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03-27-2010, 11:05 AM
Yes the latest version (on top) is a very far cry from what was originally proposed:

It's so obvious the first rendering is conceptual showing no structure or detailing for the glazing system and the second showing the structure and associated glazing framing system. I don't know if it's possible or safe to build what is depicted in the first rendering. There is nothing supporting the glass at the corners or the lacy looking horizontal glazing frames............

03-27-2010, 12:20 PM
It's so obvious the first rendering is conceptual showing no structure or detailing for the glazing system and the second showing the structure and associated glazing framing system. I don't know if it's possible or safe to build what is depicted in the first rendering. There is nothing supporting the glass at the corners or the lacy looking horizontal glazing frames............
Maybe it is because I come more from the technical side of architecture but that is why I pretty much only do concepts that have a chance of being built. A concept that is not constructable is pretty much worthless to the client and males me look like I didn't do my job properly. I have known too many designers who throw a concept out there, get client approval then unload it on someone to figure out how to build it and it ends up requiring significant changes to be able to be built, making everyone on the design team to look bad.

They could do the cantilevers with the clear corners but would more than likely have to increase the size of the core significantly over what is shown in those renderings and more than likely the floor slabs would need to be thickened and be cast with integral beams to carry that load back to the core. I do think by the time this project gets to CD's it will have some significant structural changes, whether they can be hidden or not is yet to be seen.

03-27-2010, 12:56 PM
I too am a licensed architect and know all too well the realities of which bluedogok is speaking. I have been fortunate to have worked with some very tallented firms that are strong on design but that are equally strong in the techinical side and working very carefully to translate the key elements of the concept through the CD's so that the budget can me maintained and the final product achieveable. Rand Elliot is also one who is used to doing a great deal with or without much in the way of budget. His design concept is doable and yes there may need to be some adjustment in how deep the floors are as well as the potentially the core as well to resist the overturning moment caused by the mass of the cantelevered floors. but the glazing system can actually be done in a way that preserves the sense of transparancy and lightness of form without the structure being visible on the exterior. If they use a structurally glazed system. (which obviously adds cost) a possibly cleaner version of this could be possible in execution. It would likely require internal columns as are already indicated but would place them closer to the corners but enough removed from them to allow the corners to remain transparent and seem to be floating, which I would argue is key in making the concept so compelling and light. virtually all of the glazing support would be inernal rather than external and all you would see from the exterior would be glazing butting up to glazing with sealant between. Then the articulation of the horizontal fins which are for aesthetic effect could be applied and seriously lightweight.

There are a multitude of possible solutions here. We will just have to wait and see how he ends up deciding to execute it.

03-27-2010, 01:07 PM
As you say it is definitely doable with the original design intent but will more than likely require some changes and much of those could be hidden. It really all depends on the budget, given enough budget you could achieve it....of course I used to joke with the structural engineers that in their mind the most important part of the word "cantilever" was "can't".

I just want people to realize that "concept drawings" and the final design reality can be two entirely different things. The concept can still be effectively the same but executed differently and still achieve and impressive building.

03-27-2010, 01:15 PM
I am a local strucural engineer. Looking at those cantilevers makes me cringe as well. You have to be able to transfer the large moments at the face of the core, no doubt the thin slab shown will be something more substantial than shown. I'm just as interested on how they will control deflections with supporting the curtainwall system. Not to mention the lateral system, this one is a gem. Should be fun to see how they pull it off.

03-27-2010, 01:20 PM
And when the structural engineer cringes things get big and deep! lol! I agree with you there will be quite interesting to see it built! I am wondering if what is shown as a floor is really a thin floor slab with integral beams, or if it is a topping slab on a steel structure that has a closed panel soffit that creates the illusion of the monolithic sculptural floor element. It will be fun to watch that is for sure!

03-27-2010, 01:27 PM
I definitely see the floor profile getting thicker, maybe trying to keep a thin profile at the curtainwall and stepped behind.

Yep it will be interesting to see how it is pulled off.

03-27-2010, 02:48 PM
Take a look at the cantilevered canopy at Pops and how big the truss frame is over the front of the building. Maybe my sense of scale is off, but the cantilevers don't look that far off as far as length. I know they are different structural systems if the FL tower is a concrete structure, but the mechanics are the same. Look at the depth of the truss at that point where it transfers into the anchoring structure. Even at a tighter support spacing, deflections are going to be hard to control.

So even with a hidden steel structure you're dealing with the same issues. some depth has to start showing up... I looked even closer at the renderings again, the plates are multi-directional cantilevers!

03-27-2010, 08:03 PM
I am a "friend of the river" and received this invitation the other day for those who are interested.

