View Full Version : Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!
Major 05-12-2008, 06:33 PM I found this most interesting:
Last week I wrote about the 2nd annual fund-raiser for the Council of American Islamic Relations of Oklahoma and the whitewashed job the Oklahoman did in covering this event.
The keynote speaker was Dr. Don Betz. And as predicted it was covered by Dubai-based Islamonline
---After doing some followup, I found that he is the new President at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma! From the NSU we learn more about Don Betz:
...In 1982, he began his association with the United Nations as a consultant, and subsequently liaison officer, at the International Conference on the Question of Palestine. Two years later, he served as political affairs and liaison officer, at the UN conference on the Division for Palestinian Rights.
---The Oklahoman (Oklahoma City newspaper) didn't mention Betz was NSU's new president. They reported he was the cancellor at the University of Wisconsin. Did they simply not do their homework? Oops, I forgot - they did a fluff piece for CAIR. CAIR didn't mention it either on their website. Why?
kevinpate 05-12-2008, 06:41 PM Met him in what now seems another life, long ago. Interesting man.
Midtowner 05-12-2008, 07:15 PM I interviewed him a couple of times when I was with UCO's TV station. He's a good guy. Very deserving of the post at NSU.
FritterGirl 05-12-2008, 08:22 PM I found this most interesting:
Last week I wrote about the 2nd annual fund-raiser for the Council of American Islamic Relations of Oklahoma and the whitewashed job the Oklahoman did in covering this event.
The keynote speaker was Dr. Don Betz. And as predicted it was covered by Dubai-based Islamonline
---After doing some followup, I found that he is the new President at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma! From the NSU we learn more about Don Betz:
...In 1982, he began his association with the United Nations as a consultant, and subsequently liaison officer, at the International Conference on the Question of Palestine. Two years later, he served as political affairs and liaison officer, at the UN conference on the Division for Palestinian Rights.
---The Oklahoman (Oklahoma City newspaper) didn't mention Betz was NSU's new president. They reported he was the cancellor at the University of Wisconsin. Did they simply not do their homework? Oops, I forgot - they did a fluff piece for CAIR. CAIR didn't mention it either on their website. Why?
I don't understand. Did you write another post on this gentleman? I cannot find it if you did. Outside of the Oklahoman omitting information in a story about him, what point are you trying to make?
solitude 05-12-2008, 08:37 PM I don't understand. Did you write another post on this gentleman? I cannot find it if you did. Outside of the Oklahoman omitting information in a story about him, what point are you trying to make?
I think it's that the guy DARES to associate himself with CAIR and may not be --- (OMG!) --- a Christian.
Major 05-12-2008, 08:43 PM Sorry, I left off the link to the whole story. Hope this will help:
zTruth : Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU! (
solitude 05-12-2008, 08:47 PM Looks like I was pretty much right. Personally, I think organized religion based on "faith" is a little strange; so Islam no more so than Christianity. Major, by looking at his blog, is a tad far to the right of right. He makes David Duke look like a liberal. This picture on his blog is despicable. A picture of Senator Obama with an Islamic flag and the World Trade Center being hit? Disgusting! Shame on you "Major!"
Major 05-13-2008, 09:36 AM Ah, diverting from the subject of the thread. That's a tactic CAIR and their supporters use all the time but everyone sees right throught it.
But let's do divert for a moment: Barack Obama, on the surface, is a very likeable person. He is a brillant speaker but under the surface there are problems.
The picture: Rev. Jeremiah Wright blamed America for 9/11---the hijackers who flew planes into buildings did it for Islam---Wright is anti-white like Louis Farrakhan---the flag is Farrakhan's Nations of Islam flag---Barack Obama's church gave Farrakhan an honor last December---Barack Obama has been sitting in Wright's church for 20 years having accepted a form Christianity that is not mainstream which is premised on blacks as victims of white supremacy as the foundation of their beliefs. That's Black Liberation Theology. I guess you haven't studied it. I could have also added the Hamas flag to the picture since Obama's pastor and personal friend (there is a video of Obama saying this) published an article by Hamas in the church bulletin on the Pastor's Page.
