View Full Version : Roy Williams to speak/answer questions at Urban Neighbors Meeting

02-20-2008, 10:58 AM
Double Header on tap for Thursday Night
Thursday, February 21, 5-7 p.m.
440 NW 11th St

The U.N. social this Thursday is jam-packed! Not only can you come to meet your neighbors and enjoy the free appetizers and cash bar, but you can also hear about two topics key to downtown. Representatives from the Midtown Association will be on hand to give out information about developments in this exciting part of downtown.

ALSO, Roy Williams, OKC Chamber President, and other representatives from the Big League City campaign will answer your questions about the upcoming vote on the Ford Center tax. Election day is Tuesday, March 4, 2008.

Some Campaign Facts:

· This proposition will NOT raise taxes. The temporary one-cent tax will begin when the Maps for Kids sales tax elapses on January 1, 2009. The tax will last 12 months, with an additional three months if the City acquires an NBA team. Over 15 months, it will raise approximately $120 million. All improvements will be owned by the City of Oklahoma City.

· Timing for the election is driven by the SuperSonics' application to relocate to Oklahoma City, which is scheduled to be considered by the NBA Board of Governors in April.


Ladies Night Out At Schlegel Bicycles
Monday, March 3rd from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Enjoy wine tasting, food and sweets as we spoil you and share tips on how to get the most out of cycling. We'll demonstrate how getting the proper fit on a bike will not only give you a more comfortable ride, but will benefit your performance as well. We'll also discuss nutrition, fitness and ultimately how cycling can improve self-confidence as well as your physique. This event is free of charge! We'll have Free Giveaways and raffles for gear and stuff.

**RSVP for the event by Feb. 27th (
Location: North East Corner of 8th & Broadway

02-21-2008, 09:09 PM
Good turnout tonight! Good to see Doug, Steve Lackmeyer, good to meet bouldersooner as well. Probably a few other OKCTalkers there but I just didn't know there sn's. Lots of media coverage and props to Chamber President Roy Williams for speaking and answering some tough questions. Most people there seemed to be in support of the vote, however two people were trying to grill Roy pretty hard with some questions and "challenge" him to a debate, etc. I was surprised to see him take on so many questions, especially the tough ones. I know several members from the media were there, Oklahoman, Nichols Hills News, CitySentinel (formerly Mid City Advocate), Channel 4 (didn't see a camera), and I know Channel 9 had there camera there. If you want to hopefully catch a chance at some of it you may want to watch channel 9 at 10pm tonight. Our very own DougDawg may be on there as well if they don't edit it out. He stepped in and tried to answer one of the naysayer's questions. One of the naysayers I believe was banned member shunt.

Doug Loudenback
02-21-2008, 09:38 PM
It was, indeed, a good meeting. My blog post with images and comments is here: Doug Dawgz Blog: Roy Williams At Cafe Do Brazil ( .

I wasn't aware that TV cameras might be actually capturing my impromptu remarks ... else I might have been more careful about that. But, probably, not.

The main guy who spoke in Q&A, close to debate, with Roy Williams, was David Glover, or so he identified himself to me. I thought that both Roy Williams and David Glover acquitted themselves well. Of course, I don't agree with Mr. Glover, but that's another matter. I'm just talking here about gentlemanliness, so to speak, and I think that quality encompassed the entire event. Maybe excepting Doug Dawg.

02-21-2008, 11:41 PM
So, I'm assuming David Glover's position was "The rich owners should pay for their own arena upgrades" and "We're getting the Sonics anyway, so why should we worry." Is that correct? How did Roy Williams respond?

02-22-2008, 12:24 AM
What did the Midtown representative have to say about the latest developments in Midtown?

Doug Loudenback
02-22-2008, 08:03 AM
So, I'm assuming David Glover's position was "The rich owners should pay for their own arena upgrades" and "We're getting the Sonics anyway, so why should we worry." Is that correct? How did Roy Williams respond?
I don't recall exactly ... I was kind of wrapped up in the moment. He has asked to post comments in my blog but I've adopted a quid pro quo policy on that ... a "no" person will be allowed to comment (assuming polite speech) as long as they allow the same on their own internet site. Unlike Steve H, David doesn't have an internet site (and, as far as I know, Steve H doesn't allow feedback at his site).

As it develops, David's mom is a retired lawyer friend of mine whom I've not seen for many years. I don't have the impression at all that he is associated with any of the existing anti-vote places or people, and he presents himself and his viewpoints much better than they do ... it might actually lessen his presentation were he to associate with them. He strikes me as a polite and sincere young man.

Anyway, I've sent him an e-mail pointing to this and the other two main threads dealing with the vote, and said that he could join this forum and speak his mind here, as I expect that he will.

It would be good if he (you, David, if you are reading this) reads through the many posts so that the same turf isn't re-plowed over and over, but that's his (your) call.

02-22-2008, 08:04 AM
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Doug Loudenback
02-22-2008, 08:15 AM
What did the Midtown representative have to say about the latest developments in Midtown?
I wasn't in the room when she was speaking much of the time ... maybe Metro can advise about that.

Doug Loudenback
02-22-2008, 09:03 AM
David, if you'll read through the existing threads you'll find that your questions have been answered, I think. But I'm not going to do your reading for you!

02-22-2008, 09:48 AM
What did the Midtown representative have to say about the latest developments in Midtown?

Nothing new really, basically OKCTalk provides a better, faster update on MidTown and most developments as usual. I've noticed figureheads in our city just tout the same old same old that most educated people know about and have heard dozens of times. I understand their jobs are cheerleaders, but throwing some fresh stuff in every now and then doesn't hurt anything.

02-22-2008, 10:56 AM
Again, Mr. Glover's sole practical argument is the substitution principle, which assumes that no one but citizens of Oklahoma City will attend games. Even people in the suburbs are spending money in OKC that might otherwise spend it elsewhere, and on top of that, you have thousands coming in from outside the metro.

Doug Loudenback
02-22-2008, 11:25 AM
Again, Mr. Glover's sole practical argument is the substitution principle, which assumes that no one but citizens of Oklahoma City will attend games. Even people in the suburbs are spending money in OKC that might otherwise spend it elsewhere, and on top of that, you have thousands coming in from outside the metro.
Actually, I bought several tickets on-line from a Lawton season ticket holder for games that he would not be able to attend. At least one strong member of HornetsCentral is from Wichita, many others are from Ada, El Reno, Norman, etc.