Join us for our next Friendfest
"Cocktails & Construction"

Featuring a tour of the Devon Boathouse with architect Rand Elliott

Get the inside scoop on the construction of the Devon Boathouse with a hard hat site tour led by Elliott + Associates architect Rand Elliott and Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation executive director Mike Knopp.

Meet in the tent in the parking lot across the street from the boathouse
Thursday, April 1
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Cocktails & construction-themed snacks provided

RSVP so we can make sure we have enough hard hats!

03-28-2010, 02:12 PM

03-29-2010, 08:38 AM
CCOKC, how do we contact them to RSVP?

03-29-2010, 02:18 PM
You can email Mary Jo Hope,, to RSVP for the 2012 Friends of the Oklahoma River hard hat tour. She can also give you info on how to get involved with this new group on the Oklahoma River!

04-02-2010, 02:00 PM
Did anyone go to the boathouse tour? I so wanted to go but already had plans that night.

04-02-2010, 08:02 PM
Yes, I went. It was very interesting but mostly it was just a tour of the Devon Boathouse which is well under construction. The foundation and the steel are well in place and we should be seeing the walls go up in the next few weeks. The other projects are in the dirt work stage. The order according to Rand (we are buds now jk) is Devon, Finish Line, OU and UCO. That is order of construction not how the buildings will be placed along the river. He also pointed out that his vision was to have all of the structures have the points or bows to be pointing towards the river as if racing for a common goal. I did not ask him specifically about the Finish Line tower and the design issues that were brought up here because I don't really care that much. Sorry to those who do. The tour was mostly concerning the Devon Boathouse anyway. This will be the building that houses the Olympic training and appears to be first rate all the way. The indoor training tanks are built into the foundation and if you go out there you can get an idea of how these will work. Sort of like one of those swimming pools that work like a treadmill. These and all of the facilities will be open to members as well as the Olympic athletes.
Also, if you notice there is now a notch cut into the river to the east of the boathouse. There will be one of these next to each boathouse to facilitate getting the boats in and out of the water and not be in the way of the racing or utility lanes. I think that someone posted a picture of a backhoe taking out some rocks along the shoreline a while back. I believe this was a picture of this notch being built.
There was a lot of information last night and I had never met Rand Elliot but he seemed to be very nice and answered any questions to which he knew the answer.

04-03-2010, 09:16 AM
Did you take any pics?

04-05-2010, 10:14 PM
No, sorry about that. I am probably the worst when it comes to taking a camera anywhere and I have to have my children to help me post anything. I may be the only person you know of that doesn't even have a cel phone.

04-20-2010, 06:47 PM
The new Devon/OCU boathouse is really taking shape and they've broken ground on the Finish Line Tower.

I said before I thought boathouse row with the skyline in the background might become a unique and signature view of OKC... I believe that now more than ever, as you see things starting to take shape. Note the Devon Tower construction cranes in the lower left of the photo:

04-20-2010, 07:18 PM
when the Devon tower is completed, this will be my new favorite vantage point of the skyline! nice pic Pete!Boathouse Row in The future will be OKC's largest tourist destination????????

04-20-2010, 08:52 PM
QUESTION: When they install the permanent grandstands, are they going to be ont the south shore?? PLEASE TELL ME THEY WILL BE ON THE SOUTH SHORE!!! Could you imagine that view for vistors visiting okc for the Olympic Trials and Other huge events... Just the view alone would really make a statement.

04-20-2010, 09:02 PM
QUESTION: When they install the permanent grandstands, are they going to be ont the south shore?? PLEASE TELL ME THEY WILL BE ON THE SOUTH SHORE!!! Could you imagine that view for vistors visiting okc for the Olympic Trials and Other huge events... Just the view alone would really make a statement. Agreed.. But. I think a lot of work would have to be done on the south shore to make it appealing to be there.

04-21-2010, 09:32 AM
Is there any possibility that those power lines are going to be buried in the future? That would improve the view even more.

04-21-2010, 09:45 AM
Yes, the grandstands are supposed to be built on the south shore.

04-21-2010, 09:49 AM
Regarding the power lines, this is from the Boathouse District blog:

Transmission line removal - phase one (swing out from Boathouse District to 6th Street) - late March 2010 completion; Phase two - complete removal from north bank (including Chesapeake Boathouse area) - 2011

04-23-2010, 09:14 AM
QUESTION: When they install the permanent grandstands, are they going to be ont the south shore?? PLEASE TELL ME THEY WILL BE ON THE SOUTH SHORE!!! Could you imagine that view for vistors visiting okc for the Olympic Trials and Other huge events... Just the view alone would really make a statement.