Many would consider this a seriously false Christian doctrine. Barack Obama's decision to believe in this form of Christianity is the far, far bigger issue here.
Distancing himself from Wright is just politcal pandering. That's a bait and switch tactic that's is as dishonest has I've ever seen. Wright is merely preaching what Obama's "church" stands for. This doesn't solve the problem of the type of Christianity Obama believes in.
Black Theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the Black community." If God is not for us and AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE... James Cone
James Cone is the person who created Black Liberation Theology adopted by Barak Obama's church of choice.
Cone also said: My theology brings together Martin Luther King Jr., the Civil Rights movement together with the Black Power Movement, this symbol of being black in a white racist society---Christianity did not address my blackness---Malcolm X was a Muslim who rejected Christianity because it didn't address his blackness.
---The blackness comes from Malcolm X------America is defined by White supremacy------There are nine Supreme Court justices - all of them white as far as I'm concerned although one may look black but he is white.
So, to me, you are saying the truth is to the right of David Duke, which doesn't make any sense.
Read more here: Are Barack Obama's Christian beliefs based on a false doctrine? (
Now to get this thread back on track:
The Council of American Islamic Relations of Oklahoma had as their keynote speaker the new President of Northeaster State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, Dr. Don Betz.. A fact the Oklahoman and CAIR left out of both their articles. CAIR's article was even published on the Dubai-based Islamonline website.
First, review a brief flow chart of the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR and maybe you will understand this a little better.
By all means, if I'm inaccurate kindly provide proof sources other than just saying so. Because if I have made an error, I will stand corrected. But to fire-back with names calling or other tactics is useless. Just prove me wrong, please.
FritterGirl 05-13-2008, 09:44 AM The picture: Rev. Jeremiah Wright blamed America for 9/11
So did Jerry Falwell.
Blazerfan11 05-13-2008, 11:44 AM At least the new president is not an emo that would be horrible!!!! LOL
Major 05-15-2008, 09:31 AM I'm still waiting for someone to prove my flowchart wrong. I suspect this can't be done because it should be accurate but I'm open to see what you have to prove it wrong.
This flowchart is just a small piece of the puzzle about what has been uncovered by the FBI and the pentration into America by the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters. This should concern you greatly.
The more you know - the better we all can work together to keep America's freedom safeguarded for you children and their children.
solitude 05-15-2008, 01:16 PM I'm still waiting for someone to prove my flowchart wrong. I suspect this can't be done because it should be accurate but I'm open to see what you have to prove it wrong.
This flowchart is just a small piece of the puzzle about what has been uncovered by the FBI and the pentration into America by the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters. This should concern you greatly.
The more you know - the better we all can work together to keep America's freedom safeguarded for you children and their children.
I won't even bother looking at your flowchart after your putting Senator Obama's picture in front of the burning World Trade Center towers - that's shameful. What does he have to do with that? You are a disgrace.
okiebadger 05-15-2008, 01:53 PM I won't even bother looking at your flowchart after your putting Senator Obama's picture in front of the burning World Trade Center towers - that's shameful. What does he have to do with that? You are a disgrace.
It is a disgrace. And what is it doing on Metro Talk?
solitude 05-15-2008, 02:25 PM It is a disgrace. And what is it doing on Metro Talk?
Yeah.....what it's doing in Metro Talk?
bornhere 05-15-2008, 09:32 PM I'm still waiting for someone to prove my flowchart wrong. I suspect this can't be done because it should be accurate but I'm open to see what you have to prove it wrong.
This is a favorite conspiracy buff tactic – 'Here's my accusation. Now prove to me I'm wrong.'
But that's not the way it works. You have to prove your allegation. And by 'prove,' I don't mean pull quotes from some other conspiracy buff web site.
FritterGirl 05-15-2008, 10:21 PM Major's favorite tactic is to come on these boards spewing some sort of xenophobic cr@p, then puffs his chest daring the rest of us to refute him.
