01-27-2008, 04:39 PM
ugh... I didn't really care for this movie. The camera (first person) truly made for a nauseating experience - I even took half a dramamine before going and yet, still had to close my eyes to avoid getting sick. IT was just so shaky and cutting back and forth... no fluidity at all...
The plot was pretty nonexistent and there were so many unanswered questions that I left thinking to myself 'what just happened"?
Anyway, my teenage son loved the movie because the special effects were 'awesome' and he loved the first person camera effect.
So, it's a toss up..
What did you think?
*Remember to put Spoiler Alerts if you are giving something away.
01-27-2008, 04:47 PM
I haven't seen it (and probably won't although I'm a jj abrams fan), but laughed out loud when I saw the signs warning people of "nausea-inducing special effects." I thought, "great, the Blair Witch strikes Manhattan."
01-27-2008, 04:50 PM
ha.ha.. that's what people are calling it, the Blair Witch Project meets Godzilla.
I know, it was on CNN that OKC - Quail Springs and Penn had people complaining and asking for their money back.. because they were sick! I laughed but then when I saw it.. I completely understood why.
If I hadn't taken a Dramamine, I would have easily lost it.
01-27-2008, 05:56 PM
I saw this movie last weekend and I thought that it was okay, not going to win any awards but it was a good cheap thrill. I will say that the motions of the camera were very akward and I definitley had a huge headache afterwards. I don't know why people compalin that it didn't "have a plot" or something like that. It was what it was. A big moster hits New York and everyone dies. The only question was what exactly was the monster.
I was very confused about the why that one girl blew up. Was something hatching out of her or did she just get some sort of disease and it cause her to just explode like that?
01-27-2008, 06:28 PM
spoilers below!
okay, you've been warned!
the way that i took it (and many people i've talked to) was that the bite transferred some kind of disease that caused her to get dizzy, bleed from the eyes and finally explode. when the characters enter into the triage area just before this happens there's this soldier torso carted across the scene that looks as if it's exploded... one can assume that the same thing happened to that unfortunate soul.
01-27-2008, 10:21 PM
SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh that was a good question .. I was asking my son the same thing on the way out of the theater.. why did she explode? He guessed the alien spiders (which was another question, where did they come from and why?) had some sort of blood thinning element in their saliva causing her to bleed from the eyes and she bled to death internally but we still couldn't figure out why she blew.... pretty strange movie if you ask me. So many unanswered questions from beginning to end.. ie, where did it come from and why now? What did it want? How did the camera man die? ( I thought he was eaten but he looked okay although dead)... How in the heck did they pull the girl off the reebar she was impaled upon and how was she able to run after that? I could go on and on.. but I still have a headache.
01-29-2008, 01:49 PM
I haven't seen Cloverfield, yet but I still plan on it. I think the horror genre is so individual that its difficult to understand what scares some people and not others.