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01-11-2010, 01:28 PM
They had closed it back in the fall, repainted and did some repair work. Opened under new Management, then last week the sign on the window said go to the 29th street location...........

Wish it would re-open

01-12-2010, 05:37 PM
Sleepy Hollow. The good one.

worked there 1960 through late 70's.. was no place like it, if u were anyone u came there. Lots of famous people came through our doors...

01-12-2010, 06:22 PM
worked there 1960 through late 70's.. was no place like it, if u were anyone u
came there. Lots of famous people came through our doors...
Including Prunepicker and Prunette!

01-12-2010, 06:30 PM
Including Prunepicker and Prunette!

================================================== ================
As did Mr & Mrs General........Like the Chicken they had there.....

01-12-2010, 06:34 PM
...Like the Chicken they had there...
I could never get enough of that chicken. Any idea where the original recipe

USG '60
01-12-2010, 08:53 PM
I could never get enough of that chicken. Any idea where the original recipe

KFC has it.

01-13-2010, 09:33 AM
I miss the "Original" Cocina de Mino restaurant off S.E. 29th.....

01-13-2010, 10:20 AM
worked there 1960 through late 70's.. was no place like it, if u were anyone u came there. Lots of famous people came through our doors...

Can recall more than one road trip in that time frame where the sole reason to come to OKC was to hit Sleepy Hollow for a meal and then head back to the east side of the state. Pops and momma were nuts for the place back then, as were some of their buds.

05-21-2010, 04:44 PM
Didn't review the entire thread, but does anyone else remember Billie Lee's (Billy Lee's?) Pies? My fave was the deep dish apple pie served hot with ice cream on top. Yeah!

05-21-2010, 04:49 PM
Didn't review the entire thread, but does anyone else remember Billie Lee's (Billy Lee's?) Pies? My fave was the deep dish apple pie served hot with ice cream on top. Yeah! I remember it! I liked the strawberry pie.

05-21-2010, 09:26 PM
Didn't review this whole thread, but I miss "Ann's Chicken Fry" on N.W. 39th, "EL Patio" on about 10th and S. Walker, "Lion's Share" in Midwest City, "Uncle John's Pancakes" on Lincoln Blvd., any of the "Monterrey Houses" and since we're talking about some "bars" all-time #1 hangout...."The Gold Rush" on 74th and Penn. Man! What memories of THAT place...!!! LOL

05-21-2010, 09:46 PM
Didn't review this whole thread, but I miss "Ann's Chicken Fry" on N.W. 39th, "EL Patio" on about 10th and S. Walker, "Lion's Share" in Midwest City, "Uncle John's Pancakes" on Lincoln Blvd., any of the "Monterrey Houses" and since we're talking about some "bars" all-time #1 hangout...."The Gold Rush" on 74th and Penn. Man! What memories of THAT place...!!! LOL

I went to the "Gold Rush" from when it opened until it closed. (knew the owner)

05-21-2010, 11:02 PM
I went to the "Gold Rush" from when it opened until it closed. (knew the owner)

To me Gold Rush was a break from the Long Branch.

05-21-2010, 11:03 PM
Didn't review the entire thread, but does anyone else remember Billie Lee's (Billy Lee's?) Pies? My fave was the deep dish apple pie served hot with ice cream on top. Yeah!
I have a Billie Lee pie tin out in the garage.

I remember it! I liked the strawberry pie.
My favorite still....I always see if they have it on our Pie Runs around Texas.

Didn't review this whole thread, but I miss "Ann's Chicken Fry" on N.W. 39th, "EL Patio" on about 10th and S. Walker, "Lion's Share" in Midwest City, "Uncle John's Pancakes" on Lincoln Blvd., any of the "Monterrey Houses" and since we're talking about some "bars" all-time #1 hangout...."The Gold Rush" on 74th and Penn. Man! What memories of THAT place...!!! LOL
Ann's is still open or at least it was around Christmas because my wife and I ate there when we were in OKC right after Christmas.

05-21-2010, 11:04 PM
I have a Billie Lee pie tin out in the garage.

My favorite still....I always see if they have it on our Pie Runs around Texas.

Ann's is still open or at least it was around Christmas because my wife and I ate there when we were in OKC right after Christmas.

I have not been to Anne's in years and have heard it is lacking from the good old days.

05-21-2010, 11:05 PM
Del Rancho on Western will soon be opened as "Tony's Tacos".