He's contributed nothing positive to these forums, and is best left ignored, IMO.
Major 05-16-2008, 10:39 AM Solitude, shame on you for putting that dispicable picture here. This board is just for fluff talk. didn't you know?
Sorry, for wanting to have a honest discussion about the truth regarding an organization that has come to Oklahoma and partnered with all the Islamic Societies in our state. Sorry for raising a concern that a possible Islamist or Islamist sympathizer is now the President of Northeaster State University.
Sorry for being worried about the Islamist inflitration in our state.
Instead the best you all can do is blast the messenger.
okiebadger 05-16-2008, 11:25 AM Solitude, shame on you for putting that dispicable picture here. This board is just for fluff talk. didn't you know?
Sorry, for wanting to have a honest discussion about the truth regarding an organization that has come to Oklahoma and partnered with all the Islamic Societies in our state. Sorry for raising a concern that a possible Islamist or Islamist sympathizer is now the President of Northeaster State University.
Sorry for being worried about the Islamist inflitration in our state.
Instead the best you all can do is blast the messenger.
The burden of proof is on you, and a list of unsupported allegation doesn't even come close.
kevinpate 05-16-2008, 01:36 PM Major,
perhaps a more productive use of your time would be the approach the regents, the faculty senate, student senate and student body of NSU with your concerns.
These folks, the ones most impacted by his presence, may take up your concern and rally, rise up and float him off down the river.
Of course, they may also laugh themselves silly over your perspective of the man.
Either way, by golly, your voice will have been heard and the will of the people will prevail. God bless America, NSU, and these United States of America :)
edcrunk 05-16-2008, 01:46 PM it's common knowledge that CAIR is a terrorist organization.
fire121 05-16-2008, 06:00 PM Excellent post Major! It may not be under the appropriate topic but its true. Glenn Beck has done some extensive and interesting research on this subject.
okiebadger 05-16-2008, 06:15 PM it's common knowledge that CAIR is a terrorist organization.
Common knowledge is more often wrong than right. There was a time, not so long ago in the sweep of history, when it was common knowledge that witches cause disease in animals and even humans. Therefore witches were hunted and executed.
edcrunk 05-16-2008, 06:27 PM okay then...
many credible persons have provided evidence that CAIR donates a lot of money to terrorist organizations.
plus their own words expose them for who they are.
Major 05-18-2008, 11:14 AM There is a lot of documentation about Islamist infiltration into the U.S. including CAIR's own Nihad Awad who was captured on FBI survelliance attending a HAMAS meeting in the U.S. in 1993. This tape also proved he lied when asked about this meeting in a deposition in a lawsuit. At the time, Hamas was not official labeled a terrorist group - this didn't happen until 1995 but Hamas was on the radar of the federal government as harmful to the U.S. the time of the meeting and well before.
This is the same man who was at the CAIR-OK dinner speaking along side Dr. Donald Betz, the new president of NSU in Talequah, OK. This event was published on Dubai-based Islamonline ( See, the Islamic world is following the advance of Islam in Oklahoma.
Anyway, it would probably take a small book to present all the documentation about CAIR and stuff but here's one thing that might interest you:
The U.S. government conducted a major 3-day raid on a Muslim computer company in Texas a few days before 9/11. This company, Infocom, hosted about 500 mostly Arab websites, including Al Jazeera. All Infocom employees, I believe, are now in prison (
InfoCom began to be seriously investigated by the FBI in late 1998 when the name of an employee was discovered in the address book of bin Laden’s former personal secretary, according to cooperativeresearch. One employee, Ghassan Elashi founded the CAIR chapter in Texas. There is more info about this here (
CAIR called the raid an "ANTI-MUSLIM WITCH HUNT" as documented by the U.S. government on their Minerva project that took snapshots of websites that could pertain to the 9/11 (
Wow, what an amazing coincidence.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-19-2008, 01:00 AM The picture: Rev. Jeremiah Wright blamed America for 9/11---the hijackers who flew planes into buildings did it for Islam---
I just wanted to point out to you that when Wright said those things...He was quoting Edward Peck, a US Ambassador to Iraq and Deputy Director of Ronald Reagan's terrorism task force.
Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - The full story behind Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s 9/11 sermon « - Blogs from (
Major 05-19-2008, 08:19 AM Wright referenced Malcolm X by name in the preamble to his "chickens are coming home to roost" remark, as well as Edward Peck on Sept. 16, 2001:
“The Day of Jerusalem’s Fall.” (
Rev. Wright: I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday – did anybody else see or hear him? He was on Fox News. This is a white man, and he was upsetting the Fox News commentators to no end. He pointed out, a white man, an ambassador, he pointed out that what Malcolm X said when he was silenced by Elijah Mohammad was in fact true. He said America's chickens are coming home to roost.
According to PBS Ombudsman Michael Getler, though Peck did cite numerous faults against America and criticized its foreign policy, Peck never actually used the expression "chickens coming home to roost"...
And from the left-leaning commentator Alan Colmes (,2933,352837,00.html) of Fox News discounted it also:
COLMES: Over the course of the past few months it's been alleged that the sound bite played on television is unfair because it doesn't include Wright's disclaimer right afterwards that he was quoting of Ed Peck in an interview from September 15th, 2001 right here on the FOX News channel.
But "Hannity & Colmes" can report exclusively tonight that after reviewing the Peck interview- Peck never used the phrase "chickens coming home to roost" and that Wright went further in criticizing U.S. policy than Peck did in his interview on FOX.
So if Peck didn't say what Wright insinuates, are the ideas expressed in the sermon really Wright's or were they therefore taken out of context?"
So it appears Rev. Wright was quoting Malcom X's phrase "Chickens are coming home to roost" not Peck's.
Major 05-19-2008, 09:59 AM The following video is another good source of information about CAIR. CAIR sued Andrew Whiehead and his website called Anti-CAIR where it exposes CAIR terrorist ties. When it came time for CAIR to provide information in court about their funding - the suit was dismissed. Anti-CAIR never removed one item from its website.
CAIR backed down and has now moved into Oklahoma
9.10 min.
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Major 05-23-2008, 09:00 AM It troubles me that CAIR and the Oklahoman didn't mention that their keynote speaker, Dr. Don Betz, was the new president of NSU in Tahlequah.
It is even more disturbing the fluff article put out by the Oklahoman religion reporter failed to inform the public about CAIR. It was absolutely shameful. It's almost as if this reporter took a press release from the hands of CAIR and just published their words.
And why would a religion reporter write about CAIR, anyway? Had this reporter done their homework they would have learned that CAIR is an ardent supporter ( of Sami al-Arian, the co-founder of CAIR who is a convicted terror supporter ( of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. CAIR believes he is a political prisoner of the U.S. and has been railroaded by our government rather than guilty of aiding a terrorist group.
You can read more about all the "political prisoners (" at the Islamic Politcal Party of America website - homepage is here ( That's right folks, an Islamic political party in America. It is unclear if CAIR is anyway linked to this new politcal party but they do share the common cause of Sami al-Arian.
CAIR-OK issued their first "Action Alert" ( to provide thousands letters of support for the humanitarian crisis caused by Hamas' controll of Gaza to local mosques. CAIR asked Imams to speak at Friday prayers to discuss the need to get these letters signed. These letters were then delivered to Congress.
Below is some information you may find useful about Dr. Betz. One thing I've noticed its unknown where Dr. Betz was born. Usually, this information is mentioned as a point of reference in most biographies, but not Dr. Betz. I'm curious as to his connection to Palestine:
Dr. Betz is a Board of Director for American and Palestinians for Peace (AMPAL). On this website ( you can read Yasar Affifat's personal thank you letter to AMPAL for their work, 3/20/02. Or its all Israel's fault section called: Killing in Cold Blood: Israeli Aggression Against Palestinian Children. It also claims Israel occupies Palestine's land which can be found under their Basic Information & Statistics About Palestine.
