View Full Version : Smoking
Lauri101 05-08-2009, 03:22 AM If you have decent health insurance, it will pay for Chantix. After trying the lozenge, gum, spray, patch - all to no avail - I went the Chantix route. It targets the pleasure center of your brain and works (really) to make you not want or enjoy a smoke.
As my doctor said - do you "cure" an alcoholic by giving him a beer? Then why give nicotine to someone trying to stop smoking?
It's expensive - about $120 month without insurance. BCBS paid all but $12 co-pay. Of course, cigarettes cost a lot more.
Best of luck everyone. Stick with your goal.
TaoMaas 05-08-2009, 09:55 AM Another thing that helps is to start running. After a 5 mile run, the last thing you'll want is a cigarette.
This doesn't have much to do with quitting smoking, but a few years ago, one of my neighbors took up running. The first day he was out, he came huffing and puffing up the last block towards his house. As he was coming down the street, his wife stepped out on the porch and started yelling, "Run, Forrest! Run!" LOL LOL I couldn't decide whether to cuss her for being heartless or to laugh because it was so funny!
Patrick 05-08-2009, 02:02 PM Patients always tell me, "well I can't afford Chantix. I don't have insurance."
Then I ask them..."well how much do you smoke?"
Their response: "1 pack per day" or "2 packs per day"
My response: Avg cost per pack of cigarettes: $5. Total cost per month if 1 pack per day smoker: 30 x $5 = $150. Total cost if 2 pack per day: 30 X $10 = $300.
Cost of Chantix per month: $120. It's actually less than their smoking habit.
Thunder 05-08-2009, 04:34 PM Patients always tell me, "well I can't afford Chantix. I don't have insurance."
Then I ask them..."well how much do you smoke?"
Their response: "1 pack per day" or "2 packs per day"
My response: Avg cost per pack of cigarettes: $5. Total cost per month if 1 pack per day smoker: 30 x $5 = $150. Total cost if 2 pack per day: 30 X $10 = $300.
Cost of Chantix per month: $120. It's actually less than their smoking habit.
Some live paycheck to paycheck, and only afford what they can buy for 2 weeks.
PennyQuilts 05-08-2009, 05:19 PM The first day he was out, he came huffing and puffing up the last block towards his house. As he was coming down the street, his wife stepped out on the porch and started yelling, "Run, Forrest! Run!" LOL LOL I couldn't decide whether to cuss her for being heartless or to laugh because it was so funny!
I'd go with laughing. I'm betting that sense of humor is one of the things he loves about her.
And I'll bet she loves him back.
Lauri101 05-08-2009, 05:52 PM Some live paycheck to paycheck, and only afford what they can buy for 2 weeks.
You can get some deep discount coupons from Pfizer - what you spend on smokes for two weeks would equal out.
The thing is, in all fairness to those who are still smoking - you will quit when you are ready, or die a smoker. I never thought I would quit after being a 30 year, 2 pack a day huffer. I even used to joke that they'd pry my last cigarette from my cold fingers.
Then I watched my mom die, gasping for breath, and my S.O. have lung surgery and nearly die. I realized that I wanted to see my grandson graduate from high school and college - something my mom did not get to do with her grandchildren. That was my glimmer of light.
Quitting was the toughest thing I ever did, but also the best gift to myself and my family. Hell yes I'm proud - but I tried at least a dozen times before I did it. You gotta be ready - and no one can tell you that you are until it happens.
kevinpate 05-08-2009, 09:24 PM I've recently cleared five years, and there are STILL little triggers out there that truly mandate an effort to successfully avoid a return.
Not every day, not even every quarter, but yeah, some triggers do still crop up from time to time. So far, so good.
fuzzytoad 05-11-2009, 01:21 PM isn't Chantix the stuff that causes alot of people to commit suicide??
Lauri101 05-11-2009, 05:16 PM isn't Chantix the stuff that causes alot of people to commit suicide??
