02-22-2008, 06:31 AM
Has anybody been to the orr family farm? I loved it with my kids all last year, it was $8.00 ea to get in. it is a nice little park with a train ride and petting zoo with a playground, I went to orr family farms website to see when they open this year and there prices have jumped from $8.00 to $11.69, I can understand 50 cents or at most a dollar..but almost $4.00 and plus they charge full price for 2 year olds!!!! what has happened, does anybody know if they added on to the park to make the price jump so high from just one season????
02-22-2008, 07:21 AM
I have never been to the Orr family farm, I am guessing it is some type of barnyard petting zoo type theme with lots of animals. If that is the case, I would think the soaring grain prices could be causing the the price hike.
02-22-2008, 08:05 AM
Not to mention the soaring prices of oats and hay.
02-22-2008, 09:08 AM
Transportation and fuel costs are causing grain costs to rise because it now takes more money to harvest the grain and distribute it. Even a family farmer who raises his own animal feed grains is hit because of the cost of fuel. Also, let's not forget the recent minimum wage hike. That is having an effect on multiple businesses.
Rarely does a cost increase at a venue such as this happen "just becauase." My guess is the increase is simply helping the Orr family stay where they need to stay operationally.
02-22-2008, 10:02 AM
Our school takes the kids out there in October and I went a couple of years ago. I thought it was a nice time. I don't recall the costs but I'm sure we were in group pricing etc so I can't comment on the pricing except that seems high to me for what you get but it is really kind of a unique place. I wouldn't want to go there all the time but once a year is okay.
03-17-2008, 07:22 AM
I was thinking of taking my Gdaughter...and I understand the pricing for her, but for the adults to pay to watch your children pet the animals and ride the pony... I am a little dissappointed in that..
I guess they have to make a living..Darn...LOL
03-17-2008, 08:05 AM
They're good peeps. A price jump to eleven and change instead of a simple round up to 12, or the oh too typical tactic of 11.99 or 11.95 speaks well of them, in my opinion.
03-17-2008, 01:14 PM
I have taken the kids three times and it is a really neat place. The kids love the train, carousel, pony ride and petting zoo area. However, I think $48 for 2-3 hrs, for me, my wife and two kids is a little steep. I am sure its a matter of costs and the fact that they are staying booked solid weeks in advance for parties and packed on the weekends. It is very clean and professionally done, but with money tightening around my house, I don't see us going back any time soon.
03-17-2008, 01:37 PM
I went about 3 times last year as well, and with paying for 2 kids and 2 adults this year it will be kinda hard to do, I do understand prices have skyrocketed on feed, but i dont see the oklahoma city zoo or the little river zoo raising there prices by alomst 50 percent in one year. Its a nice place and the people there are really friendly but i will have probably makea trip to the littel river zoo or okc zoo for the price. 12 a piece for orr family farm and charging full price for 2 year olds is just alittle steep for me