View Full Version : OKC Crosstown Hanging by a Thread
OKC Crosstown Undergoes Emergency Repairs
POSTED: 2:39 pm CST November 29, 2007
UPDATED: 6:36 pm CST November 29, 2007
OKLAHOMA CITY -- A quickly expanding hole along a bridge near downtown Oklahoma City has forced the closure of two westbound lanes, officials said.
The left and center westbound lanes of the Interstate 40 Crosstown near Robinson Avenue are closed until 8 p.m., an Oklahoma Department of Transportation spokesman said.
4 P.M. UPDATE: Crews have put tarp on top of the hole that was repaired to keep it warm in hopes that it will dry quickly. As of 4 p.m., it doesn't look like the Crosstown will be completely open again until 6 p.m. Traffic is backed up for six miles, officials said.
Oklahoma Highway Patrol troopers reported finding a hole about a foot wide. An ODOT spokesman said they had originally wanted to wait until tonight to make the repair, but the hole was growing too quickly.
Stay tuned to Eyewitness News 5 and for further details.
Unbelieveable! Are we waiting for the tragedy that happened Minneapolis to hit us? You won't see me driving on the Crosstown until the new one is completed...
Lauri101 11-30-2007, 07:12 AM Yep, this is getting scarier each day. Since I live east of downtown, my drive home yesterday was uneventful, other than watching the westbound side of I-40 piled up all the way to Sunnylane by 3:30.
Starting Monday morning, my route is now - I-40 west from Air Depot to Reno, Reno west to Sheridan and the office. Reverse for the drive home. It'll mean an extra 10 minutes or more for drive, but well worth it in peace of mind!
soonerfan21 11-30-2007, 08:09 AM I don't know if that caused the back-up on I-235 northbound yesterday, but it was horrible. I have no choice but to go one of those 2 ways home or drive thru town out to the 'burbs. The traffic back-up was unreal and there was no notice of the work being done to let you know to take an alternate route.
Really bad planning.
metro 11-30-2007, 08:29 AM soonerfan, the only way they could "plan" for this was to have been pro-active on replacing/ resurfacing I-40 years ago. I mean we're talking about ODOT here, no proactive in their name. Since that was obviously not done, how do you want them to get the word out or "plan" on a massive hole that appeared in the overpass suddenly? I heard it on several radio stations and tv stations soon after it first started.
Midtowner 11-30-2007, 08:47 AM The crosstown could have been properly maintained, but the big wigs at ODOT, their contractor buddies and the city fathers who have purchased all of the land south of I-40 want a new road. The public isn't going to support the massively expensive relocation unless it is perceived that we have no choice.
metro 11-30-2007, 09:00 AM I totally agree Midtowner, however soonerfan was complaining about the bad "planning" aka. hole that appeared in I-40 and caused traffic to back up. In an immediate reactive situation, I'm not sure what could have prepared them. The media was notified promptly.
jbrown84 11-30-2007, 09:37 AM This is confusing, because a couple nights ago, the two left lanes going EASTbound were closed on my drive home, and traffic was backed up for miles. I thought that's what this was until I read closer and it says westbound and it was yesterday.
CMSturgeon 11-30-2007, 10:03 AM Eastbound was closed down to one lane 2 days ago and now westbound has been one lane for 2 days since then. It wasn't this morning on my way to work though. Wait... it wasn't yesterday morning either... only in the afternoon. I was so pissed off yesterday afternoon... east bound traffic was HORRID just from people, I guess, looking to see why the westbound traffic was at a stop. My thoughts when I see the other side of the highway stopped are 'sucks for them, I guess I better go 100mph to make up for the time all of those people are losing.'
venture 11-30-2007, 10:35 AM I think like what others have suggested here, needs to finally happen. All semi traffic needs to be diverted off onto 240 or 44. Then they just need to focus and start getting as much of the new Crosstown done as fast as they can.
betts 11-30-2007, 10:58 AM I think like what others have suggested here, needs to finally happen. All semi traffic needs to be diverted off onto 240 or 44. Then they just need to focus and start getting as much of the new Crosstown done as fast as they can.
