View Full Version : IronMan
Karried 05-03-2008, 12:41 PM Very Cool movie!
Great story, awesome special effects - really enjoyed it.
I've heard it's playing at Harkins if you want the really big screen effect.
Intrepid 05-03-2008, 01:08 PM It's also playing in the grand auditorium at Warren.
OKCisOK4me 05-03-2008, 02:26 PM Glad to hear the good review! Some friends & I will be heading down to Warren Theatre on Sunday to partake in the Ironman!
Karried 05-04-2008, 07:34 PM How was the Warren experience ?
OKCisOK4me 05-04-2008, 09:19 PM I'd recommend Warren to anyone who likes to see a great movie in an awesome venue. My friends and I just got regular tickets but the inside is far better in person than it is in a picture. The art deco is sweet. And the grand auditorium reminds me of a theatre that used to be up in Missouri where I lived.
I'd like to go back again and check out the diner that is inside and also take advantage of the balcony area one day.
In the auditorium today, I noticed this windowed room near the back on the right hand side when you first walk in to it. There were people in there, of course, but does anyone know what that thing was? Smoking room, lol?
Intrepid 05-05-2008, 04:52 AM I'd recommend Warren to anyone who likes to see a great movie in an awesome venue. My friends and I just got regular tickets but the inside is far better in person than it is in a picture. The art deco is sweet. And the grand auditorium reminds me of a theatre that used to be up in Missouri where I lived.
I'd like to go back again and check out the diner that is inside and also take advantage of the balcony area one day.
In the auditorium today, I noticed this windowed room near the back on the right hand side when you first walk in to it. There were people in there, of course, but does anyone know what that thing was? Smoking room, lol?
That's the "crying room" where parents can take their younglings and if they cry, they won't disturb the rest of the audience.
El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 05-05-2008, 06:55 AM Iron Man was excellent.
Karried 05-05-2008, 06:55 AM Rumor has it that if you stay after the credits there is a preview ...
Intrepid 05-05-2008, 08:42 AM Rumor has it that if you stay after the credits there is a preview ...
venture 05-05-2008, 09:17 AM There shows who is going to be in the next movie.
Went to see it on Saturday at the Warren...great show. If anyone wants to see a special effects packed movie...I would strongly suggest you don't see it at any other theatre except the Warren. Their picture and sound quality can't be touched by anyone else in the area.
Richard at Remax 05-05-2008, 10:19 AM I thought the movie was OK. Great graphics and action. But I guess I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe I felt like all the previous superhero movies where the first one doesn't offer much but they bait you for the sequels. The story
Yes there is a little clip after the credits. Haha which led to a group of dungeon and dragon types (yes you know what I am talking about) to holler and cheer.
El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 05-06-2008, 11:29 AM Of????
The Avengers movie that's going to be out sometime in 2011.
mmonroe 05-06-2008, 11:55 PM 2010...
I just saw the movie tonight at Warren.. I love the digital sound, but you just can't get the beautiful colors and hues of film that you don't get with digital... other than that, the seats where amazingly comfortable and roomy.
Iron Man itself was a great movie, there were several parts referencing a second movie. I really liked this one, it held my attention mainly because it was real to life and plausible.
dismayed 05-07-2008, 08:47 PM YOU MUST STAY PAST THE END OF THE CREDITS! My jaw dropped, and I can't wait. That's all I will say.
It was great seeing a movie with lots of action that was also funny and actually had some good writing for a change. I'd have to say I'm going to have to buy the BluRay when it comes out.
mmonroe 05-08-2008, 01:54 PM YES! DO stay after the credits, the credits run about 4-5 minutes, but do stay.
HINT: Never leave from a movie, even if the credits are rollings, if the house lights have not come up.
Ginkasa 05-09-2008, 11:39 AM It's also playing in the grand auditorium at Warren.
Cine Capri's bigger.
BabyBoomerSooner 05-09-2008, 12:31 PM Seems I'm echoing the sentiment of other reviewers in this thread, but I loved it! I'm not a big Robert Downey, Jr. fan and I was suprised that he could pull this off so convincingly.
I've seen a lot of crappy movies lately and it was nice to feel as if my entertainment dollars were well spent. I'll likely check it out again this weekend!
zcamaro70 05-09-2008, 08:02 PM Hey Ginkasa did they expand it b/c all I read was that the Cine Capri was 70 feet wide while the Warren screens are 80 feet?
dismayed 05-09-2008, 08:29 PM I read that they specifically picked Robert Downey, Jr. because his life style is apparently a lot like Tony Stark's in real life. Could you imagine?
mmonroe 05-10-2008, 10:36 AM dismayed you beat me to the chase on this one. I figured RDJr was so convincing because of how much of a d*** he is in real life.
