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09-19-2011, 08:58 PM
That seems short sighted to me then. You limit yourself a lot when you tie yourself down with the projector like that rather than a board. Not only it out there in the open waiting for something to happen to it (during the event), but it means you can't do anything with it at other times. So it's out for an event...ok. What about the other 99% of the time? And then you have to set up and break down the thing every time you have an event. Which means you have to pay someone to do that...either on site staff, or someone else. With a board, you can always sell advertisement space as well, put up announcements, etc all the time rather than just events. They just seem to have missed a lot of opportunities by doing it the way we did things in the 80's. And with LED systems being as cheap as they are now, that small size wall is sooo cheap. Many high school football stadiums have bigger screens on their scoreboards lol.

It has only been described as a screen in the design documentation with no real mention of uses till recently, it has started to sounds like it is more for community events than showing the race. Which since most races take place during the day it would have to be an unusually bright projector to see anything on it at most of them, the night races being the exception but even then it is not really positioned to where most spectators would see it anyway.

09-20-2011, 01:36 PM
Only on this board would the type of projector and screen be so controversial. LOL.

09-21-2011, 09:57 AM
Here are some photos from the top of the tower at the dedication ceremony:

09-22-2011, 08:00 AM
OMG don't make it into a bigger issue than it is Rover. I'm simply saying that a little more thought on the thing would have made it a much more useful (day and night) item with less work involved as well. Geez. You may commence untwisting your panties now.

09-22-2011, 08:56 AM
Nice views from the Finish Line Tower. Thanks for posting.

09-22-2011, 12:51 PM
OMG don't make it into a bigger issue than it is Rover. I'm simply saying that a little more thought on the thing would have made it a much more useful (day and night) item with less work involved as well. Geez. You may commence untwisting your panties now.

LOL. I wasn't making it any issue...just observing how it had become one. I love some of the rabbit trails that happen on this board. So, now that you are through lecturing me (you probably aren't though), you can relax. Skin shouldn't be so thin.

I love reading this board. Mostly it is very informative and thought provoking, and sometimes just amusing.

09-29-2011, 07:47 PM
Big week for the boathouse row:

09-29-2011, 07:53 PM
Very cool to have this going on here.

09-30-2011, 07:49 AM
any one have any idea when the OU boathouse will break ground ... it was fully funded as of june or july?

09-30-2011, 07:56 AM
Yeah, I don't understand the hold-up on the OU Boathouse. Perhaps they are waiting until after the big events this weekend... Everything else on the capital projects priority list is either complete or under construction.

I know UCO still needed to raise some money for theirs, even though they've already raised several million.

Maybe they want to start them at the same time and OU is waiting on UCO?

10-01-2011, 02:50 PM
Yeah, I don't understand the hold-up on the OU Boathouse. Perhaps they are waiting until after the big events this weekend... Everything else on the capital projects priority list is either complete or under construction.

I know UCO still needed to raise some money for theirs, even though they've already raised several million.

Maybe they want to start them at the same time and OU is waiting on UCO?

Since they have been using the future foundations for athletic staging areas, waiting to break ground is likely if it is ready to go or not and most of the projects they have done were influenced by activities/events held their. Though at least two months after the funding was in they were still talking about finalizing design and getting approvals of that design from OU, so another one or two months of planing out phasing, getting permits and signing contracts likely would have taken some time anyway, though neither the OU rowing team, the Boathouse foundation have announced when all the approvals went through and no further updates have been brought to OKRRA.

Their are a few reasons would not expect it being held to be built at the same time, neither building has much impact on the other and serve different groups. What reason would OU want to wait on another school to get funding it should increase their costs, delay benefits and annoy the donors. The boathouse foundation likes showing that development is progressing to any rower/paddler interested, our community and the collegiate organizations & national federations that award larger events. From a logistic standpoint it seems better to have at least a slight difference in start times since you will either introduce delays or have to hire more workers.

