View Full Version : Kanye West concert

04-30-2008, 08:25 AM
So the Kanye West Glow in the Dark Tour was ridiculous last night! Kanye's performance had to be the best I've seen of any performer. Our own Flaming Lips come in a close second (although the Lips get better crowd participation. I loved the "traveling through space" theme of the set and performance. Reminded me of my rave days. It was cool to see all the 80's outfits. By far the best stage I've ever seen. I was disappointed that Lupe Fiasco was a no show (probably didn't want to come to Oklahoma), Rhianna had a good show as well as N.E.R.D. was killer as usual. I didn't care for the few opening acts they had before that, especially RLC or whoever which were basically a bunch of gangbangers.

I'll try and post a few pics later, however my camera died early on (should have checked the battery before leaving), so I didn't get any pics of Kanye's set.

Any one else go? What was your opinon/thoughts? If you have pics, please post.

04-30-2008, 08:37 AM
One of the better shows that I've attended. Kanye's set was ridamndiculous, and had me up the entire time. (I'm a big Kanye fan though). N.E.R.D. did a crazy show that was full of energy, but thats to be expected of Pharrell. I am not a big fan of the "new" Rihanna, but she did mix some reggae into her set, so I enjoyed it. Overall I truly enjoyed the concert and felt like I got my money's worth, even with Lupe not showing up.

I can't speak on the opening acts, as I missed them on purpose and got to the Ford Center about 7:30....

Richard at Remax
04-30-2008, 08:58 AM
yeah it was pretty amazing. Kind of dissapointed that they didn't hand out glow sticks. Fortunately I brought my own.

N.E.R.D. was awesome. I think I was the only one in the people around me who knew the words to the songs.

Rhiannna was good. Did she paint her outfit on?

Kanye was amazing too. Im glad he did some of his old stuff like spaceship and jesus walks. I think he found gold with daft punk. Great set and the acoustics seemed better than the last time I came to the Ford Center.

Great show overall.

04-30-2008, 09:33 AM
N.E.R.D. blew it up, and KanYe is a hard workin' performer. Best stage set I've seen outside Vegas.

04-30-2008, 09:34 AM
Gold Digger, my favorite .. did he sing it?

04-30-2008, 09:46 AM
Rihanna painted on her outfit?!?!?!? That is one very nicely put together young lady!!! Sadly, I missed the show, but one of my fellow chefs got to cook for Kanye while he stayed the in one of the suites at the Skirvin

Richard at Remax
04-30-2008, 09:55 AM
No she didn't actually paint it on but it was so tight it could have been. Yeah he played gold digger. While gold painted girls danced with each other on the screens.

04-30-2008, 10:26 AM
argh... i really wanted to go to the show, but couldn't - i saw pics of the stage from earlier shows and it looked really cool... was it a big crowd?

04-30-2008, 10:31 AM
It was decent. What I don't understand is that the show sold out like the first week or so tickets went on sale, but there were at least 1000 no shows. The entire 3rd tier was curtained off. Only the floor, 1st level, and 2nd level were open. Of course, behind the stage was no seating, but the other rounded part of the arena was scarcely attended, about half or so of what it should have held. My guess is that ticket brokers bought all the tickets, and were scalping them for too much online and didn't sell all them. I saw TONS of tickets online on craigslist and Ebay yesterday. With it being such a BIG show, I'm surprised they didn't have the top tier open for seating.

04-30-2008, 05:19 PM
seems the top tier is frequently not open ... but the relatively few events I've been to, save one, it made sense to me it wasn't, as there was more than ample room without that tier being open

Guess it takes Rev. Graham or Bball to pack the house consistently. Was it open for the Centennial show?

04-30-2008, 06:24 PM
Rap and hip-hop's not my thing. But, what I do know about Kanye West I don't like. He thinks the American government is responsible for AIDS, thinks the federal government intentionally hooked blacks on cocaine and the guy is basically what you would expect from a rappin' hip-hopper. Those who say they would walk out of Reverand Wright's church spent hard earned cash to see Kanye West?

04-30-2008, 07:35 PM
It was decent. What I don't understand is that the show sold out like the first week or so tickets went on sale, but there were at least 1000 no shows. The entire 3rd tier was curtained off. Only the floor, 1st level, and 2nd level were open. Of course, behind the stage was no seating, but the other rounded part of the arena was scarcely attended, about half or so of what it should have held. My guess is that ticket brokers bought all the tickets, and were scalping them for too much online and didn't sell all them. I saw TONS of tickets online on craigslist and Ebay yesterday. With it being such a BIG show, I'm surprised they didn't have the top tier open for seating.