Yes, here is a rendering to give you an idea.

04-23-2010, 01:42 PM
Is there any possibility that those power lines are going to be buried in the future? That would improve the view even more.

They have been removing power lines since late February.

05-17-2010, 12:49 PM
Does anybody know what's going on under the tent on the site east of the Devon Boathouse?? Groundbreaking?

05-17-2010, 01:06 PM
Must be the official groundbreaking for the UCO boathouse.

05-17-2010, 01:11 PM
Just found this:

Media Advisory: UCO and Chesapeake Energy Announce Boathouse Partnership Today

May 17, 2010

Media Contact: Adrienne Nobles, Director of Communications and Marketing, University of Central Oklahoma, (405) 974-2103,

EMBARGO: This information is embargoed until 2 p.m., May 17


WHEN: TODAY, 1:30 p.m., Monday, May 17

WHERE: Future site of the CHK|Central Boathouse, Oklahoma River Boathouse District (parking available at the Chesapeake Boathouse, 725 S. Lincoln, Oklahoma City); if inclement weather, inside the current Chesapeake Boathouse

WHAT: The University of Central Oklahoma and Chesapeake Energy Corporation will announce their new partnership on the Oklahoma River, the CHK|Central Boathouse.

The CHK|Central Boathouse will serve as home to Central's Women's Rowing team, and will also include a live music venue and an art gallery, establishing it as a unique presence "where art meets the river" in the growing Boathouse District on the Oklahoma River.

The CHK|Central Boathouse will join the well-established Chesapeake Boathouse and the Devon Boathouse, currently under construction, on the Oklahoma River. The river's development is generating excitement in the Oklahoma City metro. The river was named, along with the university, an official U.S. Olympic Training Site in 2009, and the recent passing of MAPS 3 funding advanced plans for multiple projects on the river that will create the country's premiere rowing and kayak destination.

Scheduled to speak at the announcement are UCO President Roger Webb, Chesapeake Energy Corporation CEO Aubrey McClendon and Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation Executive Director Mike Knopp.

* UCO President Roger Webb
* Chesapeake Energy Corporation CEO Aubrey McClendon
* Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation Executive Director Mike Knopp
* Civic and community leaders
* Members of the Central Women's Rowing Team
* A link to the latest conceptual images of the boathouse will be provided following the announcement

ON-SITE MEDIA CONTACT: Adrienne Nobles, UCO Director of Communications and Marketing, (405) 974-2103.

05-17-2010, 01:18 PM

05-17-2010, 01:38 PM
I'm confused...

Is this an additional boathouse, or is UCO's only going to be called CHK/Central Boathouse?

05-17-2010, 02:16 PM
Not an additional boathouse, just UCO co-naming the one that was planned due to a contribution by CHK.

OU Boathouse should be officially announced soon as well.

05-18-2010, 12:04 PM
The announcement yesterday was that Chesapeake is giving $3 million towards the UCO boathouse and that another donor has given $.5 million.

They still need a total of $6 million to build the thing, so groundbreaking isn't imminent -- but hopefully soon.

It's great they will be adding a live music venue to the locations as well.

05-18-2010, 12:07 PM
Roger Webb indicated they've got some good prospects in the wings to complete fundraising. I wouldn't be surprised to see construction starting in a year or so.

05-18-2010, 12:26 PM
Steve, do you know the status of the OU boathouse?

05-18-2010, 12:39 PM
Will Tulsa University be having a boathouse? or do they have a rowing team?

05-18-2010, 01:34 PM
Pete, I'm told the OU Boathouse is in design phase. OKClee, I'd be very, very surprised if Tulsa considered building a boathouse in OKC. OSU, on the other hand...

06-07-2010, 04:30 PM
Has anyone been out to the site to see the current progress taking place on river front? I know that last photos that were available showed them pouring the foundation of Finish line tower, and it appeared that the Devon boat house was about ready to receive its glazing.

If anyone was so inclined it would be fantastic to see some current images for this exciting development!

I really appreciate all of the efforts of those who do post images on a regular basis. It really makes those of us scattered around the country who are routing for OKC feel integrated in its transformation.

06-07-2010, 04:56 PM
Has anyone been out to the site to see the current progress taking place on river front? I know that last photos that were available showed them pouring the foundation of Finish line tower, and it appeared that the Devon boat house was about ready to receive its glazing.

If anyone was so inclined it would be fantastic to see some current images for this exciting development!

I really appreciate all of the efforts of those who do post images on a regular basis. It really makes those of us scattered around the country who are routing for OKC feel integrated in its transformation.

I have this website bookmarked in my browser. Unfortunately, the last time they uploaded any new photos was 5/24. Here ya go...

