05-29-2008, 09:30 AM
we should just steal the space needle from Seattle ;)
View Full Version : ENERGY TOWER proposed to rival the Eiffel Tower?? ultimatesooner 05-29-2008, 09:30 AM we should just steal the space needle from Seattle ;) OKCMallen 05-29-2008, 09:34 AM I would have preferred that giant Native American Statue that we passed on. Agreed. David Pollard 05-29-2008, 03:17 PM Tacky, just tacky. Patchy Proot 05-29-2008, 03:40 PM What an awesome idea! No sarcasm here, folks. A 900-1100 foot tall oil tower would be da bomb! It would be the tallest self supporting structure in middle america. Have it built over the Oklahoma River close to Bricktown. Boats would come up or down the river and dock right under it. Then one could take the elevator to the observation deck or the restaurant on top. Water could be pumped right out of the river to the top, and every hour on the hour the tower would gush with water that would shoot hundreds of more feet in the air! Some way and some how the water could be made to look like oil. There is no structure in the world that does this. Talk bout iconic! You would see the tower for miles as you approach the city from any direction. People would come from everywhere to see it! Of course, it would have to be designed to look really cool and not a megalithic eyesore. Some of you may know, the Eiffel Tower was suppose to be temporary, but after a year or so the folks began to really like it and eventually it became the icon of Paris. Remember my dear fellow citizens, this is OKLAHOMA, and it will always be no matter how many of you wish it wasn't. Anything that will bring the folks here to spend their money is fine for me and my business. Bring on the BIG GUSHER! Hey, that could be it's nickname: BIG GUSH. I'm calling and sending emails to the powers that be to give my enthusiastic support. How about Maps III or IV for BIG GUSH?! :bright_id Patrick 05-29-2008, 04:45 PM Patrick - I remember you sending out those emails. I think we had even gotten a favorable response from the CEO of Kerr-McGee until he realized the size we were talking about. Instead they went with that 50 foot bell tower. If done with style I think this could be pretty cool but it would have to be way better than the image shown on TV. That's back in the days when we were all of the Oklahoman's MAPS Forum together. I remember, it was me, you, Hot Rod, floater, Rob Anderson, and Keith. Hope I didn't leave anyone out. That was shortly after City Hall's talkback forum was shut down when Mark Gilmore stepped down as the city's webmaster. I remember, I was put down a lot at the time because I took Moshe Tal's side and was very anti-Randy Hogan. That was long before Lower Bricktown ever came about. People thought I was crazy at the time for opposing the selection of Randy Hogan. It was actually the CEO of Phillips 66 at the time (that was before they merged) that expressed interest, but after he determined the size we were discussing, he bowed out. He used the excuse that they were giving a huge donation to the capitol dome. Luke Corbett was also interested, but didn't buy into the size of our plan. I actually had the form letters and drawings/renderings that I mailed out saved on my computer until just a few months ago, when I finally deleted all of it. You came up with the idea of a big fountain on the top spraying out water. And we thought it could have a restaurant, observation deck, and Oklahoma museum at the top on two different levels. I can't remember what we had planned for the ground level. I was thinking it was either a garden, skate park, or pond. Can't remember. Our thoughts at the time were at least 1000 feet in height. Those were the days when we came up with all sorts of neat ideas. You remember Rob Anderson's Heartland Castle? And we proposed expanding the canal throughout the downtown area? We were all dreamers at the time. CuatrodeMayo 05-29-2008, 04:54 PM Nearly all of which were terrible. sgt. pepper 05-29-2008, 04:59 PM I would have preferred that giant Native American Statue that we passed on. Really! i made some comment a while back about how the american will bring much, much attention and tourist dollars to Tulsa and how i was upset that OKC passed it by like it was'nt anything, and people here jump all over me because they said it was dead and not to worry about it. Maybe it is