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04-25-2008, 08:57 AM
Oklahoma City mayor, Taco Bell president announce Official Menu of the Mayor’s Challenge
By OKCBusiness Staff - 4/24/2008

Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett and Taco Bell President Greg Creed announced today an official menu to assist citizens in losing a million pounds.

As a New Year’s resolution for Oklahoma City, Cornett has encouraged citizens to shed pounds. Cornett and Creed unveiled marketing plans and materials that will be displayed in the Oklahoma City area’s 42 Taco Bell restaurants.

The “Fresco menu” features nine items containing less than nine grams of fat and will be the Official Menu of the Mayor’s Challenge.

The Fresco items include:

• Rancho Chicken Soft Taco

• Bean Burrito

• Grilled Steak Soft Taco

• Crunchy Taco

• Zesty Chicken Border Bowl

• Soft taco

• Burrito Supreme Steak

• Burrito Supreme Chicken

• Fiesta Burrito Chicken

Creed said once Oklahoma City reaches a 10 percent (or a 100,000-lb.) milestone – to which citizens can add their weight loss at OKC Million > Home ( – Taco Bell will reward residents with a free Fresco Crunchy Beef Taco.
Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett, right, chats with Taco Bell President Greg Creed over Taco Bell lunch items from their new Fresco menu, the Official Menu of the Mayor's Challenge. Photo/Mark Hancock

04-25-2008, 08:59 AM
I understand and can agree with the idea behind this (since many Oklahoman's have no clue about nutrition or don't read nutrition labels). But how much sodium, calories and carbs do these items have in them? That's the real killer, not fat grams. How much protein and fiber do these things offer?

A quick look at the nutrition guide tells us these aren't that "healthy" except the calories are reasonable.

Fresco Menu Nutrition Guide (

Mickey forgets to tell us more than half these items have MORE THAN HALF the daily recommended sodium intake, for just one item! We all know most people are going to eat multiple items for just one meal.

04-25-2008, 09:09 AM
Good point. It seems that you should be cooking at home or enjoying the slow food industry if you are really going to benefit!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
04-25-2008, 09:10 AM
One can lose weight by eliminating fat OR carbs...Or both, but that's called anorexia :D My sister lost quite a bit of weight by eliminating fat grams, my mom lost a bunch by cutting out carbs. It's not difficult to lose weight, only to keep it off by sticking to something for the rest of your life. Moving around more than you normally do helps a lot too :D

And there may only be 9 grams of fat in a soft taco, but generally speaking, people that should be watching what they eat don't eat one or two. They eat 5 or 10. I know I can sure suck down 5 of those little bit-sized tacos.

I agree with metro though...The premise of this whole deal is a noble one. Taco Bell will get some decent (and deserved, nobody else is stepping up) PR out of this.

04-25-2008, 09:14 AM
I also forgot to mention, you know the cashiers are going to "upsell you" and ask if you want to Value Size your meal or if "that's all" or "would you also like to try our new....". I understand the business side of that, but as far as the health side of this, throw it out the window because most won't eat one taco and stop at that and a cup of ice water.

Hey at least we are getting some free PR out of the deal on their website and anywhere else promo materials are put. ( go to Latest News section

04-25-2008, 09:18 AM
I eat burgers, pizza, onion rings, taco bell while driving and on and on and on. I wonder why I don't weigh 600 pounds. Maybe it is all of the exercise I do around the house like mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, playing football with kids, riding my bike, washing the car, and on and on and on.

Weightloss is simple math. Burn more than you eat. There are several way to accomplish the math but the idea is the same. If you want to eat a lot then you have to exercise a lot. If you want to exercise a little then eat a little. If you don't want to exercise at all then don't eat at all.

I know I know, some people can't help that they eat a lot. I'm depressed, I'm nervous, I love the taset of food. Did I miss any excuses? Do you know what helps cure depression? You guessed it - exercise. Do you know what cures nervousness? You guessed it - exercise. Do you know what cure the good taste of food? You guessed it - human sweat dripping on your food.

