View Full Version : Arthritis in Seattle?

05-13-2008, 05:53 PM
I have been reading forum posts in the Seattle papers lately just to get my morning jollies. More and more, they seem to be obsessed with "bending over." More posters seem to using the phrase, and are doing it with greater frequency. Is this because they are afflicted with arthritis?


05-14-2008, 09:54 AM
Yeah...that's it...arthritis. :D

05-14-2008, 10:48 AM
I have been reading forum posts in the Seattle papers lately just to get my morning jollies. More and more, they seem to be obsessed with "bending over." More posters seem to using the phrase, and are doing it with greater frequency. Is this because they are afflicted with arthritis?


I tried that for a while, but you will quickly discover that very few people on the Seattle forums are offering more than an uniformed opinion and 15 year olds, or those with the emotional maturity of 15 year olds, abound. It's not worth the bother.

Richard at Remax
05-14-2008, 01:46 PM
I used to post frequently on the Seattle Times Forum. I was never a, what they like to call, "troll" but always gave reasonable opinions and had good discussions. Now it doesn't matter what you say, we Oklahoma people are dumb and nothing we say is relevant.

So I don't post there anymore. Which is sad because it used to be a good place for a discussion. Now its just bach okc and lets find everything we have on OK and tell everyone.

06-14-2008, 01:02 PM
I agree, I use to post there often; however, you can show the correct information and they will say your post is irrevelant.

Recently, a poster from Seattle made an attack on FEED THE CHILDREN'S group and when I contacted the webmaster about its contents not having to do with basketball, I was banned from the fourm. Oh great!

They are in denial.

Lets hope we win this trail or a fair settlement is made soon.

06-15-2008, 04:59 PM
Well, Feed the Children is pretty bad:

Charity Navigator Rating - Feed the Children (

06-15-2008, 05:19 PM
I have been reading forum posts in the Seattle papers lately just to get my morning jollies. More and more, they seem to be obsessed with "bending over." More posters seem to using the phrase, and are doing it with greater frequency. Is this because they are afflicted with arthritis?


I used to post on that forum, too, as Norman Sonics Fan. Nearly half the threads, not just posts there, while I was on there would be like "NSF is a troll" and "NSF wants Seattle to bend over for him" etc. I never saw guys more fascinated with this whole bending over thing. But then again that's what they do up there, and why they're too busy to actually go to a basketball game..