View Full Version : Finally some support from the national media
ourulz2000 07-03-2008, 08:29 PM ESPN's Around the Horn. OKC gets the go ahead from Tim Cowlishaw (fellow oklahoman) from the Dallas Morning News. Plus Kevin Blackistone from a Washington D.C. paper gives OKC some props.
ATH: Buy Or Sell - ESPN Video (
Intrepid 07-03-2008, 08:33 PM ESPN's Around the Horn. OKC gets the go ahead from Tim Cowlishaw (fellow oklahoman) from the Dallas Morning News. Plus Kevin Blackistone from a Washington D.C. paper gives OKC some props.
ATH: Buy Or Sell - ESPN Video (
Woody Paige is like Lee Corso in that he's rarely right about anything.
solitude 07-03-2008, 08:36 PM "Bears or the Thunder - potential names for Oklahoma City."
Wonder where they got that from?
solitude 07-03-2008, 08:36 PM "Bears or the Thunder - potential names for Oklahoma City."
Wonder where they got that from?
(sorry, meant to edit, not add a reply)
ourulz2000 07-03-2008, 08:37 PM Barons he said...
solitude 07-03-2008, 08:39 PM Barons he said...
Oh...of course. :dizzy:
edcrunk 07-03-2008, 09:16 PM are we really the smallest market in the NBA?
solitude 07-03-2008, 09:20 PM are we really the smallest market in the NBA?
If you go by MSA and not city proper - yes.
Karried 07-03-2008, 09:20 PM sheesh! I almost had a heart attack over Bears! God NO!
Nixon7 07-03-2008, 10:20 PM I saw this too. He said Barons. However, I wouldn't be opposed to Bears. I would much prefer the OKC Bears over the OKC Cowboys, Hicks, Outlaws, Rustlers, Wranglers.
bornhere 07-03-2008, 10:43 PM What happened to Doghumpers?
Decious 07-03-2008, 11:28 PM are we really the smallest market in the NBA?
No. New Orleans is the smallest MSA that hosts an NBA team.
chuckdiesel 07-03-2008, 11:53 PM They are talking about media markets not MSA totally different animal. Our market size is ranked so low because they refuse to add Tulsa unlike Salt Lake City who gets almost all of the population in Utah added to their market.
venture 07-04-2008, 12:07 AM What OKC fans to realize is that OKC is to Seattle what Baltimore was to Cleveland years ago. When the Browns were purchased and relocated to Baltimore, people HATED Baltimore for what they did. However, Baltimore had the benefit of being a large city already.
In reality it comes down to this...OKC has to come out and support it and make it work. If they don't...Bennett will sell and the team is gone.
chuckdiesel 07-04-2008, 12:07 AM If they went by MSA instead of media market size it would be (according to wikipedia):
salt lake city 1.018mil
NOLA 1.030mil
OKC 1.192mil
Memphis 1.260mil
chuckdiesel 07-04-2008, 12:12 AM I don't think it would be to crazy to think that OKC metro could be about 1.4 mil or close in 10 years or so which would put us farther from the bottom. The exclusion of Tulsa from our market deducts about 1 million people for no apparent reason. I think 2.4 million people should be able to support one professional franchise. The stats that are making OKC look so bad are all out of whack giving the wrong impression.
chuckdiesel 07-04-2008, 12:15 AM Besides all that who cares if the national media is dogging OKC right now. We got the franchise now all we have to do is support it and there is nothing they can do to take it away. In a year or so nobody will be talking trash about it.
HOT ROD 07-04-2008, 03:35 AM OKC did fine supporting the Hornets.
All of this babble about OKC being not able to do this or that will get squashed when it is announced that OKC sold 15,000 season tix for x years straight. And that many of the tix holders are from Tulsa, Wichita, Lawton, Amarillo, and Arkansas; while over 80% are from OKC.
All of these ESPN or who bash OKC's 'market' will have to REVISE those statements. We all know our region supports OKC teams. Just because OKC now has a major league tenant shouldn't mean that the OKC region would do any less than what the region currently does for the other teams.
In fact, on my recent visit to OKC - I had to go to Wichita for a few days and I asked people what they thought of OKC getting the NBA. EVERYONE I talked to (like 5 people) said they definitely would buy season tix and go down to the city - and that they already do go down quite a bit.
Really, OKC is much like Denver - in that it is the biggest city in the region and is a pretty huge entertainment draw for what otherwise is a pretty dry area. Sure there's Dallas, but you can not deny that the Red River is a great demarkation point for OKC to claim all points North to Canada if it wanted to.
This is something that Im sure Clay Bennett educated the NBA and Stern about, and is something that ESPN and all of the national media will be REMINDED of when the new OKC team AGAIN sets records for support.
