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01-29-2015, 10:04 AM
It is a matter of taste amid other amenities, I've been to S&B a few times but can't justify going back. I feel like for the complete package, food, atmosphere and service that the Garage stacks up well.

01-29-2015, 11:26 AM
I drove by Nic's Grill, on the way Downtown, yesterday. Three guys were hanging around, outside, in a pseudo-line before 10:00 am. I thought Nic's quit serving breakfast some time ago. Or was this the start of the Lunch Rush?

Roger S
01-29-2015, 01:10 PM
I drove by Nic's Grill, on the way Downtown, yesterday. Three guys were hanging around, outside, in a pseudo-line before 10:00 am. I thought Nic's quit serving breakfast some time ago. Or was this the start of the Lunch Rush?

Start of lunch... I believe his hours are 10:00 to 2:00 now despite still having some of his 7-2 signs outside.

01-30-2015, 10:51 PM
Went to Nics today. Heard him talking about a new location that he is opening in Midtown. ( 1116 N Robinson )... Hopes to be in the building in the next month or so and then about 4 months of finish out. The new place will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. (He stopped serving breakfast about a year or so ago). It will also serve alcohol. Interesting news. Will for sure help out the lack of breakfast in the area.

Yeah there is another thread on it somewhere, the progress is coming along nicely now.

01-31-2015, 09:50 AM
It's just, like, my opinion, man.

You're obviously not a golfer.

02-01-2015, 04:46 PM
I've never been able to check this place out. Realistically, what's the best day and time to go to not have to wait forever in a line? (without having to eat a burger before 11a.m.)

02-01-2015, 06:28 PM
I've never been able to check this place out. Realistically, what's the best day and time to go to not have to wait forever in a line? (without having to eat a burger before 11a.m.)

Beginning of the week on a bad weather day. That's usually when we go.

Roger S
02-02-2015, 07:44 AM
Like Brian said... Bad weather days are the best.

There also seems to be some windows on the 15's.... 11:45, 12:15, 12:45.... Not sure why it happens but I see the line disappear around those times and then 15 minutes later it's wrapped back around the building.

02-02-2015, 08:35 AM
Probably a combination of ordering/prep/consumption taking roughly 45 minutes on average there (speculation), added to the fact that most people go to lunch at the top and botton of the hour. Ergo..."meet me there at noon" or "meet me there at 11:30" rather than "meet me there at 11:45."

02-02-2015, 10:25 AM
I usually go late and like Brian said on a bad weather day. I would make back up plans, just in case. I have found after 1pm is a good time to go. If you get there at 1:30 and the line is still around the corner, go somewhere else. If it is to the edge of building, you are probably good. Does Nic turn people away at a certain time? I feel like someone would come out and say the person at the end of the line is last person they are going to serve, or something like that.

04-25-2015, 08:05 AM
*Finally* got to Nic's yesterday.

I went at 10:10 and got the last seat. By the time I sat down at one of the little side tables, there was already a line forming outside.

This place is even tinier than I thought. And although I was greeted right away and asked if I wanted a burger so Nic could slap it on the grill, they never asked me what I wanted to drink and in the chaos of the place I never did get a beverage. Since I was not at the bar, there was really no way to let them know as the place was completely packed.

Nic did ask me what I wanted on my burger and then it was served with fries even though I didn't ask for them. In the end, I was charged for a full combo even though I never even got water and I really didn't want the fries. And I basically had to force my way to the bar to let them know I needed to pay.

But, the burger was spectacular, of course. I opted for the jalapenos and it was one very large pepper cut into thirds and grilled. The pepper was hot and in big chunks. Very, very good.

The best thing about the meal other than the perfectly done and seasoned patty was the grilled onions. Perfectly caramelized and sweet.

Besides the bizarre service, the bun just couldn't hold up to the juicy meat and all the toppings. I had to eat the whole thing with a fork and since they put a paper towel at the bottom of the basket, even that was hard to do without getting paper in every forkful.

