View Full Version : Mayor/Chamber begin Ford Center Campaign!

01-16-2008, 08:34 AM
Mayor begins campaign for sales tax to bring in NBA
The Journal Record
January 16, 2008

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Greater Oklahoma City Chamber tipped off its campaign in support of a $120 million arena makeover Tuesday.

President Roy Williams, chamber Chairman J. Larry Nichols and Mayor Mick Cornett revealed the “Citizens for a Big League City” promotion and its associated Internet site at Greater Oklahoma City Chamber - Legislative Action - Big League City ( The online links provide information and maps about the proposed changes to the downtown Ford Center and the addition of more than 270,000 square feet. “We feel like high turnout is going to help us,” Cornett said of March 4 election. “We want as many people to go to the polls as possible. We want as much acceptance and opportunity for people to vote up or down whether or not they want to be an NBA city, whether or not they want to invest in the Ford Center.”

The campaign will rely heavily on broadcast media, he said, and will likely push the same message Cornett has focused on since he put the issue before the city council at the beginning of the year: “The momentum of Oklahoma City. Whether you’ve ever been in the Ford Center or not, if you believe in this city, you have to understand that this is in the best interests of the city,” Cornett said.

Supporters have little time to convince voters to commit to a 1-cent, 15-month sales tax. The goal is to make the arena NBA-worthy so that the league’s board of governors will be more likely to allow Oklahoma City businessman Clay Bennett to move the SuperSonics team from its current home in Seattle. The board’s decision is expected in early April.

If the sales tax passes but the NBA doesn’t allow the team’s relocation, the tax would shrink by three months to fund upgrades the arena needs anyway, city officials said.

Nichols said several leadership subgroups within the chamber voted unanimously to support the initiative.“Having an enhanced arena that not only can support an NBA league team, but can also support in a more elegant, in a more efficient way, all of the different uses of the Ford Center, (will) have a big impact upon this city,” Nichols said.

“This is good for Oklahoma City. It creates jobs. It creates wealth. It brings people into our city.”When the city hosted the Hornets for two seasons following Hurricane Katrina’s damage to New Orleans, the team created more than 200 jobs and had an economic impact of more than $66 million, Nichols said.

01-16-2008, 08:57 AM
I will be putting the myspace on my top friends until March 4th.

02-14-2008, 11:30 AM
ChamberCyn, whatever happened to the official campaign that you were asking for the public's help. I signed up over a month ago and have heard nothing. In fact, the only thing I've seen publically has been a print ad in yesterday's Gazette (but wait, that was an ad from the Shawnee Tribe for their casino proposal near Remington Park, just using the publicity off this NBA vote). Is/when is the chamber going to get serious about this campaign and get it out to the masses? When are they going to be contacting volunteers? I've seen far more for the Shawnee Tribe's casino campaign in which they are calling "Major League City" campaign and citing the Chamber of Commerce for some of the issues they are lobbying for.

02-14-2008, 11:51 AM
There's a meeting at the Skirvin the 28th from 11:30-1:00, looks like the notice went to all Chamber members. Rick Horrow will be speaking.

02-14-2008, 11:56 AM
So the main meeting is less than a week from the actual vote? Shouldn't they be hitting the streets hard NOW?

02-14-2008, 12:13 PM
Metro, you usually don't start a campaign a month out. Usually it starts 2-3 weeks out. I would look for stuff to start happening very soon.

02-14-2008, 03:35 PM
Metro, you usually don't start a campaign a month out. Usually it starts 2-3 weeks out. I would look for stuff to start happening very soon.

So what are these guys running for president doing right now? :confused: ;)

02-14-2008, 04:41 PM
Metro, you usually don't start a campaign a month out. Usually it starts 2-3 weeks out. I would look for stuff to start happening very soon.

A good campaign starts months out. Call me crazy but I've ran a few campaigns in my day (actually ran for city council a few years back). I just got word of an exciting meeting about this vote that should take place next week, as soon as I here a confirmation of it, I'll announce it. Oh and FYI, we are 3 weeks out from the vote.

02-14-2008, 04:42 PM
That is a little different. I'm talking city campaigns. However, wouldn't it be better if they didn't campaign for president until 2-3 weeks out!

02-14-2008, 11:53 PM
OSUFan, just curious, do you remember how long they campaigned for the original MAPS and MAPS for Kids? I guarantee you it was more than 2-3 weeks. I've ran and volunteered for several "city" or "issue" campaigns so I'm not just playing guessing games. I'm just boggled why I haven't heard/seen much on this major campaign nor been contacted yet on volunteer activities.

02-15-2008, 12:37 AM
OSUFan, just curious, do you remember how long they campaigned for the original MAPS and MAPS for Kids? I guarantee you it was more than 2-3 weeks. I've ran and volunteered for several "city" or "issue" campaigns so I'm not just playing guessing games. I'm just boggled why I haven't heard/seen much on this major campaign nor been contacted yet on volunteer activities.I would think that someone from the Chamber has ran some polling. I don't know that to be true, just an assumption.

But, like you, I've been involved, and help run a few of these myself. If they have polled, I would think there would be strong support for the YES camp. Therefore there is no need to jump out, spend a lot of money, and wake up a sleeping dog. If there is one.

If there is an organized and funded NO group out there, I'm sure the Chamber would know that. If that be the case, then there is probably a little game of cat and mouse going on here. It's no secret my vote will have to be NO. But I'm fairly confident I'm in the minority.

Doug Loudenback
02-15-2008, 03:34 AM
Although I've not seen it advertised anywhere, I was driving by the COC office on Park Avenue on Wednesday and spotted a "yard sign" out front. So, I stopped, went in and got a couple. They look like the "ticket" shown in - Big League City - 36 - Male - OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma - (

02-15-2008, 07:00 AM
I have that "sign" as a bumper sticker. I was supposed to have been called when there were yard signs to be distributed, as I've got a lot of people who want them. So, there's a disconnect somewhere.

Doug Loudenback
02-15-2008, 07:34 AM
As some others have commented, I too volunteered to help, sent a couple of e-mails and got replies saying thanks and that I'd be contacted. It hasn't happened.

02-15-2008, 08:51 AM
I'm not sure about Maps but the last two city campaigns didn't start untill 2-3 weeks out. I'm not talking about campaign work, I'm talking about tv ads and stuff like that.

02-15-2008, 11:43 AM
I just got an e-mail saying the Chamber would be having a watch party for the All Star game Sunday night. No details, but I'll let everyone know where it is when I find out. I would think there would be yard signs, bumper stickers and lapel pins available, as I know they've got them all.

02-15-2008, 03:34 PM
Wild Wings on Expressway.

02-15-2008, 06:58 PM
Wild Wings on Expressway.What time?

02-15-2008, 08:24 PM

4130 NW Expressway,
South Side of the Street, between Portland and Meridian
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Tip-Off: 7:00 PM CST
Do you miss the NBA as much as we do?
Tell your friends and family to
wear your favorite team jersey to come out and cheer for your favorite NBA All-Star!

Prizes For Kids And Adults Including A Free T-shirt!
• Food Specials!
• NBA Dance Team Members!
• Learn more about how you can help make
OKC a Big League City!
Celebrate the NBA in OKC on Sunday Night!
• Visit with Mayor Cornett!
• Support your favorite NBA player on the world’s biggest stage!

Doug Loudenback
02-15-2008, 08:48 PM
Here's the flyer ...

02-15-2008, 08:57 PM
Thanks Doug, your post is far more attractive. I was trying to think of places one might post the flyer tomorrow.

Doug Loudenback
02-15-2008, 09:02 PM
Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere!