View Full Version : Time to turn those Sonics lose.

03-09-2008, 02:46 PM
As soon as the NBA approves relocation of the Seattle Supersonics to Oklahoma City only then will you see the Seattle City council ask Bennett to make another buyout offer?!

Why? Because once it has been approved, why bleed the owners--it won't get you any hopes of obtaining an expansion team.

Bennett & Company has offered to pay off the two years left on the lease and retired the debt left on KEYARENA.

There is hope that the Sonics would be here for next season.

Seattle would be stupid to pass this up!

Sea-Town Sonics
03-10-2008, 01:44 AM
Stupid enough to want to keep our team? I think OKC should get a team but not one with the fan base and history of the Sonics.

03-10-2008, 06:02 AM
I agree Sea-Town, OKC likely does deserve better. And if a team with a better history was available, Clay and the companions probably would have gone after it instead.

However, as your area in general isn't nearly as interested in hanging on to the Sonics as you personally appear to be, that particular team may just have to do.

Perhaps your area will better support the next team, assuming one can be obtained, or perhaps your area will retain the name and colors and dress up some other group and pretend nothing changed. These things I do not know.

03-10-2008, 06:04 AM
Sea- Town,
Seattle doesn't own the Sonics, you have no inherent right to the team, just like you did not when the Boeing Hqs moved to Chicago. You think Baltimore Colts didn't have a history, the Houston Oilers, Dodgers in LA etc etc. Buck up man and quit crying