Their history section about Palestine doesn't explain why Palestine is never mentioned in the Bible or the Quran, at all. Or to acknowledge that Israel, its children and its land is mentioned in both books.
Major 05-27-2008, 07:39 AM Nihad Awad spoke at Barry University in 1994 stating he was in support of Hamas. This man shared the podium with Dr. Don Betz at CAIR's 2nd annual fund raiser in Oklahoma City.
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Major 06-02-2008, 02:34 PM Omar Ahmad is Chairman of the Council of American Islamic Relations, and a former employee of the Islamic Association of Palestine (started by Hamas kingpin Mousa Marzook and Sami al-Arian). IAP was shut down by the U.S. Federal Government.
According to a July 1998 news report, he stated the following: “If you choose to live here [in the U.S.] … you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam.” “Islam isn’t in America,” he continued, “to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”
news article (
Major 06-09-2008, 12:45 PM Is it fair to question the appointment of Dr. Don Betz as president of NSU for his association with CAIR? I say yes. But each one of you has to decide for yourself:
Federal prosecutors, for the third time, have called out CAIR as part of a covert Muslim Brotherhood effort in the United States. First, CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator ( (page 5, Sec. 3, #11) in the Hamas-support trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF). CAIR was listed among "entities who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee." Then, when the group petitioned to remove its name from that list, prosecutors said ( such relief "will not prevent its conspiratorial involvement with HLF, and others affiliated with Hamas, from becoming a matter of public record."
Now, in a federal court filing ( from December, federal prosecutors have described CAIR as "having conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists." The government also stated that "proof that the conspirators used deception to conceal from the American public their connections to terrorists was introduced" in the Dallas Holy Land Foundation trial last year and the Chicago trial of the Hamas men in 2006.
Major 06-16-2008, 10:05 AM The third court document above is lenghty so to make it easier for you I copied and pasted the reference to CAIR below. This can be found on page 58:
... CAIR and MAS omit reference to a shared background that limits their membership to those of a particular political bent, and undercuts their credibility. The Muslim Brotherhood is a generally covert international organization whose credo is "Allah is our goal: the Qur'an is our constitution: the Propliet is our leader: Struggle is our way: and death in the path of Allah is our highest aspiration. See. e.g. Efraim Karsh., Islamic Imperialsim 208-09 (Yale University Press 2006).
MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. ---Moreover, from its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists. See Government's Memorandum in Opposition to CAIR's Motion for Leave to File a Brief---Proof that the conspirators agreed to use deception to conceal from the American public their connections to terrorists was introduced at both the Texas trial in 2007 and also at a Chicago trial the previous year. United States 11. Askqai-, el al.. No. 03-978 (N.D. 111.2006).
If CAIR is innocent of these court statements why don't they sue the government and have their day in court to clear their name? My fellow Oklahomans, CAIR will not do this because they can't clear their name.
CAIR is the organization Dr. Don Betz accepted to be keynote speaker! CAIR is the organization that has now set up shop in Oklahoma professing its interfaith spirit to those who do not know the truth about them.
Remember, too, the Islamic Societies of Tulsa, Great Oklahoma City, Norman and Stillwater have all partnered with CAIR.
What does this say about them?
jbrown84 06-17-2008, 07:16 PM boy we are attracting a lot of whack-jobs lately.
Major, learn from those who came before. Posting links and 5,000 word posts back to back to back does nothing to win anyone to your cause.
Major 06-20-2008, 03:17 PM boy we are attracting a lot of whack-jobs lately.
Major, learn from those who came before. Posting links and 5,000 word posts back to back to back does nothing to win anyone to your cause.
Is that the best you can do? Not one thing have I presented is false based on federal documents and court evidence and other credible sources, that I am aware. I have asked for help in disproving any or all of this. No one has done so. And all you can say is whack-job?
Why would you want to divert attention away from the truth? You don't make any sense.
jbrown84 06-20-2008, 04:41 PM I didn't make any assertion about the truth of your arguments.
