12-06-2004, 10:01 PM
Does anybody know some of the new restaurants and stores going in the Westgate Marketplace on I-40 and MacArthur? I saw several new pad site being built as well as several mini strip malls.
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metro 12-06-2004, 10:01 PM Does anybody know some of the new restaurants and stores going in the Westgate Marketplace on I-40 and MacArthur? I saw several new pad site being built as well as several mini strip malls. Patrick 12-07-2004, 01:17 AM I don't believe names have been announced yet. This will be one heck of a development once it's completed though....well over 1 million total square feet, making it the largest non-mall retail strip center in the metro. When I hear any details, I'll try to post them! metro 12-07-2004, 09:16 PM I drove by there tonight, several of the sites have signs up, I was able to read one from the highway, its a Texas Roadhouse. metro 12-07-2004, 09:16 PM I drove by there tonight, several of the sites have signs up, I was able to read one from the highway, its a Texas Roadhouse. I also noticed the development just south of I-40 on Garth Brooks Blvd. is coming nicely in Yukon Patrick 12-07-2004, 11:18 PM Oh yeah...that's right...I forgot about the Texas Roadhouse gonig in across from Wal-Mart. I saw that sign up when I went there a few weeks ago. Expect even more development to occur at this shopping strip. By the way, they're building a Super Target at the Yukon development. metro 01-10-2005, 09:53 PM I drove by for fun after a meeting downtown tonight (which was exciting hearing new propositions for the city by the way). Westgate now has a Starbucks open and it appears a GameStop, U.S. Cellular and Texas Roadhouse will be opening soon. There are numerous strip centers going up in there as well as dirt moving on huge anchor tenant spots. Patrick 01-10-2005, 09:57 PM Don't be surpised if Old Navy is one of those anchor spots. metro 01-10-2005, 10:01 PM I won't, I almost stated that in my thread but didnt since it wasnt confirmed earlier in the Talbot's thread. I doubt they would do it so soon but hey, I think it would be supported by the west side now instead of in 2006 Patrick 01-10-2005, 10:03 PM I know for a fact they're locating one near Lowes in Yukon, so I wonder if that will play a role in one being located at Westgate. Regardless, Westgate is becoming quite a shopping complex. From what I've heard, in the end, plan are to have well over 1 million feet of retail space. Probably more in the neighborhood of 1.4 million. wally 01-10-2005, 11:03 PM This shoping center sounds a lot like Southroads Shopping center in Tulsa on 41st. Patrick 01-11-2005, 12:26 AM Yeah, I'd say it's pretty similar to Southroads, only it's still growing. Actually, here in OKC we have several large mega strip centers like that. Quail Springs Market Place and Belle Isle Station are both pretty similar. Both have around 450,000 sq feet of leasable space. Both have a Ross, Old Navy, etc. The SilverSprings Development on NW Expressway just west of Council is quite a development, with Sams, Wal-Mart SuperCenter, Kohls, Home Depot, Office Depot, etc. It has about 700,000 sq feet of retail space. Westgate Marketplace is the largest with over 1,000,000 sq feet, including Wal-Mart Supercenter, Office Depot, Ross, Hobby Lobby, Radio Shack, Starbucks, Fashion Bug, Pets Mart, Home Depot, and much more to come! West End Pointe in Yukon is still growing with Lowes and Kohls already in place and a Target and Old Navy soon on the way. They have over 500,000 square feet of retail space. Of course Riverwalk Crossing, or whatever it's called, is also a growing strip mall, with stores lke Gordmans, Kohls, etc. metro 01-11-2005, 12:34 PM Silversprings is East of Council. Sooner&RiceGrad 01-12-2005, 07:19 PM I have always thought a mills mall in Yukon would be a good idea. Sorta right by Westgate. They could call it Prairie Mills, since most national chains stereotype our city as being completely flat already, lol. Patrick 01-13-2005, 12:32 AM Sorry about that mistake! Sooner&RiceGrad 01-13-2005, 12:40 AM Whatabout my Prairie Mills idea? Why don't we email the Mill's corp, we might be lucky and get a response if like 50 differant