10-02-2011, 11:30 PM
There is a lot of good imformation on updated plans for the area here:

I thought the creative playground area sounds very interesting.

10-02-2011, 11:32 PM
There is a lot of good imformation on updated plans for the area here:

I thought the creative playground area sounds very interesting.

The link doesn't work for me, is it under the Riverfront Redevelopment Authority?

10-02-2011, 11:39 PM
The link doesn't work for me, is it under the Riverfront Redevelopment Authority?

You're right. It doesn't work after a copy and paste of the link. Here it is:

September 21, 2011
To: Chairman and Trustees
From: Pat Downes
Director of Development
Subject: Director of Development Report
August -- September 2011

The KaBOOM Foundation of Washington, D.C. has approved the
grant application by the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation to
construct a creative playground in the Boathouse District. The
Foundation is working with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma,
which has provided the local capital matching funds. Design work is
underway and the plans will be presented to OCRRA trustees at the
October 2011 meeting. The KaBOOM organization partners with
local entities and national sponsors to design and build creative
playgrounds in urban areas as a primary component of its
fitness/wellness initiative. Blue Cross Blue Shield is a national
sponsor of KaBOOM. Parks and Recreation, Public Works and
Planning Department staff have been made aware of this initiative.
Plans are underway for Oklahoma City to host the 2012 U.S. Olympic
Training Site Conference. The fact that Oklahoma City will host this
conference in an Olympic year (London 2012) presents a significant
opportunity to strengthen Oklahoma City’s relationship with the
U.S.O.C. and its recognized sport national governing bodies.

The formal dedication of the Chesapeake Finish Line Tower was held
Wednesday, September 14, at 5:00 p.m. The event was well attended
and well covered by local, national, and international media outlets.
This facility was a gift to the Oklahoma City community, made last
year in conjunction with Chesapeake’s 20th corporate anniversary
The MAPS staff keeps the Director of Development informed of the
program of work undertaken by the River Subcommittee of the
MAPS 3 Citizens Committee.

The MAPS 3 River Subcommittee, at their most recent meeting,
discussed the importance of expediting a site decision for the
whitewater center. The lighting plan has been studied, and a
recommendation has been made. The wind screen is undergoing a
series of wind tunnel tests in order to confirm the most beneficial
design and positioning. Preliminary tests suggest a positive result
from the screen installation.
A meeting to review preliminary engineering plans for the Zone G
canal extension / connection project was held August 11, 2011. A
broad stakeholder group has been invited to participate, including
Johnson & Associates, representatives of the Oklahoma City
Boathouse Foundation, Oklahoma River Cruisers, Parks &
Recreation Department, Public Works Department, Oklahoma
Centennial Commission, Bricktown interests, Urban Renewal, and
others. Additionally, the preliminary plans were reviewed and
approved by the river representative on the Mayor’s Council on
Disability Concerns. Several design suggestions were received by the
engineers, who are proceeding apace with the project.

The Director of Development has been made aware of a significant
corporate gift toward completion of the American Indian Cultural
Center and Museum. Additional commitments, and public
announcements, can be expected over the coming months. The
Director of Development serves on a committee focused on the
funding needs of the center.
An amendment to the engineering contract with C.H. Guernsey &
Company will be presented to OCRRA trustees at the September 2011
meeting. This amendment relates to the TIF-funded riverscape
improvement project adjacent to the new hotel properties, just west of
Meridian Landing.

The Finance Department staff continues its work to identify potential
funding mechanisms to finance the balance of the Meridian Landing
facility plan, as submitted by Triad Design Group. Funding
opportunities are also being identified to address the Stockyards
Landing, which remains a priority project of the trustees.

