View Full Version : What type of camera is typically used by an Oklahoman photographer?

Joe Kimball
04-28-2008, 11:30 AM
I think this might fit here....

I was struck by the image in post 159 at OKC Central — All about downtown OKC ( , which leads me to ask not necessarily what camera (and/or setting) was used to make this photograph, but what type of camera is typically used?

04-28-2008, 11:41 AM
I know they switched from Nikon to Canon a few years back, so now all carry Canon digital SLRs. Can't tell you the exact body, though, nor the individual lenses.

Their total contract with Canon was for about 500 k in equipment.

Not sure why they switched.

Joe Kimball
04-28-2008, 12:00 PM
Now this is interesting! I hadn't expected that there would be a contract---I was thinking that each photographer had their own camera. It makes sense, though, as far as consistent photographs (?).

04-28-2008, 05:02 PM
That's a question for people far more knowledgable than me, but if I'll forward it on to our photo editor and get you an answer (what kind of camera).

Oh GAWD the Smell!
04-28-2008, 05:24 PM
I think this might fit here....

I was struck by the image in post 159 at OKC Central — All about downtown OKC ( , which leads me to ask not necessarily what camera (and/or setting) was used to make this photograph, but what type of camera is typically used?

99% of "photography" is what's happening behind the lens. I've taken phenomenal pictures with point-and-shoot cameras as well as my high-dollar D-SLR.

One of my favorite images I've ever captured was done with a disposable camera.

04-28-2008, 06:54 PM
I've taken phenomenal pictures with point-and-shoot cameras as well as my high-dollar D-SLR.

That's the answer I was hoping someone would post. I get so annoyed when people think if they spend $5K+ on a camera and lenses that means they are assured gorgeous photos.

It's all in the eye, not the brand on the camera.

Someone with the eye can make magic from a $150 digital point and shoot from Target.

I use my D-SLR because it is handy and I'm too impatient to get film developed. But, prior to going digital, I shot exclusively with my Nikon FM2. It was 100% manual and if the battery dies the camera still shoots! I have taken photos with that camera that still hang in mine and other friends/families homes.

I personally think there are some great D-SLR camera for $700 or less (Rebel series and Olympus have great body/lens packages).

Oh GAWD the Smell!
04-28-2008, 06:58 PM
Yup. My D-SLR (Konica-Minolta 7D) is great, but not too "handy" when I'm out riding or doing something active, so I've got a couple of point-n-shoots that I can drop in my camelback and not worry too much if I break them/ruin them when I go for an unintentional trip over the bars.

Now that I've sold my more dangerous hobby-mobiles though...I've found myself with an extra camera or two :D

Joe Kimball
04-28-2008, 07:58 PM
That's the answer I was hoping someone would post. I get so annoyed when people think if they spend $5K+ on a camera and lenses that means they are assured gorgeous photos.

Well, I wasn't intending to convey "what sort of phenomenally-priced camera captured such a photograph?!"; if somehow I said that, I apologize. ;) I'll go you and OGTS one more and mention the excellent photographs I've seen made from pinhole cameras cobbled out of found objects---it was a segment on Egg around 2000 or 2001. The whole "it's the artist moreso" approach can be applied to lots of media; one in which I heartily endorse this view is music, with musical instruments. But I digress.

It does seem, though, that any professional photographer carries an SLR--- is this just for ease with lenses, or is it more? I'm ready (or was, as post #1 gave a basic answer) to accept that a $150-ish point-and-shoot was viably used, for example.

Oh, and thanks Steve!

04-28-2008, 08:23 PM
I don't agree that "any professional photographer carries an SLR."

A professional would be anyone gets paid to take photographs. As stated before, professional photographers working fro media outlets use digital cameras.

I know a couple of photographers who use digital medium format cameras for portraits and 'artsy' type phtography.

Then their are the purists that you'd have to pry their SLR from their cold dead hands!

Joe Kimball
04-28-2008, 10:58 PM
I don't agree that "any professional photographer carries an SLR."

Fair enough, I misspoke. I mean "a big black-type camera", then.

04-29-2008, 10:11 AM
It just dawned on me, if you right-click on a photograph that you find on the Internet, sometimes you'll get to see the details of what brand camera was used, as well as the exposure information. I didn't know that until a friend pointed it out. That can be very useful, especially when you see a spectacular photograph.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
04-29-2008, 10:17 AM
Unless you're on a website (like this one) that doesn't allow right-clicking on the photos.

You can get around it, but it's not quite as easy.

04-29-2008, 10:22 AM
I have an answer for you. Our photo editor, Doug Hoke, starts by pointing out the answer goes beyond the camera - that the lens, etc., are just as important. So here's his answer:
We use Canon 1D Mark II digital cameras and this photo was shot with an extreme wide angle lens (16mm) to exaggerate the perspective. We typically use three main lenses; a 16-35 wide zoom, a 24-70 medium zoom and a 70-200 short telephoto zoom.

Let me add, I think some of the state's best photographers work at the newspaper and I always cringe when I have to take my own story photos because I simply don't have the same eye for the perfect shot. Also, please don't judge their photos based on their presentation on my blog. Those photos are copied over using the most basic means available, so there is no profesional cropping.

Joe Kimball
04-29-2008, 10:45 AM
I really appreciate such an immaculate answer! Also, I thank everyone else for their input, which has helped as well.

I've just opened the page to take a look at the details of this camera as we speak. Right now, I've only my first camera (a point-and-shoot that I've had for a few months) which I've just learned to take consistently proper shots with last night or the night before. :) I've been gradually getting into photography based on this, and running across the blog and seeing that photo, striking even with its compression, sparked further interest---even if that equates to only a greater appreciation of what I have to work with.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
04-29-2008, 10:48 AM
Most people can't get past step-one of taking a picture with a digital camera, and that's the shutter delay/focus time.

Most of them aren't actually "point and shoot", they're "point, focus, THEN shoot". You have to hold the button down halfway to get it to focus, then press it all the way to get it to snap the picture (even then, there may be a significant delay before exposure). It really borks up the timing when you're taking action shots.

It's amazing how difficult this is for some people to get. My girlfriend has a nice camera and takes pictures that look like a toddler took them by chewing on the corner of the camera. She's a smart cookie too.

Joe Kimball
04-29-2008, 11:01 AM
It's amazing how difficult [digital camera usage] is for some people to get. My girlfriend has a nice camera and takes pictures that look like a toddler took them by chewing on the corner of the camera. She's a smart cookie too.

Indeed. I've missed out on some great opportunities based on that stupid button-focus alone---but once I had the hang of it, it really opened up the possibilities of the camera. "Sport" and "Splashing Water" are no longer the preferred settings to compensate for my incompetence.

04-29-2008, 11:07 AM
I find that one of the qualities of a 'good' proficient photographer is that they turn off all automatic functions of their camera and instead work the scene.

The only thing I look for on a D-SLR (or even some nice P&S cameras) is good the ability to go 100% manual.

At 100% manual, you should be able to never miss a shot (as long as your camera is already on and you've placed your settings ahead of time).

I also find that creative lighting has alot to do with a great photo. I love my fill/slave flashes.

I bought a $40 cheapy slave flash online years ago and I take it everywhere. Amazing what a pop of light will do to a photo.

Also lens choice. I love using a telephoto to take portraits.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
04-29-2008, 11:11 AM
BailJumper, that's one of the main reasons I picked the 7D. It's not small (I'm no elf and my hands just don't like light little cameras), and just about every single function on it is external instead of being a menu-driven, on-screen waste of time. Lots of buttons and switches look daunting, but after your fingers learn where they are, it's easier to operate than an Xbox360 controller.