Ginkasa 05-11-2008, 03:44 PM Hey Ginkasa did they expand it b/c all I read was that the Cine Capri was 70 feet wide while the Warren screens are 80 feet?
Warren is lying about their screen. Lying. They say their screen is 80x40, but you can tell just by looking at it that its not. Its too square to fit those dimensions. Plus, movie don't come out in 2:1. They're released at 2.35:1 or 1.85:1, so even if they were telling the truth, you wouldn't ever see all of Warren's screen anyway.
Besides, it just doesn't look any bigger than the Cine Capri. The Cine Capri remains the largest screen in Oklahoma at 70x30 feet.
zcamaro70 05-11-2008, 07:12 PM LOL So why has Harkins not gone after Warren for all the advsertisment's saying his screen is 80ft which would make it larger? How much bigger is Cine Capri then? Every article on the Warren has stated it is 80ft as well. So the Cine Capri is larger because you "think so"? Come on quit doging on Warren and see it is a better theatre with two bigger screens.
mmonroe 05-12-2008, 12:00 AM I thought the IMAX theater in Tulsa had the biggest screen.. i do remember a discussion we had on this board about that not too long ago.
Just an update too, I went and saw "What Happens in Vegas" at Warren tonight. The movie was shown in the Grand Auditorium. We sat on the very last row, and it was still a good angle. The screen is pretty wide, but it could be just the architecture, but the Ceni-Capri just feels larger on the inside than Warrens.
Ginkasa 05-19-2008, 09:11 PM LOL So why has Harkins not gone after Warren for all the advsertisment's saying his screen is 80ft which would make it larger?
I don't believe there's been any actual advertisements from Warren that state their auditorium is larger; just articles. Besides, it could be turned the other way. Harkins has not stopped saying that the Cine Capri is the largest screen in Oklahoma, so why hasn't Warren gone after Harkins for it? Nothing good would really come from it either way. And their screen is not 80 feet wide.
How much bigger is Cine Capri then? Every article on the Warren has stated it is 80ft as well. So the Cine Capri is larger because you "think so"? Come on quit doging on Warren and see it is a better theatre with two bigger screens.
I don't know exactly how big Warren's screen is, so I don't know how much larger the Capri is. I just know it is larger. And I don't "think" the Capri is bigger. I know it is. Like I've explained before, it doesn't even make sense for Warren's screen to be 80x40. And I just know.
And Warren is a very nice auditorium. No doubt about it. I've been several times and greatly enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty awesome drinking my delicious strawberry shake while watching Smart People. Its just that they're lying about their screen size is all.
I thought the IMAX theater in Tulsa had the biggest screen.. i do remember a discussion we had on this board about that not too long ago.
There's an unspoken "not IMAX" disclaimer. Besides, IMAX is really a different thing than a "normal" movie theatre. It uses a different film type and and it has its own projector, etc. Its sort of like if, say, Sony released some massive TV and advertised how it had the largest screen ever but it was still smaller than a movie theatre screen. Sort of....
mmonroe 05-19-2008, 09:59 PM IMAX, it's still a huge screen, no matter the projector side of it, but I do know about IMAX technology. But I didn't catch the "not IMAX" disclaimer.
zcamaro70 05-20-2008, 03:44 PM On both Warren and Harkins ads in the paper for showtimes, it states ''largest screen in Oklahoma''. Who is telling the truth? On a side note, how many does the Cine Capri seat?
venture 05-20-2008, 04:05 PM Harkins is 70' I believe and Warren is 80'.
I believe the Cine Capri seats more, but Warren also did two large screens instead of Harkin's just doing one.
dismayed 05-21-2008, 09:43 PM Please tell me that Harkins is going to add more balcony seating.
Ginkasa 05-23-2008, 09:49 PM Harkins is 70' I believe and Warren is 80'.
I believe the Cine Capri seats more, but Warren also did two large screens instead of Harkin's just doing one.
Harkins has one auditorium that seats 600 (the Capri). Their second largest seats 420ish. The Warren screens only seat about 450 each, including balcony. Harkins still has the largest auditorium and still beats Warren even when you combine each theatre's two largest auditoriums.
