it by an inspector.

And maybe you really didn't know on the tipping thing...I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt...because otherwise, I would just explode. Now you do know. If you can't tip, then don't go.

Also, realize that "good" service is in the eye of the one being served. It's hard for a server to know what kind of service you would personally enjoy (hence the existentialism, you assume there is only one way to serve and that is your way) I personally do not like my glass to stay full - it messes up my tea/sugar ratio and/or soda/water ratio. And I enjoy my conversation without constantly being interrupted by the server. There are visual ways you can allow your server to know how you would like to be served. I'd be happy to share those with you.

07-11-2008, 02:34 PM
UH...who picks up your credit card receipt?? Your server!!!! The restaurant does not write them a check for any tips! Dear Lord you need help. And yes dear, I promise they do spit in your food. If you have ever walked into a place of business after leaving a $1 tip - not only does the server you had remember you, but everyone else in the restaurant knows who you are as well. And well, it's only a health violation if they get caught doing it by an inspector.

And maybe you really didn't know on the tipping thing...I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt...because otherwise, I would just explode. Now you do know. If you can't tip, then don't go.

Also, realize that "good" service is in the eye of the one being served. It's hard for a server to know what kind of service you would personally enjoy (hence the existentialism, you assume there is only one way to serve and that is your way) I personally do not like my glass to stay full - it messes up my tea/sugar ratio and/or soda/water ratio. And I enjoy my conversation without constantly being interrupted by the server. There are visual ways you can allow your server to know how you would like to be served. I'd be happy to share those with you.

The server puts the ticket on the table and you go to the front register to pay, so no they do not know. and why should i not be able to go eat food at a restaurant because i can not afford to leave a tip? I will eat where i want to eat and i will leave a 1.00 as a tip if the server gave me good service if not no tip end of story. At todays prices and economy they should be thankfull for what they do get in tips and not be so needy and upset when they dont get a 10.00 tip that is just way too much to tip someone who just brings your drink and food out, sorry.

07-11-2008, 02:38 PM
So, assuming you may go during off hours, and may very well be some server's only customer, you are okay with them earning only $3.13 for that hour of work?

Not even going to go near the slew of names that comes to mind. It's time you come up into the 21st century.

07-11-2008, 02:49 PM
The server puts the ticket on the table and you go to the front register to pay, so no they do not know. and why should i not be able to go eat food at a restaurant because i can not afford to leave a tip? I will eat where i want to eat and i will leave a 1.00 as a tip if the server gave me good service if not no tip end of story. At todays prices and economy they should be thankfull for what they do get in tips and not be so needy and upset when they dont get a 10.00 tip that is just way too much to tip someone who just brings your drink and food out, sorry.

Where in the world do you eat for over $9 that you still go pay up at a register after you eat? I hate to inform you, but your server still takes care of those tickets. They do not go back to the manager. Let me explain how this works since you obviously have no freakin clue. At the end of the shift, as a server - you add up all of your sales from each receipt and give your boss that amount. Not the other way around. Whatever you are left with after you pay for all of the sales, is what you keep as your tip. And then you are required to tip out the bus boy, the hostess, and the bartender in 90% of the restaurants.

07-11-2008, 02:54 PM
So, assuming you may go during off hours, and may very well be some server's only customer, you are okay with them earning only $3.13 for that hour of work?

Not even going to go near the slew of names that comes to mind. It's time you come up into the 21st century.

Yes, they can make it up with the supper crowd..

07-11-2008, 03:00 PM
Seriously, you all need to ignore this guy. He's just talking to get you riled up. Who gives a rip about his $1 tip and driving 45? Even if it is true, how often do you come across someone that inconsiderate? Apparently, not that often if you're so surprised by his statements.

KMF, deep breaths, girl! Don't let it get to you...

07-11-2008, 03:02 PM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I give you... Jimmy Buffett singing "The Asshole Song."

NSFW (sorta)

07-11-2008, 03:06 PM
Where in the world do you eat for over $9 that you still go pay up at a register after you eat? I hate to inform you, but your server still takes care of those tickets. They do not go back to the manager. Let me explain how this works since you obviously have no freakin clue. At the end of the shift, as a server - you add up all of your sales from each receipt and give your boss that amount. Not the other way around. Whatever you are left with after you pay for all of the sales, is what you keep as your tip. And then you are required to tip out the bus boy, the hostess, and the bartender in 90% of the restaurants.

Um I hardly doubt that the server is responsible for paying the bus boy and hostess and bartended?? Come on they are on regular wage like everyone else in the restaurant besides the servers.

