View Full Version : Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

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11-22-2010, 09:56 PM
Is San Marcos very good? I haven't eaten there.

11-22-2010, 10:03 PM
Is San Marcos very good? I haven't eaten there.

It's pretty good!!!

11-23-2010, 12:41 AM
It's pretty good!!!

weak response. is that a yes or no?:whiteflag

11-23-2010, 09:24 AM
Was there ever a Big Boy Crab or King Chicken in South OKC??

11-23-2010, 10:10 AM
Was there ever a Big Boy Crab or King Chicken in South OKC?? least not that I remember.

12-05-2010, 05:39 AM
Like this thread as well, I have a page on Facebook that talks all about southside OKC. Let me know if more people are interested. This is my first post on here so I'm not sure if I can post links on here.

12-06-2010, 10:49 AM
Like this thread as well, I have a page on Facebook that talks all about southside OKC. Let me know if more people are interested. This is my first post on here so I'm not sure if I can post links on here.

I've been on your FB page (Heck Yeah, I grew up in South OKC) and made several posts on it too. It's a great site!!!


12-06-2010, 11:47 AM
Was there ever a Big Boy Crab or King Chicken in South OKC??

I will always wonder why no one saw the humor in this comment...

12-06-2010, 04:13 PM
I will always wonder why no one saw the humor in this comment...

I had to watch it on youtube. Very funny. Reminds me of my second wife. she had some form of surgery for weight loss. honestly did not work. she now has more chins than a Chinese phone book!!

12-06-2010, 04:19 PM
I had to watch it on youtube. Very funny. Reminds me of my second wife. she had some form of surgery for weight loss. honestly did not work. she now has more chins than a Chinese phone book!!

She would have loved Big Boy Crab! I never had a problem with those who get rather large...just considered it a choice...perhaps not a WISE one...but freedom is freedom...

12-26-2010, 05:54 PM
This should be full of Southside memories and some of their recipes...Charlotte and Joe Dodson have authored a book titled On The Line-The Dodson Experience. Haven't purchased it yet, but will soon. Happened across the notice while perusing today's newspaper.

12-26-2010, 06:30 PM
This should be full of Southside memories and some of their recipes...Charlotte and Joe Dodson have authored a book titled On The Line-The Dodson Experience. Haven't purchased it yet, but will soon. Happened across the notice while perusing today's newspaper.It is a wonderful read. I posted about it yesterday in the reading thread:

01-08-2011, 07:41 PM
WOW!!.....this thread has grown a bunch since I last visited.

01-08-2011, 09:19 PM
WOW! this thread has grown a bunch since I last visited.
Where have you been?

01-09-2011, 12:03 AM
Where have you been?

You will never get an answer. that 's a Grant grad.....:fighting2

01-09-2011, 01:01 PM
I'm new here and have read quite a few of the posts. I knew a lot of the places being discussed and if I had been here then I could have responded, but it looks like most of them have been resolved. I have a question of my own though. Does anyone remember the original name of the drive-in/sit down restaurant that is currently a Del Rancho on the North side of SW 29th just West of Penn? And just to throw out something that I haven't seen mentioned, does anyone know where Del Rancho started? I used to eat there occasionally and it was the Ranch House on the East side of Western at about 33rd or 34th.

01-09-2011, 07:21 PM
I neglected to tell you about myself. As a former moderator of a Yahoo group I should have known better. First, I was born and raised in South OKC, I attended Mckinley elementary school until Rancho Village opened and then attended Grant and Capitol Hill. I am 67 years old, a widower, and now live in North East Oklahoma City. For you youngsters, Mckinley elementary was on the North East side of 36th (Grand Blvd) and Mckinley.

01-09-2011, 07:25 PM
I neglected to tell you about myself. As a former moderator of a Yahoo group I should have known better. First, I was born and raised in South OKC, I attended Mckinley elementary school until Rancho Village opened and then attended Grant and Capitol Hill. I am 67 years old, a widower, and now live in North East Oklahoma City. For you youngsters, Mckinley elementary was on the North East side of 36th (Grand Blvd) and Mckinley.Welcome!

BTW, We have meetings every month at Coit's SW 24th and Western, everyone is invited.

