View Full Version : ATTN OKC fans - need your help

02-01-2008, 02:27 PM
At the Chamber, we are working on a marketing piece about Oklahoma City and the changes taking place in the last 15 years. We need insight from residents. Please just post a response to this question:

When you consider the changes in OKC in the last 10-15 years - what makes the biggest difference for you?

What are things about Oklahoma City that make you proud to live here?

THANKS FOR YOUR HELP! (we don't need a name for attribution, just your thoughts and inspiration - we may quote you, so don't write if that bothers you in any way)

02-01-2008, 02:39 PM
People are moving back into downtown, people are urbanizing.

02-01-2008, 03:41 PM
The fact that people are "proud to live here". That is the huge difference I see now. Buildings and projects are great for sure. But a fundamental positive change in the way people view their city is the best thing OKC has going for it.

02-01-2008, 03:58 PM
I think we are finally seeing urbanization as a good thing in Oklahoma City. We see the need to develop our core, to provide many different things to enhance quality of life, from something as simple as plans for sidewalks and parks, to our Art Museum, downtown library and the Ford Center. The Core to Shore plans are a breathtaking vision for our city. Plus, on the mundane side, there are a lot more good restaurants and way better shopping than when I moved here.

02-01-2008, 04:34 PM
I'm with Cuatro. The best thing about OKC is the citizens. The biggest change I've seen in 10 years is a more tolerant, modern attitude and the courage and desire to try new things and move forward. I think the visual art scene here is taking off as well, which is GREAT!

Why am I most proud to live here? The way this city comes together as a community in times of need is unbelievable. I've never seen anything like it. Living in Oklahoma City you are truly a part of real community.

02-02-2008, 08:43 AM
Considering the changes from 10 to 15 years ago, the biggest difference is Oklahoma City is now a destination. We now have places people want to see, visit and experience. In the past if you had out of town visitors there wasn't a focal point that you could showoff. Now with the increasing number of options available in one diverse environment, a visitor can find a multitude of entertainment. Our City now appeals to all levels.

What makes me proud to live here?? That answer is always going to be "our people".

02-02-2008, 09:29 AM
Without a doubt my family and I spend much more time downtown than we did 15 years ago. Betts is right about the quality of the restaurants here increasing in number drastically just in the last 5 years. I also spend more time at Lake Hefner on the trails, the restaurants and especially the dog park. We seem to have more "big city" amenities than we used to. I enjoy the city channel 20 which has information on the things going on around the city.
I am most proud of the attitude of the citizens now versus 15 years ago. In November my daughter and I visited the OKC Memorial Museum for the first time. For those of you who have not been I implore you to go. I had to bring my daughter kicking and screaming from Idaho last year back to OKC and after she toured this museum she wrote a comment in the guest book of her impressions;
"this exhibit makes me proud to be from OKC". I almost cried. The city is becoming a place that our teenagers can be proud of and hopefully will come back to live here and raise their children after they graduate from college.