12-12-2013, 08:19 AM
Yes, they are working on getting other hotels built and then will focus on this one.
View Full Version : Staybridge Suites lasomeday 12-12-2013, 08:19 AM Yes, they are working on getting other hotels built and then will focus on this one. BDP 12-12-2013, 02:59 PM Yes, they are working on getting other hotels built and then will focus on this one. Crap. I was hoping it had just fizzled out on account of it sucking so bad. catch22 12-12-2013, 03:05 PM Well that is unfortunate news. OKC is entering a stage where we need quality over quantity. We got the ball rolling, now we need to raise our standards. Richard at Remax 12-12-2013, 03:49 PM I was starting to think this terd got flushed. Bummer catch22 12-12-2013, 03:50 PM I was starting to think this terd got flushed. Bummer Looks like it's a floater. HangryHippo 12-12-2013, 05:03 PM Man, I hadn't looked at this thread in awhile. That is still one fugly ass building. Damn! PhiAlpha 12-12-2013, 07:25 PM I will say that while I don't like the project design being so far off the street (wtf?), I've stayed in a few Stay Bridges and they are some of the nicest extended stay hotels I've ever stayed in. So at least the hotel itself won't be crap. bchris02 12-12-2013, 08:01 PM Man, I hadn't looked at this thread in awhile. That is still one fugly ass building. Damn! It fits pretty well with what has already been developed south of Reno though. The precedent has already been set. Personally, I think this project would go well out by the Outlet Shoppes. dankrutka 12-12-2013, 09:00 PM At what point does OKC set a new precedent? bchris02 12-13-2013, 09:05 AM At what point does OKC set a new precedent? I would say OKC already has but that precedent doesn't include Lower Bricktown. shawnw 12-13-2013, 09:29 AM Is this Lower Bricktown? It's north of Reno... BDP 12-13-2013, 10:40 AM At what point does OKC set a new precedent? Well, it will be closer to this, than lower bricktown: That should be the new precedent. The reality is that is now seems like there are some developers wanting to build quality in the area. Lazy / cheap developers should be given directions to Meridian from now on. Pete 12-13-2013, 10:49 AM I would say OKC already has but that precedent doesn't include Lower Bricktown. It's within the Bricktown Design Review borders and is not part of Lower BT. Lower Bricktown does not have to go through formal design review, just OCURA approval. bchris02 12-13-2013, 11:15 AM It's within the Bricktown Design Review borders and is not part of Lower BT. Lower Bricktown does not have to go through formal design review, just OCURA approval. If it's within Bricktown Design Review borders, how is it getting through in its current form? It really wouldn't take much to make it an acceptable hotel. I agree with BDP that if the developer isn't able to meet the precedent, it should be directed to Meridian and I-40. Pete 12-13-2013, 11:20 AM The design committee already made them make a bunch of changes, including substituting a flat roof for the pitched one: warreng88 12-13-2013, 11:33 AM It doesn't suck AS bad... OKCisOK4me 12-13-2013, 12:26 PM Can't they get rid of the pitched roof over the drive-thru entryway? Looks awfully out of place. pickles 12-13-2013, 12:39 PM Can't they get rid of the pitched roof over the drive-thru entryway? Looks awfully out of place. It looks like something you'd see in front of a Bass Pro, or a state park lodge. bchris02 12-13-2013, 12:44 PM I don't think this is really that bad, it just doesn't fit the locale where it is being built. This would be an excellent addition to the Outlet Shoppes area, Memorial, or the NW Expressway business district. Just the facts 12-13-2013, 12:48 PM If anything, they need to fix the easement problems on the land so the hotel can fit better. They should reroute and daylight the drainage easement so that it adds to the site and becomes an asset. As it is now, the easement is a liability that is resulting in a crappy site-plan. Daylighting (streams) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( In urban design and urban planning, daylighting is the redirection of a stream into an above-ground channel. Typically, the goal is to restore a stream of water to a more natural state. Daylighting is intended to improve the riparian environment for a stream which had been previously diverted into a culvert, pipe, or a drainage system. kX8vb9Qkx78 u1Swcqd0mVE BDP 12-13-2013, 12:54 PM It doesn't suck AS bad... Yeah, not as bad. And if they would just make it front Lincoln and put the parking back by the freeway, I think it would be even better. At least then it'd be pretending to be a part of the district. Besides, then a whole side of the building would have rooms with city views and just about all of it would be further from the freeway. shawnw 12-13-2013, 12:58 PM It looks like something you'd see in front of a Bass Pro, or a state park lodge. Fortunately it happens to be just about in front of a bass pro, so problem solved! :-) Dubya61 12-13-2013, 03:38 PM If anything, they need to fix the easement problems on the land so the hotel can fit better. They should reroute and daylight the drainage easement so that it adds to the site and becomes an asset. As it is now, the easement is a liability that is resulting in a crappy site-plan. Don't you know they felt all smug an cocky covering up that creek back in the day? "We need not be victims to natural landscaping! We can terraform and make it better?" er ... not so much. warreng88 12-13-2013, 04:03 PM I always thought an all-suite hotel with the hallway on the back closest to the highway and all the rooms with a view of downtown would be a good idea on this property. No one wants to look out onto I-235 so put the elevators and staircases on the back furthest east wall with rooms where you walk in the living room/sitting area with a small kitchenette, then you walk through a door with a sink on the left and toilet and shower behind a door on the right and then it opens to the bedroom with windows. OKCisOK4me 12-13-2013, 04:07 PM It looks like something you'd see in front of a Bass Pro, or a state park lodge. Yes it does. Reminds me of Colorado... Just the facts 12-13-2013, 04:29 PM Don't you know they felt all smug an cocky covering up that creek back in the day? "We need not be victims to natural landscaping! We can terraform and make it better?" er ... not so much. Yep. I guess it is just possible God, nature, or whom/what ever you wish to believe in got it right the first time. xWwUJH70ubM kbsooner 04-01-2014, 12:53 PM They are staging a bunch of construction materials on this site, is that for the I 40 ramp construction to the proposed Blvd? Bellaboo 04-01-2014, 12:57 PM They are staging a bunch of construction materials on this site, is that for the I 40 ramp construction to the proposed Blvd? Yes, It's for the east connection of the Blvd. Pete 04-14-2014, 01:33 PM Looks like this project is back on track. On the OCURA agenda for Wednesday is a resolution to extend the original time frame for this project: Background: On June 18, 2008, the Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority (“Authority”) entered into a redevelopment agreement with Shri Krishnapriya Hospitality, L.L.C for the construction of a limited-service hotel for the property located on the northeast corner of Reno Avenue and Lincoln Blvd. Events beyond the control of Shri Kirshnapriya Hospitality, L.L.C. have delayed construction commencement and completion beyond the times specified in the redevelopment agreement. These events were the 2008 economic recession and Right of Way negotiations with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Summary of Agenda Item: The proposed resolution amends the redevelopment agreement so that its new commencement date is June 1, 2014, and its new completion date is December 31, 2015. Anonymous. 04-14-2014, 01:39 PM :lame: Just the facts 04-14-2014, 01:41 PM Well, the good news is people who are given extensions by OCURA don't have a good track record of every building anything. Spartan 04-14-2014, 08:28 PM This is absurd, OCURA is bending over backwards to assist a project that should just die. catch22 04-14-2014, 08:30 PM ^ This lot just needs to sit vacant until property values are high enough to justify the increased costs in fixing the ROW issues to get a proper development here. I for one am tired of the "it's OK" development style. (Which we are largely overcoming- we are very close to being out of that mindset in the core) Spartan 04-14-2014, 09:08 PM There is a lot okay development. The thinking here is that a lot of okay development makes great development. catch22 04-14-2014, 09:12 PM A lot of "OK" former developments yes. But we have a lot of developments coming online that are absolute slam dunks. They are outweighing the bad "okay" developments. Spartan 04-14-2014, 09:21 PM Not necessarily in number but perhaps in terms of intangible impact. Pete 05-14-2014, 04:03 PM $6 million building permit application today for this project. They already have all the needed design approvals, so this should be turning dirt very soon. shawnw 05-14-2014, 