email accounts tell them about the potential OKC has. Patrick 01-13-2005, 12:41 AM Malls are no longer being built in the United States. Malls are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Sooner&RiceGrad 01-13-2005, 12:43 AM What are statistics of this trend? This sounds fascinating! Patrick 01-13-2005, 12:44 AM Let's see....a new mall hasn't been built in the U.S. since the late 1990's. Town Centers are the current trend. Sooner&RiceGrad 01-13-2005, 12:45 AM Mill's Malls are going up all over the nation. metro 01-14-2005, 10:50 AM here's the article confirming the old navy on south side Texas company buys building Texas-based Burk Collins & Co. has bought the building that houses Mardel Christian and Educational Supply at 14444 240 Penn Park Blvd. Mardel will relocate into 240 Penn Park, a retail center under development at the site, said Mark Inman of CB Richard Ellis-Oklahoma, which handled the sale. Collins, which is redeveloping the center with longtime southside developer P.B. Odom III, paid $2.2 million for the 25,200-square-foot Mardel building on 1.8 acres. 240 Penn Park, on Interstate 240 east of Pennsylvania Avenue, will eventually encompass the site. Carla Kurtz at Capital Abstract handled the closing. Sooner&RiceGrad 01-14-2005, 02:04 PM I'll have to dig up my copy of the Oklahoman, what of it is true. There were also supposed to be around 15 big box retailers, some of them moving from across the street and across 74th Street. Like Michael's, Petsmart, etc, etc. That intersection is a huge bottleneck, so they should have plenty of customers. I think 74th Street could turn into another Memorial Road some day, we just need to move faster. I think good ol' Odom realizes this. Patrick 01-14-2005, 04:30 PM Hey Nick, here's the link from the Oklahoman's website in case you wanted to see the article: Sooner&RiceGrad 01-14-2005, 04:34 PM Yeah, but he bought more than that. He also bought the WalMart. He also bought land between the Mardel and Walmart... He bought land in front of all 3 of these, that has highway frontage. He is not just building a mardel... Oh, by the way, thanks for the link. :) Patrick 01-14-2005, 04:47 PM Right, he purchased the entire property. The old Wal-Mart was recently torn down and a strip mall similar to others around town will be built in its place. Tenants who have already reserved space include: Old Navy, Marshalls, Michaels (relocating from Walnut Square), PetsMart (relocating from across I-240), Pier One, and a few others. The completion date is set for the fall. mranderson 01-14-2005, 06:45 PM Right, he purchased the entire property. The old Wal-Mart was recently torn down and a strip mall similar to others around town will be built in its place. Tenants who have already reserved space include: Old Navy, Marshalls, Michaels (relocating from Walnut Square), PetsMart (relocating from across I-240), Pier One, and a few others. The completion date is set for the fall. No. actually, the Odom family has owned that entire parcial of land for generations. It use to be an open field, and was then developed about 15 years ago. In fact, on that parcial my family use to ride snowmobiles when we had heavy snow. My dad wanted to buy it and donate it to the city of Oklahoma City for an undeveloped park. He wanted to keep it natural so people could ride motorcycles and other things on it and not disturb the nattural look of it. Dad once told me that he wanted to place a restiction in the gift that if the city tried to develop it or sell it for an entire mellinium, the land would automatically revert to me or my decendants. I was raised about six blocks from that land, and have watched it since the early 60's. Since Odom has owned it so long, there is no mortgage against it, hense making it extreemly valubale and one of the best investments money can buy. At one time, the Odoms owned almost all the land from about SW 59, well past SW 134, around that east/ west miles stretch. Luke 01-15-2005, 03:33 AM Well, I'm glad to see Odom taking pride in the Southside. Hey, it even rhymes. Seems like he has and is going to have some quality developments. metro 01-15-2005, 09:30 AM Patrick, FYI I posted that article that you linked like two spots up