12-11-2007, 09:15 AM
We know the electric is out for many people around the state, but what about the phone system?
My cell phone still works, but the house phone (landline) has been dead for two days. I have tried to report it to phone company repair by calling and by computer, but they have a message saying the repair system is down.
12-11-2007, 10:25 AM
Mine is but I called numerous businesses yesterday to receive 'out of service' messages.
I am just so thankful that we have power.. I can't imagine sitting here cold and in the dark for days.... poor people! I hope they get it turned back on soon.
I had a very hard time getting calls or text messages to go through on my cell phone last night. I was on cingular (AT&T) network and I was standing next to a lady in the checkout lane at a grocery store who was on Sprint and she had the same problem. Maybe the towers were affected somehow by the ice or power outages?
12-11-2007, 12:14 PM
We have Cox cable phone and it's just fine :)
12-11-2007, 12:33 PM
I also was having problems receiving cell phones messages last night/this morning. I've been using the cell phone to make calls just fine, though.
Cox called my home about 30 minutes ago to see if everything was working. Thought that was kinda cool.
Feeling badly for all those without power...fortunately, it's "warming" up outside, but still doesn't change the fact that they can't cook or take a warm shower. Fingers crossed the power is back up and running soon!
12-11-2007, 12:42 PM
I didn't have a way of testing it while the power was off (all cordless phones)... But our power came on about 10am and they are working. We'll see how long it stays on, yesterday it was on for 3 hours then out again....