04:16 PM So no design changes, huh? Pete 05-14-2014, 04:18 PM So no design changes, huh? Remember, their original design had peaked roofs and then the committee worked with them to make some changes, which were ultimately approved and reflected in the article at the top of the page. Then, the project stalled for a while and OCURA just last month had to extend their contract so they could once again move forward. shawnw 05-14-2014, 04:24 PM Meant with the site plan. I know they have the ROW issues but was hoping the delay was due to some tweaking with all that. Definitely like this building design better. And will be better to see this property on that site that nothingness. It's hard to tell... are there sidewalks up against the street? Will be nice connection wise once steel yard is in place, but until then these folks will feel pretty isolated... s00nr1 05-14-2014, 04:34 PM $6 million development for a lot that size downtown is just disappointing. Pete 05-14-2014, 04:36 PM Independent of the design review, they sought a variance to the setback requirements from the Board of Adjustments which provided unanimous approval. The plans show sidewalks on Lincoln but not sure about Reno. And remember that the Bodyworks property directly west was recently vacated. I'm sure there is something in the works for that site which would better bridge Staybridge to the rest of Bricktown. shawnw 05-14-2014, 04:40 PM Agreed and hopefully so but won't occur faster than staybridge you'd think. Anonymous. 05-15-2014, 08:21 AM What an embarassing 'start' for far east Bricktown. Maybe that lawfirm locating to core2shore can team up with Staybridge and go make ugly parking lots front and center somewhere else. Spartan 05-15-2014, 08:26 AM I like how some of us like to talk as if we're past having impermissible development move forward that other cities would not permit. Here's your sign, as they say inside the Bass Pro across the street. bchris02 05-15-2014, 08:55 AM The precedent was already set when the city of OKC paid Bass Pro to drop in a standard big box - one that would be perfectly fit for the Outlet Shops - right in Bricktown. When development starts out on such a bad foot, its a lot more likely to stay that way. Lower/east Bricktown, unfortunately, is pretty much lost to urbanists. ourulz2000 05-15-2014, 09:41 AM I have no problem with this. When the night falls and TNT is shooting aerial shots of the city lights its good to have more in-fill. warreng88 05-15-2014, 09:59 AM I love how in picture 6 of 8 there is a Rolls in the parking lot. Yeah, a person who gets driven in a Rolls Royce is going to stay at a Staybridge Suites... Spartan 05-15-2014, 10:57 AM Remember, their original design had peaked roofs and then the committee worked with them to make some changes, which were ultimately approved and reflected in the article at the top of the page. Then, the project stalled for a while and OCURA just last month had to extend their contract so they could once again move forward. Ridiculous that OCURA is bending over backwards to help this along. Urbanized 05-15-2014, 11:12 AM I love how in picture 6 of 8 there is a Rolls in the parking lot. Yeah, a person who gets driven in a Rolls Royce is going to stay at a Staybridge Suites... Well how in the heck do you think they can afford a Rolls if they don't economize in other areas? s00nr1 05-15-2014, 11:13 AM I still can't get over $6 million. What a POS development. warreng88 05-15-2014, 11:35 AM Well how in the heck do you think they can afford a Rolls if they don't economize in other areas? Or maybe the driver is staying there and they just dropped the passenger off at the Skirvin? kbsooner 05-15-2014, 11:54 AM I think some of the hopes for this property are a little outlandish. IMO that piece of land really is not desireable, so I for one am OK with this development. Sure it would be nice if the site layout had more street interaction, but in all honesty what else do you expect someone to put up on this site? You are not going to get high end office, residential, or hotel development here. To me this is a perfectly fine infill project, and hopefully will spur further development into East Bricktown. bchris02 05-15-2014, 11:57 AM I think some of the hopes for this property are a little outlandish. IMO that piece of land really is not desireable, so I for one am OK with this development. Sure it would be nice if the site layout had more street interaction, but in all honesty what else do you expect someone to put up on this site? You are not going to get high end office, residential, or