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02-19-2009, 08:51 PM
Golden Corral wouldn't be bad! So they are widening Czech Hall between I-40 and Reno. Does anyone else think this may be so that the Westpointe center can be expanded all along the huge piece of land between Czech Hall and Garth Brooks?

sgt. pepper
02-20-2009, 08:25 AM
oneforone, where did you hear about the golden corral? a developer told me a braums was going to be built out there. ofcourse she also told me a sports center with batting cages and stuff like that was going to go up, but that never happeded. i hope it's a golden corral, it better be better than the old one. superchris, i think they are widen the rd. because it needed to be done for years. just like mustamg rd. ?westpoint?

02-20-2009, 12:41 PM
oneforone, where did you hear about the golden corral? a developer told me a braums was going to be built out there. ofcourse she also told me a sports center with batting cages and stuff like that was going to go up, but that never happeded. i hope it's a golden corral, it better be better than the old one. superchris, i think they are widen the rd. because it needed to be done for years. just like mustamg rd. ?westpoint?

I thought I had seen it on in the building permit listings. I tried to find it;however, I did not have any luck finding it today. I will keep looking when I have more time later.

02-20-2009, 03:40 PM
Im sorry but with a Braums at I-40 and Garth Brooks they really dont need a new one on Mustang Rd. Golden Corral would be Fantastic.:woowoo: Although My wife would have me picking up rolls every day. Some other things I have heard from very reliable sources is that there may be a Hotel going up between Arvest Bank (I think thats the name) and Canadian Valley Hospital. There is also a parcel of land west of the hospital that is close to being developed. Czech Hall Rd may have been widened due to the new VoTech. If that is the case they really need to keep going south from Reno to 15th. The next few years are going to see massive growth out here on the west side of OKC. A little Birdy also told me about a sports bar in the new building in front of Target!:Smiley051

02-20-2009, 09:29 PM
superchris, i think they are widen the rd. because it needed to be done for years. just like mustamg rd. ?westpoint?

Just a thought.....

sgt. pepper
02-23-2009, 07:57 AM
Im sorry but with a Braums at I-40 and Garth Brooks they really dont need a new one on Mustang Rd. Golden Corral would be Fantastic.
i agree...i stopped by the sonic this weekend and asked the car hop what was going in next door, and he told me a braums, we'll see.

03-07-2009, 05:09 PM
Looks really small for a Braum's. The Chequer's restaurant across I-40 is closed up.

04-10-2009, 07:59 AM
I live in Ashville N.C. and I have a friend in Mustang Ok. that I have lost touch with. Does anyone know Ricky Little? He's a Teacher-Coach in Mustang schools.

The Mustang's school website is Mustang Public Schools ( You can link to individual school sites from there. I did a quick look, and did not find him.

04-10-2009, 09:26 AM
What's that huge pile of dirt on the NE corner of hwy 4 and hwy 66 going to be used for? I noticed it last night going to a baseball game out there.

04-24-2009, 11:18 PM
What's that huge pile of dirt on the NE corner of hwy 4 and hwy 66 going to be used for? I noticed it last night going to a baseball game out there.

Still trying to find out....

Did anyone see there is a Louie's going into the new shopping center across from Target? I heard a rumor that a Chick-Fil-A was coming!

04-25-2009, 07:33 AM
I heard a rumor that a Chick-Fil-A was coming!

OOHH I so hope this is true!!!

04-25-2009, 07:51 AM
I live in Ashville N.C. and I have a friend in Mustang Ok. that I have lost touch with. Does anyone know Ricky Little? He's a Teacher-Coach in Mustang schools.

Are you sure he is still there? I ran a quick search and didn't come up with anything. You'd think a coach would make the news.

04-25-2009, 11:27 AM
OOHH I so hope this is true!!!

I heard it from a source in the Yukon real estate business. So we'll see....

04-26-2009, 06:46 PM
i agree...i stopped by the sonic this weekend and asked the car hop what was going in next door, and he told me a braums, we'll see.

It's a Braum's. One of the new log cabin looking ones.

What's that huge pile of dirt on the NE corner of hwy 4 and hwy 66 going to be used for? I noticed it last night going to a baseball game out there.

Makes me that what this is too?

04-27-2009, 09:38 PM
It's a Braum's. One of the new log cabin looking ones.

Makes me that what this is too?
Right across the street from the existing one? Maybe they are planning to tear the old one down.

04-27-2009, 09:49 PM
Right across the street from the existing one? Maybe they are planning to tear the old one down.

That's what I was thinking. Braum's has a whole new design. Who knows though. Everyone I know has no idea.

04-27-2009, 09:53 PM
Right across the street from the existing one? Maybe they are planning to tear the old one down.

This is on Mustang Rd.. The closest Braum's that I am aware of is on Garth Brooks in front of Wal-Mart.

04-27-2009, 10:15 PM
This is on Mustang Rd.. The closest Braum's that I am aware of is on Garth Brooks in front of Wal-Mart.

There's a Braum's on Route 66/Main/NW 39 & Cornwell on the west side. This is on the east side of Cornwell.

Where Monk is referring to Hwy 4 is Cornwell, not Mustang Rd.

The above Braum's, yes, is on Mustang Rd. We are talking about a dirt pile on 66.

04-28-2009, 06:51 AM
There's a Braum's on Route 66/Main/NW 39 & Cornwell on the west side. This is on the east side of Cornwell.

Where Monk is referring to Hwy 4 is Cornwell, not Mustang Rd.

The above Braum's, yes, is on Mustang Rd. We are talking about a dirt pile on 66.

I see.. it got lost in translation cause of sgt pepper and you talking about Mustang Rd at

05-03-2009, 09:36 PM
There's a Braum's on Route 66/Main/NW 39 & Cornwell on the west side. This is on the east side of Cornwell.

Where Monk is referring to Hwy 4 is Cornwell, not Mustang Rd.

The above Braum's, yes, is on Mustang Rd. We are talking about a dirt pile on 66.

Well, I'm not so sure now. When I saw the dirt pile, it was just a glimpse at night. I didn't look at how big it was. I got a better look in daylight. That thing is huge!! I'm not so sure now.

05-03-2009, 09:36 PM
I see.. it got lost in translation cause of sgt pepper and you talking about Mustang Rd at

HWY 4 weaves in and out between streets, it is confusing!

05-06-2009, 11:08 AM
From what I was told...the huge dirt pile at Hwy 4 and Main/66 in Yukon is just dirt that has been removed from the road construction area on Hwy 4 south of Main/66. They are stock piling it there for now. At least that is what a city council friend of mine told me.

However, money has been appropriated for widening Hwy 4 north from Main/66 to Wilshire. That was why they widened that one bridge just south of Wagner Road.

05-28-2009, 07:28 AM
I heard a rumor that a Chick-Fil-A was coming!

Chick-Fil-A now listed on Gulf Coast Commercial website...

Also heard from another store manager that Jersey Mike's is coming somewhere close to Louie's... let's hope so...

05-31-2009, 02:46 PM
Chick-Fil-A now listed on Gulf Coast Commercial website...

Also heard from another store manager that Jersey Mike's is coming somewhere close to Louie's... let's hope so...

I have not had Jersey Mike's before so if they come in it will be something to try.. I am a big fan of City Bites and do not like Subway.

05-31-2009, 03:31 PM
I have not had Jersey Mike's before so if they come in it will be something to try.. I am a big fan of City Bites and do not like Subway.

Always get the turkey sub Mike's way (generous portion of some sort of vinegar/oil concoction and top secret seasoning)... mighty tasty sandwich... prefer over anything at Subway or City Bite's.

05-31-2009, 06:31 PM
They're putting a Jersey Mike's on Rockwell and MacArthur. Do you think that's the one that was referred to?

Is JC Penney still coming? So I'm guessing that Dressbarn turned out to be Dustee's, unless they are owned by the same people.

06-01-2009, 08:33 AM
They're putting a Jersey Mike's on Rockwell and MacArthur. Do you think that's the one that was referred to?

Is JC Penney still coming? So I'm guessing that Dressbarn turned out to be Dustee's, unless they are owned by the same people.

