View Full Version : Whacking at Quail Springs

12-20-2004, 08:35 AM
It looks like someone got a bit angry with the Christmas season this year, as two people were wounded, on fatally in the parking lot of Quail Springs mall.

This, I believe is a first for any mall in the city. Granted, this is a shame, however, we still have safe malls, except for gangbanger central.

Any comments?

12-20-2004, 08:50 AM
From what I understand, the shooting had nothing to do with shoppers or the mall. It was not an angry shopper, but it was evidently a drug deal gone bad, and the suspects decided to bring their drugs and their war to the mall. The car involved in the shooting, in which the one man was killed and the other one wounded, had large amounts of drugs in it.

Unfortunately, these idiots had no regards for others' safety. They come to a busy mall with many shoppers, and know that the parking lot would be crawling with shoppers and cars. Maybe they thought they would be safe if they went to a mall to hide. The thing is, drug dealers don't care who they hurt or whose lives are destroyed :mad: .

I am just thankful that no innocent people in the parking lot were injured because of all this chaos, especially no children. It is sad, though, that holiday shoppers had to see this happen at a mall in broad daylight. This will be something that will be etched in their minds for a long time.

12-20-2004, 08:59 AM
I knew it was really not shoppers, at least in the traditional way. I was being cleaver in the way I said it.

Either way, it was a shame. And it has no reflection on the safety of our city. Except to say these people the press interviewed have a very incorrect view of our safety. Although the malls are safe, Oklahoma City has one of the highest crime rates in the nation.

These interviewees said they felt we were among the lowest by saying our city was one of the safest.

Either way, it was a shame. And yes. I am glad no one else was injured.

12-20-2004, 11:10 AM
From what I understand, the shooting had nothing to do with shoppers or the mall. It was not an angry shopper, but it was evidently a drug deal gone bad, and the suspects decided to bring their drugs and their war to the mall. The car involved in the shooting, in which the one man was killed and the other one wounded, had large amounts of drugs in it.

Unfortunately, these idiots had no regards for others' safety. They come to a busy mall with many shoppers, and know that the parking lot would be crawling with shoppers and cars. Maybe they thought they would be safe if they went to a mall to hide. The thing is, drug dealers don't care who they hurt or whose lives are destroyed :mad: .

I am just thankful that no innocent people in the parking lot were injured because of all this chaos, especially no children. It is sad, though, that holiday shoppers had to see this happen at a mall in broad daylight. This will be something that will be etched in their minds for a long time.

As congested as mall traffic is, I'm amazed these guys were able to successfully flee the scene. I mean, it takes you what.. 30 minutes + to get a mile this time of year in that area?

12-21-2004, 12:44 AM
Security must not be as great at Quail Springs as I thought it was. Man, they had a shoplifting incident today at Penn Square....not a smart move this time of the year! You know, with how congested Penn is, and all of the off-duty cops they have to hire to direct traffic (there seems to be one at every major turn in the mall parking lot), there was no way that guy was getting out of the Penn Square parking lot without getting caught.

Anyways, this is an unfortunate event to happen at Quail Springs. The only thing that I wonder about...what if the guy shooting the gun would've missed his target? Probably would've hit an innocent person.

Both Quail Springs and Penn Square need to take a page from Crossroads. Sure, Crossroads may be gangbanger central, but you definitely don't want to do anything in the parking lot...they have cameras everywhere!

12-21-2004, 12:46 AM
Anyways, it is amazing that someone actually got killed in the Quail Springs Mall parking lot. Quail now gets the distinction for this being the first time this has ever happened in the parking lot of a shopping mall in OKC.

The scary part is...the people responsible for the incident are still on the loose. At least the guard at Penn Square nabbed his suspect. I'd say it's a little scarrier having a murderer on the street than a shoplifter though.

12-21-2004, 12:48 AM
Here's the article from today's paper:

"Recent mall crimes concerning shoppers

By Amy Lester

The following is a script from a NEWS 9 broadcast
Police sirens blare at a metro mall for a second day in a row.

Security officers with guns drawn ran through the parking lot at Penn Square Mall, chasing down shoplifters.

And yesterday, a slaying occurred in the Quail Springs Mall parking lot.

It may sound cliche, but shoppers say they're shocked. Just as they're worried about safety, a metro family grieves over the loss of a loved one.

Police pouring in and out of a metro mall: It seems like a bad case of deja vu.

At Penn Square Mall, an armed security guard chased down two shoplifters. Police say they hit Wal-Mart and then stole about $450 worth of clothes from Dillard's. The guard caught them in the getaway car stuck in traffic. The suspects took off on foot and the driver stayed put. All three were arrested.

Police broke the news to the driver's husband when he called on his wife's cell phone.

No one's under arrest for a murder in the Quail Springs Mall parking lot over the busy weekend.

Someone shot and killed Mackie Williams III, leaving his 10-year-old son without a father.

The family pastor tries to understand why two men got into the car with Williams and his nephew, then shot both of them. His nephew, Robert Wilkens, survived.

Police say the shooting was not random, and the suspects and shooters had some sort of relationship with each other.

Police have no suspects in the murder. The shooters drove away in a black Kia possibly with Texas tags."