Staff continues to work with various river stakeholders interested in
development of a signature equestrian venue on the Oklahoma River.
The last meeting, involving officials from the State Fair of Oklahoma,
was held in mid-August 2011. Results will be presented to OCRRA
trustees, when appropriate.
The OCBF has purchased, and will operate, a parking lot shuttle
within the Boathouse District. The initial service has begun and was
very effective during the dedication ceremonies for the Chesapeake
Finish Line Tower. Details, such as hours, pricing, and event
coordination, will be incorporated into the Boathouse District
Operating Agreement, now under final negotiations.
The Director of Development continues to work with a significant
holder of private property in the Aero-Meridian District regarding
potential development along the SW 15th corridor.

The Director of Development continues to work with representatives
of Leadership Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation,
OKC Parks and Recreation Department, and the OKC Arts
Commission regarding the placement of the “Compass Rose” art
piece to be donated to the City by LOKC. The OCBF has agreed to
the proposed site along SE 6th Street, in the proposed parking lot
access traffic median; the OCBF lease is being amended to
incorporate the site within their leasehold area, to allow for ongoing
The Director of Development continues to work with owners of a
hospitality industry venue currently considering relocation to a site
along the Oklahoma River.
Staff is working with representatives of the OKC Disc Golf
Association regarding a possible course development on river
property south of the Overholser Dam. Staff is researching ways in
which to replace a pedestrian bridge which was damaged in one of the
more serious flooding incidents. If the loss was claimed as part of the
disaster relief funds provided by the Federal government, funding
should be available. The replacement of the bridge and a portion of
the pedestrian trail will be necessary in order to provide access and
safe escape routes in the event of future flooding in this area.

The Director of Development met with the Assistant City Manager, Parks and
Recreation Department staff, and Public Works Department staff regarding the
future disposition of the OKC Police Equine and Canine Center, at approximately
SW 12th Street and Portland.

10-02-2011, 11:47 PM
Ah, yes, the same one I posted last night about the funding for the Indian Cultural Center; I just skimmed through it and didn't notice the info about a playground.

I should have made sure my link worked as well, sorry.

10-03-2011, 06:07 AM
The link doesn't work for me, is it under the Riverfront Redevelopment Authority?

The city's content management system seems to generate all PDFs links as temporary links, from the url structure it looks like it was either designed as a way to make documents that with a lot of hits concurrently to be served more quickly or they have more files than will fit on the web servers memory allocated to the project, somewhere like 6 to 12 hours later it assumes their is not enough interest to keep the file cached and the link goes bad.

10-06-2011, 08:31 AM
Hadn't seen this but it's very good news:

Vicki Clark • Fri, Apr 18, 2008
Devon Energy CEO Larry Nichols picked the Olympic Kayak and Canoe Trials VIP party Friday night to quietly tell Oklahoma City University (OCU) President Tom McDaniel that he would donate the $5 million necessary to begin construction on the OCU Boathouse on the Oklahoma River.

OCU Rowing Coach Mike Knopp was also present. The Boathouse will cost $10 million and be designed by Oklahoma City Architect Rand Elliott. Knopp said he had already raised the other $5 million.

Knopp began the OCU rowing program in 2000 as a club. Knopp is president of the Oklahoma Association for Rowing and executive director of the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation, which will manages the Chesapeake Boathouse, a recently completed facility that houses OCU rowing. He is a graduate of Oklahoma State University. He holds a juris doctorate degree from the University of Oklahoma. Knopp has been instrumental in growing the sport of rowing in Oklahoma.

Nichols and his wife Polly attended the party where the two new Devon river boats were tied at the pier.

The Devon Discovery, Devon Explorer and soon to be deliveed Devon Pioneer are Oklahoma City’s newest attraction. The Devon River Boats will provide tours along a seven-mile stretch of the Oklahoma River. Each boat holds 35 passengers and can be boarded at Regatta Park Landing or at the Meridian Landinng on SW 15th street. The 90 minute cruise one way through two locks is $9 or $12 round trip.

10-06-2011, 08:49 AM
??? almost 3 years old, am I missing something ?

10-06-2011, 08:53 AM

I didn't realize the date.

