Nawfside OKC
04-23-2008, 10:26 AM
In your opinion which one is best or worst ? take in to consederations these variables 1. route to work 2. traffic congestion 3. most senic 4. most maniac drivers 5. most likely to get a ticket 6. wrecks(thats easy) 7. funniest to drive 8. worst during bad weather.
04-23-2008, 10:40 AM
Personally I prefer Hefner Pkwy. Going through your lists, here is why:
1. I take it to and from work everyday and usually don't have much a problem.
2. The only traffic congestion I see is around 36th or 39th/I-44.
3. Hefner Lake
4. There have been several crazy driver run ins, but more of a lot of trucks going slow and you can get in front of those.
5. 65 mph on Hefner and 60 on BE. I usually go around 70 on both. 5 over is better than 10 over.
6. I think there are more wrecks on I-40 during the day than all the other highways combined, but both have their fair share of "rubber-necks."
7. There are more turns, the speed is higher and there is more to see because of the lake although with BE (going south) you get to look at Downtown and that is always cool.
8. Haven't had too much of a problem on either due to bad weather.
04-23-2008, 10:47 AM
I like the Parkway better. It's a nicer view and for the most part it is a "local" road meaning that there are much fewer semis.
Nawfside OKC
04-23-2008, 11:15 AM
7. There are more turns, the speed is higher and there is more to see because of the lake although with BE (going south) you get to look at Downtown and that is always cool.
yeah LHP does have more turns. The only turn on the broadway ext is approaching 50th and 36th. Other than that is a straight shot from downtown edmond to downtown okc. It makes me wanna speed,especially at night when downtown is lit up.Going south on lake hef you can see the office buildings on the nw expwy remember when the founders 360 was changing colors mixed with the lake on the other side cool view.
04-23-2008, 11:01 PM
Lake Hefner Parkway is much prettier. AND... I got a ~$300 speeding ticket on Broadway Extension, so I am not a fan. Any road with that many lanes should be 65mph+.