View Full Version : Okay, let's take stock...

03-13-2008, 12:45 AM
1. New Devon Tower announced that will not only be the first skyscraper built downtown in 30 years, it will also be the tallest (perhaps by a good measure) and "iconic"
2. Ford Center improvements pass by landslide which will bring OKC a first-class facility and almost certainly an NBA team
3. First National Center on it's way to returning as one of the city's great treasures
4. New all-brick approved hotel for Bricktown
5. THREE new boathouses getting ready to break ground on the river
6. Postal facility in middle of proposed Central Park to be purchased

And that's just the last two weeks. :)

- Core to Shore starting to look more and more real with fantastic plans & planning already developed
- A major condo and hotel project planned for the Bricktown Canal
- Scads of housing units getting ready to open in the downtown area in numerous developments
- Multiple Midtown projects completed or in progress, including St. Anthony
- Several on-going projects in Automobile Alley
- Historic building boom at the Health Sciences Center

Can a major convention hotel be far behind??

The momentum is unreal!

03-13-2008, 12:48 AM
I'd really like to see the new convention center as part of the Core to Shore. Then I think we would really see some major hotels come in. OKC certainly has the potential to become a great convention city with everything downtown being is such close proximity. Hopefully this will spur some major retail to go with it.

03-13-2008, 01:01 AM
Triangle also!

03-13-2008, 04:06 AM
I'd really like to see the new convention center as part of the Core to Shore. Then I think we would really see some major hotels come in. OKC certainly has the potential to become a great convention city with everything downtown being is such close proximity. Hopefully this will spur some major retail to go with it.

a 800k to 1mil sq ft convention center + hotel is part of the C2S plan

03-13-2008, 07:12 AM
As an Oklahoma native watching all the ongoing and proposed development in the capital city, I can say without reservation, I have never been more proud of the citizens and leaders of OKC and Oklahoma. It's really great to see the vast potential of our State and City take root. Bravo OKC

03-13-2008, 08:20 AM
Thank you for posting good news... after a few days of reading negative comments about Oklahoma ( thanks to Sally Kern) I'm more than pleased to hear of some positive things happening in OK.

03-13-2008, 07:36 PM
This has been an amazing week for OKC. I am proud of my hometown.

03-13-2008, 07:54 PM
Thanks for the list Pete; it does indeed drive home the momentum that is Oklahoma City's at this time. And, as an added bonus, your list helps to ameliorate the bitter taste left the past few days by the likes of Sally Kern!

03-13-2008, 10:53 PM
already developed
- A major condo and hotel project planned for the Bricktown Canal

What is this project? I have not heard anything about on these boards.

I agree totally with you that this has been a huge week. We are definitly moving in the right direction. Hopefully this momentum will continue!

03-13-2008, 10:56 PM
don, this was the project I was referring to:

03-14-2008, 01:06 AM
New convention center and adjacent convention hotel just south of the Ford Center on the blvd. will be the next big announcements, IMO. Look for these buildings to be "iconic" as well, definitely not your average convention center and hotel. I would guess the convention center to be over a million SF with a much larger exhibit hall and more ballroom and meeting room space, and the hotel to include over 800 rooms making it possibly well over 30 stories. Then it could be the announcement of a starter light rail system and of course the proposed (in Core to Shore) retail complex on the blvd. just south of Myriad Gardens. That could be the "mall" everyone has always wanted downtown but be in an urban format with residential, hotel, and office included. Like CityCenter in Vegas, only much smaller!