I wonder what happened to this pledge by Nichols? Or perhaps it was just poor reporting.

10-06-2011, 08:59 AM
They donated the $5 million. The OCU boathouse opened as as the Devon Boathouse

10-06-2011, 09:05 AM
Right... I was confusing this for the UCO boathouse.

All these O/C/U acronyms! :)

10-06-2011, 06:58 PM
"Knopp is president of the Oklahoma Association for Rowing and executive director of the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation"

I think the Oklahoma Association for Rowing did not existed past somewhere between 2003-2006, it was what was set up in the 90's at lake Overholser and was (or at least all it's physical assets) folded into the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation since the Boathouse Foundation was a better legal entity to receive donations for the Chesapeake Boathouse to be built and work with the various organizations it was going to need to moving forward.

10-09-2011, 05:01 PM
I noticed yesterday that on the South side of the Oklahoma River, directly west of I-35 "Oklahoma City University" was written in the grass. Does anybody know when they painted that in cause I never noticed it until yesterday.

10-09-2011, 08:45 PM
I noticed yesterday that on the South side of the Oklahoma River, directly west of I-35 "Oklahoma City University" was written in the grass. Does anybody know when they painted that in cause I never noticed it until yesterday.

It was probably for OCU's main regatta last weekend.

10-09-2011, 11:55 PM
Also, the LED lights underneath the Lincoln bridge, do they plan on ever putting those underneath any other bridges?

10-11-2011, 01:51 AM
Also, the LED lights underneath the Lincoln bridge, do they plan on ever putting those underneath any other bridges?

The current lights under the bridge I think they are halogen, it has been mentioned with the phase one projects they are considering upgrading them to LED if they can work it into the budget. As far as other bridges, if they will it has not been mentioned, so probably would not happen in the at least the first three MAPS3 river phases. It sounds like they are leaning to have the stadium light standards along the way rigged with mounts so they can be added later but do not have it in the phase 1 budget get have the LEDs for them.

10-29-2011, 06:02 PM
I think MDot was referring to the colored strip lights on the support columns

11-11-2011, 01:36 PM
RiversportsOKC just tweeted "The new entrance to the Boathouse District opens today! Lincoln between Reno & SE 6th will be barricaded." Has anyone seen this new entrance?

11-11-2011, 01:48 PM
RiversportsOKC just tweeted "The new entrance to the Boathouse District opens today! Lincoln between Reno & SE 6th will be barricaded." Has anyone seen this new entrance?

The "new entrance" is the new bridge over I-40.

11-11-2011, 04:38 PM
I just drove over that new bridge.....It's big with sidewalks on both sides.

11-12-2011, 06:23 PM
HUGE PROPS to everyone involved with the development of this area... Everyone from the ideas, design, constuction workers, landscapers and everyone in-between. I just drove over the new bridge (new entrance) and this area has completely transformed in the past couple years. It looks like the playground east of the Devon Boathouse is just about finished. (hopefully it's finished before it gets too cold, so I can take my son to it this year.) When the OU Boathouse and Whitewater rapids are complete, that area will be AMAZING!!! I encourage everyone to go check out the area if you haven't already.

11-12-2011, 06:34 PM
... It looks like the playground east of the Devon Boathouse is just about finished. (hopefully it's finished before it gets too cold, so I can take my son to it this year.) ...

For anyone who had not heard about it KaBoom & Blue Cross and Blue Shield donated playground equipment and materials, the site prep for construction starting this last thursday and assembly started today, like 200 volunteers came out and assembled the whole thing in just 6 or 7 hours.

Shots from yesterday:
Shot from midmorning:
Shot from just after noon:

11-17-2011, 12:40 AM
This is really great development, particulary for the the schools in the OKC school system. They can't compete in football but it's something that can give them a sense of accomplishment and pride. Hopefully this will spread.