It's your presentation that is a turn off and that is why no one is listening to you.
edcrunk 06-22-2008, 03:38 AM i check this forum pretty regular, jbrown, and i would keep seeing this topic popping up... but it was always mr. major being the latest poster. so i checked it a few days back and sure enough MAJOR HAS BEEN TALKING TO HIMSELF FOR A MINUTE!!!
MAJOR, you don't have to convince me that these are some terrorist sponsoring mothertruckers. i have no doubt that they're gonna get their @$$ handed to them in court (almost as if their name was "the city of seattle") whenever the noble MICHAEL SAVAGE gets that said day on the stand. don't worry, the feds know who they are and they best keep their noses clean or they're goin down.
i'm just glad a radio talk show host had the cahoonas to stand up to their bullying.
Midtowner 06-22-2008, 07:41 AM We allow all kinds of nut jobs to be represented in the public square. Why should CAIR be any different from the KKK or from the militia movement which bombed the Murrah building?
Major 06-23-2008, 08:25 AM Nut jobs like a few KKK or a handful of communists are one thing but a large global movement that wants to create a world-wide caliphate is whole other issue.
Midtowner 06-23-2008, 09:18 AM Nut jobs like a few KKK or a handful of communists are one thing but a large global movement that wants to create a world-wide caliphate is whole other issue.
That's not very different from the skinheads or neo-nazis who want whites to subjugate all of the "inferior" races.
And there are far, far more than just a "handful" of communists.
Major 06-24-2008, 08:14 AM The infiltration of our country by what experts call Islamists - those who seek Islamic rule is quit extensive but you do have to pay attention. That's why this thread was started. The Oklahoman gave CAIR a free pass in their newspaper and likely just printed what was handed to them by CAIR.
Islamists have worked they way into our government, our communities and are working to present themselves as one of us. But they ultimate goal is to destroy our democracy. This has been documented in Muslim Brotherhood documents. I am unaware of anything coming close to this by other fringe groups.
My God, folks, CAIR just gave the Norman Police Department "Diveristy Training" about Muslims. They told them not to go to the mosques on Fridays. You know, when all the sermons take place. It would be too disruptive.
Did I read about this in the Oklahoman? No I read about it on a Middle East website located in Dubai called Islamonline ( As CAIR advances Islam in Oklahoma, it is reported in the Middle East.
Are you paying attention?
Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-25-2008, 12:32 AM You sound like a Bircher circa 1985, but with less commies and more turbans.
Midtowner 06-25-2008, 12:43 AM The infiltration of our country by what experts call Islamists - those who seek Islamic rule is quit extensive but you do have to pay attention. That's why this thread was started. The Oklahoman gave CAIR a free pass in their newspaper and likely just printed what was handed to them by CAIR.
Islamists have worked they way into our government, our communities and are working to present themselves as one of us. But they ultimate goal is to destroy our democracy. This has been documented in Muslim Brotherhood documents. I am unaware of anything coming close to this by other fringe groups.
My God, folks, CAIR just gave the Norman Police Department "Diveristy Training" about Muslims. They told them not to go to the mosques on Fridays. You know, when all the sermons take place. It would be too disruptive.
Did I read about this in the Oklahoman? No I read about it on a Middle East website located in Dubai called Islamonline ( As CAIR advances Islam in Oklahoma, it is reported in the Middle East.
Are you paying attention?
I completely understand where you're coming from with this CAIR thing. Many of the members of this organization are Islamist trash who think Americans are so unclean that they won't even shake our hands (I had a run in with one of these yesterday). Many of them keep multiple wives. They despise the United States and democracy and basically everything we stand for.
Some of these folks are even government employees.
That being said, I don't really see a hell of a lot of difference between them and many Christian/Mormon sects which are here in the United States. These organizations pose about the same sort of threat to us.
That they have odd political beliefs and dislike the things I think are wonderful doesn't particularly bother me. So long as they aren't overtly violent, they should be as free to express their beliefs as I am.