01-09-2011, 07:42 PM
Thanks, now, do you remember that Coit's was originally Weber's? That's how old I am. I think Mr. and Mrs. Coit purchased it in the early sixties. I would like to come to a meeting but it's not always possible. I will watch for the announcement.
C. T.

01-09-2011, 10:27 PM
Thanks, now, do you remember that Coit's was originally Weber's?
That's how old I am. I think Mr. and Mrs. Coit purchased it in the
early sixties. I would like to come to a meeting but it's not always
possible. I will watch for the announcement.
C. T.
Coit's has been around since 1954.

01-09-2011, 11:53 PM
I'm new here and have read quite a few of the posts. I knew a lot of the places being discussed and if I had been here then I could have responded, but it looks like most of them have been resolved. I have a question of my own though. Does anyone remember the original name of the drive-in/sit down restaurant that is currently a Del Rancho on the North side of SW 29th just West of Penn? And just to throw out something that I haven't seen mentioned, does anyone know where Del Rancho started? I used to eat there occasionally and it was the Ranch House on the East side of Western at about 33rd or 34th.

As far as I can remember it has always been Del Rancho.

01-10-2011, 06:48 AM
I remember Coit's a long while back but I don't remember Weber's in Oklahoma City. Was it the same as the one in Tulsa?

01-10-2011, 12:10 PM
Coit's has been around since 1954.

The Coit family has owned it since 1954, but didn't change the name till 1958 according to an article in the Daily Oklahoman. The Coit family bought their first store, formerly a Weber's on 2500 S. Western. Their second one was on 50th and Portland. My family went to Weber's for hot dogs and root beer in the forties/fifties. I thought the name change happened after 1960, but I was off by a couple of years.
C. T.

01-10-2011, 12:11 PM
I remember Coit's a long while back but I don't remember Weber's in Oklahoma City. Was it the same as the one in Tulsa?

Yes, and the Tulsa stores were still open the last time I was there. Of course that was a few years ago, so they might not be open now.
C. T.

01-10-2011, 12:16 PM
As far as I can remember it has always been Del Rancho.

In 1959 The Ranch House opened on 3300, S. Western. In about two years the family sold it and then started Del Rancho in Del City. They actually bought back the original Ranch House in 1966 and converted it to a Del Rancho.
C. T.

01-10-2011, 12:33 PM
I have read a lot of interesting things on this thread that brought back a lot of good memories and I do appreciate it. I also have some questions about the North side. I'm assuming there is a thread there as well. I'm afraid I must be in my second or third childhood and reliving some of the "good old days?"! You know, before central air, color TV... OK, I guess they weren't all that good but the memories are nice.
C. T.

01-10-2011, 01:18 PM
As far as I can remember it has always been Del Rancho.

I was going there before Del Rancho was started, so it had to be something else, but I can't remember it. By the way, I mis-read your response, I thought you were talking about the Ranch House on S. Western.
C. T.

osu cowboy
01-10-2011, 02:45 PM
As far as I can remember it has always been Del Rancho.

I'll agree with that. In the late 60's I believe it was a Del Rancho. If it was ever something else I don't know.

osu cowboy
01-10-2011, 02:55 PM
I have read a lot of interesting things on this thread that brought back a lot of good memories and I do appreciate it. I also have some questions about the North side. I'm assuming there is a thread there as well. I'm afraid I must be in my second or third childhood and reliving some of the "good old days?"! You know, before central air, color TV... OK, I guess they weren't all that good but the memories are nice.
C. T.

Yes ,welcome from a fellow "Redskin". I was behind you several years at CHHS but was wondering where you grew up. Around Rancho Village you said? I played liitle league ball at that field right on Grand Blvd by that water tower or whatever it was. I went to Shields Heights elementary.

01-10-2011, 03:00 PM
I neglected to tell you about myself. As a former moderator of a Yahoo group I should have known better. First, I was born and raised in South OKC, I attended Mckinley elementary school until Rancho Village opened and then attended Grant and Capitol Hill. I am 67 years old, a widower, and now live in North East Oklahoma City. For you youngsters, Mckinley elementary was on the North East side of 36th (Grand Blvd) and Mckinley.

