View Full Version : Rush at the Ford Center

01-24-2008, 12:02 PM
:rock_on: :rock_guit :Smiley053

Rush is coming to the Ford Center in April. I haven't seen this group in years and I'm looking forward to it. Anyone else here planning on going?
Ford Center Oklahoma City (

01-25-2008, 11:03 AM
Yup I'll be there. Heard about them coming to OKC way back in Nov. and Dec. Glad to see they've finally picked a date. Still no ticket info though.

01-25-2008, 01:30 PM
Wow, I can't believe they're still together. I think I listened to them 25 years ago. I still remember Neil Peart and his playing on 2112. I wrote it as a drum chart and almost hurt myself! ;-)

01-25-2008, 01:36 PM
I had a feeling you might be interested (anyone with "drums" in their name was bound to be aware of Neil Peart). They weren't my first concert (that was Van Halen's Diver Down tour), but they were my second. I went to see Rush & Golden Earring on their Moving Pictures tour at the Myriad and was blown away. I've been a fan ever since.

01-26-2008, 08:34 AM
Moving Pictures in Indianapolis was my first concert ever.

I still have the ticket stub and just looked at it was a $7.50 general admission ticket and they are what $50 for the cheap seats now?

edit:No the BeeGees were my first ever concert with my mom and sister not that I like to admit though...

01-27-2008, 12:12 PM
I had a feeling you might be interested (anyone with "drums" in their name was bound to be aware of Neil Peart). They weren't my first concert (that was Van Halen's Diver Down tour), but they were my second. I went to see Rush & Golden Earring on their Moving Pictures tour at the Myriad and was blown away. I've been a fan ever since.

the Moving Pictures show was in '81 at the "incomparable" Myriad, and the opener was supposed to be Max Webster, but they broke up a few days before the show, so it turned into "an evening with Rush"... not sure which tour was the one w/Golden Earring?

anyway, i saw a show on tv on their 30th anniversary tour a few years back, and they definitely still have it... :rock_guit

01-27-2008, 02:02 PM
Ok, help me here. My memory is fading. Did I see Rush, UFO and Judas Priest at the Civic Center in the 70's? Pretty sure I saw them with Nugent too. My memory is "foggy" if you know what I mean!

01-27-2008, 03:10 PM
the Moving Pictures show was in '81 at the "incomparable" Myriad, and the opener was supposed to be Max Webster, but they broke up a few days before the show, so it turned into "an evening with Rush"... not sure which tour was the one w/Golden Earring?

anyway, i saw a show on tv on their 30th anniversary tour a few years back, and they definitely still have it... :rock_guit

You know what? You're right. That was the Signals tour in '83. Van Halen's Diver Down was in '82. Old age and poor memory strike again! What would we do without the Internet? ;)

Rush tour dates:
"" (Sorry, had to put quotes around this link because the header text makes no sense for the link.)
March 4, 1983 The Myriad. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (Golden Earring)

Van Halen tour dates:
Van Halen Tour Dates (
09/21/82 Oklahoma City, OK The Myriad ATF

Ok, help me here. My memory is fading. Did I see Rush, UFO and Judas Priest at the Civic Center in the 70's? Pretty sure I saw them with Nugent too. My memory is "foggy" if you know what I mean!

I found these:
Album: A Farewell to Kings released September 1977
Tour: Drive 'Til You Die Tour
Opening Band(s): UFO, Max Webster, Hush, Blue Oyster Cult
October 15, 1977 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Album: Hemispheres released October 29th 1978
Tour: Tour of the Hemispheres
Opening Band(s): Pat Travers, Starz, Saxon, Wild Horses, Golden Earring, Molly Hatchet, Head East, UFO
February 24, 1979 Fairgrounds Pavilion. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

01-27-2008, 07:05 PM
Yes, it is coming back to me! It was BOC not Judas Priest! Thanks for clearing that up.

01-27-2008, 07:18 PM
I saw Jethro Tull one year, I think it was at the Myriad. That was an eerie concert. Near the end of the concert I sneaked around behind the band in an area where no one was sitting, and I had binoculars. I studied this chart that was taped by the drummer, and I could see it was a song list. Near the end I saw T.A.B and it hit me: Thick as a Brick!

The band gave me a dirty look and security encouraged me to go back to where I belonged. I went back to tell my friends that Thick as a Brick was coming up! It was a Kodak moment.

I also saw the Allman Brothers years ago at Lloyd Noble, and guess who was sitting off to the side of the stage just watching the band? Cher! Remember when she was dating Greg Allman? It was during a lull in her career.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-01-2008, 01:04 AM
lol...This thread is funny...Bunch of stoners trying to remember details from 25 years ago. :D

KISS in '84 was my "baptism by fire" into the world of concerts. It was awesome having an aunt that took my 12 year old butt to that show. Especially because I wasn't allowed to listen to KISS.

02-01-2008, 08:53 AM
Maybe Wham will get back together!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-01-2008, 08:56 AM
ZOMG...Wham! broke up?


El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
02-02-2008, 11:20 AM
Rush? Niice...

02-06-2008, 01:54 PM
aw man, you mean this isn't about Rush Limbaugh at the Ford Center?

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-07-2008, 12:34 AM
aw man, you mean this isn't about Rush Limbaugh at the Ford Center?

They couldn't fit his belly and his ego in there, so he'll be performing his tired routine in a field outside of Ada.

02-07-2008, 02:15 PM
Rush Fans "presale" tickets went on sale on Tuesday. Now they are doing the American Express Gold Card presale. Tickets will be sold to the general public on Saturday at 10 a.m. at Ticketmaster. It should be a great show. They've been playing in Dallas on various tours for the past several years and they were outstanding.