Here are some simple ways to exercise without even knowing it. Park further from front door at Wal-Mart. In fact park as far away as you can and still feel safe. Take the stairs at work and avoid the elevator. In fact, don't use any mechaism that moves you from one floor to another. If you take an escalator at the mall walk up/down them - don't just go for the free ride.

Ok - rant over.

04-25-2008, 10:36 AM
I eat burgers, pizza, onion rings, taco bell while driving and on and on and on. I wonder why I don't weigh 600 pounds. Maybe it is all of the exercise I do around the house like mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, playing football with kids, riding my bike, washing the car, and on and on and on.

Weightloss is simple math. Burn more than you eat. There are several way to accomplish the math but the idea is the same. If you want to eat a lot then you have to exercise a lot. If you want to exercise a little then eat a little. If you don't want to exercise at all then don't eat at all.

I know I know, some people can't help that they eat a lot. I'm depressed, I'm nervous, I love the taset of food. Did I miss any excuses? Do you know what helps cure depression? You guessed it - exercise. Do you know what cures nervousness? You guessed it - exercise. Do you know what cure the good taste of food? You guessed it - human sweat dripping on your food.

Here are some simple ways to exercise without even knowing it. Park further from front door at Wal-Mart. In fact park as far away as you can and still feel safe. Take the stairs at work and avoid the elevator. In fact, don't use any mechaism that moves you from one floor to another. If you take an escalator at the mall walk up/down them - don't just go for the free ride.

Ok - rant over.

Don't bother reading that rant. It incorrectly implies is that fat people are lazy. Of course it ignores, culture, upbringing, commercialism, and genetics influence on obesity. How quick we are to judge others. Maybe the Mayor just needs to start a 'get a clue' website for our citizens - count the clues up and publish the total in the Oklahoman each week... sheesh.

Rant over..

04-25-2008, 12:09 PM
It incorrectly implies is that fat people are lazy. Of course it ignores, culture, upbringing, commercialism, and genetics influence on obesity.

If it implies anything it is that fat people are lazy compared to the amount of food they eat. This is why 99% of diets don't work. You have to burn more than you consume. It is just that simple. If I eat 20 burgers a day and only exercise off 5 of them I gain weight. If I cut back to 10 burgers a day and continue to only exercise off 5 of them I still gain weight. Blame my desire to eat 10 burgers on what ever influence you want it dosn't change the fact I am still gaining weight

04-25-2008, 12:41 PM
Kerry, just because you burn more than you consume, and you loose/maintain weight, doesn't mean your healthy. There are plenty of thin unhealthy people. Eating smart is one thing, eating to loose weight is another.

04-25-2008, 12:47 PM
fat people are lazy compared to the amount of food they eat... It is just that simple.

Nope. Not simple at all and not even necessarily due to factors under a persons control:

"Some factors are out of your control. People are born with metabolic differences. Some have a higher resting metabolic rate or produce more fat-burning enzymes than others. People with a low percentage of slow-twitch muscle fibers seem less able to burn fat in skeletal muscles and thus may have a harder time losing weight through exercise,"

Taken from (please read this): Exercise = Weight Loss, Except When It Doesn’t - New York Times (

Blame my desire to eat 10 burgers on what ever influence you want it dosn't change the fact I am still gaining weight

Please understand the reason people eat burgers isn't necessarily because they desire it, per se. Cultural influences, upbringing, price, and ease of access can heavily influence the varieties of food that you "choose" to eat.

04-25-2008, 12:55 PM
I agree with both of you guys. Some fat people are lazy, but plenty of skinny people are lazy. It is in your genes and in the way you choose to live. I do believe that most people can lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, but it is a LOT more difficult for some people than others.

Nawfside OKC
04-25-2008, 12:57 PM
I'm sure mayor cornett threw up or had the runs after eating that crap.Some people do have a problem losing weight, but for the most part if you exercise even junk food can have value if consumed in moderation. The most quickest,healthiest change is to swap your sodas and coffee for water or unsweet tea.