I agree. Of course I'm one of the people in favor of the new Crosstown, and I don't have any money invested in the area. They need to do more than just push dirt around.
soonerfan21 11-30-2007, 12:51 PM what I meant by "bad planning" was to start earlier in the day regarding the repair so that the rush hour would not have been impacted as severely. I went by early afternoon and the repair looked to have been completed, but as I heard later on the news they were "waiting for it to dry." but I guess you can't always plan for something like that - which does scare the crap outta me.
The Old Downtown Guy 11-30-2007, 02:14 PM I think like what others have suggested here, needs to finally happen. All semi traffic needs to be diverted off onto 240 or 44. Then they just need to focus and start getting as much of the new Crosstown done as fast as they can.
Actually, Many have suggested to ODOT that an option to the present realignment plan would be to route all I40 traffic to I240 rather than spend half a billion dollars on five miles of new highway. A lot of the traffic turns south anyway so no detour for them. Then take down the elevated section of I40 to create the new and very desirable boulevard along the old I40 right of way. It's still an obvious option and would at least allow work on the new boulevard to begin rather than wait years for I40 to be reconsturcted. The reason stated by ODOT is that they don't want to inconvenience the traveling public by having some of them go five miles south and hang a left. What a crock.
CuatrodeMayo 11-30-2007, 03:48 PM That would make traffic on 240 a living hell.
venture 11-30-2007, 09:04 PM Yeah 240 is bad enough right now...especially around 35 and 44. They would need to make too many upgrades to the existing traffic patters/interchanges to keep traffic moving. If anything just go back to the way they had it about 10 years ago. I-240/44 as the construction bypass routes and actually post for all truck traffic (required) and other traffic (suggested) take the alternate routes.
Rush hour is going to be hell either way in this city during the project, especially until they think forward and expand the highways to meet demand.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 12-01-2007, 01:21 AM That would make traffic on 240 a living hell.
So? That's the southside. Nobody cares about us southsiders.
heh...It would probably be a boon for Crossroads Mall. :D
The Old Downtown Guy 12-02-2007, 10:11 AM . . .Rush hour is going to be hell either way in this city during the project, especially until they think forward and expand the highways to meet demand.
It is a well understood fact in the planning community that it is not possible to build your way out of traffic congestion. Drivers tend to choose the newest, widest etc. route at the beginning of their commute rather than using the existing arterial streets to get closer to their destination before jumping on a highway.
Keeping existing roads well maintained and making a shift to comuter rail between Norman/OKC/Edmond has more potential for mitigating congestion on the I35 corridor than continuing to add more traffic lanes. Denying trucks the use of I40 through OKC and making them use I240 and the under-utilized Kirkpatrick is a better use of resources IMO.
bombermwc 12-03-2007, 11:41 AM 240 wouldnt work. Thats about the most idiotic thing I've heard. 240 gets almost as backed up as 40 does and 40 has even more traffic. Plus if you are heading east or west on 40, taking 240 or 44 is a HUGE detour and just plain dumb. Removing an interstate is just dumb dumb dumb. They just need to get the crap moving on getting the new highway built.
MsProudSooner 12-04-2007, 02:35 PM Is the new section of I 40 going to be built on a 24/7 schedule? One section (3 or 4 miles?) of 169 in Tulsa was built on a 24/7 schedule and I was amazed at how fast they completed it. I think all major road construction should be done this way!
dalelakin 12-04-2007, 09:06 PM It might if all the money it is going to take were actually funded. This is drawn out at this point simply beacuse all monies are not readily available.
hipsterdoofus 12-04-2007, 10:11 PM Well heck...all we need are about 13 people to sacrifice their lives...we know then they'd build the rest of it in about 2 months or so....the only question is: who will volunteer?
