View Full Version : Oklahoma Farm Bureau Ins Commercial

01-28-2008, 09:46 AM
I know a lot of us sit here and try to fight the stereotypes that other people have about our city and state. Last night I saw OFB's new commercial during KWTV's newscast and I just couldn't believe it. Shot of what I think was downtown OKC with cattle in the streets and then cowboys on horse back trying to move them. Their tag line? "This is Oklahoma."

It is no wonder people keep saying we are nothing but cowboys and rednecks still. Yes cattle is part of our state's economy - so show them out in the country...not downtown OKC. Granted it is OFB after all and their target customer base is the people that live outside the major urban areas. Still, they should be helping to promote Oklahoma for what it really is...not the stereotype for what everyone thinks it is.

Joe Kimball
01-28-2008, 11:13 AM
Having seen the commercial a few nights ago, I want to believe that they're being sarcastic; that is, nodding to the stereotype in a snarky manner and therefore showing that Oklahoma is, of course, so much more. The man yelling "Shoo!" or some such expression at the end leads me to believe this.

Or maybe they're merely trying to combine the diversity of our state in earnest. If so....well, they have us talking about it, which is certainly the sign of a good ad.

01-28-2008, 12:02 PM
I have not seen the commercial. I do have an office in OKC and one in Ada and can say the difference between the two cities is quite remarkable. I would say more than 50% of my clients in Ada file a Schedule F (for Farm). This is there life even if it has nothing to do with the "city". Maybe the point of the commercial is that there is both urban and rural parts of the state and that is who we are. These farmers who raise cattle feed the country (well not me because I am a vegetarian). As much as I love the city (I personally can't tell the difference between a cow and a steer) we have to realize a great many of the citezens of our state are rural and like it that way.

01-29-2008, 10:17 AM
Their commercials are always hokey at best. I'm surprised former Gov. George Nigh is their spokesperson. They must be paying him a decent amount for it.

Pontotoc County
03-25-2008, 11:50 AM
I really think you guys take yourselves a little too seriously. Lighten up a little and just enjoy the humor! I especially like the ad where the bride is listening to Big Bob Barry calling a touchdown in an OU game...THIS IS OKLAHOMA!

03-25-2008, 10:18 PM
The commercial that I can't stand is the one with the guys working on an oil well and the camera zooms in to show a guys hands. He is wringing his hands, which are covered in oil, and as the camera pans you can see a huge cut and blood oozing out of it.

Yeah I get it, Oklahomans are hard working, but it seems like they could get this point across without being so stomach-turning.

But yeah I've seen the OFB commercial. I just had to roll my eyes at it.

My favorite over-the-top commercial is still the "Gary will know what to do!" tornado commercial KWTV 9 ran last year. It still cracks me up that it made it onto The Daily Show.

03-27-2008, 01:10 AM
Their commercials are always hokey at best. I'm surprised former Gov. George Nigh is their spokesperson. They must be paying him a decent amount for it.

I personally find it unseemly for a former governor to be a pitchman for an insurance company (or any profit-making business). Maybe Brad Henry has a future selling cars on TV? Public service as as stepping stone to using your fame for advertising private business is just really bad. It should be outlawed as it can be used as "pay back" later on for favors during a governor's time in office without actually going to work for the company. Bad form, George Nigh. The "good guy" in the white hat should know better.

03-27-2008, 12:45 PM
They also have one where there's a chain tied to a post and the whole 30 seconds is just the wind blowing the chain straight out perpendicular from the post, and then "This is Oklahoma".

Then there's one where a sports car gets pelted by hail...

03-29-2008, 12:00 PM