View Full Version : Blue Seven & others leave Mayfair Village

01-15-2008, 06:37 PM
The new owner of Mayfair Village, Bernard Rosenson from California, continues to anger the tenants at Mayfair Village. I was in a store there today and I asked about the center and the owner of this particular store said that the owner is a jerk and is running everyone off. They said it all started just weeks after he bought the center about a year and a half ago. Apparently Rosenson played hardball with a jeweler and the grocery store that angered many of the longtime tenants. They have slowly been leaving or not having leases renewed because of drastically higher rents.

The latest casualties are Blue Seven, another boutique shop (can't remember the name) and Popcorn Pharmacy which has been in Mayfair for almost 20 years. Blue Seven is already gone and open in the former Lakeside Theater/Sound Warehouse/Blockbuster building on North May at Grand Blvd. Popcorn Pharmacy has temporarily closed to make the move where they also leased some small space at the same location as Blue Seven. The other place is moving to a location on North Penn.

It's a shame to see thriving and locally owned retail apparently treated like dirt by this Rosenson character.

01-16-2008, 08:37 AM
Too bad blueseven didn't move to MidTown or downtown. This guy sounds like the same jerks who bought the old Founders Tower aka 360 at Founders Plaza.

01-17-2008, 10:01 AM
Who knows he may have plans to sell the land to a Wal-Mart for a new Neighborhood Dumpster.

I still cannot belive he forced Mayfair Market out of business. It seems like our older citizens are being forced to shop the corporate giants, instead of being able to shop the hometown neighborhood stores.

01-18-2008, 09:38 AM
I drove by the new Blue 7 store the other night and must say this might be a good thing for them. They will have a higher visibility and at least from the outside it looks like a nicer space for them. I have always liked this store and I certainly wish them well.

01-18-2008, 09:49 AM
Aren't they the ones that carry American Apparel clothes?

Seems like the proximity of the new location to Nichols Hills will be good for them.