It was not only packed and cramped with people standing up and jammed in there, the TV was blaring the Price is Right and two guys on the opposite end of the bar were basically shouting at eat other -- with Nic in the middle -- in a Westrbook v. Durant debate. I actually thought the debate was kind of cool but everything combined was a bit too much.

It was a great burger but it was so loud, chaotic and claustrophobic that I won't be anxious to return and if I do, it will be near their 2PM closing time.

04-25-2015, 12:26 PM
Dang, I'm sorry to hear about that Pete. I can say of the dozen or so times I've been there, I've never had an experience that remotely matched yours. It seems like it was clearly an off day. Next time your in town you really should give it another shot.

I do agree that the paper towel at the bottom of the basket probably needs to be turned into wax paper for the times when the bun doesn't quite handle the burger (which is probably 70% of the time for me) and you have to use a knife on it.

04-25-2015, 12:27 PM
Also, you can get the burger to go if the environment is more packed then you like. Friday is probably the busiest day though.

04-25-2015, 12:35 PM
Dang, I'm sorry to hear about that Pete. I can say of the dozen or so times I've been there, I've never had an experience that remotely matched yours. It seems like it was clearly an off day. Next time your in town you really should give it another shot.

I do agree that the paper towel at the bottom of the basket probably needs to be turned into wax paper for the times when the bun doesn't quite handle the burger (which is probably 70% of the time for me) and you have to use a knife on it.

I've been about 5 times and can confirm that you (edit: Pete) had an unusual experience.

Usually Nic and his partner have service down very well. Usually a drink is the first thing they offer me a moment before Nic asks for your burger order.

Roger S
04-26-2015, 10:08 AM
Yep.... Definitely not typical on the drink. They usually hit you for your drink as soon as you step in the door.

Not that uncommon to get fries when you didn't ask for them though... I've seen that happen a lot.

04-26-2015, 10:08 AM
Also, you can get the burger to go if the environment is more packed then you like. Friday is probably the busiest day though.

The only caution regarding togo's; When I used to go more regularly I noticed that Nic would often take the phone off the hook as early as 11am -- limiting phoned in togo orders.

Also, I've eaten there and then brought togo orders back to friends. They always say the same thing.... "Too bad it sat in the sack long enough that the bun is totally soaked."

04-26-2015, 08:52 PM
1. Don't fries come with them whether you order them or not? I can't remember; I always get them.
2. The drink thing has never happened to me there. Sorry it happened to you; had it been me, I would have muscled my way up there and asked for water.
3. Good call on the jalapeños. That is the only restaurant where I eat jalapeños on burgers, but they just go so well with that burger.
4. I always, ALWAYS, eat mine with a fork.

It is a splendid mess to eat there. And I don't go often, because you have to just about take the rest of the day off after you eat there. Forget having meetings because you smell like an onion. LOVE Nic's. It's really a special and unique place. And I can't wait to try out his diner.

04-27-2015, 11:12 AM
I've never been to Nic's but I do go to the Ice House at the Myriad Gardens. The food is great without the claustrophobic and chatotic atmosphere. This is the same food/menu/owner as the original Nic's... is that correct?

04-27-2015, 11:22 AM
1. Don't fries come with them whether you order them or not? I can't remember; I always get them.
2. The drink thing has never happened to me there. Sorry it happened to you; had it been me, I would have muscled my way up there and asked for water.

No, you can order the burger ala carte and being that it was 10:20 in the AM and my stomach was on California time -- and I knew the burger itself would be immense -- I didn't want fries and only ate one to try. Very good, but they got trashed and I had to pay for them.

And 2., easier said than done, especially for a n00b. Nic's partner disappeared for a fair amount of time and I couldn't even stand up from my little side table it was so packed with people. It took all my will -- and a temporary parting of the customer sea -- to force my money upon them at the very end. Frankly, all I wanted to do is eat about half the burger to get a good sample and clear out of there.

I know the tiny atmosphere is part of the charm, but this was all too much. I was constantly jostled and the blaring TV was ridiculous.

Also, I would have preferred more substantial bun. It's too small and flimsy for my tastes.

If the Ice House is even half as good, I may stick to that. And I very much look forward to their new place.