I can't believe it. First they said lack of corporate sponsorship - yet the Hornets had one of the best in the league when in OKC. Then they said lack of Season Tix holders - yet once again, top 10 in the league (for a temporary team that sucked).
Then they said, small media market. Well, that didn't really get realized because the Hornets was temporary - but Im sure OKC will fulfill this gap, I mean don't the media support OU very well and isn't OU a Top 5 annual football school? Doesn't OU do well competing with LA/USC, Louisiana/LSU, Austin/UT, Columbus/OSU, Florida/UF, FSU, MIA, Michigan, and Atlanta/UGA??
doesn't OU consistantly draw as much money as those markets who are much larger? Why wouldn't OKC do well with a more coveted major league team having OKLAHOMA CITY on the front of its jerseys???
Oh, and OKC is NOT the smallest market (it's one of them tho).
Salt Lake is the smallest by metro pop, followed by New Orleans. OKC will soon surpass Memphis I suspect in 2010; so that OKC will be the 4th smallest when it really counts.
New Orleans is the smallest media market, right now Memphis and OKC are virtually tied; but I suspect OKC will surpass Memphis this year.
Salt Lake City gets it's whole state and S. Idaho for it's media market (a pop of 2M households) however surely OKC's media will be the whole state of OK and likely S. Kansas, W. AR (roughly 4M households).
All Im saying is, OKC can (underscore CAN) already hold its own with other 2nd tier NBA cities; things will ONLY get better as time goes on and having a PERMANENT MAJOR LEAGUE TEAM matures in the minds of OKC residents and the region.
The national media might not REMEMBER but they surely will be reminded of this - and will have to EAT their sudden criticism of Oklahoma City. It wasn't long ago that everyone was saying that OKC should get an expansion team or that the Hornets should have never left OKC. Why is it that JUST because the Sonics franchise left Seattle - that all of sudden OKC can't cut it anymore???
kevinpate 07-04-2008, 05:26 AM Although it wouldn't make my top five list of names, I could live with Bears if it made the list. I spent many a youthful year in southeast Oklahoma, and yeah, we gots bears, so there's at least some connection. I don't dislike that opne any more or less than I dislike Barons.
betts 07-04-2008, 07:56 AM The national media will remember for a while. And, were the _________s to get into the playoffs, there would be discussion about the sad fact that they were originally in Seattle, since the media has to talk about something. A lot of that would be ameliorated were Seattle to get another team and the Sonics were playing there again. I still think the Colts get a lot more grief than the Ravens, because they kept the name and the history, which is precisely why I thought the name should be left in Seattle. I don't want any Sonics' banners either. That would actually bring up talk every time a game in OKC is television nationally, and we don't want that. I'm hoping Bennett said that he wants copies of the banners to use as a negotiating point with Schultz.
I do think, though, that if we sell out season tickets and again become the place all the other teams love/hate to play, that a lot of the negative national media attention will go away quickly.
soonerfever 07-04-2008, 08:50 AM don't the media support OU very well and isn't OU a Top 5 annual football school? Doesn't OU do well competing with LA/USC, Louisiana/LSU, Austin/UT, Columbus/OSU, Florida/UF, FSU, MIA, Michigan, and Atlanta/UGA??
doesn't OU consistantly draw as much money as those markets who are much larger?
While I agree with you 100% you have to be careful when comparing things to OU. First off American Football is in a whole other world than basketball. Even though college football is not the NFL, OU draws attention just like NFL teams. So I think it will be hard to compare the two. However I agree that OKC can and WILL support the team just fine. Tulsa and Wichita may not get included in the media market, but I guarantee you people from both cities will show up.
As far as corporate sponsorships are concerned, I think Devon, Chesepeke, OneOK, Williams and others will defiantly make their presence know.
Saberman 07-04-2008, 10:40 AM This is all just a blip on the radar, with time the fact that the team was originally from Seattle will slowly diminish.
Those of us that were around when the Browns, Colts, 'A', and the Rams know that it will become a footnote in history. There are still those around that speak about those most, and hold a gruge, but they are few and far between.
Start winning games and making play-offs and very few people with even talk about it at all.
edcrunk 07-04-2008, 11:21 PM i kinda wonder how house bill 1084 will affect our 2010 census. i heard a lot of latinos moved out of state due to that, and they seem to be the fastest growing group of people.
CuatrodeMayo 07-05-2008, 09:20 AM i kinda wonder how house bill 1084 will affect our 2010 census. i heard a lot of latinos moved out of state due to that, and they seem to be the fastest growing group of people.
I doubt it. Most of the hispanics that would leave, don't fill out census information.
Toadrax 07-05-2008, 09:38 AM Is it optional to refuse?
