View Full Version : News 9 teaser featuring Consumer Watch gone wrong...

Joe Kimball
05-17-2008, 10:54 PM
I caught the teaser today for Monday's Consumer Watch, which was a rather dramatic presentation as the target for one of Amanda Taylor's exposes became defensive, apparently shutting her sans crew in the garage, which was then followed by perilous yelling from Ms. Taylor, i.e., "Give that back!", in turn followed by the interviewee's admonitions outlining his terms of an interview---which should have happened before any alleged force, IMO, if the editing is to be believed.

Does anyone know what happened?

05-18-2008, 01:17 AM
I haven't yet seen this, but i'll be sure to watch.

05-18-2008, 09:11 AM
I'm glad someone posted about this. I was stunned the first time I saw the teaser. I think this is going to be a ratings win for KWTV on Monday night, that's for sure. At least we know Amanda is okay, as I believe she was on Friday at 5pm. I bet they cook this guy's goose and serve it up on a platter, as well they should.

05-18-2008, 10:10 AM
omg... that's dangerous territory! I'm not sure they should do this sort of thing without a law enforcement escort.

Wow. Someone could have gotten hurt and they were most likely trespassing. Now, we'll have to watch to see what happened. Just like they wanted.

05-18-2008, 10:59 AM
Don't cut on Superman's cape
Don't spit into the wind
Don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger or barricade Amanda in,
ah dobe do dada do ba be

05-18-2008, 11:37 AM

I'll bet she starts traveling with a bodyguard

05-19-2008, 01:07 PM
I wonder if it's legit? Seems a little sleazy and out of character for Channel 9, but with the ratings on the line you never know how low some will stoop to get an advantage. Maybe even creative editing????

05-19-2008, 02:02 PM
Well do any of us actually remember when media was actually journalistic and not a ratings game? It's total crap no matter what you read/watch. They all just play this junk about making every story bigger than it is.

Like does the world need to know on CNN that we had a prison fight in Granite today? OK, so 3 people were that doesnt happen in other jails across the country....or times a billion in other countries. Seriously...

05-19-2008, 02:32 PM
That's the downfall of the TV for profit model.

Double Edge
05-19-2008, 09:32 PM
Entering peoples' private homes without an invitation and instigating a confrontation? That's dog bites man, not man bites dog. Sleazy to boot. <click>

05-19-2008, 10:32 PM
I love that the photographer threatened to call the police...

I'm pretty sure Amanda trespassed onto private property.

Would've been great to see her get a ticket. Alas, that would never have made air.

She put herself in that position. She shouldn't be such a bulldog reporter.

05-20-2008, 07:52 AM
I can't believe that the camera man let the door close between himself and Amanda. He put her in jeopardy of being seriously hurt. If something were to happen, all he could have done is sit outside and wait for the police to arrive. It could have been 15-20 minutes before that happened, knowing how much News9 loves to bring up OKCPD's shortcomings.

05-20-2008, 08:07 AM
I can't believe that the camera man let the door close between himself and Amanda. He put her in jeopardy of being seriously hurt. If something were to happen, all he could have done is sit outside and wait for the police to arrive. It could have been 15-20 minutes before that happened, knowing how much News9 loves to bring up OKCPD's shortcomings.

Yes, but then how could they have created the situation that produced the oh-so-dramatic promo.... oh, and it just happens to be in May sweeps..... what a HUGE surprise....

05-20-2008, 11:18 AM
Situation with the old lady...sad. The contractor's house definitely looks to be worth something, so the courts should have fun with that. As far as Amanda's stunt...i think they should have called police...because the news crew would probably have been the one arrested.

05-20-2008, 11:26 AM
Situation with the old lady...sad. The contractor's house definitely looks to be worth something, so the courts should have fun with that. As far as Amanda's stunt...i think they should have called police...because the news crew would probably have been the one arrested.

My guess is that the siding company owner has an LLC or some other corporate entity to protect him. To win a lawsuit against him personally is going to take some doin'.

(not that it can't be done)

05-20-2008, 03:59 PM would just take some work through the company papers to see if he pierced through the whole corporate veil.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
05-21-2008, 01:55 AM
Almost every time I see one of these type deals where the reporter goes after somebody like that I just think to myself..."Do you think you could keep from kicking that reporter in the teeth if they treated you like that?"

And my response to myself is usually "NO".

Of course, I don't make a habit of screwing people/scamming people/etc, so I doubt there's a danger.

But I even get angry when they try and interview victims of murders, tornados, and the like. Leave people be, we know that they're hurting you knobs.

05-21-2008, 03:35 PM
The craziest one I ever saw was the one where the reporter ran out into the middle of an intersection at a stoplight, yanked somebody's car door open, and said, "Do you realize I could be a carjacker trying to steal your car?!"

05-21-2008, 03:43 PM
The craziest one I ever saw was the one where the reporter ran out into the middle of an intersection at a stoplight, yanked somebody's car door open, and said, "Do you realize I could be a carjacker trying to steal your car?!"

HAHA, i'd love to see someone get punched in the face for that one.

05-27-2008, 08:30 AM
I caught the teaser today for Monday's Consumer Watch, which was a rather dramatic presentation as the target for one of Amanda Taylor's exposes became defensive, apparently shutting her sans crew in the garage, which was then followed by perilous yelling from Ms. Taylor, i.e., "Give that back!", in turn followed by the interviewee's admonitions outlining his terms of an interview---which should have happened before any alleged force, IMO, if the editing is to be believed.

Does anyone know what happened?

Real surprised to see that it was Dave Terrell. I thought he had a booming business.