Boathouse District Development (

06-07-2010, 05:08 PM
Thanks Okcisforme, I too have it bookmarked but they aren't always the best at keeping things up to date, as you noted.

Just fishing for others who might have been more recently or who might pass by and easily snap a few.

I am nothing if not optimistic!

06-07-2010, 11:22 PM is worse. I'm about to ask my contact guy from ODOT if they will just give me the job that has been voided. I'll do it for free! They haven't had a gallery update since March 4th...

06-07-2010, 11:29 PM
Steve, are you alluding to OSU Boathouse rumors? There IS an OSU rowing team I believe.

06-07-2010, 11:36 PM
OSU has a great rowing facility. They do not need the Oklahoma River. They are too far to drive there for 6AM practice.

06-08-2010, 08:08 AM
OSU has a great rowing facility. They do not need the Oklahoma River. They are too far to drive there for 6AM practice.

Do they row at Boomer Lake or Carl Blackwell? And TU rows on the Arkansas River.

06-08-2010, 03:57 PM
a few new photos. Boathouse District Development (

06-08-2010, 04:04 PM
OSU rows on Blackwell.

08-05-2010, 10:37 PM
I was in the area today so I took some photos from a similar vantage point as my March pics:

Devon Boathouse

Finish Line Tower

Site overview


08-05-2010, 11:30 PM
Thanks for the photos! I can't wait til that whole stretch is filled with boathouses!! Its gonna be awesome!

08-18-2010, 11:00 AM
I just received, by mail, a flier here at work: "SAVE THE DATE - Let the Magic Begin - 6 to 9PM - Thursday, October 7". They're calling it Blu2010 and it's the official unveiling of the Devon Boathouse to the public. Go to for more information.

08-30-2010, 10:41 AM
Here is a recent photo from the Boathouse Foundation blog (

I really believe that when the Devon Boathouse and Finish Line Tower are complete and those utility lines are moved, this is going to be a signature view of our skyline, as you can clearly see Devon Tower rising in the background:

08-30-2010, 11:12 AM
Anyone know how the turnout was for the weekend events at the river?

08-30-2010, 12:33 PM
I just posted a video from the event in a new thread called "Progress on Boathouse Row" including interviews with Coach Shaun Caven, Joe Jacobi, Mike Knopp and some kayakers if you're interested!

08-30-2010, 12:35 PM

Here's the video.

Urban Pioneer
08-30-2010, 02:47 PM
Posted on the other thread but it seems relevant here as it is current by a few days.


08-30-2010, 03:03 PM
Here is a recent photo from the Boathouse Foundation blog (

I really believe that when the Devon Boathouse and Finish Line Tower are complete and those utility lines are moved, this is going to be a signature view of our skyline, as you can clearly see Devon Tower rising in the background:
^^ Could this be OKC's new skyline snapshot for news desk's and postcards etc....?When The Devon tower and all of boathouse row is completed this would be an awesome vantage point!

08-30-2010, 03:46 PM
That skyline view will be particularly impressive at dusk, as all the boathouses, tower and even parts of the course will be lit with neon/LED.

08-30-2010, 11:33 PM
Anyone know how the turnout was for the weekend events at the river?

We were down at the river Saturday afternoon. There were spectators along the bridge (even on small pavilion on the bridge, which was interesting) and I saw a few people along the river, but there certainly weren't throngs. The weather and wind were perfect, however, so hopefully the participants enjoyed themselves.

08-30-2010, 11:56 PM
We were down at the river Saturday afternoon. There were spectators along the bridge (even on small pavilion on the bridge, which was interesting) and I saw a few people along the river, but there certainly weren't throngs. The weather and wind were perfect, however, so hopefully the participants enjoyed themselves.

I'm not familiar with how this event was organized as far as the general public is concerned. Were there areas where admission was charged or was it totally free to watch? Since we are neophytes in these kinds of events I certainly wouldn't expect throngs for now, more just curious onlookers. As the venues and events evolve I'm sure the crowds will come.

08-31-2010, 08:48 AM
ljbab, some of the events on the river draw 20,000-30,000 although with the construction going on I'm sure it's significantly less.

08-31-2010, 09:00 PM
ljbab, some of the events on the river draw 20,000-30,000 although with the construction going on I'm sure it's significantly less.

What event on the river has drawn 20,000-30,000?

Larry OKC
08-31-2010, 11:41 PM
What event on the river has drawn 20,000-30,000?

The "Oklahoma City Nationals officials are expecting 20,000 to 30,000 spectators to make their way to the races."

Don't know if that many showed up or not, couldn't find an article stating attendance after the fact.