In 2000, I kind of blew off the deal and some real nice person from the government showed up at my apartment and "helped" me fill it out.
kevinpate 07-05-2008, 10:28 AM I doubt it. Most of the hispanics that would leave, don't fill out census information.
Another perspective is the potential of a not insignificant number of documented imigrants to pick up and head out of the state alongside their undocumented relatives. Some suggest matters have already moved beyond the realm of mere potential. I can't say one way or the other.
traxx 07-07-2008, 03:03 PM Is it optional to refuse?
In 2000, I kind of blew off the deal and some real nice person from the government showed up at my apartment and "helped" me fill it out.
If you're undocumented you're undocumented for a reason. You want to avoid the feds. If they don't know you exist it's kinda hard for them to find you. Plus I don't foresee a lot of illegals taking their money from mowing lawns and buying season tickets to the NBA so I don't really see "losing" that population as a problem.
You can have a city of 8 million people but if 7.5 million of those are deadbeats it does the city no good. Although population helps a city it's not the be all end all. A small but wealthy, hardworking population is better than a city of 8 million living in poverty.
OKCisOK4me 07-07-2008, 04:29 PM If you're undocumented you're undocumented for a reason. You want to avoid the feds. If they don't know you exist it's kinda hard for them to find you. Plus I don't foresee a lot of illegals taking their money from mowing lawns and buying season tickets to the NBA so I don't really see "losing" that population as a problem.
You can have a city of 8 million people but if 7.5 million of those are deadbeats it does the city no good. Although population helps a city it's not the be all end all. A small but wealthy, hardworking population is better than a city of 8 million living in poverty.
Agreed! I'll take that any day. Not to be sour but the former is the one that's going to make the difference in how OKC's image is to be projected as a major league city when it comes to the fans and our 15-year lease with this team.
HOT ROD 07-07-2008, 07:37 PM Take a look at the national polls now. .. Poll Results by State (
Looks like OKC is receiving some more support - than the trolls from Seattle and other places who voted initially. LOTS MORE blue states now, and many who are basically even.
As a side joke, can't Florida ever make up their minds (lol).
bornhere 07-07-2008, 07:44 PM Plus I don't foresee a lot of illegals taking their money from mowing lawns and buying season tickets to the NBA so I don't really see "losing" that population as a problem.
No, but when they leave, they won't be watching TV here, or buying the advertised products, either. And the TV/advertising money is part of what led the Board of Governors to approve the move.
Beverly Hills and Palm Beach are small, wealthy communities, but they're not going to get NBA teams.
HOT ROD 07-16-2008, 12:46 AM ok guys (and gals) :)
We're finally getting some respectable recognition on several NBA forums - so we all need to go and contribute. Oklahoma City now has a team forum on the following sites:
Oklahoma City Basketball Forum - Message Board Basketball Forum - InsideHoops (
RealGM • View forum - Oklahoma City (
and a few others. Of course, we already know about hornetscentral.
But if you haven't already yet, please go to these (and other) national sites and contribute to the Oklahoma City content. We have lots to inform people about OKC and it looks like people are finally ready to see what we have to offer and give OKC a chance.
Oh, if you find other national sites, could you post them here. Should we start a registry of sorts - to make sure OKC is represented (like we did for and
metro 07-16-2008, 09:54 AM I think the Hornets and Sonics OKC sites need to die or rename themselves once the team name is established.
Doug Loudenback 07-16-2008, 10:40 AM Metro, if you'll take a bit of time and read what's been posted at for several days now, you'll see that you're wish was and is in the works and will be accomplished as soon as team decisions are made.
betts 07-16-2008, 10:54 AM I think the Hornets and Sonics OKC sites need to die or rename themselves once the team name is established.
Actually, in light of the fact that we're being told we won't have a team name for a while, as of tomorrow evening, will be (temporary name) and a new look will be coming soon.
jbrown84 07-16-2008, 12:39 PM ESPN finally changed their Seattle Sonics page.
metro 07-16-2008, 12:48 PM Metro, if you'll take a bit of time and read what's been posted at for several days now, you'll see that you're wish was and is in the works and will be accomplished as soon as team decisions are made.
Thanks Doug, I will have to check it out. I just think they should have changed the name after the Hornets left. From a press standpoint, it looks like we're holding on to what never was meant to be permanent.
jbrown84 07-16-2008, 01:04 PM This is a good thread.
RealGM • View topic - Introduce yourselves OKC fans/residents (
lots of support from all over the country, and already people from Kansas, Missouri, Tulsa, and even Dallas that are rooting for us.
traxx 07-16-2008, 02:00 PM Beverly Hills and Palm Beach are small, wealthy communities, but they're not going to get NBA teams.
They're basically suburbs to cities that have NBA teams. That'd be like Edmond getting it's own NBA team now. Doesn't make much sense.