Will be interesting to see how Nic splits his time once that happens.

04-27-2015, 11:57 AM
I don't think Nic needs to change a thing.

It's part of the atmosphere -- everything is the wrong size.

The store is too small, the bun is too small, the burger is too large, the TV is huge. i usually eat the burger with my hands like a normal burger, and never have any trouble with the bun. You have to make sure you slide the bun away from your mouth a little bit to keep the bun centered, or else it will slide forward and you will run out of bun before you run out of meat.

Roger S
04-27-2015, 01:06 PM
I don't think Nic needs to change a thing. .

Ditto! I would hate to see Nic ever change a single thing about his burger.

04-27-2015, 10:08 PM
Every time I've been there it's been somewhat chaotic and certainly busy, but I found the atmosphere relaxing. People are friendly and talk to each other. Nic occasionally adds a wry comment. I don't recall blaring TVs, though, so I guess that is new.

Catch22 sums it up very nicely, but I'm impressed he can eat it with his hands. How? No onions? No jalapeños?

04-27-2015, 10:14 PM
I wouldn't presume to tell the maker of one of the best burgers in the world how to do things; I just would personally prefer a bun that held up better so I can pick up the darn thing and sample all the flavors in the way they were meant to be presented. :)

I will also admit to being somewhat claustrophobic and noise-averse. But why would anyone want the bloody Price is Right blaring anywhere, let alone such a cramped space?

I'm sure next time I go my expectations will be different and I'm also sure the service will be much better.

Roger S
04-28-2015, 07:00 AM
Catch22 sums it up very nicely, but I'm impressed he can eat it with his hands. How? No onions? No jalapeños?

I eat mine with my hands but I'm a mayo, cheese & onions only guy..... I've eaten it that way for so many years that Nic doesn't even ask. He just says "Here ya are Bubba." and hands it over to me.

04-28-2015, 01:06 PM
I eat mine with my hands but I'm a mayo, cheese & onions only guy..... I've eaten it that way for so many years that Nic doesn't even ask. He just says "Here ya are Bubba." and hands it over to me.

Does Nic know your online persona? that of a food blogger? just curious

04-28-2015, 01:25 PM
Does Nic know your online persona? that of a food blogger? just curious

I, too, am curious about this. Do you feel you are treated differently (better) because of your blog?

Roger S
04-28-2015, 02:31 PM
Does Nic know your online persona? that of a food blogger? just curious

Nope.... I've only revealed myself to one food truck owner in OKC and he only knows me because I'm a KCBS judge and he's a KCBS cook.

I've been eating at Nic's longer than I've been blogging.

04-28-2015, 03:47 PM
Nope.... I've only revealed myself to one food truck owner in OKC and he only knows me because I'm a KCBS judge and he's a KCBS cook.

I've been eating at Nic's longer than I've been blogging.

:ot: and now I'm penitent (but not sorry enough!, I guess), but there's an active BBQ food truck?

Roger S
04-28-2015, 04:28 PM
:ot: and now I'm penitent (but not sorry enough!, I guess), but there's an active BBQ food truck?

There are quite a few actually. I've lost track but at one time there were 10 or more active Q-trucks in the area..... Almost always at least one parked at Bleu Garten this spring.

04-28-2015, 09:13 PM
I eat mine with my hands but I'm a mayo, cheese & onions only guy..... I've eaten it that way for so many years that Nic doesn't even ask. He just says "Here ya are Bubba." and hands it over to me.

I tell everyone that you eat a Nic's burger similar to a gyro. Once you pick it up, don't put it all the way down. Always keep it in at least one hand and it will stay together pretty well, even fully loaded.

Jersey Boss
04-29-2015, 10:18 AM
There are quite a few actually. I've lost track but at one time there were 10 or more active Q-trucks in the area..... Almost always at least one parked at Bleu Garten this spring.

Thanks for the KOSMOS tip.

07-01-2015, 04:44 PM
TripAdvisor Members Name the Nation's Best Burgers - ABC News (

#3 burger joint in the nation according to TripAdvisor.

