View Full Version : What's being built

12-05-2007, 09:57 AM
next to Popeye's Chicken?

12-05-2007, 10:01 AM
Which Popeyes chicken?!

12-05-2007, 01:03 PM
you know i was at popeyes monday night and waited about a 1/2 hour for my fast food, i was thinking the same thing.. man moore is just growing so fast, i cant even keep up with all the new stuff opening or in the works

12-05-2007, 01:12 PM
moore has a popeye's?


Oh GAWD the Smell!
12-05-2007, 01:29 PM
Yup, it's on 19th. Right by Ricky's and Carl's Jr.

12-05-2007, 01:46 PM
dang. didn't see it go up.


Oh GAWD the Smell!
12-05-2007, 02:02 PM
If I'm not mistaken, it's been there a while. Used to be a Burger King or something.

But I don't eat at BK or Popeye's, so don't take my word for it ;)

12-05-2007, 02:33 PM
okay... that makes more sense. i was thinking new construction. i'm not too big on popeye's either, but was curious where it was. moore's growing so fast! -M

12-05-2007, 04:52 PM
Popeye's was a new construction about 3 or 4 years ago. It's location wasn't really the best at the time, but as more buildings go up in that vicinity, I'm sure it'll be better. Their service has got to improve. 1/2 hour waits to get your food is fairly common.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
12-05-2007, 05:36 PM
Popeye's was a new construction about 3 or 4 years ago. It's location wasn't really the best at the time, but as more buildings go up in that vicinity, I'm sure it'll be better. Their service has got to improve. 1/2 hour waits to get your food is fairly common.

Well they had to have leveled the Booger Fling to construct it then.

Unless my south Moore geography is off.

12-05-2007, 06:02 PM
Ricky's is where the old Burger King was, or should I say was, since it has now been leveled. Actually if my memory serves me right it was a Dairy Queen after Burger King.

12-05-2007, 06:03 PM
Burger King and Popeye's are on opposite side of the interstate. Ricky's used to be a Dairy Queen in the 80's but it is gone now and they are on the West side of I-35 where Berkley's used to be. Popeye's is right next to the train tracks where 19th goes under them. I drove by there earlier today and didn't notice anything being built, but I wasn't really looking. They are doing something between Popeye's and Ricky's old location, but it might just be clearing land and storing stuff. Hard to tell right now.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
12-05-2007, 06:08 PM
Burger King and Popeye's are on opposite side of the interstate. Ricky's used to be a Dairy Queen in the 80's but it is gone now and they are on the West side of I-35 where Berkley's used to be. Popeye's is right next to the train tracks where 19th goes under them. I drove by there earlier today and didn't notice anything being built, but I wasn't really looking. They are doing something between Popeye's and Ricky's old location, but it might just be clearing land and storing stuff. Hard to tell right now.

But Burger King USED to be right there didn't it? Across from McDonalds?

And I was picturing it wrong in my head. I'm thinking of the location where Waffle House is now.

I'm embarrassed now. I lived right down Telephone Rd. for a while, and worked at that McDonald's when I was 16... PLUS I drive by there all the time to get to my g/f's house...And I'm confused about where stuff is/was.

The place where you're saying that Popeye's is, is where that old house used to sit...With the empty pool we used to ride our bikes in/on/around on our way to Factory Outlet mall.

12-05-2007, 06:16 PM
Yeah, before Ricky's was there it was a BK and a Dairy Queen. Just can't remember in what order. I heard they were closed because of a problem with mice, but that may have just been the other high schools kids making stuff up.

12-05-2007, 07:51 PM
I think the order was Dairy Queen, Burger King, Dairy Queen, and Ricky's.

I remember when the Burger King closed, the other one on 27th St. (Pickles current location) closed around the same time. So, we were without a Burger King for some time.........Not sure how our city survived.

12-05-2007, 09:01 PM
It is probably just the Ricky's rebuild going in...Waiter told my wife they only moved in to the old Berkley's across the highway until it's done

Hope I'm wrong and it's something cool going in

12-06-2007, 05:14 AM
wow... i'm so out of the loop when it comes to 19th. berkley's closed? can't say i'm surprised about that one. -M

12-06-2007, 07:31 AM
The location I'm speaking of is just South of Popeye's on the same side of the
street. It looks like plumbing is being done now. It's my understanding that where Ricky's was will become a parking lot and additional structures for The Shops At Moore.

12-06-2007, 07:03 PM
you know i was at popeyes monday night and waited about a 1/2 hour for my fast food, i was thinking the same thing.. man moore is just growing so fast, i cant even keep up with all the new stuff opening or in the works

Had to wait at Popeye's? I've always had to wait for my food there.

12-07-2007, 05:28 AM
I have been to Popeyes a couple of times, but frankly do not see how they stayed open. The service is horribly slow and every time I have driven by...There is no one there...I can see a long wait if you are busy..But the few times I stopped by, there were only a couple of customers...
I don't know if this is the norm for them or not

12-18-2007, 01:06 PM
Just a exciting heads up.. panda Express is to open in the next 2-4 weeks.. yummy.. I can not wait.. By this time next year, we should have up to 10 new Dinning options, and about 30 new shopping stores.A new Highschool..New homes being built every day..New road projects of the largest theaters around to open there exciting it is to be living in moore..

Stan Silliman
12-19-2007, 07:55 AM
"With all that growth, there will be Moore between Oklahoma City and Norman than ever before."

I'm quoting my dad, who, everytime we took a trip to Dallas and as we were passing through Moore would make that statement. It got to a point we braced for it as soon as we saw Crossroads.

01-03-2008, 08:56 AM
The sign in front of the new building being erected says it's going to be an automotive maintenance business. I wonder if that will help or hurt Popeye's.
I would think they would want another restaurant nearby to help draw customers.