04-03-2008, 10:13 AM
What happened to OU's WR recruit Jarboe? I know he got into some legal trouble. Has he resolved those or is he never coming?
View Full Version : Jarboe? ricanhornet 04-03-2008, 10:13 AM What happened to OU's WR recruit Jarboe? I know he got into some legal trouble. Has he resolved those or is he never coming? sroberts24 04-03-2008, 12:03 PM they are waiting on the legal process right now, he spent his time in jail and now is in an alternative school so that he can graduate. i'm not sure if u know what he did so i will let u know, he had a stolen gun on the campus of his school. Easy180 04-03-2008, 06:43 PM Highly unlikely that dude will see Norman again unless he is on vacation...Possible some other school will take a chance on him later down the line, but no way he is still coming unless those charges turn out to be completely bogus Steal a jacket maybe, but Stoops doesn't do guns :053: okiediva 04-29-2008, 10:28 PM Rumor has it that the charges will either be dropped to a misdemeanor or dropped completely. He recently took his ACT and scored well. We will see. sooners83 07-31-2008, 07:11 PM This is what is up: YouTube - Oklahoma's Josh Jarboe Raps It Up (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB9btJr4uTc) My guess Stoops kicks him off the team by the end of next week. FritterGirl 07-31-2008, 07:58 PM Whatever do you mean!? Why, he seems like a perfectly articulate, upstanding young gentleman to me. :rolleyes: BTW, given those other Big XII school signs in the b.g., I have to assume this was taped at OU. Way to represent!!! :ou2 Midtowner 07-31-2008, 08:25 PM He should be fine. I can't imagine being kicked off the team for making a silly youtube video. His [very inarticulate] message (if you can call it that) is no worse than something you'd find on BET at any given moment. You can't really get all that ticked for a 19 year old kid emulating pop culture icons, can you? This story is a bunch of crap. A mountain has just been made out of a molehill. Joe Kimball 08-01-2008, 01:12 PM I just heard on The Sports Animal that Jarboe was dismissed today. NativeOkie 08-01-2008, 01:27 PM Thank You NFL, T.O. PacMan, Ocho, You have become less than great role models for kids who have talent yet have not done anything yet. FritterGirl 08-01-2008, 01:39 PM If that’s true, that’s very sad. And not just because I am an OU fan and was looking forward to seeing him play. Kids who grow up in that type of environment don’t learn growing up how to make the most of a good opportunity when they get one. Many need the exact type of structure being on a college football team would provide to get them to straighten up their acts. I don’t condone Jarboe’s actions in any way. Frankly, he made himself out to look stupid if nothing else (and was it me, or did he also look stoned out of his mind?). College football has evolved in many ways since its glory years of the 50s and 60s. In some ways, this evolution has been GREAT. In others, not so much. Long gone are the days when a team would just “win won for the Gipper.” Nowadays, college football is as much about the “business” of college football as anything else. Coaches and team administrators these days are asked to take off their whistles a lot more often to serve the role as surrogant parent, psychologist, social counselor and service provider. Lots of kids entering college football today come from backgrounds just as bad, if not worse, than Jarboe’s. Some make it. Some don’t. I wish Jarboe well whether he stays or goes, but if this is indeed true, then I am confident Stoops made what he felt was the best decision for the team. Joe Kimball 08-01-2008, 01:42 PM If that’s true... It is; I forgot a link: Tulsa World: Jarboe dismissed from OU football team (http://www.tulsaworld.com/sports/article.aspx?articleID=20080801_2__After75101) solitude 08-01-2008, 02:23 PM Tramel had a column on this just this morning. He was questioning Stoops on letting this one pass. It looks like somebody in Norman agreed. His point is that it wasn't just the video. The video was just icing on the cake. He wouldn't have been eligible at OU anyway if not for a quirky law in Georgia that allows a felony to become a misdemeanor with first offenders. Stoops On This Ice With Jarboe By Berry Tramel The Oklahoman NORMAN — By now, you've probably seen Josh Jarboe's YouTube video, and if you haven't, consider yourself lucky. Jarboe's jabbering about shooting people — two months after he pleaded guilty to carrying a gun onto a Georgia high school campus — shows that he is undeserving of an Oklahoma scholarship. But that doesn't mean he won't get a third chance. Bob Stoops is not the most sentimental of souls, no Father Flanagan, but he has a solid track record turning troubled players into solid citizens, or getting rid of them before they embarrass the school and the state too much. Stoops indicated Thursday he won't remove Jarboe from the squad. "Kick a guy off the team for what he says?” Stoops said. The whole Internet culture frustrates Stoops. "We're starting to talk about everything kids say and do,” Stoops said. "Now we're in people's homes, in their private spaces.” Maybe so. But the same youth culture that makes this kind of video acceptable also knows that YouTube is the destination of any interesting video. Jarboe himself took this from private to public. Jarboe's status certainly is a reasonable debate. It was no clear choice for Jarboe to even be welcome in Norman in the first place, after he was charged with a felony in March and pleaded guilty in May. A judge reduced the conviction to a misdemeanor under Georgia's First Offender's Act, otherwise Jarboe would not even have been eligible for a scholarship, under OU policy. Oklahoma media did not chastise Stoops for taking the gamble; he had earned the right to be trusted on such dicey decisions. Now, Jarboe has burned Stoops. The video calls into question whether Jarboe has any clue of the gravity of what he did last spring. Among the lyrics of his rap: "...Shoot ya in you head, you might be dead, with a halo. "I put his a** in a coma. "I'll shoot ya a** up like a damn pool table.” Yes, all kinds of kids, of all kinds of upbringings, rap such ridiculous lyrics. But when it happens before the