dead, but to this day they are still collectiong money for it. i still think that is the coolest thing, and here we are now talking about a giant oil derreck. i just don't understand. Midtowner 05-29-2008, 05:07 PM Really! i made some comment a while back about how the american will bring much, much attention and tourist dollars to Tulsa and how i was upset that OKC passed it by like it was'nt anything, and people here jump all over me because they said it was dead and not to worry about it. Maybe it is dead, but to this day they are still collectiong money for it. i still think that is the coolest thing, and here we are now talking about a giant oil derreck. i just don't understand. Some people only think an idea is good if it's their idea. Don't expect consistency :) FritterGirl 05-29-2008, 05:25 PM I think much of the problem is that many people, especially on these Boards, want to see that Oklahoma, and especially Oklahoma City, have progressed beyond the hokum-Okie, bang 'em up, Cowboys and Indians oil barron vision that so many outsiders have of our state. The Grapes of Wrath days have long passed us, but people outside aren't willing to let that go. Heck, some on the inside aren't ready to let that go, either. It's time to step outside the proverbial box and think beyond "oooh, an Oil Derrick," or "oooh, an Indian," or "oooh, a buffalo." It's not that they're not "iconic" to our heritage. They are. But we have enough of them already. It's time to look towards our future (whatever that may be) and develop "icons" that speak more to how we've evolved beyond our "Cowboy and Indian" ways. It's as if our sense of "originality" stops at Western-inspired themes. bornhere 05-29-2008, 05:54 PM Lately, our originality seems to stop at Dallas circa 1987. Someone posted a link recently to James Howard Kunstler's speech at the TED conference, and as best as I can tell, hardly anyone bothered to look at it. Certainly no one commented on it. But Kunstler was talking about livable communities, not building th' biggest, tallest, shiniest, rootin' tootin' doodah on the prairie that would show all them east coast and west coast liberal latte-sippers what a Big League City® we are. This 'energy tower' is just the kind of kitsch we don't need. It would be like building the world's largest Stuckey's or something. soonerguru 05-29-2008, 07:12 PM I am 1000 percent against this idea. This seems like a Texas move. Eyesore is an understatement. It would be absolutely hideous. It never ceases to amaze me some of the dumb ideas around here. okcitian 05-29-2008, 07:27 PM It should be an oil derek with style, make it more futuristic, experimental, more like avant-garde. On the youtube video, It just looks way too plain to me, but it is better than nothing on the city skyline. Regarding Dallas or Houston not having something like this is that, they are more established cities that doesn't need something like this too boost thier tourism dollars. Just watching the video, it is clearly seen that the economic impact on the cities tourism is stressed. mmonroe 05-29-2008, 07:51 PM I got to thinking today.. could we try to be more like Seattle any more? Kerry 05-30-2008, 06:32 AM I got to thinking today.. could we try to be more like Seattle any more? Seattle is not the only city with an observation tower, nor were they the first. PennyQuilts 05-30-2008, 06:35 AM I dunno. I also think the thing looks like an eyesore. Maybe I am not just seeing it. Sorry. bombermwc 05-30-2008, 08:13 AM Seattle is not the only city with an observation tower, nor were they the first. True, think about the CN Tower, the one in San Antonio (whatever it's called). There are others too...we just don't pay attention to them anymore because they are so "common". CuatrodeMayo 05-30-2008, 08:23 AM Besides...you can see all the city from the I-235 bridge over 23rd. metro 05-30-2008, 08:41 AM Really! i made some comment a while back about how the american will bring much, much attention and tourist dollars to Tulsa and how i was upset that OKC passed it by like it was'nt anything, and people here jump all over me because they said it was dead and not to worry about it. Maybe it is dead, but to this day they are still collectiong money for it. i still think that is the coolest thing, and here we are now talking about a giant oil derreck. i just don't understand. I