04-25-2008, 01:24 PM
People are born with metabolic differences. Some have a higher resting metabolic rate or produce more fat-burning enzymes than others. People with a low percentage of slow-twitch muscle fibers seem less able to burn fat in skeletal muscles and thus may have a harder time losing weight through exercise,"

I don't doubt that statement at all. In fact, I know it to be true. However, using that as an excuse to be fat isn't going to make you thinner. If you can run one mile and burn 100 calories while I only burn 50 calories over the same distance then that means I have to run 2 miles and not just sit down on the curb and eat a Snackwells Crumb Cake.

Alas, not every over weight person is unhappy. I weigh about 20 lbs over my ideal weight and I am perfectly happy.

04-25-2008, 02:18 PM
Alas, not every over weight person is unhappy. I weigh about 20 lbs over my ideal weight and I am perfectly happy.

I guess that makes you 20% too lazy. :sofa:

04-25-2008, 02:26 PM
Can't argue with you there. But I am maintaing my overweightiness (this is a new word I just made up). I have been 20 lbs over for the last 5 years.

04-25-2008, 05:35 PM
So will they stop using grade D but edible meat for these fine products? LOL. I hope that when the day comes that we are a big enough league city so that we can have locally owned restaurants, that whoever the Mayor is at the time he/she will team up with them for stuff like this. Till then, I think we should target places whose main fanbase aren't pot smokers and emo kids.

04-27-2008, 07:25 PM
Has anyone see the standees in the stores yet? I think posters should get pics of themselves next to them to show solidaridy with the Mayor for this bold move for our democracy....

05-02-2008, 02:32 PM
It's beautiful!

05-02-2008, 02:43 PM
Nope. Not simple at all and not even necessarily due to factors under a persons control:

"Some factors are out of your control. People are born with metabolic differences. Some have a higher resting metabolic rate or produce more fat-burning enzymes than others. People with a low percentage of slow-twitch muscle fibers seem less able to burn fat in skeletal muscles and thus may have a harder time losing weight through exercise,"

Taken from (please read this): Exercise = Weight Loss, Except When It Doesn’t - New York Times (

Please understand the reason people eat burgers isn't necessarily because they desire it, per se. Cultural influences, upbringing, price, and ease of access can heavily influence the varieties of food that you "choose" to eat.

My goodness. Kerry, I'm with you on this one. Yes, those things do affect maybe how much you think you should eat, or how easily you burn calories at a resting rate, but it all has to basically do with the mental toughness to consume less than you burn.

05-02-2008, 02:48 PM
Is it just me or did the misspell "like" on that sign.

05-02-2008, 02:52 PM
I was wondering if it was just me or did they mean to do that???

So now are we going to be losing weight by eating "fresco" but we can't spell?

05-02-2008, 03:04 PM
but it all has to basically do with the mental toughness to consume less than you burn.
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So you are saying that those who lose weight are morally superior to those who don't? Jocks have the inherent right to sneer at those who don't have the desire to sweat and strain? Why is thinness better than non-thinness in the eternal scheme of things?

05-02-2008, 03:08 PM
Some new "inventive spelling" thing that is all the rage with the kids these days which is what I was told. I don't understand it so please don't ask me to explain! LOL

05-02-2008, 03:55 PM
I think people are missing the point - the Fresco menu seems to highlight a healthy option which hasn't been available to some of us who like a healthy option.

Call me crazy, but going to the gym and actually getting off my butt and doing some exercise does not make me "morally superior" or whatever the exact wording was. I am not trying to be thin but to be the healthiest person I can be for my body type. And yes, that does involve some kind of exercise just about every day.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
05-02-2008, 04:59 PM
I'm morally superior to you all...Due to the MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF TABLE MUSCLE I HAVE. It's good ol' down home bellah food that makes me better than you!

05-02-2008, 07:22 PM
Yeah I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out the point of the way they spelled "liek" and I still have no idea...