According to the FDA
"Smoking cessation, with or without treatment, is associated with nicotine withdrawal symptoms and has also been associated with the exacerbation of underlying psychiatric illness."
That being said - yes, there were a few reports, but no connection was established. Doctors were asked to keep an eye on their patients taking Chantix. I Googled and found one reported death and many (over 1000) reports of suicidal thoughts. No action was taken by the FDA except to require the statement to include side effects of possibility of depression, suicidal thoughts, urge to gamble, etc.
(Look at the possible side effects of Viagra for a real scare. Of course if it lasts more than 4 hours you should call someone - a doctor or friends of your wife.)
Patrick 05-11-2009, 11:49 PM Studies have been inconclusive. Most show no more suicides completed than placebo.
And, congrats Lauri on quitting! :) You did it!
kmf563 08-05-2009, 09:47 AM This Sunday marks my official quitting smoking date. I'm down to 5 cigs a day right now, except for those drinking nights...but school starts back up, summer is over, it's time for me to kick the habit all together. I'm trying the meds this time, we'll see. I hope it works and doesn't make me insane.
Anyway, I had this website I used the last time I quit smoking that really helped keep me on track and I can't find it. It came with the packs of nicorette patches. It gave you daily workout routines, kept track of the money you save, food ideas, everything really. I've searched through every smoking website I could find via google and I can't find it. Does anyone know what this is?
...but school starts back up, summer is over, it's time for me to kick the habit all together. I'm trying the meds this time, we'll see. I hope it works and doesn't make me insane.
Good luck and keep up the good work!
Lauri101 08-06-2009, 05:42 PM snip-
Anyway, I had this website I used the last time I quit smoking that really helped keep me on track and I can't find it. It came with the packs of nicorette patches. It gave you daily workout routines, kept track of the money you save, food ideas, everything really. I've searched through every smoking website I could find via google and I can't find it. Does anyone know what this is?
First of all - good luck kmf! I've been smoke free now for 17 months and I know how much better I feel!
Here are a couple of websites:
and, for Chantix users:
I used Chantix and I'm convinced that it was the best way to go. I had been patched, hypnotized, chewed gum, popped rubber bands - finally, Chantix did it. I was lucky - my insurance paid for all but $25 a month - but I would have paid the full price - it was that good!
I smoked for over 35 years and I thought I would die a smoker. Now I'm living and have extra money for fun.
:yourock: - You can do it!
kmf563 08-07-2009, 08:58 AM Thanks for the support guys! I appreciate it. Those websites are great but still not what I'm looking for. The one I used had a daily "to do" list that included workouts, busy activities, diet, and a journal to keep track of emotions and activities. It was great! I can't believe I can't find it.
kmf563 09-23-2009, 11:56 AM Updates everyone?? Thunder did you quit? Townhero how's it going? Daveskater - great idea. Visual reminders are awesome.
Today is my 30 day mark! I honestly didn't think I would make it this far. I had to quit the Chantix after 3 weeks, I had a rare reaction to it that was mainly due to my low levels of iron and immune system. Anyway, my mouth looked like I had a serious STD for a week...gross...but it's all cured and I still am not smoking. If you take it make sure you have normal iron and b-12 levels. If they are normally low, take supplements and you will be fine. Other than that, I didn't have any negative side effects other than weird dreams - but I liked those. The prescription is now $145 a month without insurance coverage, mine does not cover it. Even though I only spent about $50 a month on smokes (if that much, with coupons and the camel guys going around to the bars) - the money is totally worth it. It really works. I have quit a million times and it's never been like this. I don't have any urges, no cravings, being around smoke doesn't bother me at all, and I haven't cheated once with even a drag of one. I recommend trying it if you really want to quit. If you can follow the directions and stick with it, the longer you are on it the easier it is to quit. Some people tried to only take it a month and quit on their own the rest of the way and ended up smoking again.