from your reply. Sooner&RiceGrad 01-15-2005, 12:01 PM Maybe we can have Odom get into downtown, he's perfect. He has the resources, his family has been in town for centuries, he is dedicated to OKC... perfect. Patrick 01-16-2005, 12:51 AM Patrick, FYI I posted that article that you linked like two spots up from your reply. LOL! Thanks! I guess I could've referred Nick up there! metro 01-19-2005, 11:54 AM The Journal Record reported Tuesday that there will be a Rapido Rabbit Car Wash added to this area sometime this year. The soon to be first nationwide car wash chain just opened there first of 5 metro locations on NW Expressway just west of Rockwell. FYI, i went there and it wasnt worth it, unless its extremely cold and you dont want to get out of your car, in that case it is. I'm a car fanatic and show cars but it missed several spots. The cool thing is the have free vaccums so you can make sure to get everything vaccummed. They are high power too. Patrick 01-19-2005, 03:06 PM metro, I went by there yesterday and saw it open for the first is it just a drive thru car wash? That's all I saw on the property. I don't see the real difference between this and the drive thru at your local Shell station. Can you fill us in a little more on what's so special about these car washes? Jay 01-19-2005, 05:12 PM It actually works a little different than the gas station car wash. You pull into the car wash park on a track. You put your car in neutral and the track system pulls you through the car wash. This system enables the car wash to move several cars through simultaneously. This makes the wait in line little or no time at all for a wash. It cleans like an average automated car wash. I have yet to see an automatic car wash that cleans as good as the coin operated spray car washes. Sooner&RiceGrad 01-19-2005, 09:03 PM These car washes are a perfect example of our modern world. You pay a machine. metro 01-19-2005, 10:16 PM Patrick, yes it is a drive thru but like they mentioned you park on a track. Its a little better than the gas station washes, its brushless and gets it more clean and the vaccums that dry your car are much better. also you can use the free high powered vaccuums after your done Patrick 01-20-2005, 12:38 AM Thanks for the explanation guys. I suppose I'll have to give it a shot next time I'm around that area. BricktownGuy 03-22-2005, 04:27 PM I don't believe names have been announced yet. This will be one heck of a development once it's completed though....well over 1 million total square feet, making it the largest non-mall retail strip center in the metro. When I hear any details, I'll try to post them! When is this Westgate Marketplace, suppose to be completely finished???? Patrick 03-23-2005, 02:56 AM When is this Westgate Marketplace, suppose to be completely finished???? That's a good question that I don't think anyone has the answer to. I suppose when they lease all of the land in the complex!!! metro 03-23-2005, 12:36 PM I'm sure Patrick is right. If anyone knew the exact time frame and tenants, one could sure make alot of money as a fortune teller Patrick 03-23-2005, 03:25 PM Several years ago people were asking when Perimeter Center would be finished. That place still isn't finished, although development has stopped in recent years. Anyways, land is still vailable for development there. I'd imagine Westgate will be similar, only it's a retail center. metro 05-24-2005, 12:57 AM This place is continuing to fill up. I drove by today and noticed a GNC, Cold Stone Creamery, pretty much every cell phone provider and a few small shops had added to the center. It also appears ground leveling and the old gas station been torn down on the SW corner of the I-40 and Rockwell area is taking place. There is a huge sign up asking for free fill dirt. Anyone know if they are going to build more retail?? metro 04-26-2007, 09:02 AM Just an update. There are several more new outparcels being developed. Don't know what they are yet. Best Buy is coming along well. Harley Davidson has most of the steel frame up now, although we got jipped in the design/size than was first proposed. It won't be as big/tall as the nice new ones with the two story glass lobbies like you see in Dallas or