07-11-2008, 03:09 PM
What a douchecock.

I'm out. I'm done.

You are so right sweetdaisy!!
He is not worth it.

07-11-2008, 03:12 PM
Yes, they can make it up with the supper crowd..Sorry, but not everyone gets to work "supper." They may not be scheduled to go in at that time.

So, let's assume that you, your wife, your two children all go out to "supper." Assuming each meal costs $9 (your designated price), and that the total tab comes to $36, then you will only still tip $1 on a $36 tab? That tip is less than 3%.
Are you flippin' seriousl?

You might as well ask the waiter to pay YOU for that price.

You don't deserve to go out to eat. Stay at home, please. In all sincerety, you need to take a job in a restaurant just for a while, just to see what it is like to work in one. It's dirty, thankless, you smell like grease at the end of the shift, have to share your hard-earned dollars with the cook, busboy, bartender, etc. It is NOT, by any means, an easy job, especially when mess-ups in the kitchen or with other cogs in the collective restaurant wheel cause YOU to look bad in front of your patrons.

On second thought, don't work in a restaurant. I doubt you would have the skills.

07-11-2008, 03:15 PM
This and the 45 mph is a joke that I think we all fell for.

07-11-2008, 03:18 PM
Sorry, but not everyone gets to work "supper." They may not be scheduled to go in at that time.

So, let's assume that you, your wife, your two children all go out to "supper." Assuming each meal costs $9 (your designated price), and that the total tab comes to $36, then you will only still tip $1 on a $36 tab? That tip is less than 3%.
Are you flippin' seriousl?

You might as well ask the waiter to pay YOU for that price.

You don't deserve to go out to eat. Stay at home, please. In all sincerety, you need to take a job in a restaurant just for a while, just to see what it is like to work in one. It's dirty, thankless, you smell like grease at the end of the shift, have to share your hard-earned dollars with the cook, busboy, bartender, etc. It is NOT, by any means, an easy job, especially when mess-ups in the kitchen or with other cogs in the collective restaurant wheel cause YOU to look bad in front of your patrons.

On second thought, don't work in a restaurant. I doubt you would have the skills.

Yes I would still tip 1.00 on a 36.00 meal it is a dollar more than they had before the served me am I right?? it's free money if they dont want to do a good job to earn it them i will keep it plain and simple as that!!

NE Oasis
07-11-2008, 03:20 PM
just so you know...if you are frequenting any restaurants you are 100% getting spit in your food.

And as much as I hate to say it...much deserved. Waitstaff is generally the realm of college students and/or those lacking "technical" skills. I've seen VERY FEW
surly incompentent types, and I've eaten in restaurants coast to coast, 5 star to greasy spoon. Instead of a buck, use the "Oklahoma minimum" method - double the tax, then round UP for average service. If service was above average, I go up to the nearest multiple of $5.00, or do something like "bottom line" $20.00 on a $13.57 credit card receipt and let management do the hard math. Any service below average, be man enough to ask for a manager instantly, not after the meal is over.

07-11-2008, 03:32 PM
I have waited tables in OKC and currently live in Dallas where I also wait tables. I am a native of OKC so I feel like I can go ahead and say this. I found for the most part in OKC that people are "very cheap". They will run you to death and want all the extra goodies and gripe and complain if it costs extra. In Dallas, they want to be left alone for the most part, they do not run you to death and will leave at least a 20 to 30 percent tip. Of course Dallas is a more sophisticated, cosmopolitan city and they are educated on how to tip and on etiquette. I hate to bash my hometown of OKC but you all need lessons in knowing how to tip properly and not being a "cheap" customer. I also find the customers in OKC are more rude than they are in Dallas. If you all are going to be a major league city, then you better learn to tip like a major league city. If you cannot do this, then you deserve to only eat a McDonalds the "cheap" alternative. (LOL)

07-11-2008, 03:55 PM
Do you work in the same restaurant in Dallas as you did in OKC?

07-11-2008, 03:58 PM
I have waited tables in OKC and currently live in Dallas where I also wait tables. I am a native of OKC so I feel like I can go ahead and say this. I found for the most part in OKC that people are "very cheap". They will run you to death and want all the extra goodies and gripe and complain if it costs extra. In Dallas, they want to be left alone for the most part, they do not run you to death and will leave at least a 20 to 30 percent tip. Of course Dallas is a more sophisticated, cosmopolitan city and they are educated on how to tip and on etiquette. I hate to bash my hometown of OKC but you all need lessons in knowing how to tip properly and not being a "cheap" customer. I also find the customers in OKC are more rude than they are in Dallas. If you all are going to be a major league city, then you better learn to tip like a major league city. If you cannot do this, then you deserve to only eat a McDonalds the "cheap" alternative. (LOL)

Oh Stuff it, There is nothing wrong with tipping 1.00 it is better than nothing right?I for one do not want to be a major league city, I prefer the quiet hometown type of city.