05-21-2010, 11:15 PM
I have not been to Anne's in years and have heard it is lacking from the good old days.
It wasn't as good as I remembered, they have played with the recipe of some things some. It was still good, just not the same.

05-22-2010, 01:33 AM
It wasn't as good as I remembered, they have played with the recipe of some things some. It was still good, just not the same.

That's what hurts many eatery's now days. The jack with the recipes or more often take things off and replace them with new dishes. My god if it works why mess with it. Franchises are killing the food industries. Well maybe not. It only pertains to us old folk. The youngsters, 40 and under crowed don't seen to mind it.

05-22-2010, 09:55 AM
Hey, Ann's Chicken Fry is still opened and still owned by Alvin Burchett. Alvin graduated from Grant in 1964. His brother Jerry owned it for a while and then Alvin Bought it from him....Great Onion rings and can still get a good "Burger" and/or chicken Fried steak sandwich....

05-22-2010, 11:11 AM
That's what hurts many eatery's now days. The jack with the recipes or more often take things off and replace them with new dishes. My god if it works why mess with it. Franchises are killing the food industries. Well maybe not. It only pertains to us old folk. The youngsters, 40 and under crowed don't seen to mind it.
To me a chicken fry steak is a "homestyle food" staple, some new place making it with jalapeno gravy and garlic mashed potatoes is fine because that may be their style and there is no history to live up to. But a place that has made it for 30-40 years shouldn't be jacking with the recipe to attract a different demographic, a place like Ann's isn't going to be drawing in the same type of crowd consistently as some of the more trendy places. Ann's is an institution in OKC and should act like one, I know of others who have moved away and came back to visit and had the same experience that I had.

We go to Chuck House often when we are back in OKC, they haven't changed their CFS recipe in almost 30 years and I still can't find one quite like it in Austin. Ann's is still good, it just isn't the same.

05-22-2010, 09:55 PM
Hey, Ann's Chicken Fry is still opened and still owned by Alvin Burchett. Alvin graduated from Grant in 1964. His brother Jerry owned it for a while and then Alvin Bought it from him....Great Onion rings and can still get a good "Burger" and/or chicken Fried steak sandwich....

There is no dispute concerning its still being open. The negative talk is from the fact it is NOT that great anymore/nowadays.

05-23-2010, 05:36 AM
The Black Steer on S. Agnew, it's now the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) Lodge.

05-24-2010, 06:39 PM
Bakersfield, CA. According to a report on NEWS4 in okc, three thieves unbolted and stole the "Big Boy" in front of a new Kips about to open. 4 provided video.....

05-27-2010, 08:17 PM
Been mentioned before but, I would Love to go through the Buffet line at Glen's one more time.....and be able to really afford it....

05-27-2010, 08:54 PM
Been mentioned before but, I would Love to go through the Buffet line at Glen's one more time.....and be able to really afford it....

Aw man...I loved that place. They were the only place I ever had charcoal grilled shrimp that was out of this world.

05-27-2010, 10:26 PM
Yep, I miss Glen's too. I thought their food in general was very good.

09-23-2010, 09:12 PM
Does anyone remember the "Magnolia Thunder Kitty" - A quaint little bar on N.W. 10th!! I don't know for sure, but I think Gen/70 was a regular!! LMAO........................

09-23-2010, 10:08 PM
Been mentioned before but, I would Love to go through the Buffet
line at Glen's one more time... and be able to really afford it...
What are they going to do with the "Glen's Parking" sign on 10th?
It was still there a couple of weeks ago.

07-27-2011, 04:57 PM
Does anyone remember the name of a little restaurant that was around 59th and S. Walker (I think) on the North side of the street during the 1970's?

08-06-2011, 11:29 PM
Hollies . . . home of the bacon burger . . . was a major highschool hangout . . . 1960 grad from Capitol Hill. A neighborhood friend was the nephew of the owners and we could just walk in the back door and scoop up an order of their on-site hand cut fries. McDonalds and Golden Point fifteen cent burgers had just come on the scene in those days so, nearly all of the drive inns were locally owned . . . Hamburger Spot, Hamburger Inn, Ranchers Daughter, West Oaks and one on May Avenue (name escapes me) that had candy striped decoration . . . lots of Northwest Classen traffic.

Herman's, a seafood place at 16th and Classen which became Triples . . . not bad either.

Hann's Bar-B-Que on East 23rd

The Cadet Club . . . a downtown deli

Micky's Coney Island in Stockyards and two or three other greasy spoons down there.