other cities like was first proposed for this one. metro 06-19-2007, 01:23 PM Not sure if anyone has drove by lately. Best Buy is near complete, the Harley Davidson World is coming right along and many outparcels (perhaps retail and restaurants are going up) jbrown84 06-19-2007, 01:32 PM Speaking of Best Buy... There is/was a billboard on the crosstown advertising two new store openings. One was the MWC one, and the other said NW 3rd in Oklahoma City. What store would that be??? traemac 06-19-2007, 01:35 PM it is that store its open now jbrown84 06-19-2007, 01:47 PM Hmmm. I guess that would be 3rd St. SpectralMourning 06-19-2007, 02:27 PM Yeah, third is pretty much the Westgate road. I really hope they rework the traffic there, it's a mess. metro 07-23-2007, 03:01 PM There really is alot of new stand alone boxes popping up in here besides the ones announced. Harley Davidson, etc. I drove by many of them but they didn't have a construction or "coming soon" sign out. Anyone know what the latest additions are? Jon27 04-17-2008, 08:50 PM What is the new building going up in between Texas Roadhouse and Applebee's? It looks like a restaurant. onthestrip 04-18-2008, 08:11 AM It is a Chinese restaurant/buffet oneforone 03-07-2009, 04:08 AM Anyone happen to notice another section of Westgate Market Place is opening on the Southside of I-40 south of Garden Ridge? jarrington00 03-07-2009, 11:20 AM Is that what they're doing. I noticed the utility work being done in line with the electrical lines and didn't think anything about it. Do they have a sign up? oneforone 03-08-2009, 04:10 AM Is that what they're doing. I noticed the utility work being done in line with the electrical lines and didn't think anything about it. Do they have a sign up? Yes, there is a Westgate sign just past the GardenRidge entrance on MacArthur. metro 03-09-2009, 09:14 AM Haven't noticed, but that side of the highway has despirately needed to be developed. slick 03-09-2009, 03:07 PM I'm attaching an aerial of the proposed Westgate development around the Garden Ridge area. I got this a year ago, I was interested in a hotel there, but, well, that just didn't happen for us unfortunately. westsidesooner 03-09-2009, 03:20 PM I can't get the pdf to open, anyone have any other info on westgate, or maybe someone could paste the pic here if the file is'nt to big? Thanks. onthestrip 03-12-2009, 08:51 AM Their website has an aerial and site plan. Westgate Marketplace ( slick 03-12-2009, 12:50 PM I don't know why the pdf I attached won't download, it has worked for me on two different computers. The aerial I have shows the site plan for the area around the Garden Ridge, which the one on the website does not. Let me try to convert it to JPEG and see if that works. oneforone 03-12-2009, 01:08 PM I am using Safari and it the pdf file opened just fine for me. For those that cannot open it. No retail is listed on the site south of I-40. The pad sites are hotels and restaurants. There is a 350 unit apartment complex slotted 1/4 mile south of Gardenridge. I do not think they are going to get too many restaurants to move there unless they convince existing ones to move there from Meridian. slick 03-12-2009, 01:12 PM I converted the PDF to JPG and then cropped out the area around Garden Ridge since that is what's missing from the aerial on there website, but I can't upload it here since I used up my quota on that PDF. If anyone else wants to post it, I can email it to them (its about 400k). westsidesooner 03-12-2009, 02:30 PM I do not think they are going to get too many restaurants to move there unless they convince existing ones to move there from Meridian. Thats what I was thinking too. I'm even more surprised at any new retail space since they're having such a hard time leasing the space north of I-40 in front of Home Depot. I hope they continue with the project though since I use westgate for alot of shopping. Any new restaurants would be great too. But with the new hotels going in along the river at Meridian I wonder how many more hotels rooms they can build before they reach saturation in that area? Anyone know when those hotels will open? Long term I think this is a great area to see gowth in---short-term I'm not so sure. |