11-17-2011, 12:56 AM
This is really great development, particulary for the the schools in the OKC school system. They can't compete in football but it's something that can give them a sense of accomplishment and pride. Hopefully this will spread.

It would be really cool if they got a lot of schools into this and had events at night. Unforunately, I worked at a high school in OKC and I have never heard of them approaching anyone about getting a team. I was at an event where their mobile truck was last year and I told the guy supposedly in charge of high school recruitment that I'd introduce them to the right people about getting a rowing team and I was never contacted. It doesn't seem that they're working very hard to get high schools involved.

11-17-2011, 09:42 AM
It would be really cool if they got a lot of schools into this and had events at night. Unforunately, I worked at a high school in OKC and I have never heard of them approaching anyone about getting a team. I was at an event where their mobile truck was last year and I told the guy supposedly in charge of high school recruitment that I'd introduce them to the right people about getting a rowing team and I was never contacted. It doesn't seem that they're working very hard to get high schools involved.

There's a team at Casady, I know, because I know someone on it. I wonder about the expense of having a team, as the lack of local teams would mean a lot of travel for the first teams.

11-17-2011, 09:46 AM
It would be really cool if they got a lot of schools into this and had events at night. Unforunately, I worked at a high school in OKC and I have never heard of them approaching anyone about getting a team. I was at an event where their mobile truck was last year and I told the guy supposedly in charge of high school recruitment that I'd introduce them to the right people about getting a rowing team and I was never contacted. It doesn't seem that they're working very hard to get high schools involved.

There were a lot of schools involved in this-7 to be exact and one school fielded 2 crews. In the spring, there were only 4 schools. The last race of the event yesterday was at night in the dark. The problem with that is it is hard to spectate an event you cannot see. Well then, you could have lights. True. But considering this is a league put on at no cost to the schools, that would double or triple the budget. Also another things about having it at night would be the fact that it is super cold most nights.

Finally there is only a finite number of boats and oars. More than one crew can use a boat, but it takes longer. Then we could have more boats. True. But each 8 man boat is $20k. With the weather as it was yesterday, windy, we were only able to get off 3 races in 2.5 hours. It is difficult to get inexperienced crews lined up to race in wind. It is windy most days here.

Working hard to organize a free event for the participants and at great cost to the Boathouse Foundation should, in my opinion, not be the top priority. The Foundation needs to remain solvent. The OKC Riversport Juniors, a team where most every high school rowers pays to participate, does command a lot of time and resources from the Boathouse.

High school rowing will continue to grow in the city.
What school is it that you work at?
Did someone come to recruit for the Junior team or for the scholastic league?

11-17-2011, 11:50 AM

I really do appreciate your interest in the Boathouse and the river. It is an exciting time and this will continue to grow.


11-17-2011, 07:14 PM
There's a team at Casady, I know, because I know someone on it. I wonder about the expense of having a team, as the lack of local teams would mean a lot of travel for the first teams.

The expences are mainly equipment and coaches since they mostly race locally, the boats cost between 7,000 and 40,000 depending on size and which model you buy. Then add in another 1,000 to 4,000 for all the oars. Some other odds and ends are: storage of the boats, docks, exercise equipment, safety launches (low wake motor boats) both for allowing the coach to give instructions on the water and provide aide if problem occurs. Their is some transportation costs if the schools bus them their, though that could be offset if they make the kids drive them self to either location they practice.

At this point either all or most of the longer travel completion would be through the Chesapeake Junior Crew not the individual high schools. The first year of high school's teams (last year) they had 6 teams and it sounds like this year they had 8, so at least decent at the city wide level and their are other regattas for this age group here in OKC some that also have people from high schools that do not compete formed as crews, other regattas will also crews that age from other cities coming in to compete.

12-05-2011, 07:06 PM

Richard at Remax
12-05-2011, 07:22 PM
Good plan. Should keep keep the area active year long and increase more interest in the area

12-05-2011, 07:51 PM

The newest planned addition to the Boathouse District will add adventure activities for for all ages.