I think you're right. We bought from an online scalper yesterday for almost $30 less than face. Floor seats, 8th row

05-01-2008, 07:46 AM
Rap and hip-hop's not my thing. But, what I do know about Kanye West I don't like. He thinks the American government is responsible for AIDS, thinks the federal government intentionally hooked blacks on cocaine and the guy is basically what you would expect from a rappin' hip-hopper. Those who say they would walk out of Reverand Wright's church spent hard earned cash to see Kanye West?

Wow, just wow. Have you ever listened to any of his music? He is as far as you can be to as you say a rappin' hiphopper.

05-01-2008, 07:56 AM
It was decent. What I don't understand is that the show sold out like the first week or so tickets went on sale, but there were at least 1000 no shows. The entire 3rd tier was curtained off. Only the floor, 1st level, and 2nd level were open. Of course, behind the stage was no seating, but the other rounded part of the arena was scarcely attended, about half or so of what it should have held. My guess is that ticket brokers bought all the tickets, and were scalping them for too much online and didn't sell all them. I saw TONS of tickets online on craigslist and Ebay yesterday. With it being such a BIG show, I'm surprised they didn't have the top tier open for seating.

A power seller had 12 fourth row tickets on ebay after the show had started listed at $125.00 a piece. I offered him $400.00 for 4 of them and he said that was less than his cost. He ended up not selling any of them, at least on the auction. It was odd to me that he wouldnt want to take a slight loss as opposed to nothing at all?

05-01-2008, 08:46 AM
Rap and hip-hop's not my thing. But, what I do know about Kanye West I don't like. He thinks the American government is responsible for AIDS, thinks the federal government intentionally hooked blacks on cocaine and the guy is basically what you would expect from a rappin' hip-hopper. Those who say they would walk out of Reverand Wright's church spent hard earned cash to see Kanye West?

He's actually a candy-shack pop-star that masquerades as a "rapper." Which is fine if you are into that..... The problem is that he thinks he's this edgy, controversial, thinking-man's artist, when in fact he just says ridiculous and stupid comments that he thinks are much more relevant than they actually are...... Every comment he makes is simply an outlandish, over the top statement intended to rely on shock value but is merely a facade with no substance. His 60 Minutes interview that was to "set the world on it's ear" came off like an episode of the Office replete with it's "mockumentary" feel with Kanye playing the self-serving, oblivious, needy lead role of Michael Scott to perfection.

He is to rap what Nickelback is to rock 'n roll. He's as contrived and manufactured as the N'Sync/Backstreet Boys/98 degrees boy bands of the 90's. His biggest hit was carried by the presence of Jamie Foxx and his "new" and "ground-breaking" hit "Stronger"would be a joke without the insertion of a late nineties Daft Punk techno song.

You put him in a room with Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Tupac, Biggie, Snoop, Too Short - he would be serving drinks......

05-01-2008, 09:30 AM
He's not as good of a rapper as them, but you don't have to hear about hoes, guns, and drugs either.

05-01-2008, 09:53 AM
And he's still alive.

05-01-2008, 10:10 AM
He's not as good of a rapper as them, but you don't have to hear about hoes, guns, and drugs either.

If you don't want to hear about garden tools, weapons, or pharmaceuticals than maybe rap music just isn't your bag anyway. :LolLolLol

And he's still alive.

You guys are describing Will Smith.... but somehow Will can get it done without being a total and complete jacka$$, without taking himself so seriously, and without trying to manufacture controversy to try to get street cred.....

05-01-2008, 11:00 AM
I don't think anyone here is trying to act like Kanye is a socio-political barometer or an all-time MC. It's a pop concert. Can't we go and have fun?

05-01-2008, 11:59 AM
I don't think anyone here is trying to act like Kanye is a socio-political barometer or an all-time MC. It's a pop concert. Can't we go and have fun?

oh, absolutely.... I'm not even doubting his show was probably pretty entertaining if that is your thing....

But the discussion came up about him being a "rappin hip-hopper" so I was just sharing my opinion..... certainly not trying to ruin anyones fun if it's their thing......