On a sidenote...yogurt is a miracle cure for lots of things. lol.
kevinpate 09-23-2009, 12:32 PM > yogurt is a miracle cure for lots of things
nods and whispers congrats.
At 30 days you're way beyond being nicotine free. For the rest of it, it's avoiding the triggers that restart old habits. Those do fade, but perhaps never truly go away, so the attitude of not cheating even so much as a drag is a good one to possess.
I have no desire to smoke anymore, and don't even miss it, except for the rare moments I do miss it. They pass if you let them and don't look to hold onto the moment.
To your continued success!
PennyQuilts 09-23-2009, 12:58 PM Today is my 30 day mark!
Congratulations! You rock!
Thunder 09-23-2009, 02:08 PM No, I didn't.
kevinpate 09-23-2009, 02:48 PM Today is as good a day as any to not smoke for the next three hours. After that, it's 100% your call if you have one, or go another three hours.
Luck with it, whatever you decide.
westsidesooner 09-23-2009, 02:56 PM Congratulations KMF. :congrats: :congrats:
DaveSkater 09-23-2009, 03:20 PM Yay for day 30! You're past the hump, just keep on humpin!
Thumper, when you're ready, you'll do it. But not a minute before then.
Lauri101 09-23-2009, 06:08 PM -Today is my 30 day mark!
Woohoo - wtg kmf!:bow:
Yesterday was my 18 month point - I've not missed it a tad.
Now, I find the smell of cigarette smoke almost revolting, but I refrain from being the type of smoke nazi I always hated as a smoker.
I can't seem to lose the last 20 pounds of the 40 I gained, but I can live with being plump. I'm working out 30 minutes a day, taking stairs instead of elevators and walking further from car to office in my new downtown parking.
KMF - you'e got it now - just rejoice in every fresh breath. Thunder - you'll do it when you're ready. I smoked for 30 years and I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I did not have my usual winter bronchitis this year - in fact, I haven't taken sick leave in over a year when I used to take about a day a month. It's all good!
PennyQuilts 09-23-2009, 06:28 PM Lauri, you're doing great. Sounds like you are doing exactly what you should be doing. I am so impressed!
Thunder 09-23-2009, 06:48 PM I just bought 2 packs and smoked several the past hour.
PennyQuilts 09-23-2009, 07:33 PM I just bought 2 packs and smoked several the past hour.
Oh Thunder.
Thunder 09-24-2009, 04:43 AM I didn't get sick during the winter, but during the Spring, I did for a short time.
ronronnie1 09-24-2009, 05:06 AM Ugh @ this thread. Congrats to everyone who has successfully quit smoking. I quit 3 weeks ago, but for some lame brain reason I picked one up, and now I'm back to my old ways. Damn me.
Actually, I ate a whole half gallon of ice cream in one day all to myself right after quitting smoking. I then went to McDonalds for some double cheesburgers. What can I say? I panicked.
The age old dilema: Wrinkled face/sexy body or beautiful face/whack body.
The body won.
kevinpate 09-24-2009, 05:21 AM go for the latter. the face is always out there, but clothes and lighting can work magic over a whack bod, and though I have no business noting it, there is always that thing I've heard of called exercise. might look into it myself some day.
PennyQuilts 09-24-2009, 05:38 AM The face is going to go, regardless, but a strong body will keep you out of a nursing home. Exercise! Keep moving!
But for that matter, have you SEEN the faces on long term smokers" EEK! At my last highschool reunion, the long term smokers looked like dried apples. The skinny ones looked like dried apples on a stick. You couldn't sell those things at the fair even if you wrapped bacon around them.
kevinpate 09-24-2009, 05:48 AM [OT alert]
Speaking of food on a stick ... Jeff Dunham gets his own series on Comedy Central beginning in the 2nd half of October (the 23rd if memory serves)
[/OT alert]
kmf563 09-24-2009, 09:33 AM LOL. You guys are great.