A new Youth Pavilion will offer more than 16,000 square feet of covered space for youth activities and will be modeled on the triangular footprint of the Devon Boathouse. It will include rowing and paddling elements and will be a central hub for youth outreach and educational programs. Initial funding of $500,000 for the multi-phased project has been made by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, which has also provided funding for a new “KaBoom” playground adjacent to the pavilion.

The Youth Pavilion will anchor the project which also includes construction of an OKC RIVERSPORT Sky Trail™ and Adventure Zip Line over the Oklahoma River.

Similar in concept to a Ropes course, participants will clip into a safety harness at ground level, then climb, jump and swing across various adventure elements as they ascend to a height of four-stories.

At the 75-foot peak they will have the option of zipping across a 700-foot Adventure Zip Line spanning the Oklahoma River. A return zip line will bring them back to the north shore skimming just above the roofline of the Youth Pavilion.

The budget for the new Boathouse District attractions including the Youth Pavilion, Sky Trail™ and Adventure Zip Line, as well as a mountain bike trail, is estimated to be $3 to $5 million.

12-05-2011, 08:14 PM
With this we may not need the enhanced lincoln bridge sidewalk, this will be the only way I go across and back on the river

12-05-2011, 09:33 PM

12-05-2011, 10:01 PM
This is a great project and the continued diversification of this area will allow it to become vibrant. It'll be awesome when a family can head over to the river and choose between kayaking, rowing, biking, climbing, sky trail, zip lining, white water rafting, and a playground. Pretty awesome.

Add in some housing, a little retail (at least a restaurant on the river), and then we're really talking.

One question... what the heck is the hold up on the OU (don't they have all the fundung already?!?) and UCO boathouses?

12-05-2011, 10:30 PM
Where is this in relation to the overall masterplan? Is this next to the UCO Boathouse, between it and OU or on the far side? Is this occupying one of the former planned boathouse locations? Has one of the Universities recently backed out? I am not an alarmist, rather just want to get a sense of the context of the evloving masterplan. I think that a facility like this could really be a nice addition the riverfront and in conjunction with the Whitewater rapids course could be quite the destination. I am not sure if they have thought this far along, but I know the that Boy Scouts of America might be an audience that would bolster the attendance numbers as this type of activity is in high demand with that demographic. Nice to see this continuing to develop and mature. Does anyone know what the current schedule for the ground breaking on the next two boathouses? I am eager for this area to gain the momentum that has been promoted, and the promise that it holds. I still really feel that the Native American Indian Cultural Center is a key component of gaining the critical mass and propelling this area to never before imagined heights.

12-05-2011, 11:35 PM
Where is this in relation to the overall masterplan? Is this next to the UCO Boathouse, between it and OU or on the far side? Is this occupying one of the former planned boathouse locations? Has one of the Universities recently backed out? I am not an alarmist, rather just want to get a sense of the context of the evloving masterplan. I think that a facility like this could really be a nice addition the riverfront and in conjunction with the Whitewater rapids course could be quite the destination. I am not sure if they have thought this far along, but I know the that Boy Scouts of America might be an audience that would bolster the attendance numbers as this type of activity is in high demand with that demographic. Nice to see this continuing to develop and mature. Does anyone know what the current schedule for the ground breaking on the next two boathouses? I am eager for this area to gain the momentum that has been promoted, and the promise that it holds. I still really feel that the Native American Indian Cultural Center is a key component of gaining the critical mass and propelling this area to never before imagined heights.

Please note in Steve's article above that it will be East of the Devon Boathouse and West of the OU and UCO boathouse locations.

12-06-2011, 12:09 AM
I think something noteworthy to this story is that a large company other than Devon, Chesapeake, or Sandridge made a substantial donation to a civic project. #Diversification.