Do you remember Salami's hot Dogs on S.W. 29th just east of Douglas? Heronville and McKinley were real close...I'm sure you remember the old Reding Farm House at 36th & Western and the crawdad pond at 36th and Steel!! Real close to your house!!

osu cowboy
01-10-2011, 04:21 PM
Do you remember Salami's hot Dogs on S.W. 29th just east of Douglas? Heronville and McKinley were real close...I'm sure you remember the old Reding Farm House at 36th & Western and the crawdad pond at 36th and Steel!! Real close to your house!!

Was that pond in the field on the south side of 36th? My best friend grew up in the house on the corner of 36th and Steele.

01-10-2011, 04:59 PM
Was that pond in the field on the south side of 36th? My best friend grew up in the house on the corner of 36th and Steele.

That be it! Probably the house on the West side of the street on the corner on Steele St? I lived around the corner on 34th and Douglas!

01-10-2011, 05:03 PM
The Coit family has owned it since 1954, but didn't change the
name till 1958 according to an article in the Daily Oklahoman. The
Coit family bought their first store, formerly a Weber's on 2500 S.
Western. Their second one was on 50th and Portland. My family
went to Weber's for hot dogs and root beer in the forties/fifties.
I thought the name change happened after 1960, but I was off
by a couple of years.
C. T.
Very interesting. I think Gen64 mentioned that but I don't
remember. He won't either but I'll rattle his cage!

01-10-2011, 05:48 PM
Yes ,welcome from a fellow "Redskin". I was behind you several years at CHHS but was wondering where you grew up. Around Rancho Village you said? I played liitle league ball at that field right on Grand Blvd by that water tower or whatever it was. I went to Shields Heights elementary.

I lived one block South on S. W. 37th. Due South by the way, both the ball field/water container and my home were on the 1100 block. McKinley elementary (K through third grade) was located where the baseball field was. The school was in prefab type structures.
C. T.

01-10-2011, 05:59 PM
I'll agree with that. In the late 60's I believe it was a Del Rancho. If it was ever something else I don't know.

The only reason that I am certain it was something else is because I went there before I had a drivers license and I got my license in 1959. I also left Oklahoma for a few years (U. S. Navy) in 1960. Since Del Rancho didn't start till mid/late 1960, it had to be some other name/owner. Of course, there's always the possibility that I'm thinking of another place but I don't think so, every time I drive by that place, I remember being there and the circumstances.
C. T.

01-10-2011, 06:06 PM
Do you remember Salami's hot Dogs on S.W. 29th just east of Douglas? Heronville and McKinley were real close...I'm sure you remember the old Reding Farm House at 36th & Western and the crawdad pond at 36th and Steel!! Real close to your house!!

You have mentioned several items that I know very well. I really don't remember Salami's but my sister went to Heronville because Rancho Village wasn't built yet. I rode horses, goats, swept Mrs. Reding's porch, washed dishes, gathered eggs and other chores for 25 cents each chore when I was pretty young. I played around that pond a lot, caught crawdad's for fun. Once I walked out on the pond when it was frozen. The ice cracked and I fell through. Of course it wasn't deep, but I went home frozen. By the way, wasn't the soft ice cream place "Frozen Delight" very close to Salami's?
C. T.

01-10-2011, 06:17 PM
That be it! Probably the house on the West side of the street on the corner on Steele St? I lived around the corner on 34th and Douglas!

I was born and spent all of my early life (until I left home) at 1128 S. W. 37th and I don't remember Steele street. I had to go to Google maps to find it. I'm sure I was on the street, just not aware of the name.
C. T.

01-10-2011, 07:55 PM
That be it! Probably the house on the West side of the street on the corner on Steele St? I lived around the corner on 34th and Douglas!

I wonder if I know you, depending on your age. I had a friend on the corner of either 34th or 35th and Douglas. I am 67 and I think the boy I knew was pretty close to the same age.
C. T.

01-10-2011, 08:30 PM
I wonder if I know you, depending on your age. I had a friend on the corner of either 34th or 35th and Douglas. I am 67 and I think the boy I knew was pretty close to the same age.
C. T.

Can you remember the location of the place that made those shore patrol salads??????????

