View Full Version : the forbidden kingdom

04-18-2008, 10:09 PM
we've always wanted to see jakie chan and jet li go after it. now that the movies out, you leave pissed. they dual ONCE and its a pretty cool fight. thats the best part, nothing else.
i cant belive they both sat around and looked at the script and thought it would be a good idea to do this movie. it sucked bad!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
04-19-2008, 01:05 PM
lol...How did that fight go?

They've got some REALLY different styles.

Jet Li = cool, fearless, smooth, and with a conservation of excessive movement. Really a beautiful thing.

Jackie Chan = Oh ****! CHAIR! Oh ****! FIRE HOSE! Oh ****! LADDER! Oh ****! CAR! And lots of arms flailing about.

04-21-2008, 07:03 PM
lol...How did that fight go?

They've got some REALLY different styles.

Jet Li = cool, fearless, smooth, and with a conservation of excessive movement. Really a beautiful thing.

Jackie Chan = Oh ****! CHAIR! Oh ****! FIRE HOSE! Oh ****! LADDER! Oh ****! CAR! And lots of arms flailing about.

the fight was pretty cool. jet li did his cool kick ass style whatever it is, and jackie did his drunken style. the thing i could have done without was the wire work. dont care to much for the wires.