07-11-2008, 04:00 PM
Oh and i also do not participate in School fundraising, I pay taxes and thats what should fund the schools not them pestering me to buy stuff door to door.

07-11-2008, 04:06 PM
NE Oasis, your method works for me too. Management can't fix it if they don't know it's broke!

Bobby821 may just be a flame-baiter. Unfortunately, there are actual people like him in the world who don't pay for service where it is deserved. They just don't "get the equation". And probably never will.

07-11-2008, 04:13 PM
NE Oasis, your method works for me too. Management can't fix it if they don't know it's broke!

Bobby821 may just be a flame-baiter. Unfortunately, there are actual people like him in the world who don't pay for service where it is deserved. They just don't "get the equation". And probably never will.

I am not a flame baiter as you put it i do pay but i only pay 1.00 and only if it is worked for not refilling my drink or bringing my ticket to my table in a timely manner will loose you that 1.00 in a heartbeat happened just today even at lunch she lost out on her tip for lack of friendlyness and poor service to me.

07-11-2008, 04:15 PM
You must be a joy to live with. I feel sorry for your wife and kids.

07-11-2008, 04:16 PM
lack of friendlyness and poor service to me.

Imagine that.

07-11-2008, 04:19 PM
You must be a joy to live with. I feel sorry for your wife and kids.

Why do you say that?

07-11-2008, 04:19 PM
Imagine that.

You have had that happen to you as well i see. frustrating isnt it?

07-11-2008, 04:27 PM
THE ONLY time I leave a buck or two is at buffets where I have to serve myself for the most part. The wait-staff there isn't full service. If they come refill my drinks for me, or bring me extra rolls, then yeah, a buck or two is warranted. Any other full-service restaurant - see the equations above.

Like I said, some people don't understand the equation, and never will.

If ignorance is bliss, they must be ecstatic!

07-11-2008, 04:31 PM
THE ONLY time I leave a buck or two is at buffets where I have to serve myself for the most part. The wait-staff there isn't full service. If they come refill my drinks for me, or bring me extra rolls, then yeah, a buck or two is warranted. Any other full-service restaurant - see the equations above.

Like I said, some people don't understand the equation, and never will.

If ignorance is bliss, they must be ecstatic!

Well i would keep more of my money in my pocket and just leave a standard amount of 1.00 everywhere i went where the server earned that 1.00 otherwise nothing.

07-11-2008, 04:44 PM
Like I said, some people don't understand the equation, and never will.

If ignorance is bliss, they must be ecstatic!

07-11-2008, 04:47 PM
don't feed the troll.

07-11-2008, 05:25 PM
Well i'm sorry I already pay for the price of the meal and a tip is just something extra for the waiter/waitresses time, I used to tip a quarter or fifty cents but upped it to 1.00, They dont do that much really just bring your food and drink and drop off your check it isnt really that much and a dollar is more than sufficient i think for that. Also they have no way of knowing if you leave a tip or not if you pay by a credit card the restaurant just writes them a check for the amount of tips from the credit card receipts. Secondly they are not allowed to spit in food that is a health violation and if caught would risk getting the place shut down by the health department and fired. Also i watch other people tip and they usually leave change or 1.00 as well, I mean come on your already paying for your meal if the waiter or waitress doesnt like doing that job then they need to find another line of work.

Man, I am not a waiter but if I ever saw you in a restaraunt I would tip the waiter to spit in your food.

07-11-2008, 06:47 PM
... I would tip the waiter to spit in your food.

.oO(20% or 25%?)Oo.

07-11-2008, 07:40 PM
Man, I am not a waiter but if I ever saw you in a restaraunt I would tip the waiter to spit in your food.

That was mean and uncalled for !!!!

07-11-2008, 07:41 PM
Here Are My Basic Rules

20% of your tab if they give outstanding service

20% of your tab if they give average service

20% of your tab if they were below average (i.e. don't fill your water glasses enough, or don't correct an order promptly)

10% ONLY IF they are absolutely slow or indignant, and it is THEIR FAULT. A slow kitchen isn't the fault of the waiter. It should be brought to the attention of management.