05-03-2008, 12:05 AM
dude, they obviously mispelt it on purpose to get your attention, and it's working. But I don't like it, it definitely doesn't help shed the uneducated, redneck image of our state. Nice image "Our mayor at Taco Bell and he can't spell".

05-03-2008, 12:09 AM
Yeah I can't figure out what it could be besides, "look, Oklahomans can't spell."

05-03-2008, 12:14 AM
Same thing with the Cows saying to "Eat More Chikin" at Chic Fil A

05-03-2008, 01:09 AM
That's a bit different. That's cows that can't spell. It makes sense, and it's humorous. This does not make sense unless they are trying to insenuate that mayor Cornett can't spell.

05-03-2008, 08:24 AM
Bottom line is they need to spell it correctly.

05-04-2008, 10:48 PM
Oh c'mon Kerry. Marketers know their business and I think this is fun!

05-05-2008, 04:25 AM
The question here is does the mayor know his business?

You can tell we're a Big League City... our mayor flogs tacos.

05-05-2008, 07:33 AM
In a society where basic spelling, grammar, math, civic responsibility, and economic knowledge are lacking to the degree that ours is, I don't think we should be spelling anything incorrectly on purpose. I cringe when I see ESPN2 not capitalizing proper nouns and to try and use the argument that it ok to misspell word on purpose just to sell a few tacos to illiterate kids is pretty disgusting.

Joe Kimball
05-05-2008, 09:46 AM
I find it mildly appropriate to note here that Oklahoma City tops Forbes' list of American cities with residents that buy the most junk food per capita.

America's Junk Food-Obsessed Cities - (

05-05-2008, 10:40 AM
Illiterate kids buying a few tacos are destroying America, tonight on FOX!

In a society where basic spelling, grammar, math, civic responsibility, and economic knowledge are lacking to the degree that ours is, I don't think we should be spelling anything incorrectly on purpose. I cringe when I see ESPN2 not capitalizing proper nouns and to try and use the argument that it ok to misspell word on purpose just to sell a few tacos to illiterate kids is pretty disgusting.

05-05-2008, 12:11 PM
Illiterate kids buying a few tacos are making America great, tonight on CNN!

It is nice to see that you don't have any opposition to poor spelling though.

05-05-2008, 12:13 PM
I'd like to hear a nutritionist or dietitian weigh in on the value of tacos in a weight-loss regimen.

05-05-2008, 01:00 PM
"MayUr Coronet lieks takos", proposes $100Million subsidy to build Tako Belle Dome.

05-05-2008, 02:11 PM
I do. I just don't enjoy questioning the 1/3 a trillion/yr industry of marketing in America. Not a battle I am up for!

Illiterate kids buying a few tacos are making America great, tonight on CNN!

It is nice to see that you don't have any opposition to poor spelling though.

05-05-2008, 05:48 PM
there's an ad, folks are talking about it, even debating it.

Somewhere, someone is getting a bonus on that campaign, and s/he appreciates you. :)

05-06-2008, 07:01 PM
got that right!

there's an ad, folks are talking about it, even debating it.

Somewhere, someone is getting a bonus on that campaign, and s/he appreciates you. :)

05-06-2008, 07:09 PM

an intentional spelling mistake of like, often used in online chatrooms, forums, etc.

Used online where "like" would be used in normal conversation where it's not needed. It makes little or no difference to the meaning of the sentence.

"I know liek!"
"OMG Liek Hi!"
"You're liek totally wrong!"

Teen slang... btw, parents, if you ever find a word or phrase that makes no sense on your kids chats or Myspace .. ie 420 - Google it.

420 = Marijuana

My friend learned this the hard way. Sneaky little monsters.

05-06-2008, 10:12 PM
It's all coming into focus now!

These guys know what they are doing!!!!
you always see those guys at the game with the
varient of the mastercard "priceless!" makes
you think of mastercard...its a whole psycological game they play

05-07-2008, 09:45 AM
Is it just me or does entrusting Taco Bell with your health and nutrition feel a bit like putting crack dealers in charge of the D.A.R.E. campaign?