don't think he said he regrets passing on the American. I'm glad we did, we'd be foolish to put our momentum and efforts into a lost cause, that's why Mick Cornett and the City bowed out. Tulsa is still about a decade behind us in development and urban revitalization, they were desperate for the project and took it. It's still going nowhere. Instead of OKC talking about what "could possibly" happen in years down the road, we are working on what WILL happen. I agree the American is much nicer design than this oil derreck, but that doesn't mean either one will happen without funding in place. My guess if the State spent pocket change on our Centennial Celebration (not sure but I think it was $2 million). I'm not sure how this lawmaker is proposing the state give $100 million to this oil derreck. I'm a dreamer but you have to be a realist too. sgt. pepper 05-30-2008, 08:43 AM Regarding Dallas or Houston not having something like this is that, they are more established cities that doesn't need something like this too boost thier tourism dollars. Dallas has a tall structure that has a giant ball on the top doesn't it? An observation and retaurant and all. yukong 05-30-2008, 08:50 AM Dallas has a tall structure that has a giant ball on the top doesn't it? An observation and retaurant and all. Reunion Tower. 560 feet tall. http://www.dallassky.com/p5-14.2.jpg TheImmortal 05-30-2008, 02:56 PM Calgary, Toronto, Dallas, San Antonio, Seattle, Las Vegas, and maybe a few other cities in the U.S. and Canada have towers as a part of their skylines. The design of this thing looks horrible, and if I am thinking right, is there not a giant oil derrick at Six Flags in Dallas? In my opinion we should come up with something unique. Why not have an iconic pedestrian bridge built across the river, something that everyone who passes over the river will see and remember? This is just off the top of my head, but we need something unique. When I think of Paris I think Eiffel tower, when I think of Dallas or Seattle, or San Antonio, I never really consider their towers, it has already been done. Same thing with the Statue of Liberty, if we had a giant Native American, I would not be that impressed, same of we had a large arch. The cities that many people think of as top tier cities, created a unique landmark that made the city worth going to just to see it. Did I go to Paris almost solely to go up in the Eiffel Tower, yes; would I go to Seattle for the same reason, no. Pete 05-30-2008, 03:22 PM is there not a giant oil derrick at Six Flags in Dallas Yes, there is. It's only 300 feet tall but the concept is almost exactly the same. FritterGirl 05-30-2008, 03:55 PM http://image24.webshots.com/24/3/50/30/318135030XwxLPa_fs.jpg It's the Oilfel Tower! :smile: Pete 05-30-2008, 04:43 PM Or the Awful Tower, depending on your perspective. :) Kerry 05-30-2008, 04:57 PM For the anti-oil rig crowd try and come up with something else that would be iconic that hasn't already been done some where. Of course, doing nothing unique is also an option. Maybe "we" could buy several Navy ships that are in mothball outside San Francisco and transport them to the Oklahoma River. We could have the worlds first in-land Navy. jbrown84 05-30-2008, 05:08 PM Well for starters, forget anything tall. It doesn't have to be tall to be iconic. kevinpate 05-30-2008, 07:26 PM > We could have the worlds first in-land Navy The submarine Batfish remains in the Arkansas River outside Muskogee, a subtle reminder that modern day Oklahoma has never been successfully invaded by sea. :) edcrunk 06-01-2008, 04:09 PM i really like the oil derrick at six flags... it can be cool looking, just please not anything like the cgi they showed. chuckdiesel 06-01-2008, 07:44 PM I would rather see a giant pumpjack. bornhere 06-01-2008, 08:18 PM I'd rather see a giant dill pickle. Set up as a Tesla coil, with lightning bolts coming out of it. edcrunk 06-01-2008, 11:37 PM well hell... if that's the case, i'd love to see one of those statues people have of the little boy peeing. but like a 300 ft one... and he's peeing into the river. that or a huge garden gnome. or perhaps a huge garden gnome peeing into the river. andy157 06-02-2008, 12:13 AM we should just steal the space needle from Seattle ;)Maybe we could offer them a trade. The Sonics for their Space Needle. It's not nice to