Thunder do it on your own terms in your own time. It won't work until you decide you are ready.
Lauri congrats!
Ronronnie don't give up! Get right back up on that horse. It wasn't until I started treating it like a disease such as alcoholism that it clicked in my brain. We can't just have one. Some people think they can, but somewhere down the road the line crosses over into another made up rule smokers use as an excuse. "I only smoke at night" or "I only smoke when I drink" or "I only smoke when I go out" all of those are junkie excuses.
ronronnie1 09-24-2009, 08:14 PM Thank you for the support, kmf563. I bought a pack today, and honestly I'm just not feelin' it anymore. I'm about to make a trip to Walgreens and buy some nicotine gum because I'm over smoking. I'm DEFINATELY not giving up on myself this time.
Lauri101 09-25-2009, 04:01 AM Go for it ronronnie! kevin is right - think of it as one less cigarette at a time
I know I have an addictive personality, so I know I can never so much as puff again. That's ok - I'm a Crackberry addict now:)
Those of you trying - never give up! It took me at least 10 tries to quit. When you're ready, it'll happen. Congratulations for not lighting up right at this minute!
dmoor82 09-25-2009, 04:43 AM My mother is 59 and smoked everyday of her life since she was 13! she found out she she had lupus in 1999 and quit that same year!my Aunt's have both had cancer and one has passed away,she had lung cancer and still smoked after she found out! I smoke a 1/2 pk a day to a full pack,I agree it is a stupid habit to to pick up on,diabetes and cancer run in my family so I might want to quit!!! You know whats funny also? you can take a shower and put on some nice cologne and think you smell great, but to someone who doesnt smoke-you stink like sh#t!! I have stayed with my buddy in Texas a few times and brought some clothes and stuff and I was unpacking and he walked in the room and said WOW it smells like sh#t in here! I said what!!!! he made me wash all my clothes!!!
PennyQuilts 09-25-2009, 05:37 AM Yeah, it has a rank odor and I hate how it makes my clothes stink. When I come back from visiting a smoker and unpack my clothes, the smell just about knocks me over and I have to wash everything.
Thunder 09-25-2009, 06:49 AM My experience working at Crest Discount Foods - Home of Rock Bottom Prices was that they all did not realize that I am a smoker. One by one, they will discover when I am buying a pack or catch me smoking outside. Oddly, they do not smell the smoke off of me?! I wear clean work clothes each day, brush my teeth each day, take a shower each day, and use a colonge. There are some of them that did not have a clue for months! One cashier thought I was buying a pack for someone, but no, that pack was for me. As for mom, she complains a lot about the smoke, but everyone else says nothing.
I started back in June '05 and still going. The most I've quit was for a few weeks. There was a time or two that I had gone a week without smoking while working at Walmart and during those times, I did not have a craving until I stupidly lit one up.
It got me to be thinking.... Do animals get lung cancer? I have a cat, a kitten, and a bunny living with me. When I moved into this new place, I only smoked outside and planned to keep it out, but I started to smoke only in the bedroom. I have always thought that smoke rise up to the ceiling and that it wouldn't affect them being down on the floor. So, I probably should try quitting if this stuff do cause them to have lung cancer.
The past few months, I've been coughing. At one point, it had gotten so bad. Now, I still cough every day and my breathing/lungs sounds/feels funny. I hoped it would stop, but this coughing doesn't seem to want to go away.
Just to mention... I'll turn 25 in a few weeks.
kmf563 09-25-2009, 11:39 AM My experience working at Crest Discount Foods - Home of Rock Bottom Prices was that they all did not realize that I am a smoker. One by one, they will discover when I am buying a pack or catch me smoking outside. Oddly, they do not smell the smoke off of me?! I wear clean work clothes each day, brush my teeth each day, take a shower each day, and use a colonge. There are some of them that did not have a clue for months! One cashier thought I was buying a pack for someone, but no, that pack was for me. As for mom, she complains a lot about the smoke, but everyone else says nothing.