12-06-2011, 07:34 AM
Very true, and it's for a totally unexpected but very cool project. I'm a little concerned that there hasn't been any more progress on the other boathouses as well. For projects that reportedly already had funding and designs, it sure it taking a long time to do anything. Someone needs to knock on Continental Resources door and ask them to put in a few bucks. Why not Integris, Express, Hertz, etc while you're at it.

12-06-2011, 07:44 AM
This is a great project and the continued diversification of this area will allow it to become vibrant. It'll be awesome when a family can head over to the river and choose between kayaking, rowing, biking, climbing, sky trail, zip lining, white water rafting, and a playground. Pretty awesome.

Add in some housing, a little retail (at least a restaurant on the river), and then we're really talking.

One question... what the heck is the hold up on the OU (don't they have all the fundung already?!?) and UCO boathouses?

the OU boathouse is fully funded and i have been told is in final design

12-06-2011, 07:52 AM
Very true, and it's for a totally unexpected but very cool project. I'm a little concerned that there hasn't been any more progress on the other boathouses as well. For projects that reportedly already had funding and designs, it sure it taking a long time to do anything. Someone needs to knock on Continental Resources door and ask them to put in a few bucks. Why not Integris, Express, Hertz, etc while you're at it.

Hertz won't give a dime to anyone. They don't even pay their bills at the end of each quarter just to show a cash balance.

12-06-2011, 08:12 AM
Please note in Steve's article above that it will be East of the Devon Boathouse and West of the OU and UCO boathouse locations.
It is east of UCO's (& Devon) and west of OU's.

Where is this in relation to the overall masterplan? Is this next to the UCO Boathouse, between it and OU or on the far side? Is this occupying one of the former planned boathouse locations? Has one of the Universities recently backed out? I am not an alarmist, rather just want to get a sense of the context of the evloving masterplan. I think that a facility like this could really be a nice addition the riverfront and in conjunction with the Whitewater rapids course could be quite the destination. I am not sure if they have thought this far along, but I know the that Boy Scouts of America might be an audience that would bolster the attendance numbers as this type of activity is in high demand with that demographic. Nice to see this continuing to develop and mature. Does anyone know what the current schedule for the ground breaking on the next two boathouses? I am eager for this area to gain the momentum that has been promoted, and the promise that it holds. I still really feel that the Native American Indian Cultural Center is a key component of gaining the critical mass and propelling this area to never before imagined heights.
If you look at google maps then you will see the two V cuts for docks that do not have a boathouse next to them, it goes between them. Neither of the universities backed out and UCO has like 80 to 90 percent of the money collected for theirs and OU's is fully funded. It was originally planned to be a welcome center, but because the finishline tower ended up being upgraded over the original plan that is now in it, here is an old rendering, the building with the grass roof was the welcome center and it had a smaller version of a pavilion next to it.
Their has not been dates announced for construction, OU seems happy to go at it's own pace, UCO had only announced times they were hoping to have the money collected by but two guessed times for when the money would be collected have passed.

One question... what the heck is the hold up on the OU (don't they have all the fundung already?!?) and UCO boathouses?

It was stated as waiting on approvals by the administration at OU of what was refereed to as the final design a few months ago, since it will probably need to go through bidding it may still be a few months before construction starts.

12-06-2011, 08:35 AM
COLD and Sterile! It continues the sterile look of boathouse row that Devon's boathouse started. Lets see how sterile and cold we can make a river feel. Lets keep a river looking like a sewage canal with white buildings. Great idea! Just don't go in the water! Heaven forbid we have warm and inviting places on the river with plants that clean the water!

12-06-2011, 08:49 AM
These new leisure attractions to Boathouse Row will only make that area more attractive, don't be surprised if Devon, Chesapeake, and OU finish out the fundraising for this project. This will also probably give OU/UCO a push to move forward with their boathouse projects. Within a the next few years, this will be a great destination area for tourists/travelers with great access off of the new I-40. This would also be a great place to add a mid-rise hotel to the area. If I were a developer I would jump on that asap!