Yukon location for Jersey Mike's was mentioned in addition to I-40/Mac location. Heard this from the I-240 location... hoping not a rumor. Not sure about JCPenney's, also noticed Famous Footwear beside Target on the Gulf Coast PDF... indifferent about that. Rather see more dining options as most would.

06-01-2009, 03:24 PM
They're putting a Jersey Mike's on Rockwell and MacArthur. Do you think that's the one that was referred to?

Is JC Penney still coming? So I'm guessing that Dressbarn turned out to be Dustee's, unless they are owned by the same people.

Where on Rockwell or Macarthur? Rockwell and Macarthur run parallel to each other, they do not intersect.

06-01-2009, 08:15 PM
Where on Rockwell or Macarthur? Rockwell and Macarthur run parallel to each other, they do not intersect.

Sorry, I always call 3rd ST MacArthur. It's on I-40 & Rockwell. It's going to be in that shopping center that was built, and sat empty for 2-3 years. Kind of in front of Home Depot.

06-02-2009, 07:07 PM
According to the Jersey Mikes webpage there are locations coming soon to Oklahoma City and Yukon! Its About time. Subway has no competition in Yukon and its starting to show.

06-02-2009, 09:30 PM
According to the Jersey Mikes webpage there are locations coming soon to Oklahoma City and Yukon! Its About time. Subway has no competition in Yukon and its starting to show.

Saw the same thing, this is good news!!!

07-02-2009, 06:34 PM
So is Jersey Mike's not coming anymore? They had a sign up for about a week, it's gone. Their website still says they're coming to Yukon. There are also ads on Craig's List for jobs to hire managers from June 22nd. This doesn't make any sense. Anyone know?

07-05-2009, 06:44 AM
So is Jersey Mike's not coming anymore? They had a sign up for about a week, it's gone. Their website still says they're coming to Yukon. There are also ads on Craig's List for jobs to hire managers from June 22nd. This doesn't make any sense. Anyone know?

I did not notice on Friday when I drove by. Are you referring to the sign on their storefront? I will have to check next time I drive by..

07-05-2009, 12:03 PM
I did not notice on Friday when I drove by. Are you referring to the sign on their storefront? I will have to check next time I drive by..

Yeah, they had a Jersey Mike's sign up right next to the Louie's sign.

07-07-2009, 06:12 AM
Yeah, they had a Jersey Mike's sign up right next to the Louie's sign.

I drove by last night and saw that the sign was still there on the storefront itself for Jersey Mike's. Also, I pointed this out in the Louie's thread, but I saw a bunch of cars in front of Louie's so I am not sure if they are open now or if they are training the new hires.

07-07-2009, 07:49 PM
I drove by last night and saw that the sign was still there on the storefront itself for Jersey Mike's. Also, I pointed this out in the Louie's thread, but I saw a bunch of cars in front of Louie's so I am not sure if they are open now or if they are training the new hires.

I didn't see the Jersey Mike's sign. I'm glad to know it's still there. Louie's is open.

07-07-2009, 11:22 PM
Jersey Mike's seem to be a popular resturant to discuss on here. I saw one on Air Depot when I drove by. It's in MWC. The first ever I've seen of the name.

07-08-2009, 07:39 PM
Jersey Mike's seem to be a popular resturant to discuss on here. I saw one on Air Depot when I drove by. It's in MWC. The first ever I've seen of the name.

Thunder, go in there for lunch one day. It's pretty good!

07-09-2009, 09:16 AM
Thunder, go in there for lunch one day. It's pretty good!

firehouse subs is even better if you can find one of those.

07-15-2009, 10:49 AM
Looks like dirt work has begun for new Chick-Fil-A? The south lot at the stoplight entrance into Target.

07-30-2009, 11:14 PM
Concrete work is done on new Chic-Fil-A. Shouldnt be long now. I am guessing by mid October we will be eating Mor Chikin!

The hospital is cruising right along too. The whole area here is just growing like wildfire.

08-02-2009, 06:58 PM
lush berries coming here in mid august

08-04-2009, 03:57 PM
I saw that on fox news this morning. Sounds delicious! They'll have Acai too!