ink is dry on a gun-at-school conviction, you're talking strike one and strike two. The old good-kid-who-made-a-mistake argument doesn't wash. Put the gun conviction with the video, and Jarboe loses all claim to being just a knucklehead and not an outlaw. When OU announced in late May that Jarboe's scholarship would be honored, Stoops said, "He understands that anything less than exemplary behavior will not be tolerated.” It's quite apparent that Jarboe understands no such thing. Jarboe has placed Stoops in quite the pickle. Stoops stuck his neck out for Jarboe, and before the first practice, this is how Stoops is repaid. Stoops is stepping farther and farther out on a thin branch if he keeps Jarboe. But Stoops is no stranger to thin branches, though maybe not this thin. Stoops recalled what I wrote seven years ago, that dynasties crumble from within and he better be careful. This was after Stoops brought in Lynn McGruder, a transfer from Tennessee who was facing a felony drug charge. McGruder became an exemplary student and even a hero for his help with a family in a burning van after an I-35 crash. The Big 12 named McGruder and teammate Mark Clayton its sportsmen of the year. That's a great story. McGruder was at a crossroads, where his life could spiral into a mess, and instead OU football helped him turn triumphant in the most meaningful of ways. Stoops knows what he's doing. But I'm glad it's his reputation, and not mine, that rests in the hands of Josh Jarboe. NativeOkie 08-01-2008, 03:59 PM Thank You NFL. PacMan Jones, T.O., Chad Johnson, I am proud of OUR team. All Oklahomans. When you live as I do out of the great state of Oklahoma most people see that team as representing our state. It is great they see a good example of integrity. I wish the best for this guy, There is always USC or LSU or some place that will look the other way. I respect OU more today than ever before. Here come the reply's from the haters. solitude 08-01-2008, 04:01 PM Thank You NFL. PacMan Jones, T.O., Chad Johnson, I am proud of OUR team. All Oklahomans. When you live as I do out of the great state of Oklahoma most people see that team as representing our state. It is great they see a good example of integrity. I wish the best for this guy, There is always USC or LSU or some place that will look the other way. I respect OU more today than ever before. Here come the reply's from the haters. I agree. OKCMallen 08-01-2008, 04:55 PM I am torn on this one. He arguably shouldn't have been given a second chance anyway, so he was basically on borrowed time and no room to complain.... However, to kick someone off the team for free-style rapping on a youtube video? That's really, really harsh. Blairman 08-01-2008, 09:42 PM I am torn on this one. He arguably shouldn't have been given a second chance anyway, so he was basically on borrowed time and no room to complain.... However, to kick someone off the team for free-style rapping on a youtube video? That's really, really harsh. Dont you mean 3rd chance ? This was his second chance. Rap ? Did you even listen to the words ??? Why not rap (aka crap) about becoming a sooner, or how a great reciever he will be ? While I dont like or stand rap, it was on in the lyrics that got him in trouble. Coach Stoops was right just like Bomar and others. The program is bigger than one individual player. PennyQuilts 08-02-2008, 07:57 AM He was apparently warned that he was on VERY thin ice when they let him stay in the program. He apparently didn't think they meant it or he was just flat out and out stupid. Wasn't the video taken on school property? Didn't he have any friends or family with enough common sense to stop him from being so self destructive? Really, it is just a shame. It is scary to think that there are people out there with so much talent, who have had coaches and people pulling for them, interested in them, who believe in them and spend time with them yet they are still completely oblivious to what constitues appropriate behavior. He seems to have no concept that his good fortune in having this opportunity was something to protect and treasure. Such a sad story. Thunder 08-02-2008, 01:29 PM KFOR announced that he was kicked off the team. Now a post on here is saying Stoops and whoever is starting to discuss this and considering a 3rd chance? I think Stoops need to get his butt to the player's house, have heart to heart chat with him and the family, work things out, agree to counseling, and all that stuff. The last I know is there isn't a rule about not allowing YouTube prank/joke. He didn't actually commit any crime and it was just a fun time gone bad. Stoops, we need the player, we need the championship! NativeOkie 08-02-2008, 02:34 PM Hey Thunder, It may not be Coach Stoops. It may be Boren directing this. Integrity of the University so on and so on. No Proof just a thought. Chefdavies 08-04-2008, 12:31 PM My friends and I had a pool going on how long he was going to last at OU. We all lost, I was betting he would be arrested before the Fexas game in Oct. While this kid might have been awesome on the field, his lack on common sense is what got him in trouble. Its sad, but it was delt with correctly imo. It shows that the school and the program will not deal with this non sense anymore. I'm sure jarboe will show up on les smiles LSU team or at some florida school. jsibelius 08-04-2008, 01:57 PM This has the potential to drag down the whole team. Jarboe did not need yet another chance to show that he has incredibly bad judgment - and he is very young, he will prove this again, I promise. He did something horribly wrong (the gun incident) and was given a chance to make it better. Instead, he chose to make a brag video that shows he didn't learn a thing and that all things are given to those who are athletically talented. He needed to learn a harsh lesson. This wasn't just about his video, it was about everything that led up to it. Good for Bob Stoops. NativeOkie 08-04-2008, 02:42 PM Hey maybe he could transfer up the interstate. The have a coach THAT IS A MAN! That is what is wrong with OU. They need a coach who will yell at you tube and the press to not pick on Jarboe. IM A MAN! yell at Coach Stoops. Wow the contrast is painfully evident. (here come the haters) |