01-10-2011, 08:43 PM
Can you remember the location of the place that made those shore patrol salads??????????

My aunt worked there for a while but I'm having trouble with the exact street. It was one block west of the bus station on the North West corner. They had very good and reasonable steaks and the wilted lettuce salad, referred to as "shore patrol salad". I think due to the fact the the Navy shore patrol stayed in the area looking for drunk sailors. It was very popular with performers that appeared at the Municipal auditorium (Civic center music hall) and there were lots of pictures and autographs on the walls.
C. T.

01-10-2011, 09:40 PM
My aunt worked there for a while but I'm having trouble with the exact street. It was one block west of the bus station on the North West corner. They had very good and reasonable steaks and the wilted lettuce salad, referred to as "shore patrol salad". I think due to the fact the the Navy shore patrol stayed in the area looking for drunk sailors. It was very popular with performers that appeared at the Municipal auditorium (Civic center music hall) and there were lots of pictures and autographs on the walls.
C. T.

I forgot to mention, they sold ham sandwiches at the state fair long after they closed their doors.
C. T.

01-10-2011, 10:26 PM
I forgot to mention, they sold ham sandwiches at the state fair
long after they closed their doors.
C. T.
Bill Hardy's Steakhouse? Was it on W. Sheridan or Grand at
the time?

01-11-2011, 08:58 AM
Bill Hardy's Steakhouse? Was it on W. Sheridan or Grand at
the time?

It was on Sheridan. I believe it was on the North West corner of I believe Dewey and Sheridan, but it could have been Lee and Sheridan. It was across the street from a couple of bars that were frequented by sailors and airmen from Tinker.
C. T.

01-11-2011, 09:00 AM
Bill Hardy's Steakhouse? Was it on W. Sheridan or Grand at
the time?

By the way, you seem to know, when was it on Grand? And where on Grand? You must be pretty close to my age or older! I was going there in the forties and that's the only location I remember.
C. T.

osu cowboy
01-11-2011, 11:29 AM
That be it! Probably the house on the West side of the street on the corner on Steele St? I lived around the corner on 34th and Douglas!

Eastside of street. My buddy Roy had older sisters, Pat and Nancy.

01-11-2011, 01:04 PM
You have mentioned several items that I know very well. I really don't remember Salami's but my sister went to Heronville because Rancho Village wasn't built yet. I rode horses, goats, swept Mrs. Reding's porch, washed dishes, gathered eggs and other chores for 25 cents each chore when I was pretty young. I played around that pond a lot, caught crawdad's for fun. Once I walked out on the pond when it was frozen. The ice cracked and I fell through. Of course it wasn't deep, but I went home frozen. By the way, wasn't the soft ice cream place "Frozen Delight" very close to Salami's?
C. T.

I have to respond to my own post, after reading a lot of the posts on businesses in OKC, I noticed a question about a "Brown Derby" on S. W. 29th, about a block West of Western. I believe that is the correct name I was looking for, not "Frozen Delight". Now, does anybody remember a Frozen Delight?
C. T.

01-11-2011, 04:31 PM
CT, I'd SWEAR I knew you at Grant, with older sisters named Brenda (mine spelled with a Y instead of e), but if that is correct, why did you go to Grant while living so close to CHHS?

01-11-2011, 05:16 PM
CT, I'd SWEAR I knew you at Grant, with older sisters named Brenda (mine spelled with a Y instead of e), but if that is correct, why did you go to Grant while living so close to CHHS?

First, we probably knew each other, but my sister was Judy Chandler. Second, 1/2 mile to CHHS, 1 1/2 mile to Grant but I was in the Grant district. Third, I went by Clint for a short while. And last, I don't understand your comment "(mine spelled with a Y instead of e)".
C. T.

01-11-2011, 05:23 PM
I was wondering, what is the rule about posting email addresses? Is there a private way?
C. T.

01-11-2011, 06:13 PM
CT, I'm an old braindead hippy and I get a LOT of things confused. You ARE who I thought you were. I'm picking my brain trying to come up with with how I thought Judy's name was Brenda. She and my sister, BrYnda, were good friends. So, in fact, my brain simply simply made a some kind of leap from CT to Clint. It didn't seem QUITE right to me, but I thought, well I bet he used the initials SOMEtimes and somehow it stuck in my brain. Regardless of my excuses, welcome to the board. If you want a trip, set aside an afternoon and read this entire thread. It is the HISTORY of the southside.