You and your charts, Drumsncode.... Of course, I can't tease you too much about the extremes of your charts... you were and I'm sure are still, a most excellent drummer!

lol...This thread is funny...Bunch of stoners trying to remember details from 25 years ago. :D

KISS in '84 was my "baptism by fire" into the world of concerts. It was awesome having an aunt that took my 12 year old butt to that show. Especially because I wasn't allowed to listen to KISS.

Not everyone was stoned all the time, Oh Gawd. We just went to so many concerts back then when they were affordable, that it's difficult to remember the details. A lot of us were young enough that our parents had to drive us to the concerts.

And there truly were strange lineups for concerts. I vaguely remember a lineup at the Fair Grounds Arena that had something like Electric Light Orchestra, Bachman Turner Overdrive and Bad Company.

We were about the same age as you were when some of us first saw KISS in concert at the Civic Center. I just happened to be eight earlier (1976.) Same with the Allman Brothers or Jethro Tull or Yes or ...

02-07-2008, 03:01 PM
lol...This thread is funny...Bunch of stoners trying to remember details from 25 years ago.

lol... speaking of which and not to change the topic too much.. but I LOVED Tom Petty at the SuperBowl..yes, he's a little weathered but I LOVE him anyway.. .

My only wish would have been for him to sing Refuge.. my all time favorite song and Here Comes my Girl instead of the last song he sang.

I predicted American Girl but was hoping he would do one of the above or even Even the Losers Get Lucky ... he has so many great songs... and they aren't even coming here this summer.. oh gawddddd! boo hoo!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-07-2008, 04:22 PM
okcnative, I don't actually think everybody that went to these shows was a "stoner". I sure wasn't. I've never touched weed, much less smoked it. That doesn't mean I never rocked a mullet or attended a Whitesnake concert ;)

02-07-2008, 04:43 PM
It's okay, Karried. It's OKAY to love him anyway. When my husband was unable to attend Van Halen a couple of weeks ago, I took a co-worker. She's been married 20+ years, has five kids, hasn't been out of the house in months. So I took her. During the concert, she turned to me and said, "I'm in love with Eddie Van Halen all over again." We have to love our musical stars and their music. Even if they don't play our favorite songs. (I wonder how Tom decided on that particular set?) But please don't cry. Tom's coming to Dallas at the end of August. Why not make the trip, have dinner, go to the concert, stay in a nice hotel and come home the next day? Or, go up to Kansas City, MO, in July and do the same thing?

And Oh Gawd... I was only teasing you. Actually, at my age, it's very gracious of you to suggest I was stoner rather than say I'm just senile. But just a heads-up for you...You can always try to catch Whitesnake :rock_guit at Rocklahoma this summer in Pryor, OK. ;-)

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-07-2008, 04:50 PM
And Oh Gawd... I was only teasing you. Actually, at my age, it's very gracious of you to suggest I was stoner rather than say I'm just senile. But just a heads-up for you...You can always try to catch Whitesnake :rock_guit at Rocklahoma this summer in Pryor, OK. ;-)

Rocklahoma sounds good in theory, but in practice....I've gotten older I guess...I don't enjoy my music at those volumes unless I have a volume button under my control and crowds are smelly and rude. :053:

02-07-2008, 04:58 PM
trying to remember details from 25 years ago.

Oh yeah, just to clarify for those who got the instant image of me toking a bong..

the trying to remember details of 25 years ago is what I was referring to.... lol

02-08-2008, 09:07 AM
ahh, the good 'ol days... Kiss in '77, Aerosmith in '78, Jethro Tull in '79, Yes in '79, Journey in '80, the Dead in '81... all before i was 14! after my dad took me to Kiss when i was 9, he said "you're going to these on your own - it's too much for this old man!"

02-11-2008, 07:38 AM
You can always try to catch Whitesnake at Rocklahoma this summer in Pryor, OK. ;-)

Has Rocklahoma announced their lineup already? I haven't heard anything.

02-17-2008, 06:33 AM

PRYOR, OKLA—Catch the Fever Music Festivals will host a press conference Tuesday, March 4th, in Hollywood, California, to announce the official lineup of artists for the Second Annual Rocklahoma, July 10-13, 2008.

The press conference will take place at 1:00 p.m. P.S.T. at the historical Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member Whisky A Go-Go, located at 8901 Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood, California.

Artists will be available at the press conference to discuss this historic event.

Master of Ceremonies of the Press Conference and the event itself will be Host of VH-1 Classic, Eddie Trunk, who can also be heard on XM Satellite’s Boneyard and is syndicated across the nation.

Rocklahoma 2007 was the largest Rock Festival of its type featuring bands from the eighties. Attendance came from all fifty states, every Province in Canada, every country in Europe. A total of thirty-two different countries from throughout the world representing every continent with the exception of Antarctica.

05-08-2008, 02:24 PM
okcnative, I don't actually think everybody that went to these shows was a "stoner". I sure wasn't. I've never touched weed, much less smoked it. That doesn't mean I never rocked a mullet or attended a Whitesnake concert ;)

Let's be were either smoking it or getting a contact high. Either way, you know you had a good time!!!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
05-08-2008, 02:42 PM
Nope! I've never smoked weed or done a single illegal drug in my 36 years. Not one.

Now...Underage drinking.... :D

05-08-2008, 03:31 PM
Hmmm.....are you sure you didn't smoke it...maybe you just didn't inhale. haha. You must have a much better memory than I, because I know I burned a few brain cells back in my day. Can't say I didn't have a good time though!

Oh GAWD the Smell!
05-08-2008, 04:53 PM
I'm very sure :)

I can't even inhale a cigarette without coughing so hard so as to almost lose my lunch...So there was no way I was going to try weed.

Nothing against it, I think it should be legal...But that's a whole 'nutter story. It just never piqued my interest.