View Full Version : Remind your family and friends to vote!

03-03-2008, 03:59 PM
I sent out an e-mail to all my friends and family in the OKC area, and asked them to forward it on to appropriate parties:

Hello all. I am writing to ask your support for the tax proposal to remodel the Ford Center which is on the ballot tommorow, March 4th.

This one penny, 15 month tax will not only bring the Ford Center up to the level of other arenas in cities of similar size in the Midwest, it will keep us competitive for concerts and conventions, and enable us to compete for an NBA team for this market. I believe passing this tax will continue the forward momentum we've achieved with MAPS, and help make our city a vibrant, interesting place in which to live.

If we do not pass this tax proposal, we will not be given an NBA team. For this reason, if you live in Oklahoma City, I ask you to go to the polls and vote yes. This is not a slam dunk (no pun intended). There are many people out there who will be voting no, and we need every vote to try and pass this proposal. If you have family and friends or co-workers who live in OKC, I urge you to encourage them to vote as well.

If you have any questions about this tax proposal or it's implications, please feel free to e-mail me. If you're unsure of if and where you can vote, please call the county election board at 521-9321. People in certain suburbs of OKC are eligible to vote, so if you're unsure, call the Election Board. And, if you would be willing, I would appreciate it if you would forward this e-mail to anyone you think might need reminding or be interested.

Thank you for your support. Vote Yes to bring the NBA to OKC!

03-03-2008, 04:39 PM
good job betts, I just sent out a myspace bulletin to all my friends and posted a blog. I also put March 4th Vote on my top list of friends. Can't wait until about 9pm tomorrow night to see the results. Anyone know of any watch parties? I'm sure the Chamber is having one, just not sure of where. Probably at BWW on NW Expressway if I was a betting man.

Doug Loudenback
03-03-2008, 04:43 PM
My son, David, put it best to me, today ... he's wiser than me ... he said,

Dad, this isn't really about the NBA, while that would be nice. This is about Oklahoma City continuing along the path it set in 1993, NBA or no NBA. That's why a failed vote would and could likely change the course of this city as I've learned it to be in all the years that I've really paid attention to that kind of thing. Failure to pass this vote would be a reversal in direction and sad thing for this city. I, and my son and your grandson live here, just like you do. I don't want that to happen. Thanks, Dad, for what you have done to help.

I love you Dad, and I love my city.
My boy keeps his focus better than I do, as ensconced as I can get with the NBA. As is commonly true, I have much to learn from him.

Here's to my first born, my very own and only son, David!

03-03-2008, 05:10 PM
ahhh Doug that is so sweet!

I'll never forget seeing you at the games with your family and grandson! Those memories are worth so much!

Metro, I also have March 4th Number one on my friends list and send out bulletins daily ( sorry friends!)

Let's keep our Momentum going...

Please Vote Yes!

Doug Loudenback
03-03-2008, 05:49 PM
My son and grandson, as well as my daughter and her husband, my most-excellent son-in-law, and I'm soon to have a grand daughter from that pair, they deserve the credit as far as the future is concerned. I'm just an old guy ... but they represent what Oklahoma City will become after I am done. Their pics are already posted elsewhere on the internet by me. Kisses to them all!

I want THEM to enjoy the younger-life version of Oklahoma City that I could have had, were I 20-30-40 years younger. And what could be wrong with that?

What troubles me is that those who are younger than me just don't get it. This vote is not "just" for old guys, young guys, or middle guys. It is for ALL guys and what they want their city to be ... not just for themselves, but after they are dust in the tomb. I know that's kinda heavy, but that's the circumstances where old guys like me start to consider such things.

It's also the point at which history since 1993 should be considered, as to anyone who speaks negatively against the same, but who who has no knowledge about pre-1993 stuff. While anyone is entitled to their opinion, unless one was "around" as an adult "before MAPS", it would be enormously difficult for their opinions to have engagingly competitive qualifications, were this a "contest" about such things.

It is not. It is about "vision," ala the visionaries such as Neal Horton and Ron Norick in decades back, and today, those who have inherited that vision today.

03-03-2008, 07:00 PM
My son, David, put it best to me, today ... he's wiser than me ... he said,

My boy keeps his focus better than I do, as ensconced as I can get with the NBA. As is commonly true, I have much to learn from him.

Here's to my first born, my very own and only son, David!

I really like what your son had to say about the issue. That sums up the feelings of many of us working hard to make this happen for OKC. We love this city and want to see it prosper and grow in every way.
Thanks, Doug!