Major 06-25-2008, 03:15 PM The reason you are thoroughly checked out before you board a plane isn't because of any Christian or Mormon sect problem. Come on, Midtowner - that was completely lame.
So no one has a problem that we read about the Norman police diversity training first on a Middle East website? The world-wide Islamic community knew about this before the citizens of Oklahoma.
I didn't find this in any local paper - did I overlook it?
wsucougz 06-25-2008, 04:26 PM Someone please move this thread to the douchebaggery forum.
Major 06-26-2008, 09:53 AM CAIR-Florida's Jawhar "Joe" Badran tells about his support for Hamas, at a March 1, 2008 rally against CAIR, a co-conspirator in the financing of Hamas.
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Midtowner 06-26-2008, 11:14 AM The reason you are thoroughly checked out before you board a plane isn't because of any Christian or Mormon sect problem. Come on, Midtowner - that was completely lame.
What religion did Timothy McVeigh belong to?
So no one has a problem that we read about the Norman police diversity training first on a Middle East website? The world-wide Islamic community knew about this before the citizens of Oklahoma.
I didn't find this in any local paper - did I overlook it?
Why would we care that the Norman police had diversity training??
Muslims might care about that. In fact, Norman may be trying to attract high-skill middle eastern immigrants. Generally, they are very hardworking people. For all we know, the reason it was published overseas is because Norman wanted to do it that way.
jbrown84 06-26-2008, 05:45 PM I didn't find this in any local paper - did I overlook it?
Um, maybe because it wasn't newsworthy...?
Major 06-27-2008, 09:44 AM You don't think Oklahomans would consider CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial for their relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood, providing "diversity training" to the Norman police department, not newsworthy?
CuatrodeMayo 06-27-2008, 10:12 AM I. Don't. Care.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-27-2008, 10:14 AM I. Don't. Care.
Midtowner 06-27-2008, 10:19 AM You don't think Oklahomans would consider CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial for their relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood, providing "diversity training" to the Norman police department, not newsworthy?
Not really.
kevinpate 06-27-2008, 07:03 PM Major
As an implanted Oklahoman, plopped upon the soil at the tender age of six weeks, and,
As an Oklahoman who has only rarely resided outside our state during my four.sumthin decades of enjoying life,
As an almost two.sumthin decade resident of Norman,
as a Normanite who has known several of Norman's finest,
as a Normanite who has known a few I considered not very deserving of ever being referred to as Norman's finest,
I ask that you please consider what I am about to write down in response to your recent concern:
Without hesitation, without reservation, and without any undue concern at any level whatsoever I inform and advise you that
(a) you appear to be excessively concerned over very little,
(b) though I do not share your concerns, I find I sleep just fine at night in my Norman home,
(c) of all the things which might possibly bring on a sleepless night, who is teaching diversity training to the local constables, or the local firefighters, or the local politicos, or the local postal folks, or the local church folks, or even the local bar rats is absotively, posilutely and undeniably not considered newsworthy by me
Clear enough? Very well. At the worst, we have had the opportunity to share our respective perspectives.
Major 06-28-2008, 09:01 AM The last two posters claim they aren't bothered in the least that a group identified by our government for their relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood and I should add Hamas gave diversity training to the Norman police department which was covered by a Middle East website Islamonline. No Oklahoman would have read about this in their local paper.
This amounts to nothing one of them said. Apparently, the U.S. government disagrees with your assessment. For they identified that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our country and has set forth a plan to destroy our country from "within its miserable house" so that Islam can reign over us.
You think that document from the Muslim Brotherhood is nothing? This is the largest Islamic movement world-wide.
Are you just unaware of their plans or what?
CuatrodeMayo 06-28-2008, 09:32 PM Time for Oh Gawd and I to put on tinfoil hats...
Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-29-2008, 02:55 AM Time for Oh Gawd and I to put on tinfoil hats...
John Birch showed up and stole mine. He said that Bill Cosby and his cohort Kenny Rogers were trying to turn him into a commie and he needed some protection.