steal. Kerry 06-02-2008, 06:22 AM No thanks - I would rather have the Sonics. SouthsideSooner 06-02-2008, 09:29 AM I vote for the Sonics and the huge garden gnome peeing into the river. andy157 06-02-2008, 03:11 PM I vote for the Sonics and the huge garden gnome peeing into the river.That would be cool. But we will be more likely, when it's all said and done only end up with a huge Sonic peeing into the river. edcrunk 06-02-2008, 09:43 PM That would be cool. But we will be more likely, when it's all said and done only end up with a huge Sonic peeing into the river. sonic... the hedgehog? SWOKC 4 me 06-02-2008, 10:51 PM How about building an exact life size Seattle "Space Needle" tower and then a HUGE mascot of our new NBA team (whatever it may be) peeing on the tower. The mascot would probably have to be the largest "statue" in the world for the Space Needle to be lower than waist high! This would be enormous!!! Oh....did I say that out loud..... :biggrin: bornhere 06-02-2008, 11:26 PM I hear Disney is going to build it. Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-03-2008, 12:17 AM How about building an exact life size Seattle "Space Needle" tower and then a HUGE mascot of our new NBA team (whatever it may be) peeing on the tower. The mascot would probably have to be the largest "statue" in the world for the Space Needle to be lower than waist high! This would be enormous!!! Oh....did I say that out loud..... :biggrin: 7/10 Your idea might gain more traction if it were a half-sized replica of Seattle's Space Needle and the twice-the-height mascot was peeing on it. jbrown84 06-03-2008, 01:59 AM well hell... if that's the case, i'd love to see one of those statues people have of the little boy peeing. but like a 300 ft one... and he's peeing into the river. They are already building one at the Winstar Casino. It's going to pee on Texas. mmonroe 06-03-2008, 03:47 AM I love the Oil Derrick at 6Flags! The elevator scares the crap out of me on the way up, but the view is beautiful. I also like the needle at the state fair. Bet no one remembered we had that one. Lets just go cheap and install the worlds tallest flag mast and flag... Kansas sucks and Texas blows, so we'll always have enough wind. n8ison 06-03-2008, 08:01 AM What's it say about this concept when we're comparing something intended to be an international symbol of OKC to a 40 year old eyesore at Six Flags? Who cares if the observation deck gives you a great view of the city, when the structure the deck sits on ruins every other vantage point. I'd rather have a giant wind farm (grove) downtown than an overgrown amusement park ride. The giant wind turbines are far more pleasing to the eye, aesthetically speaking. As far as I know, we would be the first downtown area to be associated with the turbines and it's definitely representative of our states historical contributions as producers of energy and being at the cutting edge of our field. I'm n8ison and this is my first post.:bright_id bornhere 06-03-2008, 09:09 AM What's it say about this concept when we're comparing something intended to be an international symbol of OKC to a 40 year old eyesore at Six Flags? It says we desperately, achingly want to be as relentlessly tacky as Dallas. Then everyone will know we're a Big League City®. Rover 06-03-2008, 12:07 PM Most people don't realize the citizens of Paris HATED the Eifel tower when proposed and built. They thought it ugly and crude. Now, it is a great source of pride and considered one of the world's great sights. I have been to Paris some 30-40 times and am always touched by the sight of it, especially at night. It is iconic (a much overused and misunderstood word) and is the most identified landmark of Paris and France, which has MANY iconic structures. The fact that many think this derrick might be ugly is not surprising. But IF it come to pass and is executed correctly .... WOW. BabyBoomerSooner 06-03-2008, 12:42 PM With the bad rep of the oil industry these days, I'm not sure we'd be able to generate that much tourist interest in an "energy" tower. CuatrodeMayo 06-03-2008, 01:32 PM Most people don't realize the citizens of Paris HATED the Eifel tower when proposed and built. They thought it ugly and crude. Now, it is a great source of pride and considered one of the world's great sights. I have been to Paris some 30-40 times