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06-26-2008, 06:26 PM
Yes, it's mentioned in this thread.

06-27-2008, 09:46 PM
I used to go to Shepard Mall with my family quite a bit growing up in the 1970s. We went to El Charito quite a bit for dinner on Friday nights. I remember seeing these big (BIG) glasses of a bright yellow gold liquid with a bunch of bubbles in them. I remember asking my parents what it was. They explained that is was something called beer that adults drink. One time me and my little brother snuck a sip of beer from one of those cups on a table (that had just been vacated) on the way out of the restaurant to see what it tasted like.

My little brother got lost (separated from the family) in Shepards Mall one time too. I thought I was never going to see him again.

This was the mall to go to in OKC. Penn Square was the other one. They were both great places and had their own distinct feels.

Brian B.

07-07-2008, 08:27 PM
Shepherd Mall. I vaguely remember it as a kid in the 80's as it was still the place to go although Penn Square was fairly new and catching on about that time. I remember Dillards, Penny's, TG&Y, Orange Julius and a handful of other stores. It's mostly office space now, AOL (had their offices there), a mexican restaurant was and still may be in there, a few food court shops, Farmer's Insurance call center, Social Security office and a bunch of other government offices and the Aztec Charter School.

The Mexican restaurant is no longer there, unfortunately. I worked in Shepard mall for AOL years ago, and have fond memories of lunch. ;-)

07-07-2008, 10:50 PM
I wish Shephard Mall can be reborn as an Asian Themed mall - to tie in with the nearby Asia District (unfortunately it is not in the district but it is close). That would be way cool for OKC to have a true Asian Mall.

07-08-2008, 12:37 AM
I would prefer a Brazilian themed renovation.

07-08-2008, 06:35 AM
My father worked at the 23rd & Penn Sears store until 1955 when he got a "good job" at Tinker Field. Sears was the first major retailer to move from Downtown to the "burbs." Shepard Mall developed on the coat tails of Sears.

What I remember most about Sears was that it was the only "new building" i was in that had "Colored" restrooms and drinking fountains. OKC has changed a lot...

07-08-2008, 09:31 AM
Asian Mall? Brasilian? No thank you. I'm all for diversity, but keep the Asian stuff in the Asian district to further enhance the Asian district. It needs all the help and attractions it can get.

07-08-2008, 10:12 AM
I wish Shephard Mall can be reborn as an Asian Themed mall - to tie in with the nearby Asia District (unfortunately it is not in the district but it is close). That would be way cool for OKC to have a true Asian Mall.

No way this will ever happen. Shepard Mall will never again be a retail center other than maybe a few stores to accommodate the offices located there. The owners are making too much money with the mall as a business park. The State has a number of offices there, as well as private entities and those are probably there for the long haul. Why kick them out to go back to retail with the uncertainty in the economy. Especially since Penn Square is just a few minutes away. And there just isn't enough demand for an Asian mall to make it work. It works very well as a business park and that is how it will stay for the indefinite future.

07-08-2008, 05:59 PM
What exactly would an Asian mall be? Sounds very kitschy and Disney World to me...

07-08-2008, 06:11 PM
Wow what fun.
John A. Browns only store that had my moms perfume.
I remember Santa in the late 60's there.
I remember the smell of Cashews in I thought it was Sears but I think that was outside at Penn Square.
I remember the Popcorn and Cashews at Christmas.
And of course we had El Chico.
Saw a movie the night Nixon resigned.
There used to be a Beverlys "Chicken in the rough" next to Andy Andersons across the street. NW corner?

07-08-2008, 06:13 PM
Didn't they try to make an Asian-themed mall or some kind of Asian mega-store on south May somewhere? 89th, maybe? Does anybody know what I'm talking about- is that still there/successful? Shepherd Mall is close enough to Classen that something like that could work...

07-08-2008, 11:30 PM
Are you talking about the strip mall where that grocery store (I think it's called Taipei) is? It's on SW 89th and Penn. It's still there with Cafe Bella, Pho 89, and some thai place. Anyway, it's more like a strip mall....not really Asian-themed except for the stores themselves