View Full Version : Buffalo Hot wings to Sooner
bombermwc 06-17-2008, 08:35 AM They do military exercises on the land all the time. It's not an unused piece of land, it's just not used by the public.
We even had a campout there for my Weblows (sp?) group one year. I think they called it Weblow's Woods or something. It was a weekend thing with all kinds of fun stuff to do while you camped. It moved around, and one year it was in Glenwood. Have to say it was weird because everyone would find shells everywhere from the "war games".
Redskin 70 11-26-2009, 09:36 AM Well, back to the original thread.
The Buffalo hot wings is open for several months and it is just great
And I notice two things, Tinker hasn't closed and no planes have crashed and burned.:tiphat:
woodyrr 11-28-2009, 06:06 AM If I might take the thread off course again one more time.
I remember the day when the F-100 crashed into the Glenwood area. It was in October of 1969. I was attending Traub school and, from the playground, saw the huge plume of smoke to the east. My younger brother was on a kindergarten field trip at fire station 3 when they got the call to respond to the crash. He remembers the firemen scrambling to the trucks.
As to the later crash at NE 10th and Douglas Blvd, there is only one thing unusual that I remember of consequence. Listening to the scanner, the Midwest City Police were concerned that equipment from Tinker was needlessly running hot between the crash site and the base. I believe that someone in authority was told to ask (or tell) them to stop it.
oneforone 11-29-2009, 11:56 PM Well, back to the original thread.
The Buffalo hot wings is open for several months and it is just great
And I notice two things, Tinker hasn't closed and no planes have crashed and burned.:tiphat:
It should also be noted that the Del City Police Department DUI Arrest Quota is breaking records. If this trend continues, they just might use the extra money to send their officers to school to actually learn the laws they enforce.
easternobserver 11-29-2009, 11:59 PM so what, you got busted and are bitter?
Redskin 70 11-30-2009, 10:15 PM It should also be noted that the Del City Police Department DUI Arrest Quota is breaking records. If this trend continues, they just might use the extra money to send their officers to school to actually learn the laws they enforce.
Excuse me................I thought everyone was against DUI.
Beside I have it on good authority they havent a DUI quota......They can pop as many drunks as they want..............So I suggest you stay away from sooner road:phone:
oneforone 12-01-2009, 11:49 AM Nevermind...... apparently some of you need a sense of humor. Not to mention I guess you have never heard of police staking out a bar as means to nail people for DUI the second they pull out of the parking lot.
For the Record... I do not drink, I never fully particpated in the sport of drinking. Three months of spending $40-$50 a night to feel like crap the next day, No Thanks.
Redskin 70 12-01-2009, 04:38 PM I have a sense of humor:woowoo:
sorry if I missed yours:ohno:
bombermwc 12-02-2009, 08:31 AM sorry, but i dont see a problem with staking out a bar lot. If you want to drink and drive, then by all means, get busted. I'll sleep better knowing they do that rather than not.
Lauri101 12-02-2009, 04:22 PM sorry, but i dont see a problem with staking out a bar lot. If you want to drink and drive, then by all means, get busted. I'll sleep better knowing they do that rather than not.
Redskin 70 12-02-2009, 09:42 PM :yeahthat:
short but succinct, my dear you have a way with words.....:tiphat:
muzique808 12-03-2009, 12:59 AM It should also be noted that the Del City Police Department DUI Arrest Quota is breaking records.
Sounds to me like the whole City of Del City has a problem if they're busting that many drunk drivers. Good for the DCPD to do something about it. Get those fools off the road before they run into my car.
Redskin 70 12-05-2009, 08:48 AM Called the PD this morning and they reported they got 4 DUI'S last night.
All of them came from bars in VALLEY BROOK............Im sorry, yes I said VALLEY BROOK.:doh: