View Full Version : A locally-produced program called "Basalball"
Joe Kimball 05-29-2008, 05:29 PM This came on in the late 80s, to my recollection. I think I remember it airing on KOCO-TV on late Saturday mornings, after the cartoon block, and being hosted by Jane Jayroe (one of the anchors at the time). It appeared to be shot in what I guess is termed a "B" studio with a decal, painting or otherwise marking of a baseball diamond on the floor, and a group of children lined up at home plate kickball-fashion.
I remember when a child was at bat, the idea was to read a word (flashed to the child presumably by TelePrompTer or cue card and to the viewing audience superimposed at the bottom of the screen), after which the child would advance a prescribed number of bases. Strikeouts, that is, a mispronunciation of the word, to my recollection were rare. Musical accompaniment in the traditional manner was provided by a keyboardist (using a quasi-Hammond voice) situated along the first or third base line.
I also remember that the show was sponsored by Hi-Land dairy, evidenced by the ice cream commercials videotaped against a black matte cyclorama. I distinctly recall the spoon audibly clicking against the spokeschild's teeth while demonstrating during the advertisement.
Anyway---can anyone fill in the blanks? What was the idea of this game? Why was it called "Basalball"?
magicchord 05-29-2008, 05:38 PM Actually, I'm pretty sure Basal Ball was on KWTV, and hosted by Kerry Robertson.
Otherwise you're right on the nose :)
Joe Kimball 05-29-2008, 05:46 PM Actually, I'm pretty sure Basal Ball was on KWTV, and hosted by Kerry Robertson.
Ah, whoops. I suppose there might be a passing resemblance between the two women, especially when you factor in a fuzzy memory, but I don't know where I pulled KOCO from. And it makes sense, as Garfield and Friends was broadcast on CBS, and I remember that being on afterward now (I'm away from a newspaper archive [if not time] at the moment to verify listings).
oneforone 05-29-2008, 05:58 PM The show was called "Hello Mrs. Phipps" Basalball was one of the games they played on the show.
Martin 05-29-2008, 07:04 PM reaching back into the memory banks here...
it was a reading game, i think... players would line up to 'bat' and when it was their turn would select if they wanted a 'single', 'double', 'triple' or a 'home run' word... the higher the base count, the more difficult the word. the word would show up on a screen and the player would attempt to read the word... if the player got it right, they'd run the appropriate number of bases.
while i agree that it was a segment on the 'mrs. phipps' show, i seem to remember that it was also given its own block of time... perhaps later on in the game's history.
I was on that show a number of times! We always said we won state in Basal Ball! :)
They even aired it once from center court at Penn Square mall.
BradR 05-30-2008, 07:03 AM i remember the show and how badly i wanted to be on it!
metro 05-30-2008, 07:28 AM Wow, I must be getting old as an aging twentysomething. I vaguely remember it when I was a kid now that you mention it. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was on it a few times. We also played it at my school for fun. Don't remember too many details on the station, rules, etc.
bigjkt405 05-30-2008, 10:34 AM Funny, I remember playing this game back in elementary. I was like Josh
Joe Kimball 05-30-2008, 02:22 PM Heh, I always wanted to appear myself. I can't remember if I was too old or they just didn't solicit my school. I also remember, incidentally, the charming way the host (Ms. Robertson I now know) affirmed the beginning of each game---I think the question was posed by her as something like, "Are you ready to play? (Yes!) "Let's do!". :)
I still wonder why the game was called "basal" ball?
metro 05-30-2008, 03:19 PM I'm sure it was a pun on baseball
Martin 05-30-2008, 04:09 PM something described as basal means that it is the 'base' or 'foundation' of something... therefore 'basal' ball likely plays on the idea that the ability to recognize and pronounce written words forms the basis of reading comprehension. -M
Joe Kimball 05-30-2008, 11:18 PM I gathered it was a pun :P
And it's a good one, though maybe an obscure one; I'd never really heard the word before, at least in everyday conversation. Thanks!
OKCMallen 06-02-2008, 11:47 AM I played basalball! There were "pop Ups" or something, too, so that if you missed that one on the first try, you were automatically out instead of getting a strike.
dances with cameras 06-02-2008, 02:07 PM I ran camera on that show back in the day. It was early 90s I think. Kerry Robertson was the host, there was a guy that played keyboard music--especially during the breaks. Man, those kids were loud.
We had a huge piece of carpet that had all the bases and a mound painted on it. It took awhile to put that bad boy down and duct tape it in place. We also had to haul out real bleachers for the screaming kids. Of course tear down was quite fun also.
I remember being on that show as a kid as well. The recording was held at Penn Square Mall. I remember standing at the plate not being able to see a thing because of the lights, and then running to first base about 10 feet away.
Thanks for the memories!
OKCMallen 06-02-2008, 04:34 PM Yeah, some were in a studio, and some were at PenN Square. Haha, I hadn't thought about that in YEARS.
Joe Kimball 06-02-2008, 07:59 PM It's fun to read these memories! Especially about the set-up, tear-down and the screaming kids. I vaguely remember the Penn Square editions as well. :)
They really ought to bring this back, I'm thinking (says the guy who associates green visors and books with gambling). It would help fill the now-mandatory E/I requirement in an productive way, to boot, rather than all that fluff on early Sunday mornings.
dances with cameras 06-02-2008, 10:05 PM I have to admit, it was pretty fun to shoot "Basal ball." It was basically a couple hours of goofiness. And it got SO LOUD AND ROWDY that at times the kid at bat would miss the word COMPLETELY, but Kerry would shout "RIGHT!" and push them on through. And no one noticed!
Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-02-2008, 11:56 PM I was about to call each and every one of you crazy, because not one bit of this thread was making ANY sense to me. I've never even heard mention of it until this thread.
Then I read dances with cameras post...Yeah...Early 90's...I was playing in a MUCH bigger sandbox then. :D
Now I want to see what the heck you people are talking about.
muggy33 06-11-2008, 09:58 AM I was on this show!! I was maybe in second or third grade. Everyone here seems to have the right idea of the show about it being a competitive reading competition with a baseball theme. The show did have its own segment and aired independently. I believe my first word was "lend" and possibly scored me a single. GOOO John Glenn Astro Jets!