View Full Version : List of Example of how WE help move Oklahoma City forward

01-29-2008, 05:41 PM
Hi Everyone.

I thought I would start a nice thread to keep track of ways and things we all have done to improve upon Oklahoma City and its image. What Im looking for are tangible methods you have done to make OKC better.

It could be an email you sent to update some misinformation, or trash you picked up in your 'hood during the 2007 fall storms. We've done a lot and it would be nice to have a log of them so we could revisit someday for other ideas.

Oh, and it is very very appropriate to brag in this thread!!!


01-29-2008, 05:52 PM
Great thread...

Well I like to think I'm an amateur ambassador for the city/state on other sites.. ie Travel sites, Skyscraper sites, Sports sites etc etc.

I believe in tourism and a positive image for our city.

I often mention growth and all the positives of living here. I'm a true fan of our schools, low crime, low traffic, low cost of living etc.

Granted a few things I'm not fond of ( the Quarter and being put on a Diet) but I think that is because I do try to work so hard on our image ... things like that make me feel we are regressing a bit.

It's not much, but I email powers that be all the time regarding issues too.

But, I guess I'm most proud of being involved and moderating the biggest, best message board in the state. :cheerlead I believe we have a very valuable tool in reaching people from many places..... and presenting the best of OKC.

01-29-2008, 05:53 PM
Let me begin.

I was perusing through SMG when I discovered their 'quick facts' about OKC properties to be very lacking of information. For the Cox Center all it said was 100,000 sq ft and not much more was said for Ford.

I compared that to the quick facts of Tulsa, Shreveport, and Denver; all of whom had MUCH MORE information in the mouseover about their Centers.

I was outraged. How could we, a now progressive and relatively popular city, resort to such horrible careless marketing? It appeared that figure was not updated or touched since SMG had the contract (prior to the MAPS update).

So I clicked the link for Cox and discovered the banner page for Cox to ALSO have misinformation. It said "appx 900 hotel rooms of the more than 13,000 ..."

We have almost 1,500 hotel rooms downtown and soon will have almost 1,700 rooms and surely OKC has way more than 14,000 total rooms by now as well.

I got to thinking, I wonder if this misinformation might be making a difference yet in a negative way. Further, I became very angry because Im sure the city pays SMG for them to market our city and services.

It didn't appear to have problems marketing other cities (as their information seemed to be complete and accurate in most cases), why does OKC always seem to be so third-world when it comes to its information?????

So I sent Cox (SMG) a very constructive critical email, carbon copied it to the MAYOR, the Chamber boss, the OKC Convention people; those people I figure who should be in-the-know on representing our city.

To my surprise, I received a pretty quick response from Cox (try one day turnaround). The representative addressed my concerns promtply and positively and they corrected the misinformation. Take a look Cox Business Services Convention Center - Oklahoma City (

Now it more accurately says "appx 1,400 of the more than 15,000 hotel rooms".

That's certainly a LOT MORE IMPRESSIVE and is just THE TRUTH!! Hopefully, if a business, or conventioneer, or 'potential resident' is looking at this site for info - this might sway them with a more positive impression of Oklahoma City.

This is just ONE way, one thing that I have done to help further Oklahoma City. Tell me yours.. ......

01-29-2008, 05:58 PM
All sounds good Karried. I too participate on those sites and try to be an OKC ambassador/resource.

Could you give us a specific example that you are proud of where you achieved specific results.

Let me give you another example. I had noticed some misinformation on the WRWA site and sent a PM to the officials, who promptly corrected it and even used the information that I provided as if it were fact.

Shocked yes, but Im glad I was able to help move OKC forward and keep the information current with the little observation and less than 5 minutes it took to write the pm.

01-29-2008, 06:26 PM
I also try to make it over to sites like Emporis, skyscraperpage, and skyscrapercity to make sure the development threads are updated.

I have also actively tried to put what I believe to be my better OKC pics up on numerous sites in ways that they will promote this city and state by making people stop and say, "whoa, I didn't realize they had any good architecture in Oklahoma City..." etc.

A couple years ago I emailed the International Photography Hall of Fame suggesting they look into the former Fed. Reserve building downtown that was up for sale. I received a response that they were indeed looking for a better space with higher visibility, and would look into it. It didn't happen there, but Steve Lackmeyer has reported that the American Banjo Museum may not be the only museum to relocate to Bricktown in the next few years, so hopefully IPHOF is one of them, because I think it has great potential to be a world class destination.

I have also emailed several retail operations suggesting they look at OKC--including Chipotle at one time.

01-29-2008, 06:58 PM
very excellent Jbrown.

I am aware of some of your works as well, another FINE example of making OKC move forward.

Keep em coming all!!! Let's make this become our resource for ideas and so people can receive credit for what they do and hopefully this will encourage more to do whatever they can to keep OKC moving forward.

(even the smallest simplest email or correction of information about OKC can help)

01-29-2008, 09:19 PM
I, also with Jbrown promote OKC in sites such as Skyscraper page and city

I think this is an easy way for people from all over the nation to see OKC and I encourage people to join SSC to keep the mega thread strong. I post frequent updates and I convey positive images to counter people who talk down on OKC.

I do community service frequently also with Recreational parks and clean up crews.

01-30-2008, 12:03 PM
I try to frequent local establishments as much as possible. I also punched a baby.

01-30-2008, 12:03 PM
I use pictures of OKC as my background picture on my work PC. When I do presentations everyone asks me what city the picture is of. When I tell them OKC they are stunned. Most people don't know OKC is a big city. Many comment that they thought OKC had like 100,000 people. When I tell them it has over 1.2 million say they no idea it was that large. I am changing people's minds one at time.

01-30-2008, 12:30 PM
I help people make sound decisions when buying a home, so they don't get in over their head and end up in foreclosure. I always pick up trash when I see it and I am always very nice to out of town guests and make sure and give them suggestions on dining and entertainment. One of the more common things I have to do is sell what a great city/state we live in to the people around here. A lot of locals refuse to realize how great we have it in Oklahoma.

01-30-2008, 03:13 PM
I spent a lot of money (and continue to spend it) on this site, which I think is one of the best promotional tools for OKC around. :)

Also, I do my best to promote the site and get people involved and I'm pleased to say we have lots of excellent and well-informed posters.

I'd still like to institute a bunch of changes and promote the site further, but I'm spread pretty thin these days. But soon!

01-30-2008, 03:41 PM
I pay taxes. Isn't that enough??

Ok - I help promote the local musicians of all genres by booking shows, online publicity, contests, and representation all free of charge. I help them get out into the world showing the rest of the nation what incredible talent we have here in the okc area. Also I help bring bands from other cities to okc and show them what an awesome city we actually have. I provide information for them, housing, food, and usually some sort of tour around town.

I also help pick up litter and call in people who dump their ashtrays or food packaging out their windows while driving down the if you do this please stop!

01-30-2008, 04:02 PM
David Remy and I co-founded Urban Neighbors, Downtown's Neighborhood Association to promote downtown living! I've moved on to other projects, but the group was up in running in a matter of months thanks to a small group of dedicated volunteers. It's easy to get involved and make a difference in OKC.

01-30-2008, 04:43 PM
Thanks to everyone who has commented so far and Congratulations ALL.


As you can see, there are a wide range of things that people have done but every little bit helps to make Oklahoma City better.

As long as we continue to promote and build up our beautiful city (or hometown), we will all have something to be proud of. And that's what it's all about - PRIDE!

Keep posting all!

Continue the Renaissance and Keep Moving Oklahoma City Forward!