02-22-2008, 01:13 PM
Metore's has a chocolate flavored vodka. We are looking for good recipes for it to try out at tastings. Please post if you have any good ideas.
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vodkaczar 02-22-2008, 01:13 PM Metore's has a chocolate flavored vodka. We are looking for good recipes for it to try out at tastings. Please post if you have any good ideas. Martin 02-22-2008, 01:27 PM perhaps chocolate flavored vodka would make a good mudslide... -M Dustbowl 02-24-2008, 11:23 AM Metore's is made using Oklahoma Wheat to produce our ethanol and we distill our own water. The Oklahoman about it is that I am from Oklahoma and haved lived here most of my life. The Russian about it is my wife heritage and her father "Simoyn Metore" is the man that gave the recipe. Bailjumper should come to one our tastings. We give our samples at room tempature to show that we are better than Grey Goose and the others. Vodkaczar: I have purchased your vodka many times. It IS smoother than the Goose. I'm an old time OKC kid and I love to find Oklahoma based products that beat the big advertisers. Best of luck to you!!! I only drink vodka with tonic and lime or an occasional martini. I do have a quick question: How many times do you filter your vodka? Also, what makes some vodka so good and others taste like turpentine? If you don't believe a quality vodka makes a difference, give it the ultimate test. Get slammed, at home of course with a bottle of Heaven Hill or Mcormicks then do it with a bottle of quality vodka. I'll bet you will feel the difference the next day. LOL!! Karried 02-24-2008, 02:35 PM Metore's has a chocolate flavored vodka. We are looking for good recipes for it to try out at tastings. Chocolate covered cherries Almond Joy (Amaretto?) Butterscotch Brownies I volunteer to be a taste taster ..... lol vodkaczar 02-26-2008, 07:30 PM Vodkaczar: I do have a quick question: How many times do you filter your vodka? We filter it 10 different ways and use 3 different types of charcoal. vodkaczar 02-26-2008, 07:32 PM Chocolate covered cherries Almond Joy (Amaretto?) Butterscotch Brownies I volunteer to be a taste taster ..... lol I tried mixing it with a butterscotch snapps last saturday and it was very good. I was thinking of mixing a little cream with also. Still testing. Anything to better serve my customers. Dustbowl 02-27-2008, 08:34 PM hehe - my work here is done. Big talking internet troll. Vodkaczar: Well stated defense. This guy needs to get a life and start some type of business and experience the blood, sweat and tears that it takes to make it work. He probably flips burgers or rolls burritos. I like your product and will continue to buy it. Keep your dream alive!!! |