12-06-2011, 09:52 AM
I think something noteworthy to this story is that a large company other than Devon, Chesapeake, or Sandridge made a substantial donation to a civic project. #Diversification.

I agree and also yesterday Love's gave $1 million to Science Museum Oklahoma.

12-06-2011, 10:54 AM
COLD and Sterile! It continues the sterile look of boathouse row that Devon's boathouse started. Lets see how sterile and cold we can make a river feel. Lets keep a river looking like a sewage canal with white buildings. Great idea! Just don't go in the water! Heaven forbid we have warm and inviting places on the river with plants that clean the water!

While I'm a HUGE fan of modern architecture, and like what they've done. I agree, this is not going to age well and not dense enough to last the test of time. I wish we would still go modern and sleek, but much denser with a narrow street along the banks and more plants. Let me remind again the original boathouse row, in Philadelphia:

12-06-2011, 11:11 AM
There certainly does need to be more trees.

12-06-2011, 11:19 AM
While I'm a HUGE fan of modern architecture, and like what they've done. I agree, this is not going to age well and not dense enough to last the test of time. I wish we would still go modern and sleek, but much denser with a narrow street along the banks and more plants. Let me remind again the original boathouse row, in Philadelphia:

This is not a neighborhood; it is a training facilite, stadium, park, and a few other things. Having open space south of 6th is a major asset for large regatta operations. The could go more dense north of 6th, however the whitewater course/facility will take up a significant amount of space by itself.

There certainly does need to be more trees.

While more trees will probably happen along the south bank and possibly add some north bank street-lines, they are not going to have any between the back of the buildings and the shore on the north side due to logistics of moving boats around and operations during regattas.

12-06-2011, 12:03 PM
COLD and Sterile! It continues the sterile look of boathouse row that Devon's boathouse started. Lets see how sterile and cold we can make a river feel. Lets keep a river looking like a sewage canal with white buildings. Great idea! Just don't go in the water! Heaven forbid we have warm and inviting places on the river with plants that clean the water!

It isn't as bad as you guys make it sound......go down there at night and have a look around. I'm sure a limited amount of landscaping will be added when completed and it will improve upon the character.

Besides, these are just drawings...............

12-06-2011, 12:55 PM
It isn't as bad as you guys make it sound......go down there at night and have a look around. I'm sure a limited amount of landscaping will be added when completed and it will improve upon the character.

Besides, these are just drawings...............

I have been there many times. A few of my interns were rowers. The inside of the buildings are first class. It is just the interaction of the buildings/concrete/rocks with the river. The river feels like a drainage ditch that is ecoli filled. The city could be better at resolving that issue. Plants would act as a buffer for the waves and clean the water making it clearer and less contaminated. Also softening the transition from river to paths would make it safer to bike. I have biked it many times and felt if I hit a bump, I would sent into the rocky embankment and then into the ecoli filled river to my death!

12-06-2011, 02:34 PM
I have been there many times. A few of my interns were rowers. The inside of the buildings are first class. It is just the interaction of the buildings/concrete/rocks with the river. The river feels like a drainage ditch that is ecoli filled. The city could be better at resolving that issue. Plants would act as a buffer for the waves and clean the water making it clearer and less contaminated. Also softening the transition from river to paths would make it safer to bike. I have biked it many times and felt if I hit a bump, I would sent into the rocky embankment and then into the ecoli filled river to my death!

It was/is a drainage ditch. Everyone knows the corp of engineers straighted it in the late 50's early 60's due to flooding. It was just a big snake prior to that, and rowing would not be possible. What were saying here is to shut down the 'live cattle' part of the stockyards, throw in some plant life and move on. The only time it hasn't looked dirty to me is when we have had very little water flow and the sediment has settled. Not sure what can be done about this, but i agree 100% that the shore asthetics could be improved, and over time i'd bet it will be as it continues to develop.