03-09-2008, 09:16 PM
Hello everyone,
Do you know if Clint's in Yukon is still open? THey're located across from the old movie theater off Garth Brooks north of I40. We wanted some jambalaya the other night and there was no answer on their phone.
03-16-2008, 06:52 PM
No it's not. Heard the rumor they had closed and drove by there and it was!
06-16-2008, 10:52 AM
Oh does anybody know why clints closed, I use to drive from moore just to eat at clints.. The food was top notch,, why did they close, and is there anything like them anywhere else I need my good cajun food fix..
sgt. pepper
06-16-2008, 11:01 AM
There is a new cajun place in Yukon on 66 and ranchwood according to the mustang paper. They have been cookin cajun for like 18 years it said. Have not tried it so i can't say if it is any good or not. the worst thing is...i can not remember the name of it! i will have to get back with you on that.
06-16-2008, 06:58 PM
Hey Jesseda, you should join in our Yukon (and a little bit of Mustang) discussion! Cajun food discussion is welcome!
06-23-2008, 01:48 AM
There is a new cajun place in Yukon on 66 and ranchwood according to the mustang paper. They have been cookin cajun for like 18 years it said. Have not tried it so i can't say if it is any good or not. the worst thing is...i can not remember the name of it! i will have to get back with you on that.
The place is called The Big Easy. Has excellent food. We go all the time.