Midtowner 12-05-2007, 12:29 AM Also, the I-40 construction is very much high centered in the federal courts right now. There are significant questions regarding the abandonment of rail lines, whether the city can legally build it the way they're planning.
Further, there have been some serious design issues raised.
I expect cost overruns will put this project into the billion dollar range.
Congratulations OKC! You're about to have your very own "Big Dig."
bombermwc 12-05-2007, 11:37 AM I don't really care, I just want it done. If it costs more, fine...gimme a tax, but please GOD make it happen.
Also, the I-40 construction is very much high centered in the federal courts right now. There are significant questions regarding the abandonment of rail lines, whether the city can legally build it the way they're planning.
Further, there have been some serious design issues raised.
I expect cost overruns will put this project into the billion dollar range.
Congratulations OKC! You're about to have your very own "Big Dig."
...for five miles of interstate. So sad.
Midtowner 12-05-2007, 10:29 PM Incompetent and corrupt local government will do that for ya.
Incompetent and corrupt local government will do that for ya.
So will ignorant and quiet citizens. Unfortunately, those who know what's going on and are willing to speak out, like many on this board, are a very small minority and, as a consequence, will never be heard.
Midtowner 12-05-2007, 11:31 PM There are no real forums where a concerned citizen can speak their mind. I mean, I can post here, big deal. I've reached maybe a few thousand people at the maximum?
Let's say I go to the media with my beliefs. Let's even say I have concrete evidence of malfeasance. Do they care? No. Do they label me a crazy? Yes.
I suppose the only real thing that can be done is to run for office. But honestly, would you vote for a politician who was really honest with you? Who really told you that local government was a cesspool and he wanted to clean it up? If you say yes, you're in the minority. I guarantee you, whoever runs on that ticket is going to be labeled "nuts" by the media and laughed out of the election.
Mayor Cornett once posted on this forum. People were honest about their feelings regarding the government and he left because of that. He didn't want to hear, let alone be questioned about some of the goings on at city hall. In all likelihood, his belief would be that we "just don't understand how business gets done."
The trouble is -- we do understand, and it's aggravating to be essentially powerless to do anything about it.
From a municipal perspective, OKC, Oklahoma County, even the state are very much a 'small town' sort of government. The good 'ol boys will always get their way, power is concentrated with a few city and state fathers. Your agenda is going nowhere without their blessings.
Cornett left this forum because of its honesty. An OKC media personality once referred to this as the "bash OKC forum." I'm actually kind of proud of that. Those quotes have actually, in the past, been attributed to things I've said.
I'm just glad someone out there is listening. I could care less what they think about what I have to say so long as they think something.
bombermwc 12-06-2007, 04:26 PM There is a difference between just bitching and trying to make things better. If all we do is sit here on out butts and piss and moan about the world, then I would ignore me too. If we are actively trying to correct the things we talk about instead of just posting on a forum, then more power to us.
Each of us has to ask ourselves that question. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, so don't think I am. But we all need to ask, "am I just a comlainer, or am I a do-er". I think we would find that the majority here just complain and never do anything, which is unfortunate. Just gathering data is helpful, but DO something with that data, please!
Misty 12-06-2007, 04:44 PM Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has-Margaret Mead.
You're right Midtowner. A few of you folks on this board know what's really going on behind the scenes and can scream at the top of your lungs, but the majority of our population would rather make their voices heard on American Idol. I like this board and its discussions because they're very educational and full of information. I want to learn about what's going on in my city and I wouldn't be in-the-know if I were just sitting on my butt expecting to see it on the news. Unfortunately, others, citizens and politicians, won't listen. The majority rules, and the majority are the ones who allow the corruption to continue.
bombermwc 12-06-2007, 06:28 PM So we should all just roll over and give up?
So we should all just roll over and give up?
No. Being quiet won't accomplish anything, but unfortunately, neither will raising hell about the issue. I was just blowing off steam because, well...not to pun, you guys are the only one's who listen...or read.