05-07-2008, 09:55 AM
Have you not seen the movie Demolition Man?

05-07-2008, 10:12 AM
Many studies have shown that consistent exercise is the only way to keep weight off if you manage to lose it.

Americans are very 'busy' but 99% of what they do is not real exercise. It's running around in the car, working too much, sitting in front of the tube, and lots and lots of eating out. Think about how much you eat out now compared to when you were a kid. The difference is staggering.

Also, portions have become absurd. You can really eat anything you want if you control your portions (about 1/3 or 1/4 of what you are typically served) and get regular exercise.

05-07-2008, 12:12 PM

05-07-2008, 09:27 PM
odd one on sw 44th

05-07-2008, 09:29 PM
That's not so odd. I'm sure the mayor uses 'lol' all the time.

05-07-2008, 09:30 PM
.oO(flinty, I don't think they know about the three shells ... snicker)Oo.

05-07-2008, 10:26 PM
"Mick Cornett, the official mayor of Taco Bell"

kevinpate, what is this .oO you and everyone keeps putting before and after the parenthesis, I don't get it.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
05-07-2008, 10:47 PM
Have you not seen the movie Demolition Man?

Yea, and I STILL don't understand how the three shells work.

05-08-2008, 03:23 AM
Blazerfan11, I notice now that the 'I liek tacos' and the "Taco snakcs" photo are the same photo, with different card art and a couple of background details photoshopped in. The floor tiles, placement of chairs and their shadows behind the subject and the reflection of lights in the window are identical.

Does this standee actually exist anywhere, or did you cobble the whole thing together in Photoshop?

05-08-2008, 09:12 AM
> what is this .oO

.oO(thought balloons - an old habit for me)Oo.

I'd probably make more of an effort to eradicate the same from my typing, but old dogs and tricks and all that

05-08-2008, 09:23 AM
I can't figure out why I can't lose weight on the Taco Bell Diet.

All I ever eat there is the Taco Salad .... lol

Sheesh, the more I think about it, I can' t believe the Mayor is endorsing Taco Bell as a nutritious addition to a diet.

Taco Salads with the shell have nearly 900 calories! If you don't eat the shell, you can shave off about 400 calories, but what's the point in that?

Nah, I don't think of Taco Bell as a place for healthy nutritious food.

Although, now I'm hungry for Nachos Bell Grande .. another 800 calories.

05-08-2008, 09:59 AM
Yea, and I STILL don't understand how the three shells work.It made Spartan curse for which he received tickets.

I found this explanation from Stallone (

OK, this may be bordering on the grotesque, but the way it was explained to me by the writer is you hold two seashells like chopsticks, pull gently and scrape what’s left with the third. You asked for it…. Be careful what you ask for, sorry.

Being serious though if Taco Bell is attempting to do something healthy I really do not see why that is bad.

05-08-2008, 10:09 AM
I know your post wasn't directed at me, but it's really not healthy. I applaud the effort, but the substance is lacking. All they did was pull the cheese off a few items and call it healthy or "al fresco". How can you justify getting a half days to a days worth of sodium, fat and calories in one item? Especially knowing most people and many Oklahomans are going to order and eat several items each? You and I both know there are enough people that take people's word for things (ala Mayor Cornett as a public official), and are not going to do the nutritional research behind the food to see if it is truly "healthy".

Oh GAWD the Smell!
05-08-2008, 10:09 AM
Well, if that's true...I'd not expect the shells to work on Taco Bell.

05-08-2008, 10:38 AM
Funny. This just in: Taco bell stores are all the same.

Blazerfan11, I notice now that the 'I liek tacos' and the "Taco snakcs" photo are the same photo, with different card art and a couple of background details photoshopped in. The floor tiles, placement of chairs and their shadows behind the subject and the reflection of lights in the window are identical.

Does this standee actually exist anywhere, or did you cobble the whole thing together in Photoshop?