View Full Version : Hawaiian Don's-edmond

01-24-2008, 12:04 PM
Just dont go basically. Not tryin to bash the place but my experience was beyond horrible. Paid 5 bucks for a cover (not bad), only problem was the band/DJ wasn't showing up till 10, we visited at 8. Never heard of a place charging a cover early. Oh well, so then we sit at a table for 20-25 mins, no service. I go to the bar, stand for another 10 mins till a customer alerts a barback that alerts a bartender. Get my beers then watch as the bartender stands there as to say "my tip?" Just my personal opinion of the place. I dont see it lasting very long, but who knows. Customer service could have been better, and when BWWs is pulling the crowds they are and the service they have I'll just go back there.

01-24-2008, 01:28 PM
Have you ever been to a bar? The ones that have a dj/live music usually start charging covers around 8pm. Most bars do not offer table side service unless it is a restaurant type bar area.

People usually going to Hawaiin Don's are not going for the 5 star service. They are going for the laid back atmosphere, to play a game of pool, and the big a$$ drinks!!! Did you have one of those??? Heaven.

01-24-2008, 02:11 PM
Spent 7 years in norman so yes been to bars before with live djs and live music. We purposely got to the establishments before 9 bc there was never a cover. Wasn't looking for 5 star service, I dont ever look for 1 star service at a bar. It just seemed with 6 ppl behind the car ( call it 5 not counting the barback), and only having 3 tables with ppl at them it would not have been hard to have a waitress. Oh forgot to mention, the other tables had a waitress. Oh well, maybe it was just a bad day for them, or maybe my standards were set to high. Hope for the best. I miss the place called "pumps" that use to be there, and godfather's....many many moons ago.

01-24-2008, 02:31 PM
My favorite restaurant in that spot was Brick's BBQ. We used to get coupons on the back of our Price Chopper receipts (now Homeland @ 33rd & Broadway). Using those, we got 2 full meals for about $7-$8.

01-24-2008, 06:55 PM
I'm with Chef on this one. I've been to plenty of bars similar to Don's - Friends and Classic Rock to name just two.

Classic didn't start charging a cover until 30 minutes before the band would play. I know this because I worked the door a couple of nights for something fun to do as i knew one of the owners.

Also, I've yet to go into a bar of any size or reputation that didn't have a herd or hotties strutting around taking drink orders.

So, kmf563 - have YOU been in a bar lately?

The only bars I can think of that charged an early cover offered some sort of buffet.

01-24-2008, 08:57 PM
I do not consider it a real bar unless they have assless chaps night.

01-24-2008, 11:41 PM
Having played in bands for 10 years in this town, our rule was: Cover starts 1 hour before we went on stage, unless it was a special event.

Been to Hawaiian Don's Original and Edmond. Big Bowls of Booze + 20 somethings + testosterone = Bad News at some point. Seen fights at both places. I don't recall the bar service being all that stellar in Edmond. Wasn't bad at the Original, of course it was smaller.

01-25-2008, 06:48 AM
Having played in bands for 10 years in this town, our rule was: Cover starts 1 hour before we went on stage, unless it was a special event.

Been to Hawaiian Don's Original and Edmond. Big Bowls of Booze + 20 somethings + testoster News at some point. Seen fights at both places. I don't recall the bar service being all that stellar in Edmond. Wasn't bad at the Original, of course it was smaller.

That is because most twenty somethings cannot go in to a bar, have a few drinks, relax and enjoy themselves. It is all about drinking until you pass out, puke or end up going home via black and white taxi.

Which reminds me of my future business plans... I am going to open a chain of liver transplant and skin cancer clinics and make a killing. I figure in twenty years one of out of every 5 people will have skin cancer from tanning beds or sorosis of the liver from all the binge drinking.

01-25-2008, 07:48 AM
I had my liver tuned up once i left norman. Got the kidneys a once over also. Best thing I've ever done. Still trying to find the lost and found for my brain cells. HAHA

01-25-2008, 08:05 AM
skin cancer from tanning beds

What is with all the "Fake Bake" Lately? I was at Wally World the other day and saw at least 3 women that looked like over-grown OOMPA LOOMPAS

01-25-2008, 08:20 AM
Yep. Been in bars quite a bit with all the band stuff I do. Sometimes I do just go hang out with friends purposely in a seedy place without music just to have some time off. Guess I just don't expect much from Hawaiin Don's therefore it has never let me down. It fits in the same class as The Wolf Trap, The Red Rooster, The Mill, or any other bar in this town that is one step above The Wilshire Club and one step below Lumpy's.

I just like the big drinks because one is plenty for me and I don't have to keep going to the bar or deciding what I want to drink. I get one and I'm done for the night.

Chef - I'm sorry you had a bad experience there. I really wouldn't have suggested it as a place for you to go in the first place. From your comments and postings it doesn't sound like a place you would enjoy.

And fake bake is just wrong!

01-25-2008, 10:09 AM
I really just wanted to try it out. Usually go to wild wings, but me and the lil lady thought we would change it up. Hopefully it gets better for them. I like nothing more than a bar to do well in that location. its just very hard in edmond, bc it is a more grown up crowd. I've been to louie's( not the edmond one), figure they are all the same. Well except for my friends on meridian its fun(shameless plug).

The fake bake thing that is bothering me is not so much the 60 yr old leather ladies is the 9-10 girls that are having it done. WTF?!?!? yes lets dress you up to look just like your idols linsday lohan and britney spears. Personally, I will not let my daughter (if i'm blessed to have one) ever look up to one of these types of girls.

02-05-2008, 03:21 PM
It fits in the same class as The Wolf Trap, The Red Rooster, The Mill, or any other bar in this town that is one step above The Wilshire Club and one step below Lumpy's.

Hahaha, the Wilshire Club!! Talk about your ultimate dive bar! It feels like you are hanging out in an alcoholic's basement.

02-10-2008, 12:54 AM
Hawaiian Don's in Edmond has had to go through some changes to find out the best way to take care of our customers....however we have always only offered bar-service and no waitresses. There's no way to carry those 60 oz. drinks around to tables when you are busy. Anyway, we have the kinks worked out from when we first opened and hope all of you who haven't had great experiences will give us another shot. We have added many great food items and by the way, we only ever take a cover charge on Thurs-Sat....beginning at 8:30. This cover charge is low and allows us to hire some of the best talent in the metro to DJ. Thank you all for your support!!!

02-10-2008, 10:21 AM
the bartender stands there as to say "my tip?"

What a dooshbag.

02-10-2008, 10:29 AM
I've been to the original Hawaiian Don's and you had to go to the bar to get your drink--no waitresses. I've been to plenty of places where you had to get your own drinks. It seems a little whiny to me to complain about having to go get a drink at a bar. Boo friggin' hoo.

I haven't been to the one in Edmond yet. Had planned to go with some friends back late in the summer but they weren't open. It was an odd time, I think...early on a Sunday evening or something, I can't really remember.

I did enjoy the fishbowl drinks, though. Good times. It's nice to only spend $7 for the night ;)

Dave Cook
02-10-2008, 03:00 PM
It's nice to only spend $7 for the night ;)

You're the type of customer bartender's just love. ;)

02-10-2008, 03:56 PM
HA. At least I don't complain ;)

02-21-2008, 02:01 PM
call it what you will. I dont have a problem going to the bar for drinks. When its understood. Not when you see two tables being waited on but no others. That was my point.