07-01-2015, 09:58 PM
TripAdvisor Members Name the Nation's Best Burgers - ABC News (

#3 burger joint in the nation according to TripAdvisor.

It's interesting that these articles came out at the same time and with different Oklahoma burgers in their top 5.

#4: The Onion Burger

At Sid’s Diner in El Reno, Okla., it takes just a few simple ingredients to make the showstopping Onion Burger. Key are the Spanish yellow onions that owner Marty Hall slices until paper-thin and then adds directly to the patty. A homemade spatula flattens out the meat, giving the onions the perfect surface area to crisp up until golden brown.

07-04-2015, 02:06 PM
Does anyone know if Nic's will be open Monday? I don't have to work, so I was thinking about finally making it over there. I wasn't sure since some places are still closed for the holiday.

07-04-2015, 03:32 PM
The movie "Hollis" which was featured at Deadcenter Film Fest a couple of weeks ago had some scene's shot at Sid's in El Reno. In the movie you saw the outside of the Hollis Inn (in Hollis needless to say) but when they went inside it was Sid's. Took me a minute to figure out where it was but made for a good small town dining scene.:)

07-14-2015, 05:20 AM
False advertising irks me. Shouldn't it be called Nic's Griddle instead of Nic's Grill?

Roger S
11-29-2016, 12:58 PM
Nic's Grill reopened today after being closed for a month while they opened the Diner & Lounge.... It sure was strange walking in there at 12:10 and there being 3 empty seats at the counter and one of the tables open but I took advantage of it before the lines come back..... Almost everyone in there today except a few people were first timers too.

11-29-2016, 01:12 PM
I ate at the new location last week for the first time and it was incredible. Really cool space too.

11-29-2016, 02:07 PM
Drove by the old location at 1:00 and there was no line, but people inside. Looks like the new location will cut down on lines at the old location.

Oops, just saw BBQ's post, so now it makes sense.

Roger S
11-29-2016, 02:24 PM
Oops, just saw BBQ's post, so now it makes sense.

Yeah, the place was never totally full when I was there today but I'm sure once the regulars find out it's open again the lines will return.

He wasn't even serving the Tuesday special today. It was just burgers.... May have had Chicken Fried Steak but no one asked for it while I was there. A couple of regulars asked if he would be serving the Tuesday pork chops next week and he said everything should be back to normal by then.

Roger S
06-12-2017, 01:20 PM
There was no line when I drove past today so I decided to stop and get a burger.... Apparently Justin (Nic) figured out a way to clone himself with a younger version because there was a 20 something year old kid working the grill today but he had all of Justin's mannerisms right down to calling people Bubba.

He did a pretty good job with the burgers but he still needs some practice on keeping the orders in order.... He was kind of all over the room instead of working the room from south to north like Justin does.

08-18-2017, 01:08 PM
I finally made it in here today for the first time. I had tried to go a few times and the line had deterred me away and I never carry cash, but after going to the Lounge a few times a wanted to try this out and compare as I'm not a huge fan of the new place.

We got there at 11:15 and there was not a line and we were able to sit at the bar. I finally understand the hype. The food here is hands down better the few burgers I've had at the lounge and was one of the better burgers I've ever had. Nic wasn't manning the grill, but will be back in the next week or two after the guy working starts back at college for the semester. I can't compare him to how Nic runs the place, but he managed to get everyone's orders pretty well (although he did forget the bacon on my burger... which he gave me free of charge after I let him know). The line was only a few people deep when we left at 12:00 or so. I'll definitely come back here.

08-18-2017, 09:06 PM
When I finally pinpointed on my Mental Maps of Culinary Delights, within easy driving distance of OKC Proper, exactly where [the Original] Nic's was, I never stopped to visit. It wasn't on account of folks lining up at around 10 am for a burger. It simply wasn't lunchtime. Yet, on one journey to Downtown OKC, I considered a burger at the Nic's Knockoff by the skating rink next to the Myriad Gardens. (then I remembered the reviews in here and reconsidered. after all it wasn't really lunchtime and the burgers were supposedly off par.) Now I'm reading criticism that makes sense: vis-a-vis The Original Nic's Location. Not the other one. To Paraphrase Forrest Gump: "Life is like a Box with Burgers. You should know Almost Exactly what you are going to get." (Not complaining about the offerings to the cook or waitstaff implies wisdom. ~attributed to Yoda)

Roger S
10-23-2017, 02:49 PM
Saw this FB post from them this weekend.... Good news for those that aren't able to get in at lunch time.

