07-02-2008, 11:44 AM
:Smiley173 Doug - You are da Man!:Smiley173
Hope your day is filled with friends, family, love and :drunk:and many people telling you :yourock:
:cheersmf: to you My Friend.
Happy Birthday! :Smiley208
Doug Loudenback
07-02-2008, 03:50 PM
Thank you. I've written myself a little poem in honor of the occasion. It goes like this ...
I once knew an owner named Shi-inn
Part time he liked my town once he was in.
But he gave up the quest, he packed up and left
The lease being laden with things anti-theft.
Then came along Professional B-C.
"We'll stay," said the club, "if you'll po-ny
An arena for us all shiny new and then only to you,
Seattle, we'll be undyingly faithful and true."
"Nix," said Van Dyk with his plan to stop scams,
And voters they bleated, "Chris, yo' 'da man!"
They called our mayor "hick," that'd be our main man the Mick,
As we said, "Yes!" to his own slick little trick.
And so today or tomorrow
We'll not need to borrow
From ungrateful cajuns no more and
Having finally wiped all their spit from our door.
Today is this pup's sixty and fifth and
Only one gift I want – the Sonics in Ford and forthwith.
Pechman presides and today she decides
If she be brilliant and bold and rules on my side.
I'm hoping she will at 6 and that's PM
As Nichols and Slade among them
Moan, "Poor me, we're not blessed" –
That being when my town, and not theirs, is possessed.
Guilt we don't vent – you made your own esteem dent –
To the tune of seventy-five – that's seven-five – percent.
So, let go my team, yes my city's own team.
You followed the Dyk-Man when he screamed.
Well, rhyme, meter and syntax are not what I'd hoped for. Maybe it would just be better to say, "We win, you lose. Gimmie my team and be quick about it!"
07-02-2008, 04:28 PM
Big Happy Birthday to you Doug Dawg!!!!
07-02-2008, 05:06 PM
Great poem and great birthday present for you Doug.
07-02-2008, 06:28 PM
Looks like you got your b-day wish Doug and we are all get to share in your present. Happy Birthday.
07-02-2008, 06:57 PM
3 seconds on the clock ... he sets, he shoots, BUZZZZZZZZZ, SWOOOOSH, beats the buzzer! Dawg gets the pressie! Dawg gets the pressie!
Doug Loudenback
07-02-2008, 10:43 PM
I am SO glad to share my birthday present with all of you, even with David Glover!:dizzy:
Oh GAWD the Smell!
07-03-2008, 02:10 AM
lol...Well played.
Happy birthday man.
Doug Loudenback
07-03-2008, 08:47 AM
Ok, birthday done. Only one question remains:
What would you guys like for my birthday, next year?!!! :bright_id
07-03-2008, 08:50 AM
Ok, birthday done. Only one question remains:
What would you guys like for my birthday, next year?!!! :bright_id
I would like to win Powerball, please.
07-03-2008, 10:22 AM
I would like the Dallas Cowboys ... is that asking too much?
hey, no one could have imagined we'd have the NBA...sometimes you gotta dream big.. I'm going for the NFL
07-03-2008, 11:08 AM
Doug got even more than he was hoping for. What a great day for all of us. I felt like it was my birthday too.