Cattleman's when it was owned by the Wade Family and frequented mostly by cattlemen and the Stockyard's Mafia. The cafe part was open 24/7

Knox Orange Inn . . . great hotdogs downtown next door to the Criterion Theater

Bishop's . . . an upscale white linen place downtown

The Rustic Inn . . . NW 39th and Portland . . . great late night spot.

Fine Foods . . . a mexican place about five blocks east of Shields on SE 29th.

The Classen Grill . . . late 80's early 90's era

The Wide Awake Cafe in Edmond

Dinko's in Norman . . . Oh Darlin'

Beverly's Chicken In The Rough at NW 23rd & Classen . . . when Beverly Osborn owned it.

The place below the Hi Lo Club that Vern Echols owned . . . can't remember the name for the life of me right now. Great sandwiches named after some regular patrons . . . charcoal burgers and rings . . . The Schnitzle . . . burger patty, beans and chili with a fried egg. It was also open real late.

My absolutely most missed restaurant is the Bit of Italy. It was an out of the way after hours place just off NW 39th Street about half way between Penn and May. It didn't open until 10PM and was the place to have a late night omlet or pizza. . . frequented by musicians, pimps and other colorful characters. Always a long line to get in. A guy named Eddie Peak ran the door . . . Putnam City grad that played sax in Vegas for a while.

But a new era has arrived . . . Irma's, Prairie Thunder, McNellies, 1492, Cafe Do Brazil, The Proabition Room, Rococo, Museum Cafe, The Metro, Coach House. Hopefully these and more new locally owned eateries will stem the tide of god-awful chains that populate most of the well traveled streets.

What a great post!..thank you so much for the memories what a delight to read and remember all these places....

08-06-2011, 11:34 PM
anyone remember the name of the coffee house downtown that served Near Beer where "Beatniks" hung out & read had to go down some stairs off the street to's drivin' me crazy not able to remember..!

08-06-2011, 11:41 PM
anyone remember the name of the coffee house downtown that
served Near Beer where "Beatniks" hung out & read had
to go down some stairs off the street to enter... it's drivin' me crazy
not able to remember!
Would it have been the Black Brick on N. McKinley near N.W. 26th?
It isn't downtown but that's the only place that comes to mind.

08-07-2011, 11:15 AM
Don't know if anybody answered the question about Vern Echols place, but it was "The Patio". I make a Schnitzle at least every couple of months. It also had onions with French fries on the side and I paid extra for a slice of cheese on top of the chili. His employees stayed with him for years, I think his cook had been there for almost thirty years and his newest employee had been there about fifteen years. Also, the comment you posted with yours mentions Beverly's on 23rd, how about the original on I believe Sheridan, but maybe California near Broadway
C. T.

What a great post!..thank you so much for the memories what a delight to read and remember all these places....

08-07-2011, 04:18 PM
Don't know if anybody answered the question about Vern Echols place,
but it was "The Patio". I make a Schnitzle at least every couple of
months. It also had onions with French fries on the side and I paid
extra for a slice of cheese on top of the chili. His employees stayed
with him for years, I think his cook had been there for almost thirty
years and his newest employee had been there about fifteen years.
Also, the comment you posted with yours mentions Beverly's on 23rd,
how about the original on I believe Sheridan, but maybe California near
C. T.
There was a sign behind the cash register that listed the employees
and how long they had worked at the Patio. Virginia had been there
for over 30 years. I don't remember the others at the moment but
the shortest time was 5 years and that was in 1981.

Great onion rings and I swear that Virginia invented/created the
Caesar Burger. Awesome.

Beverly's was east of N. Walker on W. Sheridan, then Grand Avenue.

08-07-2011, 08:39 PM
How many Beverly's were there? I remember the one on 23rd just west of Classen, another one near 16th and N May, then one on NW Hwy. Seems like there was one on the southside somewhere but can't remember for sure.

Larry OKC
08-07-2011, 10:01 PM
Haven't read it all yet, but Doug has info:

08-07-2011, 10:08 PM
How many Beverly's were there? I remember the one on 23rd just
west of Classen, another one near 16th and N May, then one on NW
Hwy. Seems like there was one on the southside somewhere but
can't remember for sure.
There was one about N.W. 12th and N. Walker. 1492 is there. Then
the huge one on N. Lincoln just north of the Capitol. There wasn't
one on the southside.

