11-30-2007, 05:31 PM
Y'all probably know the area I'm referring to -- where there are random exploded meth houses littering the streets. Is that Guthrie proper, or is it an unincorporated part of Logan County?
View Full Version : Felony Flats Midtowner 11-30-2007, 05:31 PM Y'all probably know the area I'm referring to -- where there are random exploded meth houses littering the streets. Is that Guthrie proper, or is it an unincorporated part of Logan County? Marko 11-30-2007, 05:38 PM That is Logan County. CuatrodeMayo 11-30-2007, 07:31 PM The area north of Waterloo Road and Coltrane. A mile north of Edmond city limits. My parents live one mile to the east. I know a lot of people that live in there. A lot of good people who can't affored to live in Edmond proper. Unfortunatly they are the minority. Marko 11-30-2007, 09:29 PM There are some areas in the "flats" that need to be avoided! That area keeps the Logan County Sheriff's Office pretty busy. chrisben 12-13-2007, 05:42 PM Felony flats is a pretty rough neighborhood. You can drive down the street and see some houses well groomed and next door a complete dump. It's not the best place to raise kids. My daughter as a teenager had a friend that lived in that neighborhood. I always worried about her when she would take her friend home. One night she was with a male friend and got stop by a Logan County deputy. He told them he stopped them because they were in a known drug area. He was pretty much a jerk to them. I don't like the idea that a person can get stop for just being in the wrong neighborhood. LoganCountyVoter 12-31-2007, 04:03 PM You have got to be kidding me !!! In the same post ChrisBen stated that he was uncomfortable with his daughter visiting a certain area and then complained that a Deputy was patrolling the area and harassed his daughter . I really don't get it. Seems like he would be happy that law enforcement was being proactive. Marko 01-01-2008, 12:45 AM Yep, no doubt chrisben is a moron...I wouldn't worry about it. Dilligaf 01-05-2008, 09:10 PM I agree with chrisben, if probable cause ceases to be a prerequisite for traffic stops etc. where will it end? Can you imagine the officer telling you “ I stopped you because you’re driving a vehicle that is known to have exceeded the speed limit at some time” or “ I believed you were driving with your shoe laces untied”. The rules are there for a reason; law enforcement should have to adhere to their rules just as you and I do. Marko 02-20-2008, 09:50 PM Well it just so happens I know who chriben is for real...a MORON...LOLOLOLOLOL! jman253 04-06-2008, 11:45 AM Oh lets get real........ They were stopping them to make sure everything was on the up and up (suspicious vehicle). In a drug riddled neighborhood the proactive officer / deputy sometimes has to stop vehicles and people for suspicions. Shoes untied etc?? Seriously......... come one get a clue about an attempt to keep a certain area from certain infestations. Dilligaf 04-07-2008, 02:50 PM I must assume from your post that you are involved with some branch of law enforcement. It seems that a few persons in the field get a feeling of power and believe that the rules apply to everyone except them. Not all of them mind you, I have some great friends in the law enforcement community and I have the upmost respect for any and all who I consider my friends. A good example of a misuse of power would be to turn on the emergency lights and or siren (it happened to me again last weekend, the OKSO on Route 66) to get around a slower vehicle or through the intersection as the light changes only to turn them back off as soon as they get past. I sometimes wonder if it would be the consensus among these few persons that we as a society need to segregate ourselves into groups to determine which rules apply to which persons or groups, and if so maybe we should take a look at rewriting the Bill of Rights and the Constitution while we’re at it. “The law is the law” I’ve heard that phrase from law enforcement as well as within the judicial setting when it may be conducive to a desired outcome. That creed in full should read “The law is the law, unless it relates to what I’m doing, because my position places me above that particular statute.” jman253 05-06-2008, 01:04 AM Dilligaf, How do you know that the OCSO Deputy was not on his / her way to help another officer or responding to a call that wasn't quite a code 3 call (lights and sirens) but he defintely needed to get there in somewhat of a hurry? You don't- so you can't really argue the point other than what you saw. You were not able to hear the radio traffic that would have proven that he was on his way to assist a Luther PD or Arcadia or Jones Officer or responding to a prowler call etc........... There are a lot of variables that come in to play and there are always armchair quarterbacks who have never been in the LE field so they dont truly know the job and what is truly expected of them. People like you are the first to ridicule when you see an officer do something like you described, but then people like you are also the first to complain that it took the deputy or officer too long to get to your call for help. So it is a lose lose situation when the general public can't just look past the fact that a law enforcement officer must break the law to enforce the law-in many instances. Okiekatt 05-12-2008, 02:18 PM I completely agree with Jman, I have tried to explain to others myself just the scene you just described. You may see an officer speed around you with lights and sirens then stop because he may have been on the way to assist another officer and then that officer calls the back up off. You could buy a scanner and listen to how many times a situation sounds dire for an officer, everyone is then speeding there code 3 to assist and then that officer comes back on the radio with "10-22, subject in custody, slow everyone down" It happens VERY often. Marko 05-12-2008, 11:12 PM Happens every day! Joe Kimball 08-08-2008, 09:16 PM Is this the area? The houses between Simmons (esp. the detention ponds or whatever they are) and Waterloo, or a small segment thereof? Google Maps (http://maps.google.com/maps?q=oklahoma+city&ie=UTF8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ll=35.732823,-97.435899&spn=0.023515,0.04549&t=h&z=15) Marko 08-08-2008, 11:06 PM You got it! LOL! Is it Guthrie or is it EdMuNd? LOL? bornhere 08-09-2008, 02:35 PM I lived in that area for a few years in the early seventies, and I don't remember it being like that. When did it get the name Felony Flats? Marko 08-09-2008, 11:39 PM In 1979! |