01-02-2008, 12:23 PM
I just got word from my rep at KOCO that they are pulling their noon news program and replacing it with All My Children and Martha Stewart is going in at 11am. I'm personally bummed as I only enjoy KOCO news and don't care for KFOR and KWTV.
01-02-2008, 12:30 PM
This will hopefully allow them to put more energy into their later broadcasts. If they don't use this as a pretext to release staff, I think this could be a positive. On the other hand, if this is used to force a lot of employees to go part-time, quality could take a nose-dive.
01-04-2008, 12:35 PM
Sorta makes me angry because my wife and I only watched five news. I called and asked and they did not give a reason. I emailed them from thier website and told them wd would no longer be watching their local programing. We will record channel 9 and 4 news on DVR and fast forward to get the news we want to see and just watch national programing for the main news, CNN, MSNBC, etc. We would watch Fox noise but we have it blocked. (heh)
01-04-2008, 04:54 PM
Why would you want to punish KOCO so much, just for dropping one of their most unpopular newscasts?
They are adding an extra one on weekend evenings, and they still have mornings, plus 5, 6, and 10pm.
If you only liked to watch Channel 5, surely you must have liked it enough not to want to give it up just because they yanked a failing show. I'm just sayin'...
01-06-2008, 07:14 AM
You call what KOCO does news? What hoot. We DVR all four news stations (4,5,9,25) and I often laugh that KOCO does not have many of the leading REAL news 4 and 9 have. While I agree that 4 is often 'tabloid' and 9 tries too hard to look 'big city' - they certainly cover breaking, odd and court news much better.
I wish 4 would stop with the gimmicks though. I hear they are now going to start asking viewers to text message the anchors LIVE and the anchors will feature some of the messages - BARF!
Hey, maybe that would be a great gimmick for the late night hosts that have no writers! 'Text in Jay's jokes' (too bad the show isn't live).