And Warren's screen is NOT 80 feet. That's the whole point. Even if it were 80x40, like they claim, they couldn't actually use the whole screen at once. The dimensions for 80x40 are 2:1. Movies are ONLY released at 2.39:1 or 1.85:1. So they need to either use masking to make the screen shorter (making it "wider") or to make it less wide (so to make it "taller").
The Cine Capri is still the largest screen in Oklahoma.
mmonroe 05-24-2008, 04:42 AM Alright... enough of this bickering. I'm calling both places tomorrow, if I don't get in my car and waste $20 bucks to go to both, and i'm going to talk to someone who will listen. I want to know who REALLY has the largest screen.
dismayed 05-24-2008, 10:47 AM Hey I have something you guys can fight about, here's a quote from the Warren's website:
"The Warren Theatre is the first theater in the WORLD to incorporate all Digital Cinema and THX technology!"
I actually wouldn't necessarily doubt this. The Warren is the first theater I've ever gone to that I thought had a better setup than what I have in my home. And I've spent thousands on my home setup.
zcamaro70 05-25-2008, 09:01 PM Not to continue a disagreement but... the large theatres in Warren seat over 500 a piece. I was there the other night and I counted at least 18 rows of 25 from the balcony with several rows still under the balcony. The balcony seats 86. The seats in Warren are wider than what Harkins has along with more room between the rows.
On the screen size issue, all I have read about the screen is that it is over 80ft wide and over 4 stories tall. What if it was around 43 ft, would that not put the screen close to 1.85:1?
That's the "crying room" where parents can take their younglings and if they cry, they won't disturb the rest of the audience.
Ginkasa 05-27-2008, 10:33 AM Not to continue a disagreement but... the large theatres in Warren seat over 500 a piece. I was there the other night and I counted at least 18 rows of 25 from the balcony with several rows still under the balcony. The balcony seats 86. The seats in Warren are wider than what Harkins has along with more room between the rows.
On the screen size issue, all I have read about the screen is that it is over 80ft wide and over 4 stories tall. What if it was around 43 ft, would that not put the screen close to 1.85:1?
When I was there I asked a member of management, and they said "80x40."
And the fire capacity limit (which is posted I believe right above the exit door) was only 400ish.... 450. And I thought the rows seemed to have very little room between them, but I could be remember wrong there...
MikeLucky 05-28-2008, 09:28 AM Harkins has one auditorium that seats 600 (the Capri). Their second largest seats 420ish. The Warren screens only seat about 450 each, including balcony. Harkins still has the largest auditorium and still beats Warren even when you combine each theatre's two largest auditoriums.
And Warren's screen is NOT 80 feet. That's the whole point. Even if it were 80x40, like they claim, they couldn't actually use the whole screen at once. The dimensions for 80x40 are 2:1. Movies are ONLY released at 2.39:1 or 1.85:1. So they need to either use masking to make the screen shorter (making it "wider") or to make it less wide (so to make it "taller").
The Cine Capri is still the largest screen in Oklahoma.
all that said.... the Warren still makes all other theaters, including the Harkins, pale in comparison.
This last weekend I went to the Cinemark IMAX in Tulsa.... I don't know if that's supposed to be considered a nice theater or not, but it felt like a COMPLETE DUMP to me, especially after a few trips to the Warren. The concession and service quality was VERY POOR. It was amazing how bad it all was.....
So, I guess we're all learning a few things here:
1. Size matters.
2. Because of Rule #1, guys tend to exaggerate their size.
3. While Rule #1 applies, it's not the only factor. The smaller size can compensate by adding quality over quantity.
Such are the ways of the world.
Ginkasa 05-28-2008, 01:47 PM all that said.... the Warren still makes all other theaters, including the Harkins, pale in comparison.
This last weekend I went to the Cinemark IMAX in Tulsa.... I don't know if that's supposed to be considered a nice theater or not, but it felt like a COMPLETE DUMP to me, especially after a few trips to the Warren. The concession and service quality was VERY POOR. It was amazing how bad it all was.....
Warren is a very nice theatre; mostly much nicer than Harkins (I think Harkins does have a better concession stand, but Warren makes up for it with the diner, etc.). My point was just that Harkins does have the largest screen in Oklahoma still, and that Warren is lying about it (which can sour me to a business).
And Cinemarks are generally crap, anyway. Tinseltown near the zoo is a Cinemark and that place is just awful.