03-03-2008, 07:14 PM
Nice job Betts

Hope all of those who support this proposal don't assume it will pass and not take the time to vote

Please take the time and vote yes on this once in a lifetime shot at landing a major league team...One an entire state can have pride in and root for

Doug Loudenback
03-03-2008, 07:50 PM
I really like what your son had to say about the issue. That sums up the feelings of many of us working hard to make this happen for OKC. We love this city and want to see it prosper and grow in every way.
Thanks, Doug!
And thanks to you, Julie Riggs, for all that you have done, youngster that you are (no disrespect intended, I assure you). In the background, I'm listening to, "We Are the Champions," by Queen. In the foreground, I'm thinking about my children and grandchildren. I want all of them to have much more than the generous taste of what I've enjoyed with all of them other than my unborn granddaughter, whose beautiful name is Sophia, to be born later this month. And, then, I hope to have some time to enjoy in this marvelous city with her, too!

What we've voted on Friday, today, and most importantly, tomorrow, March 4, is not nearly so much about me and those who fit my age description as it is about those who are young enough to be my children and grandchildren, and, who, in fact, are. It is much more about their future and time than my own, and, as for me, as much of that time as will be my privilege to enjoy with David, Tyler, Mary, Brian and Sophia. This vote is much more about their future than it is my own.

I don't know how much more important this vote can get for me than that.

03-03-2008, 08:12 PM
Come on, OKC, the suburbs and the rest of the state are pulling for you! Pleeeeaasseee bring us all a team!

03-03-2008, 09:02 PM
I think a story about men who used God's name over and over to demand that a glorious stadium, featuring tons and tons of glass right in the middle of tornado alley would fit real good in the bible. These guys apparently know their scriptures as well as they know their economics.

03-03-2008, 09:15 PM
Come on, OKC, the suburbs and the rest of the state are pulling for you! Pleeeeaasseee bring us all a team!

I know that I am voting early tomorrow as well as my family and my husband's family. We'll try to do all of you who can't vote and are with us in spirit proud!

03-03-2008, 09:30 PM
Doug, I resent your statement that the younger folks just don't get it. Everyone I know under 30, including myself is not only voting YES for this issue (because us younger folks do see the value in things easier than the old guard), but we are the active volunteers, sign wavers, emailers, myspacers, and others that helps get the word out. The only oppositionists I've seen are middle-aged guys that live in suburbia (most of which not in OKC proper).

03-03-2008, 10:58 PM
I think a story about men who used God's name over and over to demand that a glorious stadium, featuring tons and tons of glass right in the middle of tornado alley would fit real good in the bible. These guys apparently know their scriptures as well as they know their economics.

Damn, that looks so nice!!!!! VOTE YES TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bow:

03-04-2008, 12:01 AM
Dave Ross show in Seattle today, funny stuff!!! Grand wizard hhhahahahah!

Listen to past Dave Ross Shows - 710 KIRO · ( 11am march 3

03-04-2008, 12:04 AM
Doug, I resent your statement that the younger folks just don't get it. Everyone I know under 30, including myself is not only voting YES for this issue (because us younger folks do see the value in things easier than the old guard), but we are the active volunteers, sign wavers, emailers, myspacers, and others that helps get the word out. The only oppositionists I've seen are middle-aged guys that live in suburbia (most of which not in OKC proper).


Doug Loudenback
03-04-2008, 03:16 AM
Doug, I resent your statement that the younger folks just don't get it. Everyone I know under 30, including myself is not only voting YES for this issue (because us younger folks do see the value in things easier than the old guard), but we are the active volunteers, sign wavers, emailers, myspacers, and others that helps get the word out. The only oppositionists I've seen are middle-aged guys that live in suburbia (most of which not in OKC proper).
I've been wrong before. By "young," I guess I meant younger than me. No offense intended.

03-04-2008, 06:27 AM
That IS a right purty picture at that.

Oh, and middle of tornado alley? PUHLEEEEZE.
OKC has many things going for it, but I'm hard pressed to recall a time downtown OKC was a preferred path of da wind monster.

03-04-2008, 07:59 AM
Did I miss the part where the Ford Center was destroyed a few night ago when a 'tornado' came through?

You said it best and I agree

' a Glorious Stadium'! Sweeeeeet!

Vote YES Today!!!!!!

Doug Loudenback
03-04-2008, 08:02 AM
I voted yesterday, but when my wife went to vote at 7:15 this morning, she called and said there were about 10 people in line to vote. I don't know if that's a lot but I think that it might be. I may be mistaken, but I'd guess that the support for the vote is pretty strong in my voting precinct, the voting occurring at St. Luke's Methodist Church.

03-04-2008, 08:32 AM
I'm one of those much-maligned suburb dwellers:eek:, and I was the 20th to vote at 7:20 this morning. There were 4 or 5 in line after me, and another 3 or 4 pulling into the parking lot as I was leaving.

Between my polling place and the turnpike, there are at least 5 other polling places. I noted that with one exception, the traffic going in and out of each looked steady, and the parking lots, while not "full" like they would be during an actual church service, definitely looked good for an election day.

I just hope the confusion over who could and could not vote doesn't hinder turnout.


03-04-2008, 08:33 AM
City of Oklahoma City (

Here's a link to polling places.

