View Full Version : Juno
bandnerd 12-28-2007, 10:00 AM Great movie. So unexpectedly good. The girl in the movie, Ellen Page (Juno), does such a phenomenal job at creating the character. She's been nominated for several awards.
A couple friends and I went to it on a whim when Red Pin was too busy to get a lane. I am very glad we followed the whim :)
And yes, it's about teenage does not glorify it, or necessarily deem it "ok" but it deals with the issue well, and it's nice to see a movie where, while the pregnant girl is very sarcastic about her pregnancy, there is obviously love and acceptance for her mistake and choices.
Basic plot summary:
Girl gets pregnant by her best friend. Girl decides to not get an abortion, but looks for someone to adopt the baby right after it is born. Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman are the couple she finds. I will not tell you more...except there is a hilarious part that happens throughout the movie with this track team that runs all year long in these tiny little gold shorts.
And the music is odd but very funny.
An enthusiastic thumbs up!
Easy180 12-28-2007, 03:46 PM Definitely going to check it out....Big fan of Michael Cera ever since Arrested Development
jbrown84 12-28-2007, 04:09 PM What I didn't even think about until the opening credits is that it has both Michael Cera and Jason Bateman. Unfortunately, they don't share a single scene.
Very good movie though. Funny, but with a lot of heart, and better than last years indie comedy sleeper, Little Miss Sunshine.
Karried 12-28-2007, 04:12 PM Better than Little Miss Sunshine? wow.. I loved that movie.
Then, I have to go see it .. maybe tomorrow...
bandnerd 12-28-2007, 06:12 PM I will be going back to see this one with my sister next week...I kind of forgot I promised I'd see it with her, since the last few movies we saw had such sad endings and we felt we owed each other a better ending...but, I figure I laughed so much and so hard last night that I'll catch some things I missed in the first viewing!
teacher girl 12-28-2007, 10:29 PM oh I saw that today and it was SO GOOD!!! they had some MAGNIFICENT one liners in there and i wish I could have written them all down!! I like how they portrayed teenage pregnancy
Andy1807 12-30-2007, 11:54 AM for some reason I don't like Diablo Cody. Her whole backstory may be true, but it seems kind of contrived and played up for the sake of selling her image.
That being said, I am excited to see this movie.
FritterGirl 12-30-2007, 01:41 PM This is absolutely one of the most well-written and original "character" films I've ever seen. Great dialog allowed for very imaginative and authentic characterization.
I've been on a movie-marathon this weekend, having seen Atonement, The Kite Runner, Sweeney Todd and now Juno. This definitely had the most heart (of course, the four are of vastly differing genres), and manages to retain its "indie" feel, which was essential for its success.
A very enthusiastic 4 thumbs up from myself and husband!!!
Karried 12-30-2007, 02:22 PM A very enthusiastic 4 thumbs up from myself and husband!!!
Same here.. a must see feel good movie.. with enough one liners to keep you entertained throughout .. very sweet and quirky.
My husband loved it to which says a lot about the ' chick flick' factor.... he's not a big fan of those! But, he really liked this one.
CCOKC 01-13-2008, 03:35 PM I saw this movie last night with my 15 and 16 year old children. After the movie I told them don't have sex, ever. I think my sex talk to them is done. (Just kidding). We all enjoyed the movie very much and thought it was very funny but no one told me to bring tissues. I am a sucker for these kind of character driven movies with no car crashes of special effects. (Although my son says they made Juno look pregnant with computers).
indolent 01-28-2008, 05:14 PM Juno made me fall in love with Ellen Page. Then I rented Hard Candy and now I'm pretty much afraid of her.
Karried 01-28-2008, 06:09 PM lol... yeah, Hard Candy was a trippy movie! Very unexpected plot ... I need to get it again.
I loved Juno though.. very cool movie
betts 02-23-2008, 09:00 PM I saw this movie tonight. I loved, loved, loved it!
Bobby H 02-24-2008, 10:04 PM I didn't get to see Juno in the movie theater, but will definitely rent it on Blu-ray when it arrives in video stores.
Seemed pretty cool to see screenwriter Diablo Cody pick up the Best Original Screenplay award at the Oscars.