I started back in June '05 and still going. The most I've quit was for a few weeks. There was a time or two that I had gone a week without smoking while working at Walmart and during those times, I did not have a craving until I stupidly lit one up.
It got me to be thinking.... Do animals get lung cancer? I have a cat, a kitten, and a bunny living with me. When I moved into this new place, I only smoked outside and planned to keep it out, but I started to smoke only in the bedroom. I have always thought that smoke rise up to the ceiling and that it wouldn't affect them being down on the floor. So, I probably should try quitting if this stuff do cause them to have lung cancer.
The past few months, I've been coughing. At one point, it had gotten so bad. Now, I still cough every day and my breathing/lungs sounds/feels funny. I hoped it would stop, but this coughing doesn't seem to want to go away.
Just to mention... I'll turn 25 in a few weeks.
If you are already having bronchial problems you should probably quit now. Only 25? wow. You'd be amazed how much not smoking will help your immune system. BTW - smokers are more likely to get the flu and such because your immune system is already weakened.
As for the animals, yes. Anything breathing takes in the toxic chemicals as well as the smoke that is released into the air. It doesn't matter if they are on the floor or not, it goes everywhere. You just SEE it going up up and away. Trust me - you can smell it. Try having a nonsmoker smell your carpet...I bet it's stinky. And if you smoke in one room, your entire house and clothes will smell like it.
I smoked in my garage and now that i don't smoke, i can smell it on everything in my house just from bringing in my purse, on my shoes, and clothes. I am in the process of deep cleaning everything. And I apologized to my son. I really didn't think it came in the house and I never smoked around him for that reason.
kmf563 10-22-2009, 11:25 AM 2 months!!! woot woot.
Hey a week ago I went down and bought a new car. I pay for it with the money I would be spending on cigarettes. Every time I walk out and look at it I smile. It's much prettier than smoking.
kevinpate 10-22-2009, 01:32 PM Congrats on the car and on smoke free. When I stopped in 04, the $ that used to go to smoking went a really long way on a car payment for us as well.
Still have the 'burb, and have better lungs/health than if I had not stopped, but not so good as if I had not restarted after the first time I stopped, long, long ago.
ronronnie1 10-23-2009, 02:09 PM 2 months!!! woot woot.
Hey a week ago I went down and bought a new car. I pay for it with the money I would be spending on cigarettes. Every time I walk out and look at it I smile. It's much prettier than smoking.
Excellent!!! I don't wanna jinx myself, so I'm not gonna get into the particulars of my efforts (it's going well,) but it's so cool that you saved that much! I bet you feel so much more "clean" now. My brother and I would always notice that clean feeling after going w/o smokes for a few weeks. It's a wonderful feeling!
kmf563 10-23-2009, 02:47 PM Good for you. Keep working on it!!
Lauri101 10-23-2009, 06:36 PM 2 months!!! woot woot.
Hey a week ago I went down and bought a new car. I pay for it with the money I would be spending on cigarettes. Every time I walk out and look at it I smile. It's much prettier than smoking.
Way to go kmf! Hang in there ronronnie1 - it really gets easier!
We stopped in Winstar yesterday on way back from Dallas and I couldn't stay in there very long. Didn't notice before how smoky it is in there! I promise I'll never turn into a "smoke Nazi", but I do know that my aversion to being around smoke is growing.
blangtang 10-28-2009, 12:57 AM yeah, at some point it becomes worthwhile to swap $5 packs of cigs for bud.
TaoMaas 10-28-2009, 06:24 AM We stopped in Winstar yesterday on way back from Dallas and I couldn't stay in there very long. Didn't notice before how smoky it is in there!
My wife developed some sinus problems a few weeks back. When she went to see our doctor, the first thing he asked her was, "Have you been going to the casino recently?" We rarely go, so it took her a bit to realize why he was asking.