Hey all you Nic's customers! Nic's Grill the original will start opening Friday nights from 6pm-9pm and on Saturday from 11am-8pm. STARTING THE 27TH OF OCTOBER! HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

10-23-2017, 03:01 PM

Awesome news. Plus, I love their food but it's so delicious you just have to finish those huge portions and that's a guaranteed food coma for lunch.

10-23-2017, 03:04 PM
Does this have anything to do with the revitalizing Steve Mason is doing in this area by chance?

10-23-2017, 03:26 PM
Does this have anything to do with the revitalizing Steve Mason is doing in this area by chance?

What is the revitalization you speak of?

10-23-2017, 03:33 PM
What is the revitalization you speak of?

10-23-2017, 03:42 PM


10-23-2017, 03:44 PM
That Saturday line is going to be mental.

10-23-2017, 03:58 PM
That Saturday line is going to be mental.

Tried to go there twice and line was too long, so we're probably going to go on Sat in a few weeks, and it should be decent by then, no way we're going to attempt it the first few Saturdays...

Roger S
10-23-2017, 04:02 PM
Tried to go there twice and line was too long, so we're probably going to go on Sat in a few weeks, and it should be decent by then, no way we're going to attempt it the first few Saturdays...

I wouldn't count on it being to crazy..... Regardless if you don't mind having a late lunch/early dinner around 3 PM I bet the line will be manageable to non-existent between lunch and dinner.

10-23-2017, 09:36 PM
So glad to see this! I've always wanted to go there, but I've just never found the time to go on a weekday at lunchtime.

10-24-2017, 01:47 PM
I wouldn't count on it being to crazy..... Regardless if you don't mind having a late lunch/early dinner around 3 PM I bet the line will be manageable to non-existent between lunch and dinner.

That's *exactly* why we tend to eat on Saturdays around 1:30 - 2:00. :)

11-09-2017, 11:47 AM
So did anyone go or drive by on Saturday? Was it busy. Thinking of going at 6pm this Friday since Thunder game that I have tickets for is at 8. Stop there eat get to the arena by 7.

11-11-2017, 01:58 PM
Went Friday night before the Thunder Game. Got there about 6:05 wasn't sure he was open kind of dark but people in there. By 6:30 it was full but no line. We left at 6:45 and others next to us ready to leave and no one was coming in. Nic was working and asked him how it was going. He said Friday nights are pretty good and Saturday lunch was really good. I Image with the OU OSU game at 3pm last Saturday he wasn't all that busy. That being said if you want to try it Friday and Saturday late would be good times to go. I think might get busier once word gets around he is open Friday night.

07-08-2018, 08:12 AM
I went by last night (Saturday) at 7PM and the place was completely closed.

Have they changed their hours again? Last I knew they were open to 8PM on Saturdays.

07-08-2018, 10:02 AM
I saw a post on their facebook page saying there was still time to come (Saturday) open until 2 so i guess it's just back to 11-2 on Saturday?

07-08-2018, 11:54 PM
Unfortunate in a sense. But on the plus side, if they end up closing, we have a nicely rehabed building that can maybe get another nice restaurant in it that will make better use of the nice real estate. That said, if they can hang on until the Monarch is open, they'll probably get healthy lunch business from there.

07-09-2018, 06:22 AM
Unfortunate in a sense. But on the plus side, if they end up closing, we have a nicely rehabed building that can maybe get another nice restaurant in it that will make better use of the nice real estate. That said, if they can hang on until the Monarch is open, they'll probably get healthy lunch business from there.

Reminder this thread is about Nic's Grill on Penn.

It is Nic's Diner that is in Midtown.