I'm not BF SKinner. I don't do behavioral science. A 20% tip is part of going to a restaurant.

07-11-2008, 08:02 PM
Here Are My Basic Rules

20% of your tab if they give outstanding service

20% of your tab if they give average service

20% of your tab if they were below average (i.e. don't fill your water glasses enough, or don't correct an order promptly)

10% ONLY IF they are absolutely slow or indignant, and it is THEIR FAULT. A slow kitchen isn't the fault of the waiter. It should be brought to the attention of management.

I'm not BF SKinner. I don't do behavioral science. A 20% tip is part of going to a restaurant.

Well i beg to differ on your opinion there. 20% for all service levels are you kidding me? The only way they will learn to not be greedy little give me the money servers who think they are automatically intitled to a tip is to rate them accordingly by the service they provide. If they hustle up and move faster then they would make more money from peoples dollar tips.

07-11-2008, 09:50 PM
I'm a 20% tipper man myself unless the service is poor...Even then I normally go over 10%

More of a mental thing for me...Don't mind throwing in a couple more bucks to make it to the 20% benchmark...Feel kinda cheap walking out of a place when I dole out less

Biggest thing is on happy hours and going out...If someone waits on me for 3 hours and my tab is only $30 they will normally get $10...Running argument with my buddies as they believe 20% is more appropriate regardless of the length of time

07-11-2008, 11:13 PM
I always double the tax as a baseline and then add according to the service. If the service is great, I'll normally end up tipping 25 to 30%. On bar tabs, it generally is more, due to alcohol-induced generosity. Anyone who has ever waited tables or bartended knows it is not an easy job and there are days where you barely make it out of work with your minimum wage. The fact that I do not have to cook or clean makes it well worth it.

07-11-2008, 11:27 PM
And then you are required to tip out the bus boy, the hostess, and the bartender in 90% of the restaurants.
This is true for the waitressing jobs I've had, regardless of how highly you doubt it.

Maybe if we ignore him, he'll go away.

07-12-2008, 02:40 AM
I usually tip 15% for good service, 20% or more for outstanding service (server must go the extra mile to receive this, etc.), and if the service needs improvement, depending on what the issues were, it would be as low as 10%. I also tend to round up, so sometimes excellent servers can get 16% or 18%, if it was somewhere between good and outstanding.

Also, the biggest factor in the tip is attitude. If my server is arrogant or rubs me the wrong way, then that will be reflected in the tip. If I notice he or she is being lazy or not filling my iced tea in a timely manner, then that also is reflected. I eat out a lot by myself, so I tend to notice it when there are issues like that. Just my thoughts. However, I know good servers in many restaurants, who regularly wait on me, and they get tipped very well. I am loyal to my favorites.

07-12-2008, 01:07 PM
This is true for the waitressing jobs I've had, regardless of how highly you doubt it.

Maybe if we ignore him, he'll go away.

I Highlt doubt it again....

07-12-2008, 03:37 PM
Maybe if we ignore him, he'll go away.
Well even trolls can serve a purpose. If nothing else he can serve as a good example of how not to conduct yourself. Remember kids, miserly and annoying are no way through life. :D

07-12-2008, 04:49 PM
Maybe I missed the post, but I cannot believe no one has talked about the salary of waitstaff. From what I understand (I haven't ever waited tables) but the waiters only get a few dollars an hour and mgmt. assumes the rest of their wages will come from tips.

I wonder if Bobby would like his boss to structure his salary in that manner? we would probably hear him sing a different tune . . . oh, and I'm sure he will say he is paid according to performance. but the restaurant industry is totally different from the usual companies most of us work for.

07-13-2008, 10:55 PM
Maybe I missed the post, but I cannot believe no one has talked about the salary of waitstaff. From what I understand (I haven't ever waited tables) but the waiters only get a few dollars an hour and mgmt. assumes the rest of their wages will come from tips.

I wonder if Bobby would like his boss to structure his salary in that manner? we would probably hear him sing a different tune . . . oh, and I'm sure he will say he is paid according to performance. but the restaurant industry is totally different from the usual companies most of us work for.


Working for tips is one the most honest and realistic jobs a person can have. Work - get paid , Work harder - get paid more , Work extra hard and have a great attitude - go home with lots of bucks. The whole world should be working for tips.

Bobby, if you aren't a troll, please look at this situation again with an open mind.