08-08-2011, 08:21 AM
I just noticed that there was a Randy's Chicken in the Rough on Bryant in Edmond. I also am wrong on the original, it was N. Lincoln according to the Oklahoman archives. I remember my parents taking me to the one on Sheridan/Grand. I'm also wondering if the one on May was Randy's after he bought the last two from Mr. Osborn. I will check the Oklahoman a little closer when I get time.
C. T.

08-08-2011, 11:37 AM
I remember my Dad telling us this story when we were kids.

Chicken in the Rough (

08-08-2011, 11:42 AM
Here's a link from Doug Dawgz Blog.

Beverly's (

08-08-2011, 06:50 PM
I sent an email to Jimmy's Egg about their North May (1616 North May) location and they just responded and here is there comment. "Yes, it was a Beverly's before it became a Jimmy's Egg.". I like folks that are helpful and they responded in about three hours.
C. T.
01-23-2014, 05:39 AM
Let's go way back, Cedar Terrace. Bar and dance hall. We went there almost before all of us were old enough to drive. Beer was cold and the band was hot.

08-12-2014, 04:27 AM
No doubt...right after they had remodeled to add bathrooms, it went under. Suck.

I would like to add the Samurai Samurai SAMURAI!

Before the Samurai opened it was a karate dojo and weight gym, owned by the same person (Ichiro Takahata). I studied karate there for a while. Went to the Samurai a few times, it was usually kicking. I ran into Ichiro a few years back, he was laying carpet on a remodel job(the tower behind the gold dome on Classen). At the time he said he was going to open a new Samurai, but if he did I never found it.

08-12-2014, 05:01 AM
I haven't read this entire thread so I may be repeating, but what about Larrys' at 39th and Ann Arbor(Taco Bell now) or (not in OKC) Zamudios in Mid West city? Zamudios had great food while Mr and Mrs Zamudio were there, not so much after they were gone.

08-12-2014, 08:20 AM
Before the Samurai opened it was a karate dojo and weight gym, owned by the same person (Ichiro Takahata). I studied karate there for a while. Went to the Samurai a few times, it was usually kicking. I ran into Ichiro a few years back, he was laying carpet on a remodel job(the tower behind the gold dome on Classen). At the time he said he was going to open a new Samurai, but if he did I never found it.

That's funny, I ran into him in exactly the same location. I had to do a double take. I know there was a place calling itself Samurai on NW 23rd near Penn, and always wondered if there was a connection. Not sure if it is still there.

Gotta say, Samurai was one of a kind. Saw some great shows there. And despite never having a security guard, I never saw trouble get out of hand. If you ever saw Ichiro usher a troublemaker out the door, you know exactly what I am talking about. It bordered on supernatural. Minor-looking finger pokes in the chest that would make someone bounce backward three feet with each poke.

08-12-2014, 10:24 AM
Zamudio's was a really good Mexican restaurant. We ate there for lunch quite often and my family enjoyed them at dinner time.
C. T.
I haven't read this entire thread so I may be repeating, but what about Larrys' at 39th and Ann Arbor(Taco Bell now) or (not in OKC) Zamudios in Mid West city? Zamudios had great food while Mr and Mrs Zamudio were there, not so much after they were gone.

08-12-2014, 10:38 AM
Large dance halls of the 70's and early 80's were The Sooner Broadcast System, After the Gold Rush. Country joints were for drinking. Never heard a country song that I could dance too. Line Dancing? If I am going to dance in unison with people I want a contract and pay!!!!

I remember the name After the Gold Rush, but not the location. Please describe its location.

08-12-2014, 10:43 AM
I believe that was the Brass Keg. It was next door to Robert's Restaurant.

Ah, the Keg , another place with many good memories.

08-12-2014, 10:49 AM
================================================== ===============
I still miss El Charrito's.........

and, of course, Hollie's.....(the original one)
Bacon cheeseburger, I can smell and taste it now(Hollies).

08-12-2014, 10:54 AM
Didn't review this whole thread, but I miss "Ann's Chicken Fry" on N.W. 39th, "EL Patio" on about 10th and S. Walker, "Lion's Share" in Midwest City, "Uncle John's Pancakes" on Lincoln Blvd., any of the "Monterrey Houses" and since we're talking about some "bars" all-time #1 hangout...."The Gold Rush" on 74th and Penn. Man! What memories of THAT place...!!! LOL

Ann's is still there ate there just last week, still pretty good.