08-04-2009, 04:53 PM
lush berries coming here in mid august

What's that?

08-05-2009, 07:14 AM
What's that?

Its a frozen Yogurt place. Looks ok if your into that stuff. Anyone know where its going?? Supposed to be in late August or early September.

Apparently the City of Yukon is working on developing the large field to the West of Canadian Valley Hospital. I kind of wish the hospital had bought it. It is going to get much bigger and doesnt have much more room to grow except up.

08-05-2009, 11:49 PM
Does anyone know what the big building is going up SE. of Lowes in Mustang? It looks like a Casino.

08-08-2009, 12:20 PM
whats going up across from Highland Pointe apartments? I hope not another hotel.

08-08-2009, 02:44 PM
Does anyone know what the big building is going up SE. of Lowes in Mustang? It looks like a Casino.

National Guard Armory

08-09-2009, 08:42 AM
whats going up across from Highland Pointe apartments? I hope not another hotel.

I hope not another set of apartments.

08-10-2009, 09:36 AM
I hope not another set of apartments.
it is definitely apartments. Supposed to be high end, gated, etc...

08-31-2009, 11:03 PM
I read on Chick-fil-A ( that the Yukon location will open 10/29!!!!

09-01-2009, 06:30 AM
National Guard Armory

That is what I heard. Will access be off HWY4?

09-01-2009, 01:40 PM
That is what I heard. Will access be off HWY4?

We drove up the the entrance on HWY 152. I'm not sure if you can get to it from HWY 4, but you can see it. The entrance is next to Cosby Ranch (I think that's what it's called)

10-06-2009, 08:40 PM
When did Santa Fe Cattle Company close? And what happened if anyone knows?

10-06-2009, 11:16 PM
About ten days ago. There is a note on the door stating the premises have been turned over to a Spirit Financial. Really a shame.

sgt. pepper
10-07-2009, 09:09 AM
When did Santa Fe Cattle Company close? And what happened if anyone knows?
i read somewhere on OKCtalk that they are reorganizing, all metro locations are closed.

10-07-2009, 08:09 PM
Santa Fe filed for Chapter 11. The one on Meridian, I-240, and Norman closed also. Hopefully, Outback or Texas Roadhouse will come to this building.

NASHVILLE, TN, Jul 16, 2009 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Santa Fe Holding Company (PINKSHEETS: SFHD) announced that it has voluntarily initiated proceedings under Chapter 11 in U.S. Bankruptcy court in Nashville, TN.

Santa Fe intends to use the reorganization process to strengthen its financial position which will improve operating and financial performance. Additionally, the Company will undertake further expense reduction plans to enhance productivity and provide marketing support to expand its loyal customer base.

While 16 new stores built over the last two years have flourished, several of the older units have under performed. Three of those units were closed on July 15.

According to CEO Danny York, "Santa Fe continues to be dedicated to giving customers the freshest food in a friendly atmosphere. The recent filing will allow us to reorganize our company and emerge stronger than ever."

Mr. York added, "Our business decision was made in the best interest of all of our dedicated employees and vendor partners who, like us, believe in the success of this concept. This decision not only protects the approximately 2,300 people we employ, but the hundreds of local businesses they support as consumers."

A DIP loan commitment has been secured and, subject to court approval, will provide funds for operating expenses. Craig Silvey, President of Integris Solutions, will play a key role in helping the Company during the restructuring process.

The company has filed "First Day" motions seeking Bankruptcy Court approval to conduct business as usual. The motions are intended to allow the Company to continue paying employees and vendors during the reorganization process.

10-21-2009, 04:37 PM
Looks like a new Orange Tree Frozen Yogurt is going in the old Jimmy's Smokehouse spot and Chik Fil La looks like it's getting close to opening.
Lush Berry's sits straight south of the YNB branch.

10-26-2009, 08:28 PM
Chick-fil-A will be opening Thursday Nov. 5 at 6:30am

11-15-2009, 12:27 PM
Anyone been to Chick-fil-A yet? I haven't because of the crowds.