I've been in the air force, been an electrician, have a college degree, worked in advertising and lots of other jobs. But I've also been in food service for over 20 years (most of that time it was a second job) and I can assure you that there are no more honorable and difficult jobs. There are some waiting jobs I've had that were so hard that I dropped weight while working.

By not tipping properly you are saying the following:
1. I think that you are beneath me.
2. Your work is not very hard.
3. Your time as a human is not valuable.

If you don't receive good service then don't tip and let the server or their manager know the service was poor, either in person or leave a note with someone. I can assure you that person will either have to change their work ethic or get another job.

People who work for tips don't really work for the restaurant, they work for you. It is an honor system of payment that reflects their difficulty of work, skills and attitude. If they are good at what they do and you don't pay them, you are stealing from them and not holding up your end of the bargain.

If restaurants paid servers $20 an hour and no tips were required, the level of service would drop dramatically. It would be like going into the worst DMV in the world.

Help keep the honor system alive, pay for good service.

And if you can't afford to leave a tip, get take out.
Don't take what they generously offer and not hold up your end of the bargain.

And for goodness sake, go the speed limit. More accidents are caused by people driving 10 below than by those driving 10 over.

07-14-2008, 12:42 AM
Yes I would still tip 1.00 on a 36.00 meal it is a dollar more than they had before the served me am I right?? it's free money if they dont want to do a good job to earn it them i will keep it plain and simple as that!!

Urge to kill rising.

Seriously, I think that you are baiting this message board and if not then all I have to say is that karma is a bitch. And so are you.

07-14-2008, 04:12 PM
karma is a bitch. And so are you.


07-14-2008, 05:41 PM

Working for tips is one the most honest and realistic jobs a person can have. Work - get paid , Work harder - get paid more , Work extra hard and have a great attitude - go home with lots of bucks. The whole world should be working for tips.

Bobby, if you aren't a troll, please look at this situation again with an open mind.

I've been in the air force, been an electrician, have a college degree, worked in advertising and lots of other jobs. But I've also been in food service for over 20 years (most of that time it was a second job) and I can assure you that there are no more honorable and difficult jobs. There are some waiting jobs I've had that were so hard that I dropped weight while working.

By not tipping properly you are saying the following:
1. I think that you are beneath me.
2. Your work is not very hard.
3. Your time as a human is not valuable.

If you don't receive good service then don't tip and let the server or their manager know the service was poor, either in person or leave a note with someone. I can assure you that person will either have to change their work ethic or get another job.

People who work for tips don't really work for the restaurant, they work for you. It is an honor system of payment that reflects their difficulty of work, skills and attitude. If they are good at what they do and you don't pay them, you are stealing from them and not holding up your end of the bargain.

If restaurants paid servers $20 an hour and no tips were required, the level of service would drop dramatically. It would be like going into the worst DMV in the world.

Help keep the honor system alive, pay for good service.

And if you can't afford to leave a tip, get take out.
Don't take what they generously offer and not hold up your end of the bargain.

And for goodness sake, go the speed limit. More accidents are caused by people driving 10 below than by those driving 10 over.

I will leave a 1.00 if and only if the server checks on me regularly and all that and keeps my drink filled and is friendly towards me and also if i have the extra 1.00 to spare..

I will continue to drive at a speed i feel comfortable with and that saves ME gas !!!

07-14-2008, 05:45 PM
Like I said, some people don't understand the equation, and never will.

If ignorance is bliss, YOU must be ecstatic! And you don't deserve to dine at full-service restaurants.

07-14-2008, 05:55 PM
It's okay... some people are simply dumbf***s.... we can hope Darwin was right.

07-14-2008, 06:17 PM
I will leave a 1.00 if and only if the server checks on me regularly and all that and keeps my drink filled and is friendly towards me and also if i have the extra 1.00 to spare..

I will continue to drive at a speed i feel comfortable with and that saves ME gas !!!

Well ok.

Good luck with that.

PS - Consider for a moment that, perhaps, you might be one of those people that no one likes.

07-14-2008, 06:42 PM
All I know is that I've worked in the industry and $1.00 served on any ticket is a joke. I can only guess that when you go out to eat it has to be at a different restaurant cause I know if I saw you coming in to the place no one would want to serve you. Man, must be saving that money for facial reconstructive surgery!

07-14-2008, 07:28 PM
All I know is that I've worked in the industry and $1.00 served on any ticket is a joke. I can only guess that when you go out to eat it has to be at a different restaurant cause I know if I saw you coming in to the place no one would want to serve you. Man, must be saving that money for facial reconstructive surgery!

They HAVE to serve me i am a paying customer !!!!