Midtowner 06-29-2008, 09:19 AM The last two posters claim they aren't bothered in the least that a group identified by our government for their relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood and I should add Hamas gave diversity training to the Norman police department which was covered by a Middle East website Islamonline. No Oklahoman would have read about this in their local paper.
This amounts to nothing one of them said. Apparently, the U.S. government disagrees with your assessment. For they identified that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our country and has set forth a plan to destroy our country from "within its miserable house" so that Islam can reign over us.
You think that document from the Muslim Brotherhood is nothing? This is the largest Islamic movement world-wide.
Are you just unaware of their plans or what?
That's hilarious. The Muslims I know who believe that sort of tripe are ineffectual cowards. They might talk a big game, but when it comes time to act, they do realize how great they have it here.
In some congregations, they absolutely do preach crazy, crazy stuff. The same thing happens at the Westboro Baptist Church and various Christian congregations. All of them are equally unable to carry out anything to bring down the U.S. government.
kevinpate 06-29-2008, 05:19 PM Betz being the president of NSU doesn't concern me. I certainly don't think I've ever see the campus overrun with lots of timberwolves in turbans spouting unknown languages and firing auto weapons into the air (although not too terribly far from the campus there may yet be a few non turban wearing folks in compounds who are capable of doing exactly that.)
who teaches diversity training to local constables doesn't concern me
followers of Islam shopping in wally world at the same time I am there doesn't concern me
the oh so very remote possibility that followers of radical twists of Islam are plotting to take over my government from within doesn't concern me
peeps freaking out and doing chicken little sky is falling routines over and over and over and over don't concern me
(sometimes it annoys me, but that's hardly the same)
Consider me blind, consider me foolish if you must, or even if you merely prefer. I'll strive to consider you merely, and rather needlessly, obsessed on a point.
Luck to you as you make your way through life, and pay no attention to that car that always seems to linger a block away ... it's not following you, really, it's not.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-29-2008, 06:20 PM I think the government should do something.
Can't congress like...Hold hearings...Or something? Like...You know...Drag these people in front of them and have them explain themselves for not acting like an American or something? That would be cool...And probably be looked back upon as a bright spot in American freedoms and history. And we could be a part of it! NEAT!
Major 06-30-2008, 09:58 AM It's a pity the best you can do is make stupid childish babble in reply. But do keep it up because it actually helps me prove my point easier.
Now correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Osama Bin Laden's pilot train in Norman? Now, let's see what was his name? Oh yeah, Ali Nawawi.
And before that didn't Bin Laden's mentor, Abdullah Azzam, speak of hate against America in Oklahoma City in 1988 - one of the first known attempts of an Islamists to garner support from Muslims in Oklahoma. His talk to a room full of Oklahoma Muslims is forever immortalized on video.
And before that didn't the Muslim Brotherhood have shooting camps in Oklahoma?
Then there the video of Mufid Abdulqader singng and dancing in a skit to kill the jews at a major Hamas fundraising conference in Oklahoma City.
Then there's Zacarias Moussaoui who trained at the Airman Flight School in Norman.
But let's not forget that an FBI pilot sends his supervisor in the Oklahoma City FBI office a memo warning that he has observed “large numbers of Middle Eastern males receiving flight training at Oklahoma airports in recent months.” The memo, titled “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” further states this “may be related to planned terrorist activity” and “light planes would be an ideal means of spreading chemicals or biological agents.” The memo does not call for an investigation, and none occurs.
Or that 9/11 hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi visit the same school in 2000.
Then there hijacker, Nawaf Alhazmi, who got a speeding ticket in Oklahoma in April 2001
So many warnings., so many clues, so many clueless.
Read more here (
Major 07-07-2008, 10:51 AM Andrew Rice, the democrat running for Congress against Jim Inhofe spoke at CAIR's first banquet last year. He praised their work.
No Oklahoma would have known about it except those that diligently look for articles on Islamic activities in Oklahoma over in the Middle East.