08-12-2014, 11:14 AM
Zamudio's was a really good Mexican restaurant. We ate there for lunch quite often and my family enjoyed them at dinner time.
C. T.

I worked out in MWC in the late 70s, and I probably ate at Zamudio's 3 times a week. When Mr and Mrs Zamudio were alive the place was unbeatable for Mexican. They served fried ice cream, it was one of my favorite desserts all time. Everything fresh and homemade, Damn I would kill to be sitting there eating chips and salsa waiting on my order.

08-12-2014, 11:23 AM
I'm almost positive that After The Goldrush was at I-240 and Penn in the strip mall. It was near/next to Sound Warehouse.

08-12-2014, 11:36 AM
That's funny, I ran into him in exactly the same location. I had to do a double take. I know there was a place calling itself Samurai on NW 23rd near Penn, and always wondered if there was a connection. Not sure if it is still there.

Gotta say, Samurai was one of a kind. Saw some great shows there. And despite never having a security guard, I never saw trouble get out of hand. If you ever saw Ichiro usher a troublemaker out the door, you know exactly what I am talking about. It bordered on supernatural. Minor-looking finger pokes in the chest that would make someone bounce backward three feet with each poke.

I took Karate from before the Samurai was open, and he was one bad dude. Not only was he a highly ranked black belt, but he was incredibly strong. There was no need for security when he was around. There was one other Karate instructor I had that was unbelievable in marital arts, Jack Hwang. I saw him take on 7 people in a bar once, no contest. within 3 minutes he was the only one standing.

08-12-2014, 11:38 AM
I'm almost positive that After The Goldrush was at I-240 and Penn in the strip mall. It was near/next to Sound Warehouse.

I believe you are correct.

08-12-2014, 12:11 PM
I took Karate from before the Samurai was open, and he was one bad dude. Not only was he a highly ranked black belt, but he was incredibly strong. There was no need for security when he was around. There was one other Karate instructor I had that was unbelievable in marital arts, Jack Hwang. I saw him take on 7 people in a bar once, no contest. within 3 minutes he was the only one standing.

So did I.....
I still have a signed picture from Ichiro somewhere around here.

08-12-2014, 12:15 PM
That's funny, I ran into him in exactly the same location. I had to do a double take. I know there was a place calling itself Samurai on NW 23rd near Penn, and always wondered if there was a connection. Not sure if it is still there.


Not related at all.. I asked when I first started eating there. its a great little sushi place however. They do a pretty good business for only having about 7 tables and do a BIG carry out business.. Great Sushi!

08-12-2014, 12:16 PM
In the early 80s I worked the door at a club called Mardees, in the Springdale shopping center. I haven't heard anyone mention this place but it was there Several years, and was pretty popular(good food, and dance floor) The house band was called Magic(not sure of the spelling). There was a guy in the band whose name was Benny Garcia. One night he asked me if I wanted to go to a party after closing. So we went to a house where the party was and He introduced me to a guy named Vince Gill. I had no idea who he was he just told me he was a musician. A few years later he became famous and I remembered meeting him. Never would have imagined him becoming a star, he was very quiet and laid back person.

08-12-2014, 03:33 PM
I took Karate from before the Samurai was open, and he was one bad dude. Not only was he a highly ranked black belt, but he was incredibly strong. There was no need for security when he was around. There was one other Karate instructor I had that was unbelievable in marital arts, Jack Hwang. I saw him take on 7 people in a bar once, no contest. within 3 minutes he was the only one standing.

I saw him usher a dude - a BIG dude - out one night, and the look on the guy's face was priceless. We probably had the same shocked expression on our faces too. It honestly looked like Ichiro was mildly poking him in the chest. Taps, like you would do when poking someone in the chest to make a point when talking to them. It looked like hardly any effort at all. Every time he poked the guy, the dude was flung backward violently 2-3 feet...right out the front door. I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. It was fast too. FAST.

08-12-2014, 05:37 PM
Sorely missed? Dan McGuinness in Moore. Excited to see it reborn as Okie Tonk.

08-12-2014, 06:34 PM
I'm almost positive that After The Goldrush was at I-240 and Penn in the strip mall. It was near/next to Sound Warehouse.

Yup, it was between the Sound Warehouse and Service Merchandise, saw a few big bands there that were on washed up tours....Three Dog Night, Iron Butterfly, Quicksilver Messenger Service