hotel development here. To me this is a perfectly fine infill project, and hopefully will spur further development into East Bricktown. I agree. Like I said, that area is already lost to anybody expecting it to ever develop in an urban way and has been for a long, long time now. Any additional 'infill' that happens around there will likely be fast food chains with drive thrus. BDP 05-15-2014, 12:21 PM I have no problem with this. When the night falls and TNT is shooting aerial shots of the city lights its good to have more in-fill. Hopefully, we're more focused on making a better city for people on the ground that for helicopters and TV. I think some of the hopes for this property are a little outlandish. IMO that piece of land really is not desirable, so I for one am OK with this development. Sure it would be nice if the site layout had more street interaction, but in all honesty what else do you expect someone to put up on this site? You are not going to get high end office, residential, or hotel development here. To me this is a perfectly fine infill project, and hopefully will spur further development into East Bricktown. It's not desirable right now. That's what design standards are supposed to do: increase the desirability of an area. In playing to the undesirable aspects of development in the area, it only ensures that the area will remain undesirable. I hope that this business is not a catalysts for more development in the area, as that would suggest that it will inspire and inform that development. Personally, I hope further development in east bricktown will happen despite this development and with more focus in elevating the area to a more desirable status. Of course, this type of project only lowers the motivation for quality development. PhiAlpha 05-15-2014, 03:16 PM I agree. Like I said, that area is already lost to anybody expecting it to ever develop in an urban way and has been for a long, long time now. Any additional 'infill' that happens around there will likely be fast food chains with drive thrus. That's quite the loser's mentality to have about that part of Bricktown, though with your usual, near troll level negativity, it doesn't surprise me. So with this logic, you would be cool with this development going in the parking lot between bass pro and the Bricktown Event's Center? Just because Bass Pro wasn't designed to urban standards doesn't mean all is lost for everything around it. Really all it would take to fix the Bass Pro situation is the redevelopment of the parking lot with some combination of structured parking as well as retail and or residential. Kbsooner was referring to layout issues with the property itself, not with the development around it (right?). The right of way going through the middle of it definitely makes development more difficult. Maybe someday someone can get ODOT to abandon the ROW, build a diagonal road through this property, and put a relatively tall building in the southwest corner of it. bchris02 05-15-2014, 03:35 PM That's quite the loser's mentality to have about that part of Bricktown, though with your usual, near troll level negativity, it doesn't surprise me. So with this logic, you would be cool with this development going in the parking lot between bass pro and the Bricktown Event's Center? Just because Bass Pro wasn't designed to urban standards doesn't mean all is lost for everything around it. Really all it would take to fix the Bass Pro situation is the redevelopment of the parking lot with some combination of structured parking as well as retail and or residential. Kbsooner was referring to layout issues with the property itself, not with the development around it (right?). The right of way going through the middle of it definitely makes development more difficult. That would work. It would be fine where it is if it was facing Lincoln with the parking behind it rather than set back away from the street with a sea of parking in the front. Creating an urban environment AND having adequate parking isn't rocket science. All it takes is a change in way of thinking. I don't see why developers in OKC simply don't get it. Spartan 05-15-2014, 05:44 PM Or maybe the driver is staying there and they just dropped the passenger off at the Skirvin? Probably just taking advantage of the fabulous parking while they stay elsewhere. Dennis Heaton 05-21-2014, 06:11 PM Staybridge Suites? Is this the same one mentioned in a lawsuit...CJ-2013-6767, filed 12/10/2013? Pete 06-02-2014, 11:48 AM Looks like they have a construction trailer on site and are starting work. |