I was out putting out VOTE TODAY signs last night, and I saw a lot of Big League City yard signs. I'm really nervous today. I wish I could just fast forward to tonight when we know.

03-04-2008, 08:50 AM
I'm right there with you, betts. Especially because all of the people voting around me was older than I am by at least 30 years. (I'm 41). I don't think this issue had much support from the over 70 crowd.

03-04-2008, 08:52 AM
You know Seattle is not your target market right?

03-04-2008, 08:56 AM
I'm right there with you, betts. Especially because all of the people voting around me was older than I am by at least 30 years. (I'm 41). I don't think this issue had much support from the over 70 crowd.

And justly so. I think most of that over-70 crowd is looking at what this will mean to their fixed income. Is it a perscription drug payment, or a bag of groceries? I'm young(er) and I see the value in it. My father, who will be 80 in May, sees the value in the Ford Center improvements, but is voting "no" because he does not see the value in a $20 million practice facility for the exclusive use of 12 people (that's his argument and he's sticking to it!) For the record, he voted for MAPS, MAPS for KIDS, and would vote "yes" for this if the practice facility were not included in the proposition.

03-04-2008, 04:00 PM
I voted yes today, and as I stood in line, I thought more and more of the other many potential benefits of voting yes.....

I've always been a huge NBA fan, and I just couldn't think of many cooler ways of spending time with my friends and family that attending such games....

That stated, I just don't understand how anyone could say that they take pride in our city\state, and be against a continuation of OKC's development into the sort of city we look forward to visiting when we travel abroad.

If this fails, it'll be nothing more than a horrible re-visit to the huge decision on OKC's part to decline the development of a world-class airport in the past, which would've fostered much more development here than we have now (think DFW Airport).

Ask yourself, why is it that we still have a freakin' parking garage downtown named "Galleria" when there's no such thing in sight???

Hmmm.... Now THAT's embarrassing, when a visitor asks to stop and shop at OUR Galleria....

Pitiful, but that's another story.

All of the Gallerias and other stuff over the years that were planned for OKC hinged on our ability to step up to the plate.

The point is, that this is not the first chance OKC has had to improve itself vastly, and I'd hate to see another pass quietly into oblivion.

That's my Piece

03-04-2008, 05:54 PM
Betts, the BLC yard signs are PRO vote signs?

03-04-2008, 05:55 PM
I also think the African American turnout in NE OKC will be pivital. Anybody got a read on NE OKC turnout?

03-04-2008, 06:06 PM
Betts, the BLC yard signs are PRO vote signs?

Yes, they are. Luckily, all my friends' parents voted yes.

03-04-2008, 06:09 PM
The 4 polling places between the Turnpike and my subdivision showed "average" traffic. Nothing more than what saw this morning. In one polling place, I only saw 2 cars.

My husband told me today that everyone in his workgroup voted no. Ugh. He was the only "yes," among them and only did that because I've been so active in the campaign.

Right now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed and holding my breath.

03-04-2008, 06:14 PM
It's hard to tell how people voted in my circle of friends.

Most said they planned to vote today, but I have no idea if they did or not.

Among those who had actually already voted, the vote was 2 - 0 no. Among those who said they were going to vote, it was about 10 - 2 no.

03-04-2008, 06:18 PM
I'm starting to get sick to my stomach.

03-04-2008, 06:19 PM
I'm starting to get sick to my stomach.

I second that.

03-04-2008, 06:30 PM
I'm starting to get sick to my stomach.

Me too. I kind of feel the way I felt at the Orange Bowl in 2004. I cannot even express the disappointment I will feel if this loses. I keep having "I want to move away from here" thoughts in my head when I think about it losing. I will be so disappointed in our city and worried about it's future if that happens.

03-04-2008, 06:30 PM
Make that a party of three ....

I'm been thinking about it all day.

I'm feeling nauseous.

I swear, if this doesn't pass I will be so upset.

03-04-2008, 06:32 PM
Well, I'd remind you that all the scientific polling showed it passing.

03-04-2008, 06:34 PM
We were posting at the same time betts.

I agree with you... I will be utterly dejected.

I can't see any future here if the citizens are this myopic.

03-04-2008, 06:35 PM
Well, I'd remind you that all the scientific polling showed it passing.

What is that supposed to mean?

03-04-2008, 06:39 PM
That means don't get nauseated based on anecdotal evidence.

I voted no on this, but I wouldn't make a judgement on the outcome based on what fifteen or twenty people said about their votes.

I still think it will pass, based on the polls that have been conducted.

03-04-2008, 06:50 PM
Good, I was hoping that's what you meant, but I wasn't sure.

I still can't help feeling queasy ......

03-04-2008, 07:25 PM
When will the results be out?

03-04-2008, 07:26 PM
They are already being reported here: - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | Election Results (

Very early, YES is getting about 58% of the vote.