View Full Version : 19th Street/I-35

02-26-2008, 01:47 PM
With all the new businesses opening now or in the very near future, I'm not sure how 19th Street between Broadway and Santa Fe is going to be anywhere near appropriate, especially when Warren opens.

Was 19th Street your main drive home, or do you go somewhere else? Do you think the on- and off-ramps from 35 are going to be remotely suitable? What about the service roads? Do you think improvements will need to be made to 4th Street? Lots of questions!

02-26-2008, 05:51 PM
Hate to say it but the entire area will be a crapstorm when the Warren opens and even worse when Best Buy opens on the east side

I would just like some acknowledgment of the traffic problem by our city leaders...Haven't heard a word from them and I'm sure they know it's going to be uglier than Memorial up north

02-27-2008, 06:19 AM
i brought this up awhile back, i live off 19th and eagle drive. The traffic in that area is so bad my wife doesnt even drive 19th she goes t0 4th street to eastern then back to 19th just to take the kids to and fro daycare, it actually saves about 5 minutes. I wish the city would do something because it already is gridlock, if you go shoppingat walmart at 5:30 p.m friday evening stay in the walmart parking lot for about 5 minutes to listen to all the car horns and yelling. So 19th will be a diaster zone. they really need to build the 34th street bridge, they where planning to build that bridge a couple years ago but backed out of it...we really need that bridge we needed it last year so all the traffic going to the shoppes in moore can use that entrance and exit instead of the 19th,and just wait till the new highschool built, the traffic will be crammed

02-27-2008, 07:21 AM
Hate to say it but the entire area will be a crapstorm when the Warren opens and even worse when Best Buy opens on the east side

I would just like some acknowledgment of the traffic problem by our city leaders...Haven't heard a word from them and I'm sure they know it's going to be uglier than Memorial up north

I know! The city leaders need to notice the problem. I'm thinking about 4th Street, too, especially when Warren opens. With all the stuff on the west side service road, I have a feeling 4th Street is going to fill up pretty quickly. If I were coming from, say, anywhere on I-35, I'd probably take 4th street before I took 19th to get to that theatre.

I still don't understand why the lights on 19th Street aren't tied together (for lack of a better term) to keep traffic flowing. Texas does that all over, I don't understand why Oklahoma can't. Moore needs some major on and off-ramp help, too. Can you imagine the off-ramp from I-35 Northbound around Christmas time? I can just see the shoppers trying to get from 19th Street Southbound to the stores and getting stuck there waiting for the cars to exit the interstate. Disaster awaits.....

City of Moore really needs to get on this before it's a huge disaster.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-27-2008, 07:34 AM
They need to move the I-35 exits (both north AND southbound) about 1/2 mile back from where they are. That would be a good start in organizing that interchange a bit better.

Then figure out a way to completely eliminate the light that crosses from WalMart to Hibdon's (Riverwalk area).

Not sure if either is possible, but both would help a bit.

Oh, and give me my own damn lane because I'm a Stonecutter.

02-27-2008, 08:03 AM
The only way to completly eliminate that light at walmart is to put a median in on 19th and not allow cars to cross there which would make traffic worse at Telephone Rd., S. bound and W bound.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-27-2008, 08:11 AM
Or just eliminate it and close off roads with garden gnomes....Or you know...Curbs or something.

02-27-2008, 09:36 AM
I'd say there's almost got to be a light at some entrance to Wal-Mart. So if they took out the Riverwalk light, a light would have to be installed on the Telephone Road entrance. It's such a disaster!

02-27-2008, 09:39 AM
I just hate it we need more lanes between 19th and broadway o at least 19th and telephone road.. we really really need the 34th street bridge as well

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-27-2008, 10:08 AM
34th street bridge would be AWESOME. I'd be able to leave my g/f's house without screwing around with that intersection at ALL when I go to BWW.