View Full Version : Oklahomans

12-11-2007, 11:05 AM
There are times when I watch the news and cringe when showing some stories out of OK... but there are other times when I am filled with pride and this brought tears to my eyes.... watch the first one and then the second one starts playing.

Makes me proud to live here.

This first guy just lost his wife in childbirth and has three triplets to care for:

Video - Breaking News Videos from (

12-11-2007, 12:00 PM
I don't get it. When hundreds of thousands of people are without power, countless homeless people are freezing and hungry (and at least one has died during the storm), etc., who can honestly say that knocking ice off some tree is a priority?

If these workers truly want to contribute something at 3AM in the wet and freezing cold, why not do something to help people who need it now, and not work to save one of many symbols of something that happened over ten years ago?

12-11-2007, 12:15 PM
If these workers truly want to contribute something at 3AM in the wet and freezing cold, why not do something to help people who need it now, and not work to save one of many symbols of something that happened over ten years ago?

It's important to many people. I'll bet the workers would have preferred to be asleep in a warm bed at 3 am ( probably like most of us were).

The story before that had a woman calling from Hinton OK donating clothing for the triplets - enough to clothe them for 2 years.

Anyway, I'm tired of all the bad news... just trying to find some good in this crappy world.

12-11-2007, 03:12 PM
I don't get it. When hundreds of thousands of people are without power, countless homeless people are freezing and hungry (and at least one has died during the storm), etc., who can honestly say that knocking ice off some tree is a priority?

If these workers truly want to contribute something at 3AM in the wet and freezing cold, why not do something to help people who need it now, and not work to save one of many symbols of something that happened over ten years ago?

They are from the state FORESTRY department. It makes sense to me that they would be out there trying to save perhaps our most important tree. What a shame it would be if that tree died because of an ice storm.

It's not like OG+E or the Jesus House diverted workers over there to help.

12-11-2007, 09:42 PM
I hadn't even considered the Survivor Tree might be damaged by the recent ice storm... talk about a video that makes your heart sink. I'm glad there are people out there who think about these sorts of things, and more importantly dedicate their time at all hours of the night like these folks have.

The Survivor Tree is a very important part of our history and is a large part of the Memorial. I'm glad that there are people watching over this tree with the same vigilance as they would something like the Lincoln Memorial.