To send a private message. Click on the name at the left of one of their posts. When their profile page comes up somewhere at the top is something like, Send this person a private message. Click that and you are on your way.


01-11-2011, 06:50 PM
CT, I'm an old braindead hippy and I get a LOT of things confused. You ARE who I thought you were. I'm picking my brain trying to come up with with how I thought Judy's name was Brenda. She and my sister, BrYnda, were good friends. So, in fact, my brain simply simply made a some kind of leap from CT to Clint. It didn't seem QUITE right to me, but I thought, well I bet he used the initials SOMEtimes and somehow it stuck in my brain. Regardless of my excuses, welcome to the board. If you want a trip, set aside an afternoon and read this entire thread. It is the HISTORY of the southside.

To send a private message. Click on the name at the left of one of their posts. When their profile page comes up somewhere at the top is something like, Send this person a private message. Click that and you are on your way.


Well, now you know that I know who you are. I'm assuming of course that you have received my email. For others on the group that might be in the same age group, I went by Clint for a couple of years. I have read a lot of this thread but not all of it and it's really a "trip". Thanks for the note BB.
C. T.

01-11-2011, 08:10 PM
By the way, you seem to know, when was it on Grand? And
where on Grand? You must be pretty close to my age or older!
I was going there in the forties and that's the only location I
C. T.
Grand Avenue later became Sheridan. Not sure when that
happened. You knew that, right? You're older than me.

01-11-2011, 08:18 PM
Well, now you know that I know who you are. I'm assuming of course that you have received my email. For others on the group that might be in the same age group, I went by Clint for a couple of years. I have read a lot of this thread but not all of it and it's really a "trip". Thanks for the note BB.
C. T.

CT!! My MOM use to chane your diapers, I knew Steve & Judy! Marge was the greatest Mom a guy could ask for. Your a Jr. and your Mom divorced fairly early. Yall' drove a 50 Ford 2/door!!! Do I know you or not? Even remember the Bonds who lived across the street from you.. I'm the the real deal - see ya' soon!! Who am I????

01-11-2011, 08:47 PM
Grand Avenue later became Sheridan. Not sure when that
happened. You knew that, right? You're older than me.

I'm just a child, so how would I know that? Actually, I really had to think about it and I do remember that it was Grand. When it was mentioned in relation to Hardy's I was thinking Grand Boulevard. Now it makes sense. By the way, I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I am 67.
C. T.

01-11-2011, 08:50 PM
CT!! My MOM use to chane your diapers, I knew Steve & Judy! Marge was the greatest Mom a guy could ask for. Your a Jr. and your Mom divorced fairly early. Yall' drove a 50 Ford 2/door!!! Do I know you or not? Even remember the Bonds who lived across the street from you.. I'm the the real deal - see ya' soon!! Who am I????

So, what color was the Ford? OK, yukky green. Actually, we lived next door to the Bonds. Now, don't keep me in the dark, either give me more hints or tell me who you are. Yes, I am a Jr.
C. T.

01-11-2011, 09:04 PM
By the way, yes, you know me very well.
C. T.

01-11-2011, 10:01 PM
Double post. Why is it not deletable by me?

01-11-2011, 10:02 PM
Well, now you know that I know who you are. I'm assuming of course that you have received my email. For others on the group that might be in the same age group, I went by Clint for a couple of years. I have read a lot of this thread but not all of it and it's really a "trip". Thanks for the note BB.
C. T.

No, not yet anyway, CT. I don't know what the problem could be.

01-12-2011, 06:03 PM
No, not yet anyway, CT. I don't know what the problem could be.

I think it is a message posted on this group, not sent to your email address. Click on the "Notifications" then "Inbox up in the right hand corner. By the way, I just uploaded a picture and of course, no one will recognize me but it is actually my fat body in the picture.
C. T.

01-12-2011, 06:08 PM
Well, it appears my picture didn't appear. Either I did something wrong or it has to be approved by the moderator(s) of this group. I suspect it needs to be approved.
C. T.