and am always touched by the sight of it, especially at night. It is iconic (a much overused and misunderstood word) and is the most identified landmark of Paris and France, which has MANY iconic structures. The fact that many think this derrick might be ugly is not surprising. But IF it come to pass and is executed correctly .... WOW. But the Eifel tower was not a replica of anything that related to french culture at the time. It was unlike anyone had seen before and therefore, was the subject of much controversy. An oil derrick...not so much. Midtowner 06-03-2008, 01:58 PM But the Eifel tower was not a replica of anything that related to french culture at the time. It was unlike anyone had seen before and therefore, was the subject of much controversy. An oil derrick...not so much. Not the mention the comparison of Paris to Oklahoma City is just plain silly. OU Adonis 06-03-2008, 02:16 PM Not the mention the comparison of Paris to Oklahoma City is just plain silly. Exactly. Oklahoma has some backbone. :D mmonroe 06-03-2008, 04:34 PM Eh... i just say build the damn thing and let everyone else make up there mind of how they feel about it. Lets just build a giant statue of Clay or Audrey. solitude 06-03-2008, 04:45 PM With the bad rep of the oil industry these days, I'm not sure we'd be able to generate that much tourist interest in an "energy" tower. Exactly. That was my point way early in this thread. I think you're right. Patchy Proot 06-03-2008, 05:19 PM Are you kidding me? We need 'Big Gush"! Folks will come from far and near to see it and to ride to the top for observation and dining. I would love to have an observation tower to see what our fine city looks like from up high. The only glimpse you can have now is if you are coming in on a flight, and that doesn't last very long. I don't understand why so many are against this tower. Tacky? You could label every high rise in OKC tacky if you wanted to. C'mon guys. We need all the tourist dollars we can get, and this tower will haul it in. Think about how the national exposure will draw the curious traveler here. They won't be able to resist it, especially if it actually gushes! Way cool and very unique. Imagine Big Gush lit up at night, awesome! What a landmark this could be. When do we vote? mmonroe 06-03-2008, 05:36 PM Oklahoma City Buildings, Real Estate, Architecture, Skyscrapers and Construction Database / Emporis.com (http://www.emporis.com/en/wm/ci/?id=oklahomacity-ok-usa) HAHA, remember the State Fair Space Needle I referenced? Check out the header image on the page... remember this soonerfeaver? bornhere 06-03-2008, 06:54 PM Big Gush sounds like the title of a porn movie. andy157 06-03-2008, 10:24 PM Most people don't realize the citizens of Paris HATED the Eifel tower when proposed and built. They thought it ugly and crude. Now, it is a great source of pride and considered one of the world's great sights. I have been to Paris some 30-40 times and am always touched by the sight of it, especially at night. It is iconic (a much overused and misunderstood word) and is the most identified landmark of Paris and France, which has MANY iconic structures. The fact that many think this derrick might be ugly is not surprising. But IF it come to pass and is executed correctly .... WOW.I was amused by your comment regarding the word "Iconic". I was having those exact same thoughts myself earlier today. It has definently became the most widely used, and trendy word of the day. Couldn't we simply say something like, "I sure hope that new Devon Energy Tower is going to be really, really tall, and purddy as all get out"? Or would that sound to hickish? the_Mont 06-03-2008, 10:28 PM I think it sounds kinda cool. Maybe a scaled down version would make everyone happy? CuatrodeMayo 06-04-2008, 08:13 AM It's at the capitol. andy157 06-04-2008, 02:43 PM It's at the capitol.That was a good one CM. No doubt you would get a wonderful view of the City. The only problem is, once you've climb to the top, there's no where to stand. jbrown84 06-05-2008, 01:01 AM Eh... i just say build the damn thing and let everyone else make up there mind of how they feel about it. Lets just build a giant statue of Clay or Audrey. What do Clay Aiken and Audrey Hepburn have to do with OKC?? mmonroe 06-05-2008, 02:07 AM Bennet, Mclendon andy157 06-05-2008, 03:04 AM Whooooosh !!!!!!! |