PennyQuilts 10-28-2009, 06:28 AM 2 months!!! woot woot.
Hey a week ago I went down and bought a new car. I pay for it with the money I would be spending on cigarettes. Every time I walk out and look at it I smile. It's much prettier than smoking.
I am so happy for you!
ronronnie1 10-28-2009, 08:01 PM My wife developed some sinus problems a few weeks back. When she went to see our doctor, the first thing he asked her was, "Have you been going to the casino recently?" We rarely go, so it took her a bit to realize why he was asking.
I worked at a casino last year, but had to quit because of this very thing. Even though I was a smoker, and even though I was back in the accounting offices away from the gambling floor, the thick smoke made me nauseous and irritable. My skin looked horrible, and the overhead fluorescent lights in the bathrooms just added to my depression. Glad to be done with that.
Oh, and I'm still a nonsmoker as I am writing this!
Lauri101 10-29-2009, 05:37 AM (snip)
Oh, and I'm still a nonsmoker as I am writing this!
Hooray ronronnie!! Way to go!
PennyQuilts 10-29-2009, 05:52 AM Great news, Ronronnie! You can do it!
kevinpate 10-29-2009, 06:00 AM Congrats!
kmf563 10-29-2009, 08:20 AM Yeah! Keep it up ronronnie.
I never even thought about the casino thing. I rarely ever go. I've had a sinus pressure headache for 7 days now. That's the first thing the doctor asked me and I never got it until now. I haven't been around any smoke though. I just barely can stand going out anywhere there is smoke anymore. That sucks for my friends, but my commitment is more important.
PennyQuilts 10-29-2009, 09:58 AM And your health!
DaveSkater 10-30-2009, 09:52 AM Wagon check! Who's still on it?
Lauri101 10-30-2009, 02:33 PM 19 months and 10 days and no tobacco use of any kind.
Now I'm addicted to candy corn.
Has anyone else decreased in coffee drinking and alcoholic consumption since quitting? I used to drink 2 full pots a day - now barely drink one pot now. And I just don't care for the bar scene much anymore.
kmf563 10-30-2009, 02:44 PM me. I'm only having one cup of coffee a day now. I have only been out to a bar once this month. It was for a friend's birthday.
I never realized I would lose friend's when I quit smoking either. But they just don't invite me out anymore. They worry about smoking around me. They have good intentions of not wanting me to start again. That isn't going to happen. I have a car payment. :)
It's weird - I've decreased my addiction to chocolate also. I used to eat a ton of it every day. Now it may be a piece or two a week. Maybe I'm just healthier all around. I work out in the mornings now too. My next addiction to tackle will be soda. It's gotta go.
dmoor82 02-05-2010, 02:28 PM I have been smoke free for exactly 2 weeks now!!! I got those offbrand patches,they work alright!it hasnt been to hard for as I'd thought it would be!maybe I wasnt addicted at all maybe it was just a habit?anyways I can breathe better allready!
buckt 02-05-2010, 03:37 PM I have been smoke free for exactly 2 weeks now!!! I got those offbrand patches,they work alright!it hasnt been to hard for as I'd thought it would be!maybe I wasnt addicted at all maybe it was just a habit?anyways I can breathe better allready!
Wow..that is awesome! Stay in the race - the prize is worth it all!
Lauri101 02-05-2010, 04:28 PM great job dmoor! One day at a time does it.
I've been smoke-free for 23 months - I now consider myself a non-smoker.
Keep up the good work and congrats!
dmoor82 02-05-2010, 04:46 PM ^^^^^Thanx guy's!!!23 months! thats great!yeah I'd say your a non-smoker now also!
PennyQuilts 02-05-2010, 09:06 PM great job dmoor! One day at a time does it.
I've been smoke-free for 23 months - I now consider myself a non-smoker.
Keep up the good work and congrats!
That's so great, Lauri and dmoor!